Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Harena Wastelands > Mo'Mey Steppes > Mo'Mey Steppes Area Description

Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905

Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
Mo'Mey Steppes Main Description

The Mo'mey Steppes is a region composed of broad, lush grasslands with scant trees and gently rolling hills. Water is present in the form of a scattering of lakes and rivers, leading into marshlands. Fish and game here are plentiful, and grains can be found growing wild. The temperature is stable spring through fall, rarely becoming hot in the summer. The winters can be harsh, leaving travelers to seek shelter in the ruins of human settlements. Most of these settlements are of crumbling native stone, though they still offer shelter from the wind.

A great number of wild creatures live in these lands, such as antelope, wolves, wild horses, lynx, falcons, foxes, rabbits, and many others. The rich hunting attracts human hunters, though they are wary of the orcish nomads that have claimed the steppes. These orcs are vicious and brutal, sweeping through the steppes on their dire wolf mounts, and attacking anything in sight. Some tribes favor various melee weapons, while others specialize in the bow. The tribes themselves do not get along and tend to range through a wide territory to avoid each other. Most tribes will set up a temporary settlement and remain in one place for a month or two, before moving on so they do not deplete the game of the area.


Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
The City of Sviet Description

The City of Sviet is the only permanent settlement within the Mo'Mey steppes, providing a waypoint on the trade-routes in the northern areas of Canelux. Sviet was built by the Adorany, a tribe of orcs who are renowned for their gem crafting skills rather than bloodshed. Nestled against a low mountain that houses extensive mines, the city is surrounded by stones walls, and has neat, wide streets that allow both foot travel and animal-drawn carts. Buildings are constructed of stone from the mines, including homes and the school that houses apprentice gem-cutters and other crafters. Slate or imported timber are the most common roofing materials. The Adorany orcs are largely pacifist, but that does not mean their city is undefended. A small group of the orcs, armed with staves, patrols the streets to keep order. The tribunal building lays in the southwestern part of the city, backing onto the worm pens. Punishments are dealt out immediately, and death sentences are carried out by being fed to the worms.

The mines themselves produce silver ore and a number of gems, mostly diopside, purple garnets, apatite, and marcasite. Massive worms have been tamed, and are used to tunnel through the mountain, breaking up the stone and allowing the orcs to search for the precious minerals. The stone from the mines is also what built the City of Sviet, nothing from the mines is wasted. The worms are kept in a large pen by the mountain and rotated to prevent digging fatigue.

While all races are welcome within Sviet, three have their own areas within the city. The dwarves trade their mining equipment for the orcish products. The elves bring in rare gems and ores to trade with the orcs, and a few artisans have taken up residence within the city. The humans mainly bring in timber and foodstuffs to trade for orcish goods. The trade district run by the Adorany tribe contains goods including jewelry, small wood carvings, leather goods, and ceremonial weapons.

City of Sviet Map

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