Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Xerxez, Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:48 PM, Post Subject: Exhale [P][R][Event]

Xerxez heightened hearing warned  Xerxez of the snapping electricity. With an amazing act of agility and strength, he leaped away from the attack, dropping on to the sandy groud, careful to avoid a follow up attack. Xerxez kicked his self up, jumping up, landing on his two legs with a swing of the flail to avoid the dark haired man from closing distance between the two. Xerxez breathed heavily as he called out to the man. "What's your name, stranger." He asked, curious. "Not many survive an attack from Xerxez!" He boasted. His eyes narrowed, and his eyes throwing away the facade of his brown eyes. They burned a crimison red, as he revealed his sharp canines. "Let's see how many attacks you can survive." He said in a low tone

He launched forward, swinging the flail so the man was forced to retreat backwards. Xerxez jumped in the air, his eyes burning with an evil desire as he swung the flair downward aiming for the man's head. 

Author: Naota, Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:29 PM, Post Subject: Exhale [P][R][Event]

This wasn’t good, he was losing control, he couldn’t lose control. Why not? A near pleasurable shiver rushed through him, his muscles tensing in preparation for a fight. Somewhere deep down he knew he should resist, to try and stop a struggle before one started. The more dominant side at the moment snuffed out such usual concerns, and instead he turned those glowing crimson eyes to the newcomer. He spouted cocky threats, and Naota felt a slow smirk form under his bandana. Sun light glinted off of the edge of his flail, and his fingers slowly flexed; honing in on that light.

The rays solidified and wrapped around the opposing weapon, he knew that with just a simple tug of his hand he could either remove the weapon or snap it in two. His jaw locked and he settled for only stilling the other’s oncoming blow; keeping hold of the flail through the bonds of light he’d forced around it, “I don’t think you’ve realized who you’ve threatened…” His eyes widened and lit up with newfound excitement before he disappearing in a near blinding flash of light. When he reappeared, it was directly behind him, Torinasu, is own blade, held aloft between his fingers.

“I advise you not to come between me and my task, but if you insist on doing so, I’ll happily lecture you.” More or less. The white tattoos on his body glowed brighter and he rose one hand; tracing the outline of an attack in the air in front of himself. The white wisps connected, sparking webs of electricity as they braided into one, and he quickly released the strike towards the man. If he weren’t quick enough to move, he would be sufficiently disabled by temporary paralysis to his limbs. From there, it would be all too easy to carve his lesson into his skin…were it to come to that.

Author: Xerxez, Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:49 PM, Post Subject: Exhale [P][R][Event]

The steppes were alive with death. Everywhere one went, chaos was to be found. The mist that spewed from the mines provided a delightful rage educing high to most of the residents of the little village among the mountains. Houses lit the sky ablaze and warmed the violent hearts of the angry citizens. Orks ran the streets, pulling people from their houses, shops were ransacked and dead littered the streets. It was paradise on Revaliir for Xerxez. He soaked up the barbarity. The mist that caused the violence had little affect to him, whether because he was already violent, or the Vaewolf blood that flowed through him granted him high resistance. It didn't matter, what mattered was he could go all out, with little consequence. He doubted that Serafina or Nemesis would know about his rampage. And even so, he would blame the incident on the mist. His flail was clenched in his left hand, the spiked ball dripping with fresh blood.

It had been quite some time since his changing to Vaewolf. The scent of blood still drove him to a frenzy but he had learned to channel it positively, rather than let it control him. Of course, he still had lunch when no one was watching. The sun drained his strength, so he compensated with more meals of fresh blood. It sufficed for the destruction, he was easily able to deal with any attacks his way.  It was a smart idea to get out of the manor and do some Mercenary work. He grinned, taking a small matchbox out of his pocket.

As he was setting a fire to one of the hay stoarges, a bright light distracted him from the corner of his eye. As he spun to investigate it, a human emerged from the portal, heading towards the caves. A mischievous smile crossed his lips as he and a few orcs caught the disturbance headed toward the new arrival. As they turned a corner to one of the mine entrances, screaming to intimidate the new comer. He was on the ground, coughing wheezing as he inhaled a breath of the toxic mist. One of the orcs near by growled in anticipation as he lunched forward to attack the man. Xerxez's hand shot out, grabbing the orc by the throat and throwing him behind Xerxez with ease. He turned, shoving a boot down onto the orc's head. "He's mine!" Xerxez growled, turning around and approaching the new comer.

"Breath it in, guy. Let it take you." He said with a low voice, scrapping his flail across the ground as closed the distance between the two. "Welcome to Paradise!" He yelled, raising arms gesturing at the ensuing chaos. "It's too bad I'm gonna kill you before you get the chance to experience it." He lowered his voice, so the man could hear him, but the others behind him could not. "I can't have you going around closing off the vents, guy. I'm having fun here, it's nothing personal. Well, kinda" He said with a pause and a shrug of his shoulders."Who cares. You're about to die." He said, a terrifying grin escaping his lips as his fake brown eyes glowed blood red as he raised the flail and swung downward.

Author: Naota, Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:40 PM, Post Subject: Exhale [P][R][Event]

What had Xunatar and Dal done now?! In time he knew he’d make his way to the spire, hoping that he wouldn’t be the only deity with a steady head on their shoulders. Someone had to reason with them, and he worried for the lives of any mortal that might cross them at this most tender of moments. Before he would go there however, he would need to make a stop to the Mo’Mey Steppes. It was one of the most vulnerable places to death, not just from the poisonous fumes venting out from the mines, but because of the dangerous side effects.

The orcs that made up the main population there were normally of a more pacifist nature, but now? They were just as brutish as the more dangerous of their kind. Worse so. Everyone was losing their heads, and he hoped in vain that he could put some kind of barrier up against the mine’s entrances and exits. All of them would be temporary holds, but perhaps it would be enough for those unaffected to evacuate safely.

He opened a portal in front of him with a flick of his wrist, and tied a black bandana around the bottom half of his face over his nose and lips; the edges of the cloth worn from heavy use. The white markings that lined his body were glowing brilliantly, their protective wards activated to keep him safe from the fumes. Being a deity, he had a stronger immunity to most poisons, but he didn’t want to chance it right now…especially since this danger had been brought on by others like himself.

There was no time to waste, and he quickly walked through the portal, leaving the safety of Suisho no Kyuden and stepping into the chaos of Mo’Mey. The portal closed immediately behind him in a flash of light, and he was immediately met with screams. Everything was in utter turmoil, and it was hard to look in any direction and not see death. As much as he wanted to run to everyone that he could, it was hard to tell who had been taken and who was still of sound mind. No, the mines were what was important, and he instantly began to sprint towards them.

Keeping them in his line of sight, he teleported a few yards ahead of him with his sprint to bring him there faster, and stopped only when he was at one of the mouths. The fog was so thick he could barely see more than a foot ahead of him; his glowing crystalline eyes casting emerald shadows through the dense vapors. There was so much to be done. He rolled his sleeves up, energy already pooling into his palms. Maybe he would be able to purify some of the area around him, or temporarily shift the fog into a healing mist. It would be tricky considering it would be going directly against magick already put into place by not one, but two deities. Was it worth the risk…? Perhaps after he’d barricaded a few entrances.

He moved, darting quickly to the side to get closer to the mountain’s face, but his foot caught with the slick entrails of a mangled mining worm. In fog so thick, he hadn’t even realized it was there, and just barely managed to catch himself against his shoulder on the ground. His bandana shifted slightly from his face and his lips were but inches away from one of the vents, leaving him to inhale the fumes directly into his lungs. To a mortal it would have been enough to kill them on the spot, but for the Northern Light he felt only the affects that others in the town felt as early symptoms to the poison. His jaw locked and his mind screamed as the usual emerald of his eyes changed swiftly to deadly crimson.

He pushed himself up onto already tensing legs and rested his palm against the mountain side, still inhaling the fumes much too deeply from how close he was. How long had it been since he’d felt such an unyielding urge to do harm…? With how his mind was beginning to warp, he couldn’t think of a time where he hadn’t wanted to fight…

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