Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Harena Wastelands > Harena Desert > Sandy flames [O]

Character Info
Name: Aqua Aura
Age: 60
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: explorer
Silver: 901
Aqua was starting to get tired as her last mail was digesting in the heat. The sky said that night was fast approaching as her shadows were long and growing. 

The young flame spitter had came in surch of her sister. She was not having luck but sid have an old smell saying she came through here in the last two months. Yes it was a long time ago but thats all she had and she had to current a wrong.

She walked in her true form. Her wings folded tightly to her back. Her black main blowing in the wind. She needed to find a place to rest but in a land of sand that did not seem likely.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Omorgal
Age: 25
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonborn
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Silver: 1066
Omorgal was covered with sand. He had been walking through the desert for a few days now, eating and drinking the few supplies he had, giving the desert more than enough time to blow the stuff everywhere. His robes had so much sand in them that whenever he made a sudden move a small cloud of sand formed around him. Sand had gotten in the bag he kept his food in making it almost inedible. And he himself was covered with so much sand that he was no longer white but brown. Needless to say he wasn't too happy. He kept going however, this dessert had a begin so it had to have an end and he was determined to get there. Walking to the top of yet another dune he hoped to finally see the end of this cursed place. He didn't, instead he saw something that made him doubt his eyes. Was this what they called a fata morgana or did he really see a white dragon there on another dune. He rubbed his eyes cursing quietly as some of the sand on his hands got in his eyes. While he blinked trying to get the sand out of his eyes he looked again. Again, it appeared there was really a dragon there, mane blowing in the wind. Not sure what to do next Omorgal sat down on top of the dune for a moment blinding himself with the sand that fell of his robes. Dragons were creatures out of legends he thought. They were supposed to live in stories, not in the real world. Maybe the sand had finally made him lose his mind. When the sand was blown away he looked again hoping to see an empty dune this time. The dragon was still there, stubbornly refusing to disappear from the dune. Or maybe somebody was playing a trick on him. Wouldn't be the first time he had been fooled either. Irritated he stood up once again creating a cloud of sand around him. He was tired of this place and the last thing he needed was someone playing tricks on him. He would tell that dragon to please bother somebody else. Whoever was creating this illusion would hear him and with a bit of luck stop messing with him. Otherwise Omorgal had no problem fighting and he actually looked forward to the chance to vent some of his anger.

"Would you please stop?" He said when he was within hearing distance of the dragon. "I've had a few terrible days and the last thing I need is someone like you playing tricks on me. You thought I would really believe that this here is a dragon? I know dragons aren't real so stop fooling around. End this illusion and I will forget I ever saw it and there will be no problems. Otherwise I'm afraid you've got a fight on your hand." Then he saw the tracks the dragon had made in the sand. No illusion or fata morgana could have made those. This beast was real and he was within striking distance. "On the other hand." He said with a mixture of fear, surprise and awe in his voice while he slowly walked backwards. "How about I leave and you don't eat me? Would that be a fair deal?"

Character Info
Name: Aqua Aura
Age: 60
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: explorer
Silver: 901
She stopped immediately as the two-legged came into view and started yelling at her. A dragon was not something you fuss at and back down. She almost backed down tell she seen him show fear. 

Aqua walked around him sizeing him up as she tried to figure out what the man was as she got a fun idea. she growled as she walked around. She lunged at him easily knocking him down and looked him in the eyes. She growled loudly as she spoke. "I got a better idea. I let you live if you agree to owe me."

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Omorgal
Age: 25
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonborn
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Silver: 1066
Not sure what just happened Omorgal lay in the sand. After he had asked the dragon to please spare his life he had hoped to slowly increase the distance between him and the scaly beast and than run for it. The dragon however had other ideas and had begun circling around him while at the same time he was growling and looking at him. Or maybe while she was growling and looking at him, Omorgal had no way of knowing. Every possible escape blocked off by the beast Omorgal had reached for his wand ready to fight for his life. Then, before he could react, the dragon lunged at him and Omorgal flew back a considerable amount of distance before landing face first in the sand. When he had gotten the sand out of his eyes again he saw the dragon standing over him and looking him in the eye. And now the beast had told him that as long as Omorgal would owe her she would let him go. Needless to say that he needed a few moments to process all this.

The problem was that he didn't believe the dragon. Sure, the offer was reasonable. The dragon would spare him and that was exactly what he wanted. But why should he trust this beast? If the dragon could kill him right now then what stopped it from killing him later? And what could such a beast possibly want that he could owe? If he had his wand he could put up a fight. Or at least negotiate better terms. But when the dragon had knocked him down it had also knocked his wand out of his hand and Omorgal didn't know where it was now. Seemed like he had no choice but to accept the dragons offer and hope the dragon was true to its word.
"Su…" He said before he noticed he also had some sand in his mouth. He coughed and spat on the sand until his mouth was empty again. The sand wet with his spit had a darker color than the dry sand of the desert floor he saw. While he looked at this contrast in sand colors he also saw his wand sticking out of the sand. Quickly he looked another way not to draw the dragon's attention to it.
"Good idea." He said. "Better than mine, that's for certain.  I'll owe you. You'll let me live now?"

Character Info
Name: Aqua Aura
Age: 60
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: explorer
Silver: 901
She nodded her head. "Good now reminder it." She than stepped off and looked at the sky then back at the man. She smiled as she laughed. "Did you really think I was going to eat you?" She looked down at the man and his reaction which only made her laugh more.

She had to take a few breaths to stop than turned human. She wore a simple rode with its hood up. It whipped in the wind as she reached out her hand. Her face still beamed from the joy. "Here let me help you up. Names aqua." Her right hand was extended as her left held her boe staff. "We need to fine shelter before night." She said her voice softer.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Omorgal
Age: 25
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonborn
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Silver: 1066
Omorgal couldn't help but to let out a sigh of relief after the dragon had stepped of him. He still believed that the dragon was going to eat him but for the moment at least he appeared to be safe. Still, he already saw himself roasted and ready for consumption while laying in some vegetables with an apple in his mouth. He had to find a way to get away from this dragon without the dragon chasing him and then eating him.This train of thought was interrupted when the dragon asked him a question. Omorgal wasn't sure what to answer. Seemed rather obvious to him that the dragon wasn't a vegetarian since it had claws, teeth and whatnot and he was the right size for a meal for a beast her size. The dragon meanwhile was just laughing and Omorgal was starting to feel a bit humiliated by the whole situation. First he had not seen that this beast was actually real, then he had fallen face first in the sand because the dragon had knocked him down and now the dragon was laughing at him because he had thought that she would eat him. She may have found the situation funny, but Omorgal didn't and his anger over this lessened his fear a bit.
Then the dragon suddenly changed shape and before he knew it a woman stood before him. Omorgal again had to process for a moment what just happened to make sense of it. Having learned from his mistakes he looked if she actually stood on the desert floor before deciding if she was an illusion. It appeared not to be the case.
 For a moment Omorgal looked at the hand Aqua had extended to him. Ignoring it he stood up by himself after which he proceeded to getting out the sand that had gotten in his robes when he was knocked down. Bowing forward to get the sand out of the underside of his robes he quickly snatched his wand out of the sand after which he hid it up his sleeve. He better kept it close for now. Hoping Aqua hadn't seen that he turned to her.
"My name is Omorgal." It seemed only polite to return the favor and introduce himself. No need to piss off the women who could turn in a dragon. Though she did seem a bit less dangerous now. "You might be right about seeking shelter. No need to travel through this dangerous place in the dark. I take it from your words that you want to share a shelter tonight?" That was the last thing he wanted, sleeping next to his would be eater. If, in the first place, this wasn't a ruse to get him to where her cooking pot stood. However, if he wanted to escape from this dragon turned women it had to be at the right moment. He would play along until then. He looked around. "Not much here I'm afraid. Just sand and dunes made of sand." He looked back at her. "Do you want a shelter you could sleep in while being a dragon or while in your current form? Either one is fine by me but in the latter it might be a bit harder to find something that is large enough." He pointed a certain way. "Shall we just go that way and hope we find something?"

Character Info
Name: Aqua Aura
Age: 60
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: explorer
Silver: 901
"Your right Omorgal shareing a shelter was a bad idea. You would probably slit my air pipe in the middle of the night. Would also make it more difficult for me to make a shelter. Sorry I thought it be a good idea." She said visibly hurt by his reaction. 

She turned in the direction of the sent trail she was following earlier. The trail was the exact opposite of the way the guy pointed. She started walking as she turned back to the dragon forum. It is a lot easier for her quadruped form to walk on the sand. Her scale covered eyes would also have an easier time seeing if sand got in her face. She did not care if he followed or not. 

Little did eather know a giant cobra had got the man's sent and would track him. 

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Omorgal
Age: 25
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonborn
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Silver: 1066
Omorgal was a quite surprised by Aqua's reaction. He thought he had hidden his real feelings for her but apparently she was better at reading people than he had thought possible. Or he just wasn't as good at hiding them, or both. He was also surprised that Aqua accused him of planning to slit her throat. In reality this plan hadn't even crossed his mind. Sure, he wouldn't have to worry about the dragon any more if he did it, but Omorgal wasn't someone to do that if it wasn't absolutely necessary which right now he thought wasn't the case. And now, as the dragon turned away, Omorgal couldn't help but feel a bit sorry. Despite the fact that this was a giant lizard which had threatened to kill him something in the back of Omorgal's mind told him that he hadn't been very nice to the giant scaly beast which could kill him with ease. Dismissing this thought as something ridiculous he decided to get as far from the dragon as fast as he could. Though Aqua seemed to let him go there was still a chance of her changing her mind and Omorgal wanted to have a large amount of distance between him and the dragon when that happened. He looked for his bag with his belongings and saw it a few meters further to his right where Aqua had launched it when she had knocked him down. Omorgal took it up, swung it over his shoulder and started walking in the opposite direction Aqua was going. No doubt some sand had found its way into his bag further spoiling his food but he would get it out when he was some place safer.A forked tongue quickly flashed out in the dry desert air tasting it before disappearing again. It repeated this a few times to get a better taste after which it only came out sporadically to make sure it was going the right way. The owner of the tongue a giant desert cobra did this to ‘smell’ its surroundings and right now it was following an unfamiliar smell. Whatever gave of this scent smelled a bit like the small lizards that the snake often hunted but there was also something human about it. It didn't matter to the snake, it considered lizards and humans both edible so a combination of the two was just another meal to him.
Another flash of his tongue made it stop briefly however and taste the air again to be sure. It tasted like there was another lizard like creature in the area and this one the cobra didn't consider prey. Cautiously it continued letting out an irritated hiss when it realized his prey was going in the direction of the dragon. It tasted the air again, the smell of his prey was still there but the dragon's smell had disappeared and instead he smelled a human. A more intelligent creature may have wondered what happened to dragon and where the human had suddenly come from but the snake's lizard brain only lived in the now and didn't ask such questions. The only thing important right now was that there were two meals over there. It neared his prey even closer, going for the lizard like smell first. All that mattered now was the hunt, the smell of his prey. The cobra didn't realize that the smell of the human had disappeared and that the dragon's smell was back. Coming within striking range it reared up and pounced.Omorgal almost tripped when the cobra pounced at his shoulder and bit his bag with belongings. Dropping it and turning around with wand in his hand he saw a giant sand-colored snake rearing up going for another pounce. Jumping back he shot out a fireball from his wand which missed the cobra. What followed was a wild dance in which Omorgal slinged as many spells as he could at the snake trying to avoid the snake's teeth while the snake tried to avoid the spells and bite Omorgal. The snake couldn't hit Omorgal because it couldn't attack accurately while avoiding the spells and Omorgal couldn't hit the snake because snakes are thin and don't present a big target. The dragonborn cursed as he shot out a concussive blast which missed the snake, kept going and blew up a large amount of sand a meter to the right of Aqua. I can't keep this up. He thought while slinging another spell which missed. I'm getting tired, soon I will make a mistake. Then I'll be snake food. Panting he shot out another fireball. The snake avoided it and lunched forward with its jaw open ready to bite. Omorgal also came forward trying to grab the snake in a desperate attempt to hold the snake long enough in one place to land a hit. The next moment they both rolled through the sand Omorgal's hands around the snake's neck. The dragonborn needed all his strength to keep the twisting snake under control and its teeth away from him. So much so that if he freed one of his hands for only one second to cast a spell the snake would bite him before he could cast the spell. Losing his strength quickly Omorgal had only a few moments left before the cobra would overpower him. He could already feel its teeth sinking in his flesh.

Character Info
Name: Aqua Aura
Age: 60
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: explorer
Silver: 901
Aqua leaped away from the blast and looked surprised at it than turned ready to attack thinking he had tried to attack her. Just to see that he was fighting a snake. She watched for a little while as she debated on helping him. She moved at the last second knowing it was better not to let the guy die. She ran over and bit into the snakes tail as she managed so than sling it away from both of them.

It was now not only hungry but mad and slithered at her. She jumped to the side avoiding a strike and again tossed it. She danced with it avoiding quick strikes and kicked up a lot of sand in the process. It finally got it's teath into her leg And she bit it's neck and shook hard untell it was dead. 

It's fangs stayed when she ripped it off and slung the dead carcass. She than sat down and pulled the fangs out with her teath and tossed them to the side as well. She than started licking the wound as it started to swell.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

Character Info
Name: Omorgal
Age: 25
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonborn
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Silver: 1066
Just before Omorgal's strength was about to falter he felt the snake getting torn from his grip. Relieved he lay on the sandy desert floor for a moment, glad he was still alive. He was too exhausted to help the dragon fight the snake and even if he hadn't been helping would have been hard because of the sand Aqua kicked up while she fought. All Omorgal could do was shield himself from the sand and wait until the fight was over. When the sand finally subsided he looked around and saw Aqua licking her wound. Slowly the Dragonborn stood up after which he took up his bag and his wand and walked to the dragon.

"I guess I owe you twice now right?" Omorgal said while dropping his bag next to him and sitting down. "First for sparing me and now for rescuing me." He opened his bag and looked inside of it. "Thank you. And sorry for not trusting you. You saved me when you had every reason not to. You even thought I would kill you and you still came to my rescue. Shows I'm not even worth half a dragon." He chuckled. "Literally." He pulled out one of his water bags. Two small streams of water flowed out the two holes the snake had made when it had bit the water bag through his bag. "I don't think this water is safe to drink anymore. But that's not important right now. What's important is that whatever venom has spoiled my drinking water here is also in your leg. If that swelling there is any indication at least. I fully intend to repay my two debts. And because you got that wound because of me I'd even say that helping you with that snakebite shouldn't count to repaying them." He again looked inside of his bag after which he shook his head. "Unfortunately I don't seem to have anything that can help you." Unsure he took out a knife made from a strange metal after which he shook his head again and put it back. "Too dangerous." He muttered while looking at the swelling. "I'd say that it may not be the best idea to lick that wound but given the fact that I have no other ideas it is by definition the best one. And the worst." He closed his bag and stood up. "So unless you have ideas I can't come up with I don't know what to do." He let out a sigh of frustration and rubbed his forehead. "No wait, I have an idea. We could commit suicide by looking for natives and their equivalent of a doctor. Maybe they can help you." He shook his head. "I really hope you have another idea because I think it's a really shitty one. It's all I have though."

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