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Author: Raziel, Posted: Wed Feb 5, 2020 3:37 PM, Post Subject: Healer in the Midst [Event, Open L:3]

Steel eyes did not wander as the short lavender-haired woman walked through the camp. By her side walked a large white and gray timber wolf, his blue eyes sizing up everyone nearby, trusting no one. He searched for threats to his master, yet knowing her occupation was also looking for those she could assist. Raziel could smell the stench of blood, hear the cries of the wounded receiving treatment among other smells and sounds. She was dressed in a simple dress with a low back for the comfort of her wings and travel boots caked with mud.

Mikhail whined when she did not follow him toward the main medical tent but stayed by her side nevertheless. The angel continued to roam through the tent city, taking in the sounds of the hustle and bustle around her. Would she be of more use here waiting for the injured to be brought to her? Should she go into the tower with someone as an escort and help those fallen inside? Raziel was conflicted with exactly what she wanted, almost wishing her favorite wyverns were nearby so they could tell her their opinions.

As she stood at the edge of the protective barrier, Mikhail sitting at her feet, Raziel gripped her staff tighter. More than likely, the wyverns would actually be told what she was going to do and be dragged along for her protection. Somehow, those two tended to bring the leader out within her. When she was alone, uncertainty filled her once more, leaving her more lost than ever. Raziel took a deep breath and let out a sigh. Bravely, she took her next step outside the barrier, her mind partially made up to head toward the tower.

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