Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Harena Wastelands > Mo'Mey Steppes > Strength in Determination [Event,P]

Character Info
Name: Miyuki
Age: Over a thousand-Timeless
Alignment: CN
Race: 9-tail Kitsune
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin
Silver: 498
For the first time since her attempted assassination of Haku, Miyuki donned her leather cuirass and vambraces over a dark long-sleeved shirt. Her legs were not covered in protective gear, instead, just a black pair of semi-loose cotton pants, tucked into her boots. On her left hip hung the sheath of her katana, but on her right was a thin special crafted quiver to hold a single arrow. Her onyx hair was braided down her back. Lavender eyes took in the strange sight of the Mo’Mey Steppes.

Wherever plants had once sprouted now was a sea of jagged malachite. Not even the toughest plates of metal would stand up to the dead plants for long. The kitsune had long since consumed some of the pink elixir, allowing safer passage through the stoney mineral. It was as easy as if it was living soft grass. She knelt to run her fingers over a single blade, frowning at the rigidness of it. Her ear twitched, thinking she heard her name somewhere in the distance. If he caught up with her now…

Miyuki began pushing forward through the tangles nature that died fighting against the eldritch abomination. He must not drag her home. She will stay and do her part to save the world, the world which her children will grow up in. At the thought of the unborn kits, a hand instinctively lay over her still very flat belly. It was for them that she acted. No matter what Haku did, he was not going to change her mind, she was going to protect their home. ”I’m not weak and frail,” she growled at herself in frustration.
Cao Lixue

Character Info
Name: Cao Lixue
Age: Age Of Death 17
Alignment: CG
Race: Jiangshi
Gender: Female
Class: Former Priestess
Silver: 126
Rolling the vial of the pink liquid between her fingers, Lixue peered through the liquid as she looked upon the camp. From soldiers to adventures all ran back in forth recovering the wounded that attempted to scale the spire. Things looked rather grim, most of the world was covered by ever growing plants that could not be quelled by offensive means. The world and the camp were running on borrowed times as the barrier set in place could not last forever.

Popping open the vials, the Undead sniffed the vial hoped that perhaps her lost senses would activate just this once to give her a better idea of what the concoction was. Of course, hope did nothing to change her current state as the scent of the liquid remained neutral to her. Perhaps it was time to throw caution to the wind as the others who attempted to scale the spire have failed, but if the Goddess of Life's creation backfired on her it would be a waste as there were many things she could assist with instead of pointlessly dying to a drink. Corking the bottle, for the moment the Priestess decided to get more information about the camp it's current progress to see if the risk was warranted or not.

Moving through the camp, making sure to stay away from the area where the gods resided. While her plan was to oversee the wounded, her eyes caught a Kitsune foolishly leaving the camp on her own. While normally the Priestess would be suspicious of the Kitsune, everyone in the camp seemed to wish to end the threat as everyone has been affected by the strange plants. Following after the woman she'd make sure to bring the fool back as her death would be a waste.

The Kitsune was fast, surprisingly fast even when under constant attack. Unfortunately cutting down the plants did nothing to help Lixue catch up to her as more would simply sprout out next to the fallen vines. Not wanting to waste the energy on fighting a pointless battle, Lixue pushed her arms out in both directions knocking back the vines and covering them over with ice. While it would the ice would not halt the vines for long it was enough to let her close the gap even to where the woman would be in earshot. Cupping her hands around her mouth, "Don't go off by yourself it's too dangerous, come back to the camp"!

Seeing the Woman's ear twitch brought a jolt of joy to the Undead as at least she heard her. As she attempted to get close the Woman passed through the glass like rock with ease, however, it was not the same for Lixue. Stopping herself as she placed her hands on the smooth rock only to quickly pull them back as pain rocked her body. Clenching her hands as she shook the pain and frustration down. However, time was not on her side at the shattering of ice signalled the approach of a wall of vines headed straight for her. Fumbling to get the potion and quickly downed it as she hoped that it was the reason the Kitsune could pass when she could not. Praying that its effects were instant Lixue jumped through the malachite impeding her. Passing through with ease she landed on her back hearing a thundering crash as the vines impacted with the wall.

Brushing herself off roughly as she was furious at how she was now most likely trapped with only the Kitsune as support. Hearing growling and the woman snap out about how she was not weak only annoyed Lixue more as such simple mindedness did nothing to help others. "No your not weak you're an idiot which is far worse"! Screaming out in the direction she heard the growl the Undead would continue after the woman as working together was the best chance they had.

Character Info
Name: Miyuki
Age: Over a thousand-Timeless
Alignment: CN
Race: 9-tail Kitsune
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin
Silver: 498
Someone was screaming at someone. The fox stopped. No, they were responding to her frustrations. Miyuki’s cheeks flushed slightly, not realizing she had been overheard. She sighed as she backtracked momentarily, finding the being which the retort had originated. What stood there was a pale skinned girl with turquoise hair and grey eyes. The girl was a few inches shorter than she was, with a painfully small stature. Would she have to guard this girl until her retainer arrived to retrieve her? Still, there was not much time for dilly dally. Haku was not far behind now and she did not want to deal with him.

”Oh, how wrong you are. The idiot is on my heels. He wants to drag a capable warrior, defender, and champion home to safety.” Miyuki rolled her eyes at the thought. ”I intend to break into that spire, climb to the top and take out whatever is destroying life as we know it.” Once more, she eyed the girl up and down. Prayer beads indicated priesthood, which pointed to arcane arts. ”Well… You’re already this far from camp. Might as well join me. But we should make haste before the idiot shows up far sooner than I prefer.” With a motion to follow, Miyuki turned and continued her trek toward the spire.

It wasn’t far now. Yet, instead of imagining what horrors would stand in their way, what obstacles they must overcome, Miyuki kept thinking about the idiot. Her stomach churned at the thought of him joining her out here. While they were once enemies on the battlefield, he was now something much, much more. Haku was the father of her children… her lover… and he doesn’t even know how much she truly cares for him. That had to change… When all this is over, she will tell him.

Miyuki came to a sudden stop, her hand motioning for the other to do the same when something rustled in the glassy rock. Her lavender eyes scanned the horizon, hand hovering over the arrow on her right. A strange creature jumped off the ground, flapping four large blue and purple wings as it surveyed its surroundings. When it finally turned to face them, it appeared to be a human head with more blue and purple feathers as a mane, its dark steely eyes creeping Miyuki out. She whistled, the arrow glowing pink as it zipped to hover near her head. The creature did not like the whistle, apparently, as it dove right for the kitsune. Another whistle and the arrow sped through it and came right back to its hover position near Miyuki. However, the commotion caused three more to pop up, screeching something horrible.
Cao Lixue

Character Info
Name: Cao Lixue
Age: Age Of Death 17
Alignment: CG
Race: Jiangshi
Gender: Female
Class: Former Priestess
Silver: 126
While chasing after the foolish Kitsune, the footsteps oddly grew louder till both the woman and herself were face to face. Glad that she had finally caught out with the foolish woman, but she could not help but feel as if she was being judged by the woman. Unsure how to feel about the judgment of a woman who charged a fortification alone with hardly any armour or armaments.

Confused as to why the Kitsune charged into certain death alone, the Priestess' confusion would be partly lifted and then redoubled as the woman's reasoning seemed greatly impaired. "I agree that running is not going to solve the issue, but rushing in alone will only waste a capable warrior as many warriors have gone in together and failed". Trying to make the woman see reason as her overconfidence would get the both of them killed and do nothing to help everyone's goal. Unsure if her words reached the woman as the fox eyed her target once more. Holding back the discomfort of being examined as momentary discomfort was nothing to their future cooperation. Taking aback by the demon's response as she motioned her to follow. "I disagree we should wait for however is following as they could help as we do not know what lies further ahead". Defiantly holding her ground as she watched the woman continue forward as if the truly believed they could deal with whatever stood before them. Grinding her teeth as she followed after the woman as losing her to whatever lies before them would only lessen their chances.

Catching up to the Kitsune as her mind seemed elsewhere. "I'm Lixue, Cao Lixue. Since we are working together we should at least exchange names to better communicate". Hoping that kindness will do better to make the woman more open as it will be hard to fight together without knowing anything about each other. Receiving only silence as a response the Priestess glared at the back of the woman's head hoping to burn a hole in it to get her attention.

Deciding on keeping an eye out instead of staring at the woman's raven locks stopping just behind her as she raised her hand. Lowering herself to the ground and inching sideways as she could not see past the taller woman. Following the point of the arrow curious as to what kind of enchantments it held, Cao's steel eyes would meet with a darker pair of a strange bird like creature with a human head. With a whistle, the arrow hovered near the creature's head giving away their position. As it charged a second whistle echoed forward sending the arrow through the beast's head felling it in a single strike as it slid towards the two of them. Cao's interest in the arrow would have to wait as three more of the same type of creature appeared screeching as they charged after the ones who killed their kin. With the Kitsune at her side, she did not have to deal with the beasts on her own. Preferring to save as much energy as possible Cao would set up the creatures to be killed by her temporary partner. As the beasts charged they'd suddenly come to a halt as they fought to move clearly strained by a force pushing down on them. Even though she only used enough to pin the creatures their hollow avian bones cracked as the fell to the ground. "Their immobilized go for the kill"!
White Fox

Character Info
Name: Kohaku
Age: Unknown; Timeless
Alignment: LN
Race: Nine tailed fox; Kitsune
Gender: Male
Class: Swordsman, Mage
Silver: 806
When he had finally arrived at the camp protected by Angela, he searched for Yuki, hoping to find her alive and well. Only, instead he had learned she was seen charging out all on her own into the line of danger. He was told she’d left only minutes before his arrival. Although he knew she could not have gotten far, he did not want to take any chances of beasts getting in his way and delaying him catching up to her. The longer they are apart, the more danger she is in. He feared her safety, sickened with worry whenever he reminded himself what might happen to her and their children. He couldn’t lose her. Not another one. So, to get there quicker, he opened a portal to travel further ahead. Going any other way took too much time.

Once he stepped through, he glanced around. She was nowhere in sight, nor were there any deceased enemies. Which told him the area was untouched. If anyone had come this far, there would surely be dead enemies lying around. Especially since there were two flying around. It didn’t take long for one to spot him; a hideous creature with blue and purple feathers. It let out a screech that was like a stab to his ears. Its cry alerted the other, spinning around so it, too, could spot him. He sighed with annoyance as they started charging for him. “You’re in my way,” he growled lowly, and drew his katanas from their sheaths. He stepped aside when the beast was just out of reach, slashing its wings off as it flew by. It plummeted to the ground with a shriek. The other was not far behind. It nearly caught him, causing him to stumble out of the way with an annoyed “tsk”. It came back around with a horrible shriek and shot ice shards towards him. He slashed them with his swords, the sound of ice shattering on metal ringing through the air. Without hesitation he charged for the beast. It moved to avert his blade as he swung for it, but it only fell directly into the path of his other katana. Feathers went flying, its abhorrent mask shattering. It fell to the ground, dead. Kohaku stood and rolled his shoulders. The other was still on the ground, flapping its unsevered wings in a futile attempt to regain flight. Calmly, he approached it, amber eyes looking down at the creature with no hint of remorse. And, with one swift swing, it was killed.

He released a slow breath and jerked his blades down, throwing off any fluid from his enemies. Redemption and The Demon’s Dragon were sheathed, and then he was on his way. If he was in an untouched area, then Miyuki must not have reached it yet. He was too far ahead. So he went back towards the camp, keeping an eye out for the female Kitsune. Soon enough, he spotted two women in battle against more of the flying, screeching beasts. One was killed swiftly by an object too quick for him to see; it was no more than a blur. Then the others were briefly frozen, then dropped to the ground by a force unknown to the Kitsune. As he came closer, he instantly recognized one of the women. Her scent washed over him, confirming it.

One of the beasts was attempting to rise, showing signs that it was recovering slightly faster than the rest. As he approached, he unsheathed his swords and stabbed its mask, twisted the blades, then viciously slashed them out each side. Then, his eyes rose to meet with Miyuki’s, fury brimming his burning, amber pools. Then, without a single word, he made his way to another, killing it in the same way with chilling calmness.

Character Info
Name: Miyuki
Age: Over a thousand-Timeless
Alignment: CN
Race: 9-tail Kitsune
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin
Silver: 498
Cao Lixue, as she had introduced herself as, must have done something, as the odd creatures stopped their charge. It was as if a heavy invisible fist had punched them, found resistance and applied pressure until they dropped. Miyuki's eyes, however, were no longer on her prey. They were fixated on the red-haired, amber-eyed man in black approaching them. She was frozen in place at the sight of him. Despite his elvish attire, he had a plethora of weapons on display. Had she gone too far? As he stabbed the first one, the kitsune flinched as if he had struck at her.

Then his eyes lifted to hers, the sheer fury like a flame in his eyes made her own determination shrink back. He was pissed she had left without discussing anything with him, that she ran off into unnecessary danger. Miyuki knew that he did not want her to give up their children, so was this his way of trying to ensure she wasn't so reckless as to end up losing the kits. She folded her arms as if she was unamused, changing her shock to defiance as he killed the next one. With another whistle, her arrow shot out and embedded itself into the last winged creature. Not a glance was given to Cao as she spoke to her. "Come on, Lixue," Miyuki spoke with as little emotion as possible. He could hear her heart racing if his own wasn't rushing blood past his ears with fury, this she knew well.

As she continued on her original path, which was unfortunately past Haku, Miyuki thought of a hundred different things she could say. Part of her was furious with him for trying to stop her, though it was his nature to protect now that he has most definitely changed. She paused when their shoulders were linear with each other, staring straight ahead. "You have two options. Follow me, or go home. You can't convince me otherwise, nor can you force my path. This is for them, Haku. Or are you too thick to see that?" The kitsune sighed and finally glanced back to Cao. "You may call me Natsuki." Miyuki finally afforded herself a glance at Haku, a mix of so many emotions rolling across her face before she turned and continued to press forward. "We're almost there, anyway."

Haku would growl, have some words to say. Ultimately, he would have no choice but to delve into the belly of the beast which threatens the world. She was not leaving him any choice but to concede. The creatures they saw must have been some kind of alert system. Miyuki gave another sharp trill of a whistle, lifting a hand to catch the arrow as it came by her ear. It was good to be reunited with the weapon her father jokingly called Yuki’s Fury. Since he was already here, Miyuki saw little sense in being so blind in her rush to the point of no return, figuring it was as good of a time as any to learn the capabilities of those she was dragging along. ”So, Lixue… Are you some kind of priest?”
Cao Lixue

Character Info
Name: Cao Lixue
Age: Age Of Death 17
Alignment: CG
Race: Jiangshi
Gender: Female
Class: Former Priestess
Silver: 126
While not anticipated it was not unwanted as another Kitsune appeared and attacked in the female’s place. Striking down one of the beasts while looking to his counterpart as he enacted his fury upon the second beast. Paying no mind to the act before, Lixue kept her focus on the enemy unamused at how careless the other two acted in combat. It was clear that this was the Idiot that the woman spoke of before, but in her opinion, neither of them showed any signs of wisdom. However, confrontation would do nothing for the group as a whole, so, for now, she kept her concerns to herself.

As the Female Kitsune ended the last of the beast for the moment it seemed to be a good time to speak on the clear issues that the two had between them as this was not the right time for a lover’s quarrel. Though unfortunately, her compatriot did not share a similar opinion as the Woman did not even give the Undead a glance before ordering her to follow as if she was her master.

Holding her ground for now as the Woman went shoulder to shoulder with their new entry into their barely functional raiding party. Keeping to her stubborn ways she gave the Red Fox an ultimatum as there was no way that he would simply leave after coming so far. When she sighed, Lixue hoped that logic had finally broken through, but her hopes were dashed when it was only a small victory as she gave her name. With a whistle, Natsuki’s weapon returned to her as she pressed on.

As she asked her question a thick wall of ice blocked her path. “In a sense, though my focus was on dealing with demons and dangerous beasts”. As the wall completely blocked their path forward, Lixue walked next to the Man while looking at Natsuki. “If you want to know more and work together I'd be more than happy to as this is the best for all of us. However, the way you are going about it will not have a desirable outcome”.

Turning to the Male Kitsune next to her and lightly bowing to him, “Thank you for aiding us early I am Cao Lixue, though Lixue will suffice. I do not know your history between Natsuki and yourself, but just as I stated to her I would like for all of us to work together to rid the world of this threat”. Hoping that Natsuki’s counterpart was more understanding as no doubt the two of them could work together to break through the Woman’s legendary stubbornness.
White Fox

Character Info
Name: Kohaku
Age: Unknown; Timeless
Alignment: LN
Race: Nine tailed fox; Kitsune
Gender: Male
Class: Swordsman, Mage
Silver: 806
She was motionless, eyes wide as the realization of who he was set in. Her face betrayed her by showing the fear he knew she was feeling. Her heart raced with it, the beat so loud he could hear it where he stood. Yuki had not expected to see him there. Perhaps she was confident she was too far ahead for him to catch up, or she was so confident in her own abilities that she believed she would be done with her little suicide mission and back home before he noticed she was ever gone. Either way, it only proved her foolishness to him more. During that brief moment, she was an open book. He saw exactly what he wanted to see before she tried to hide it by appearing defiant. She crossed her arms, having the gall to be angry with him for coming after her. A whistle sounded as he sheathed his swords with natural grace. An object shot through the air in a blur and killed the final beast with one swift blow. Although he did not approve of her being there, fighting, it was at least a small comfort that she was using a ranged weapon, not endangering herself even more with close combat.

He said nothing, made no move, even while she started towards him with a call to her companion. His eyes were blazing as he watched her approach. He saw the woman who hated him, but for some reason refused to kill him despite her constant threats as an excuse to do whatever she pleases. She was supposed to be his enemy, and yet… His eyes fell to her belly. Enemy or not, she was still carrying his children in her womb. He was sickened with fear for her and their kits. But his expression did not betray anything. She paused beside him, not even granting him a swift glance as she gave him two options. He nearly snarled in response. Despite what she thought, Kohaku understood why she was going through with this. It was a valiant effort, but the most stupid thing he’s ever seen. If their children were born, she surely wouldn’t have done this and taken them with her. Because why? It’s too dangerous! And yet, she was doing exactly that now. They weren’t born yet, so they were forced to join her, with no chances of survival if she’s harmed. This was so much worse.

What was so infuriating, though, was how confident she was that he couldn’t do anything to stop her from carrying on with this madness. On the contrary. He could open a portal to his cottage and push her through before she ever knew what happened. It was really tempting, too. Even though he knew she’d probably never forgive him. Yes, yes, it’ll make things worse. But that wasn’t the reason he restrained himself. If he did that, she could punish him by leaving, or not going through with having their kits. It didn’t seem likely, especially since she was jumping headfirst into this kind of danger just for her children. But he could never be certain. Who knew what it would take to make her change her mind. So, all he could do was stay and protect her. It was up to him to ensure nothing happens to her or their kits.

He said nothing still, only meeting her eyes briefly with a stern expression. On her face shone so many emotions, one again betrayed by what she truly felt deep inside. But she turned away and continued on. Kohaku turned to the side to watch her go a few steps as she averted her attention to her companion. He clicked his tongue, still not allowing his anger to die down. Yes, he was stubborn, too. Just not on Miyuki’s level. Even Nelanna wasn’t that bad, and she had been the most stubborn woman he knew for a long time. Miyuki just seems to refuse listening to any reasoning beyond her own. Honestly, it was quite childish. How did he manage to fall for her?

He heaved a heavy sigh and moved to follow the two. But he took no more than a couple of steps before an ice wall suddenly erected before Miyuki and the ghostly skinned girl. He blinked as his brow slowly raised. Was that her companion’s doing? She gave Yuki a swift reply, and then, she approached him. He couldn’t help forming a slight smirk as his eyes lifted to Miyuki, feeling slightly triumphant as the stranger agreed to his opinion. Although he had said nothing, it was obviously painfully clear, even to a stranger, that Yuki was being far too stubborn and foolish. He then glanced back down at the pale girl in time to see her bowing. Keeping one hand on the hilt of Redemption, he lightly placed his other palm upon his chest and returned with a respectful bow of his own. “I am Kohaku,” he replied, standing up straight. His smirk was gone, leaving nothing but his previous stern expression. “I am no novice. I know full well that working together lifts our chances for survival and success. I am more than willing to aid you on your quest. But, please understand,” he paused to look back at Yuki, his amber eyes finally showing a hint of the great fear he kept hidden so well. “Her safety is my top priority.”

Character Info
Name: Miyuki
Age: Over a thousand-Timeless
Alignment: CN
Race: 9-tail Kitsune
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin
Silver: 498
Miyuki almost yelped as ice sprang from the ground, forming a large wall before her. Frustration demanded she stab the damnable obstacle, however she managed to keep that in check as she slowly turned around, a mask of suspicion upon her face. Lixue moved to stand decidedly linear with Haku, her words clear on the priest’s intentions. She crossed her arms as her tails laid flat, clearly unamused by the tag-teaming against her. As she slowly blinked, her gaze shifted between the two of them. Oh, how she wanted to slap that triumphant smirk off his ridiculous face!

The two exchanged pleasantries, willingness to work together on the task at hand. What nearly got her, however, was the fear in his eyes that replaced the unrelenting fury when it came to his mission to keep her safe. Refusing to be swayed, Miyuki pinched the bridge of her nose as she tried to figure them out. To stop here, shortly after running into a possible alarm system was just as dangerous, if not more foolish, than knowing anything about your companions. ”Let me get this straight. You want to ignore the fact that we were just attacked by loud, obnoxious creatures, which may very well have been an alarm system… To get to know each other? Why not gather daisies and make daisy chains while you’re at it!?” Her voice dripped heavily with sarcasm.

They didn’t have time for this nonsense. As her tails began to shift in agitation, so too did their number until it was just a single tail remaining like his. ”Fine. Even though we don’t have the luxury. Long ass time ago there was a war between clans. Kohaku was a mercenary for my father’s enemy and killed my baby brother. I swore revenge, he demanded time. Now he’s the father of my unborn litter! I don’t practice much magic, I prefer using Yuki’s Fury over my sword. No, I’m not going to take it easy. Time is obviously not on my side, as our pregnancies are far shorter than most. Things that need doing and now this fucking thing is threatening to rear its ugly head and destroy the world before I’ve had a chance to figure things out!” Miyuki was breathing heavily by the end of her rant, unable to even bring herself to look at Haku.

She sighed, this time her voice was much softer, almost deflated. ”Look, I truly don’t feel comfortable loitering out in the open after those screeches. I will take the range approach, Haku, you take point, and Lixue… Do what you think is best. Can we all at least agree on that and get a move on?” While she appeared to have been beaten down to a manageable level, Miyuki’s ears kept swiveling, listening for anything approaching them. Three days sounded like a good number… Three days after all this is all over… And he will have his answer.
Cao Lixue

Character Info
Name: Cao Lixue
Age: Age Of Death 17
Alignment: CG
Race: Jiangshi
Gender: Female
Class: Former Priestess
Silver: 126
Thankfully the Male Kitsune was more reasonable than Natsuki, even returning with a bow of his own as he gave his name as he agreed that cooperation was key to their survival. However, his main concern was Natsuki who seemed none too pleased about how both the man she was fleeing from and her temporary companion were seemingly ganging up on her. Unsure as to why Kohaku seemed greatly concerned when he stated his main concern, but the yells from Natsuki soon made it clear.

Listening to Natsuki's barking and holding back the irony of her calling something else obnoxious when she herself is quite obnoxious herself. " Not exactly, just communicate on what exactly we will be doing in battle. I merely wanted to..". It did not appear as if the fox woman was listening as her tails raised as she continued on about an unrelated topic. Trying to butt into the conversation was no use as Natsuki continued on about a war between her clan and another how Kohaku killed her brother in the fighting and swore revenge. Finding it understandable, why she did not wish to cooperate with her brother's killer, but the next part took the Priestess by surprise. Somehow in her path for revenge, she had been impregnated by the very man she swore to kill! How did such a thing happen, between the two of them and why? Did he force himself upon her when they were in battle catching her off guard with a kiss and stealing her maidenhood in the confusion!? Looking to Haku for a moment, before increasing the distance between herself and the deviant as she could completely understand now why Natsuki did not wish to fight with such a man. Disappointed in herself about and angered by Kohaku as he hid his true character. How could she let such a being trick her into believing that he was innocent! Before she had time to process such a shocking revelation another came before her as Natsuki mentioned how Kitsune's pregnancies are shorter than that of humans. Focusing on the woman's stomach as she wondered how far along the woman was. Lost in her own thoughts as Natsuki mentioned how time was not on her side, coupled with her recklessness overwhelmed Lixue as she was not knowable on Kitsune physiology as most were not a threat to humans.

Hearing her name, snapped the Priestess out of her own thought bubble, "O.. OF course, we should get a move on… Like I was going to say.. I'll focus on the defence and support while the both of you focus on offence.. Yes, good let us away"! Quickly removing the ice wall and speed walking ahead leaving all the insanity that had transpired behind, but making sure to keep extra care of Natsuki and an extra eye out for the deviant. Unsure of what to do about this newfound information, but for now it is best to ignore it, as the end of the world took precedence over all else even if she did feel sorry that Natsuki had to cooperate with a man that had taken so much from her. If they survived, Lixue made a promise to herself and Natsuki that she will do her utmost to help the woman rid herself of such a horrible being.

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