Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Harena Wastelands > Mo'Mey Steppes > Why is This Familiar? [P/R]

Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Osiria stood there with her hands on her hips looking at the two Terrowins in front of her. They each had a baby and Simone was even rocking a cradle with her foot. “So let me get this right… You want us… To put down our babies…. Go find your moron husband… And save his ass from whatever the fuck he’s doing? Or whoever he’s doing?” Simone’s eyes looked almost as dead as Lewis’s as they glared at the other phoenix.

“No, I want you to bring Rhenakos home for Reva. He promised her a tea party and she was REALLY looking forward to it. It’s been a fucking week since he took this job and I got a quick ‘Sorry having a hard time.’ Letter. No love you, no sorry to Reva, no nothing. If it’s taking him a week it’s a fucking job he shouldn’t have taken.”

Simone and Lewis looked at each other. “…and this request isn’t to save your husband if he’s near-death or doing something dumb?”

“Nope, just get his ass back to Jayou for his kid. I miss him too but I’m used to him being away… This is the first time in all these years this jackass has had the audacity to stay away from Reva like this… and I bet he’s is fucking pissed about it too.”

Mone shrugged and the two of them passed the twins off to the nanny. “We’ll be back after we save her moron husband. Please tell the children we’re sorry and Uncle Rhen will babysit them for torture… I mean playtime soon.” Osiria made a face but she couldn’t argue with the Terrowins right now.

“The job he took is in a city called Allistar in Mo’mey. It’s apparently a mage city pretty famous for longevity thanks to the type of magic the humans there produce. It’s not a huge kingdom but he got hired by the guards there because the demon was getting to be a pain in the ass. Supposedly it’s really fast and good at hiding which you know are the two things Rhen is the worst at hunting… Simone? What’s with that look?”

“Allistar? Mo’mey?”

“You know it?”

“I’m not sure… It sounds familiar but I don’t have the slightest idea why…” Simone went upstairs to change into clothes fit for a job as she strapped her daggers onto her. “Mmm…” She looked lost in thought because she didn’t know why it sounded so familiar. “Let’s go find this fucking idiot…”

Once they were in Allistar Simone looked at the quaint little kingdom. It had cobblestone streets and magic lanterns. Mages were running around and there were stalls filled with magic items and books. “Where is he…”


“Ah. There he is,” Simone sighed a bit as she pushed her hair back. “Hey, moron.” Simone disappeared into bird form and reappeared in front of Rhenakos. “Boo!” She chuckled. Lewis came up behind Rhenakos. “Your wife is pretty fucking mad. Something about a tea party with Reva. She told us to come relieve you of your duty since you suck at it so that you can go home to Reva finally.” Simone was teasing him. “Leave this one to us… Even you need a break every once in a while.” Simone waved her hand at it. “Just give us the details.”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
The whole scenario was a bit contrived, but Lewis didn’t mind the outing. As much as he loved his kids, he sorely missed getting out and about. Despite Simone giving Osiria a hard time, she didn’t mind either. The two didn’t need much time at all to gear up, and Lewis made well sure that he was ready for anything. It had been some time since Lewis had donned his dark blue night gear, and he felt right at home as he clasped the daggers across his body.

Allistar was a small little cluster of mages that fancied itself as a city. At least from the rumors that Lewis had heard. When they arrived, though, Lewis was surprised to find that it was quite well fortified. Guards watched the cavern entrances, and checked everyone for paperwork. Mages could be seen running to and fro, some with potions and tonics in hand, others with stacks of paper and tomes. It seemed like the sort of chaotic place that Xeik would find himself quite at home.

“Wouldn’t be surprised if he studied here,” Lewis quipped as they took in their surroundings. It didn’t take long for them to locate Rhenakos, and the two easily caught up to him, much to his annoyance.

“Hey now, I don’t go butting in on your jobs!” Rhenakos snapped, obviously annoyed. Still, Osiria was mad, and Reva… “Damn it. Fine. But only for Reva. Demon is a higher class than what was paid for, so don’t skimp out on the payment afterwards. S class, likes stealing dreams. Particularly rich ones. Client is in the southern library, named Morinaga.”

“Right, so he’ll go for royalty,” Lewis said with a nod. “Got it. Simone. Set a trap that way. I’ll make sure he heads that direction.”

Rhenakos stopped, leaving Lewis and Simone to their newly acquired hunt.

“Shouldn’t take long, right dear? Just find a nice fat noble. I’ll make sure he’s starving…”


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
“Excuseeee me, Princess,” Simone put her hands on her hips. “You interrupt our lives all the time with ‘get out of the house’ so get back in your house. Shoo. Shoo.” She moved her hands at him to shoo him away.

Mone put her finger to her chin, “Shouldn’t be too hard…” She looked at her husband after Rhenakos had left. “Let’s just find us a drunk noble in a tavern~ We can put him all cozy in bed and then wait. I can chase him since I’m faster. You can be my tail~” She looked at him with whimsical eyes. “It’s not often I get to do the hunting. I’m excited.”

Though it took setting the scene. Mone lured in quite the rich little bastard with lots of alcohol in the tavern. She could see the wheels turning in Lewis’s head as he found the demon. It took no time at all to get the noble hammered and set up in bed. All she had to do was wait.

Mone hid herself as the flame of a candle. Something that she was working on since Angela’s phoenixes could do it. It meant she could as well and with enough concentration she could hold a normal flame color. “Tell me when it’s entered the building~”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
Antagonizing a demon was quite fun for Lewis. It was a change of pace from his normal role of assassination, and felt more like a game than anything. The demon was fast. Faster than even Lewis was, but it wasn’t too smart. It was always trying to eat, and that gave Lewis more than enough time to catch up. The faster it moved, the more energy it expended. The more energy it expended, the hungrier it got.

Rhenakos would have never managed this on his own. At least, not with the way he was running. He wondered what sly trick the hunter would have resorted to in the end. Probably something stupid that involved brute force. Demon headed your way. He’s practically leaving a trail of drool.

Surely enough, the demon slithered through the window and into the poor drunk nobleman’s house. Without waiting to check his surroundings, he coiled up around the nobleman’s head, and with his snake-like maw, started to try and devour the man’s dreams.


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
There was a smirk across her lips as she appeared out of the flames sitting on the nightstand looking at the demon. Her eyes were bright azure, “I got you little one~” The demon was immediately alarmed. He had managed to gorge on half of the man’s dreams a mistake on Simone’s part… but not really since she had ultimately wondered if it would run away again.

The demon burst through the window and Simone followed it. Her feet hit the streets running. Her eyes were made for aerial views but she could use it to her advantage here. Even when it tried changing its color she stayed hot on it.

Love, it’s headed for a castle for a bigger meal I think.

Lovely, that means guards. The guards were startled by the demon that barreled through the fence. Mone was quick to not only climb but catapult herself over it. “Excuse me sirs~ Demon on the loose~” Were the only words she had to offer.

Through a hedge, it went… and Simone once again went over with ease. She ran on top of the hedge maze watching it and never losing sight of it. At this point, she could see where it was heading. A small garden party of sorts… Someone probably was napping.

The demon burst through the maze and into the party desperately trying to get to the sleeping man on a bench. “THAT THING IS AFTER THE DUKE!” One of the women cried but Simone launched herself and sent her heel right into the demon’s head.

“Well… Well… Well…” She spotted it attempting to use magic and she scorched where it was casting from. “Looks like I caught our little rat~” Her eyes flashed azure as she waited for her husband to catch up with her.

“LET ME GO! LET ME EAT~” It started to yell at her.

“Nah~ You’ve been giving our friend the run around all week. I don’t think I should let you go~ This chase has lasted long enough.” Using one of her daggers she sent it through the demon.

“Do you think they will need the body?” Simone tilted her head back at Lewis. She only just now had realized all the nobles looking at them. The duke was in shock.


Instinctively she moved her head towards her name. She looked at the name who uttered it and tilted her head.

“Auclair. Simone Auclair. IT IS YOU!” The man yelled with excitement.

“Who are you? Why do you know my name?”

“It’s me! It’s AVERY!” The man waved his arms around.

“Avery…” She held a blank look on her face. It took a few moments. “And we’re leaving now~” She gave a smile, wave, and grabbed the demon and her husband.


“Blame Llywellyn for not telling you,” Simone a wave once more and disappeared.

“…It was her… She’s back.” There were whispers all around from the nobles. They all had known Simone. All of them had been at her coronation as crowned princess. “How?”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
When Lewis finally caught up with Simone and the demon, things had already escalated beyond what either of them had wanted. “Best we just take what remains we need, and g-” He paused as the recognition from the duke struck Simone. A flood of hazy images from Simone’s past flooded Lewis’ mind as Simone tried to remember who this was, but it all faded away when it clicked for her. It was…nothing. Unimportant.

Lewis shrugged it off. If it didn’t mean anything to her, then it meant nothing to him. He reached down and grabbed the phantom remains of a cloth from the demon, and the two escaped off into the night.

“I take it that he was someone else from your past?” Lewis asked with a half smirk. “At least they aren’t out to kill you.”

“It’s not even worth it,” Simone replied. The only thing that she wanted to do was get back home. It was nice stretching her legs, but her babies were calling for her, and she longed to be back by their side.


“Are you sure about this?” Lewis asked as he looked at himself in the mirror. Simone had helped him pick out a jet black button up shirt with a starkly contrasting crimson red vest. Having little to no fashion sense, Lewis barely cared at all what he wore, so all head to go on was what Simone liked.

She came over, and straightened the collar. “You look fine,” she replied. She still had a ways to go before getting ready, which was more than fine. Lewis was in charge of helping the kids get ready as well, with Simone doing the last bit of touch ups on the whole family.

Llywellyn was holding a banquet for some reason or another. The ex-assassin hardly cared about the reason, but it was more or less mandatory for the Terrowin family to attend. As such, Lewis found himself dreading what the night would bring, and convinced Llywellyn to at least let him invite Xeik and Mia.

In a surprise twist, it was Ayaa and Mia who showed up.

“Why?” Lewis asked, genuinely confused.

“Oh shut up, I like wearing dresses once in awhile. It’s nice,” Ayaa said with a huff. She was wearing an elegant red and black tiered dress skirt that showed off her legs. Her top was a matching black and red, sleeveless design that showed off her midriff, with elegant patterns winding down her arms.

“You…went all out,” Lewis replied with a sigh. “Just…help me get the kids ready.”

Ayaa smirked and winked. “Mia can help too, right!?”

Nearly an hour later, the two families made their grand entrance to the banquet, which was already starting to ramp up in its own right.

The night was young….


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Simone helped her husband dress and groom himself. He still wasn’t much better at it than when they first met… She was beginning to suspect that he faked being incompetent so she took care of him. Mone’s hair was swept into an updo with her hair in curls where it hung down. Lavish aquamarines of various small sizes were pinned into her hair.

The main body of her gown was the shade of blue as the pins. It was large lace designs over a fabric the same shade as her skin giving it an illusion effect. It was an off-shoulder sweetheart bust displaying the locket she held very dear to her. The skirt was a satin material that flowed separately from the lace from her sides down.

“Very handsome,” she chuckled before she finished her makeup. The kids all looked nice and even Teagan had on a very small dress. “You look lovely Mia and Ayaa.”

Mia was wearing a dark blue dress that cut to her upper thigh. The skirt portion dipped and swayed not much longer in a purple color. The back of the gown flowed all the way to the floor showing her strong legs. The bust was deeply cut down to her navel with satin ribbon laced loosely from the bottom to the top sparsely. The straps were thin over her shoulders but had a cold shoulder sleeve design. The sleeves were also long in the back and draped in the front. Her blonde hair was left long and in her own wild curls.

Once the Terrowins made it into the party though… “You have got to be kidding me… Please tell me that isn’t why you threw this party…” Simone put her hands on her hips.

“…You wouldn’t bring Teagan to see me…” Llywellyn pouted as he held the small girl in his arms. “How else is Uncle Llywellyn going to dote on his adorable new niece.”

“What are you going to teach her how to be an elf?” Simone said sarcastically.

“That’s not a bad idea. I can teach you how to climb… how to shoot a bowwwww… How to run across the treetops.” Llywellyn was baby talking to Teagan. She was looking up at him with wide orange eyes making cooing noises.

“And we lost her…” Simone sighed and held a smile on her face. “I guess there are worse people that she could have attached herself too…”

“Tell your mommy and daddy to stop being so uptight and enjoy the night,” Llywellyn rubbed his nose against Teagan’s nose and she got excited. “That’s right. This is good for them. You heard the baby. Baby’s orders.”

“…” She let out a sigh as she shrugged up at Lewis. “Might as well dance with me.”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
Even though they came as a group, everyone seemed to break off to do their own thing once Llywellyn took a hold of Teagan. Mia and Ayaa went off to dance, which was something that surprised Lewis a little. Perhaps they needed the time away from work. Ayaa was always the workaholic, and maybe Mia was forcing her away from Elysia.

Lucas and Ezili went about to fraternize with the other ball goers, with the usual issues that followed those two. These oblivious boys would always hit on Ezili, and she would always respond with any Lucas related fact. Still, it seemed as though this event worked out quite well for them. There were scholars about, and Lucas found himself very enamoured with talks about different oceanic related books.

Lila, Janus, and Glyn got about playing with the other children, which mostly entailed Janus napping, Lila watching, and Glyn showing off his amazing potato. Sure, the other kids around his age thought it was a bit weird, but they seemed to accept it fairly well. The other younger kids, minus Teagan, were scattered about as well, and surprisingly behaving themselves. It was Rex and Hazel, though, who seemed the center of attention at one end of the party. Their five toddlers were all the rage with the other mothers, and it seemed as though they were accepting of Hazel, which shocked the poor girl. Rex, as always, didn’t really care for the party much, and instead merely acted in the best interest of his family. If they were happy, he was happy.

With everyone else enjoying themselves, Lewis was okay with leaving Teagan with her ‘Uncle’ to dance with Simone. It had been a long time since the two had danced (of course, not including their little dream escapade). He took her hand and led her to the floor, where he twirled her about once before pulling her close.

“This is nice. No kidnappings…no emergencies. Just…nice.” Lewis smiled. He was finally enjoying what he considered his early retirement. “I could get used to this.”


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Simone put her head on his shoulder and smiled at him, “I could too… I love dancing with you even if I have to twist your arms sometimes… Though I haven’t had to twist your arm in a very long time.” There was a smirk on her face as the couple kissed.

“Maybe we should take dance lessons? As an excuse?” There was a smirk but she was sure anything they did they could excel at as long as they had each other. It was an interesting idea…

She felt magic starting to surge in the middle of the room and everyone moved out of the way. “Your idea of entertainment?” Simone looked unamused towards Llewellyn.

“No…” As Llywellyn answered a group of people phased in.

“LLYWELLYN! You didn’t invite me to your party!” Avery stepped out of the group.

“My king! Please!” One of his advisers was trying to stop him and Avery was waving them off.

“You found Monemone! You didn’t tell me!”

“I didn’t find Simone… She found me!” Llywellyn started to shout at Avery and they were yelling back and forth over stupid things.

“Enough! Over fifteen hundred years and you both ARE STILL idiots when you get together!” Simone yelled.

“MY MONEMONE!” Avery almost ran over but Llywellyn stopped him and punched him in his face.

“She’s not yours you moron,” Llywellyn watched as the king was dropped to the ground. “Anyways~ you should take Avery to a side room until he wakes up.” Llywellyn just let him lie on the ground.

“…and you still talk with your fists when it comes to Avery…” Simone sighed a bit. “Bunch of children.”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
Lewis was enjoying the dance with Simone. Despite her initial arm twisting when they first started their relationship, Lewis had grown fond of dancing with his wife. It was not quite as exotic as a dance with death, nor was it as enthralling as some of the other activities they got to, but in it’s own way it was a fun, relaxing thing to do. Of course, with the Terrowin family, things were rarely simple.

The sudden burst of magic put Lewis and Simone on the defensive, but it was Lewis who reacted by pushing Simone behind him and drawing a dagger. When a small group of mages appeared, Lewis immediately recognized one of them. The one that Simone had a passing, almost non-existent thought over during the last job.

“Oh great,” Lewis muttered as he sheathed the dagger and straightened his clothes. His aggression had all but vanished, and by the time the man started speaking, had turned into annoyance. The moment he uttered the words “Monemone” though, Lewis had already had more than enough of him.

If Llywellwn hadn’t punched out the man, Lewis might have. Or worse.

“So…” Lewis said as the man, Avery as Lewis found out, was dragged off to a side room. “Can I just…kill him?”

Simone gave him a rather telling look. It was the ‘I wish, but no’ look that she had often with Lewis around annoying people.

“Fine,” Lewis said as he held up his hands defensively. “I won’t do it. But know that the option is always there.” He smirked as the two followed the guards who had dragged him away.

They found themselves in a miniature library, with a fireplace already roaring, having been recently lit to accommodate their new guest. Lewis and Simone sat down on a rather lavish, red loveseat, and snuggled it to wait for the inevitable.

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