Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Ivacus Manaclaw, Posted: Thu Nov 9, 2017 12:44 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

(OOC: Just going to skip kingcrasy this turn)

Ivacus continued to look around fervently, trying his utmost to maintain his composure.  But whatever little he had was fast running out as she viciously hammered away at his alibis and poor excuses for fabricated histories.  He should have remembered that the only reason he remembered Adeluna well enough to drop its name in a hurry was because he almost got lynched by the local Human Superiority mob there.  And then he went into the graveyard…it's like she knew what he did in his spare time, raising bodies from the dead to help him pull off some menial task or another, or simply to practice his craft.  It's not like it was some great secret of evil, he never wanted to hurt anyone with it, but it was something deeply personal to him…his excursions in Perditi were part of when he felt most alive, and she just straight up knew all about them. At least, in his frantic mind.

But it would seem his desperate grab at talking about aqua regia paid off. She offered to take him somewhere else. That was all he wanted!

"Y-y-yes, of course Miss-Collegiate-Professor-of-Magic, I'd love it! Please, let's go already!" he said with a start as he grabbed her hand, attempting to literally drag her towards the door he was so desperate to leave. If it would get these people off his back, then that was all that mattered.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:12 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

"Hmm, so you're from one of those private institutions then? I think Lise told me there were a few nearby once. Kinda hard to keep track since they're more like apprenticeships for guilds. Must be pretty tough living in Adeluna for you. Most people there are nice, but sometimes they aren't very friendly if you don't look human. The more 'different' you look the worse it gets I suppose. It's a mixed bag of candies–sometimes you get ones you like, and sometimes you get the gross ones." Getting sidetracked, Myouga returned to the topic Ivacus's falsified information. Not that she was aware really, but her persistence in making small talk was slowly narrowing down his options.

"So back to you! Anatomy, huh? I bet it's pretty convenient, since there's a big ol' graveyard off to the east of Adeluna. Like, waaaay to the east where the swamps start. It's not very popular for a class in Iria since kidnapping corpses from their graves is generally frowned upon. But nobody wants to donate their relatives for the sake of science, so what can you do?" The way the arcanist spoke made it seem like she knew this personally. It was difficult to decide which was stranger, the fact she knew anatomy courses required grave-robbing, or how flippant she was in talking about it. Realizing that this might cause a misunderstanding, she quickly added: "Oh, not like I'd do something like that or anything!" Grave-robbing was technically considered a crime.

The mention of aqua regia made her ponder for a few minutes, before she recalled it. "Aqua regia…aqua regia…oh! Oh yeah–that thing! That's something Lise works with a lot. Almost forgot about it. Yup, it dissolves almost anything; especially metal. People use it when they want to separate a mixture of two metals back into their individual components. I'm more into the whole 'whoosh' and 'bang' part of alchemy than the tedious stuff. It's fun when you take two things, put them in a circle, and combine them together!" Getting a mischievous look in her eye, she whispered to the kobold as if she didn't want the others to hear. "Wanna see? I can show you, but we'll need to go somewhere else. It'll be fun!"

Somewhere in the recesses of her house in Menomori, one of her newly-created goldfish plants was screaming. However, it was in a very thick-walled bell jar so no sound came out. A box of white chalk and some dried mandrakes were sitting on the counter nearby. 

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:18 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

"Oh alchemy, I see. So I'll assume you mostly work with tinctures and other things to make tonics? I'm curious on what kinds of illnesses you've treated. Were they contagious or non-contagious?" She was listening intently now, resting her chin on the back of her hand. "I know some alchemists can be a bit…sensitive when it comes to disclosing formulas, so I won't ask about their details." Come to think of it, his attire was rather well-designed. A face mask would protect against contagions and prevent accidental contact with bodily fluids. And with clothes that protected against those same things, it would drastically reduce the chances of the doctor catching whatever their patients were suffering from. It would be laughable if the physician ended up becoming the patient due to flouting self-protective protocol.

"So about your mask, I find its design quite interesting. Do you know where I could perhaps procure one just like it? It would be useful when dealing with more risky cases of illness. Normally those patients are sent to the clerics as they can use a magical cure-all. At the moment I haven't heard of any sort of concoction which alchemists such as myself could use to achieve the same effects."

Author: Hans Ze Vampire Hunter, Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 3:11 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Hans sits down on one of the chairs and listend closely to her, after that he spoke up
- Well I am able to do things most medics are required to, like for example properly treating an open wound and giving first aid, but my exact specialistaion is "fighting" against diseases through mostly Alchemical means, I know a spell or two but it isn't much realy. And while I did not have what could be called traditional education as ehmm heh well my funds were robed but I was thaught by an expert in the field, also I have my own alchemical kit with me at all times.

Author: Ivacus Manaclaw, Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:08 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Oh Lords of the Underdark…his attempt to eventually diffuse attention away from himself was backfiring massively.  This was going to end extraordinarily badly for him.  

Normally if he wasn't completely flustered, he could lie his way through most anything.  But this woman was also from the Academy, as she so happily revealed, which would completely bust open the quaint disguise he had built around himself.  He would be hogtied and gutted if he was found out now…being a necromancer in a town besieged by zombies was not a desirable form of self-employment.  As for his conversational partner, this woman-girl's airheaded demeanor belied a rather impressive resume: teacher of magical theory, world languages, previously with alchemy and enchantments?  Needless to say she probably knew her stuff far better than Ivacus did, as he was what one might call homeschooled.  In fact, he was surprised a mage of her caliber hadn't noticed necromantic energies practically leaking from his small form at this point.

Not to mention, the fact that he, a self-taught necromancer, wasn't accepted to the prestigious College of Iria, but this…fruitlessly-brainless-stuffed-shirt-horn-headed-woman-girl could be a professor there?  It stung somewhere deep in him that made it hard for him to focus.

But still, he would have to think of something fast…definitely couldn't say he came from Iria…think, think….

After a long awkward pause of him furtively glancing around the room, he cleared his throat and spoke in as measured of a manner as he could manage: "What institution I come from?  Ah, well, uh, mainly just around the Caneluxssss area, actually…uhm…Adeluna, that's it, Adeluna.  There's a school there.  Where all the Adelunans go.  I'm Adelunan.  So I go there.  I teach…um…anatomy.  That's it…I think."

However, his flustered attempt at covering a lie he would have otherwise been able to smooth over was exacerbated by this bloody blacksmith coming out of the woodwork to put in his two silver crescents on the situation.  He was about to shoo him away with an insincere thanks for his apology, but then he just had to get suspicious of why he was so worried his robes would be taken off.  He simply gave the blacksmith a stare of frustration, his eye twitching slightly as he maintained a toothy smile throughout, attempting to seem as uncaring and calm about it as possible.  Though perhaps very badly.  "Thank you!" was all he managed to exclaim at him after he finished sizing him up and walked off to talk with someone about roons, whatever those were.

Thankfully, this blacksmith didn't seem to possess the brains to pursue the matter any further…but if someone else got on his trail, he was screwed.  He had to play it cool somehow…make them talk less about him and more about horn-headed-woman-girl-professor.  Especially as she had placed herself conveniently between him and the door.

"So…enchantments and alchemy?"  He thought back for a moment to his days in the Umbral Depths with his former master, Father Kreest.  He seemed to be interested in the stuff…he had Ivacus do a few things for him.  C'mon…sound smart…

"We…make a lot of…ah-kua-ree-geea," he said with a somewhat pained expression on his face, as pronouncing Aqua Regia from a years-old memory was proving rather difficult.  "To…dissolve…gold.  Yes.  Ahkua-rehgea, it dissolves gold right?"  He managed to smile, but it was obviously fake and strained.  He knew he sounded like an idiot, and it was killing him slowly to continue trying to keep this ruse alive.  But if the ruse died, he surmised he would too.  It was his only hope.

For once, he was thankful he didn't sweat…his face would be soaked right now otherwise.

Author: kingcrasy, Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:58 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Regi rose his eyebrows, "I've never been to an Academy, let alone a lecture and I seem to be doing just fine" he grumbled as she continued on her advertising pitch for the school listening to her talk to the kobold about old people and a person called Nick, putting it aside to the idea that she was crazy he rubbed his chin where his stubble once was and said "Iria's Mage Academy, I believe I had a customer from there once she wanted Tongs of some kind damn thing almost cost me a ton to make" reading his notebook quite further on the front indicating it was quite a long time ago, "I really wouldn't know where to start without my book, its got almost all the information I could need in" he stated.

After a few more seconds of scanning the pages he turned to speak to the Lizard, "Apologies for mistaking you as a large pet to the Professor here, but when I found her she was interrogating Cats for the wear abouts of a Lizard wearing clothes, you must understand my confusion" Regi chuckled smiling his eyes then became steeled looking him over, "I must ask why wear so many robes and demand not to take them off even when Medical help is required?" he took a step forward looking down at the reptile man, "I met many of mages from my home city and I gotta admit, none of them gave me an uneasy like yours, call it a shopkeepers gut feeling" his cockney accent breaking in with his last sentence before the young blacksmith went back to talking to Griselda about the best places to put the Rune and how to properly maintain it.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:38 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Myouga flashed a beaming smile and put her hands on her hips at the rather insensitive man's question of her credentials. "Don't you know? I'm the great and magnificent Myouga–Professor of the Iria's Mage Academy!" She even struck a pose for emphasis. He then asked how it was possible that people could learn from her, and she replied rather bluntly: "Well, they gotta attend my lectures! Isn't that obvious? I mean, you can't learn if you don't go to class. I also give tutoring lessons for a fee! But only for locals in Iria though, can't spend all my time running around for work."

The sight of the kobold she was looking for pulled her attention away immediately. "Heeey!! You feeling better?" She then grinned when Ivacus inquired about her area of expertise. "Hehehe~ So you're interested in my day job, are you? Most people say the same thing the first time they meet me! Well not all teachers from Iria's Mage College are sticks-in-the-mud or stuffy old men! …Sorry Nick." Myouga muttered the last bit under her breath a bit apologetically. Whoever 'Nick' was, he wasn't present either so she was just talking to herself. "Anyways…So I teach courses on magical theory and world languages! I used to have more lectures on alchemy and enchantment, but I had a bit of an…accident." Her typical enthusiasm dampened a bit as she sighed. "Well I guess I'm lucky that I can still teach at all, but it's a real bummer when you can't even do demonstrations anymore–y'know?" Brightening back up, she resumed her cheerful demeanor. "I'm sort of a generalist–so I know a bit of everything! Er, almost everything! But if it's enchantments and alchemy, you're at the right place! Oh hey, didn't you say you were from some institution? What was it again?"

The arcanist vaguely remembered something the kobold said involving being from some academy. Either way, she was always happy to hear about new things going on in the academic circles. With spending several months out of the year researching and globetrotting, she wasn't always up to date on the latest and greatest. Plus, this was her first time speaking and seeing a kobold, so naturally she wasn't going to let Ivacus go.

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:10 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Liselotte looked to him in surprise. "Oh…I'm afraid you're mistaken sir. I'm not in charge of the hospital, I'm just one of the regular staff. If you're interested in helping out you could ask around, or ask Griselda. She handles the clerical work and keeps the records." Seeing his eagerness to assist, she pulled out two chairs and took a seat. "If you don't mind me asking, could you give me a brief summary of what talents you bring to the table? It's not everyday that I get to meet people in a similar profession from abroad." She smiled, folding her hands in her lap. Alchemists weren't a common sight where she went, so it meeting a potential new fellow colleague was welcomed. "For example," She began. "-My specialty lies in treating poisons and handling toxins. Not the most exciting choice of a profession, but when I'm needed such problems disappear within minutes."

There was the sound of chattering down the hall, and from the pitch she guessed that Professor Ryou was talking to someone. There weren't any cries of dismay from the secretary, so perhaps all was well. The professor was simply too active for her own good.

Author: Hans Ze Vampire Hunter, Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:50 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Hans was greatly relieved when Ivacus was healed from his head wound by Liselotte, all that stress that and internal screaming stoped in a instant and his thoughts returned to matter of his employment as a medic and as it happened he was in the infarmary of this camp next to someone who apeared to be one in charged of it, what are the odds of that……
- Eh mizz ehm I am very thankfull for your help but I have also a thong to ask of you, you zee I came here to be a medic and since it apears that you are one in charged of this establishment I would kindly ask of you to consider ehm how to zay it ehhh take me in into the crew? Do not worry I am a qualified medic with a considerable amount of alchemical knowledge I can asure that I would be an asset to the team heh heh…….. - He said in polite if little bit nervous tone to the Liselotte.

Author: Ivacus Manaclaw, Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:18 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Doctor-of-Annoyance-Beakface just didn't seem to be getting the point, which was just great considering his extenuating circumstances.  He wouldn't have minded getting examined head to toe, but he didn't want to get confused with some sort of secret agent for this tremendously powerful lich that was busy assailing their position.  Not just that it was a life-threatening situation for him, but being even remotely associated with this idiot that couldn't even mount a successful attack on a raggedy fortress surrounded on all sides was simply embarrassing.  To think he'd work for a guy like that?  Out of the question.  Father Kreest had always been far more intelligent…

He sighed externally as he tried to dispel thoughts of his…family, again.  Was he still homesick after all of this time?

At any rate, it seemed that his potential savior had already gotten on board with the "Crucify the Small Lizard" train.  He was also surprised to learn that she was somehow a teacher; what she could have taught and where was beyond him, considering her scatterbrained demeanor.  But if Liselotte was willing to go along with it, he would take her word for it.  "Thank you," he would say to her with an air of slight dismay and sarcasm to it that likely wouldn't be picked up by the overly enthusiastic oni, as he resigned himself to his fate.  How would he escape…there seemed to be a lot of shadows on the walls, maybe he could meld into them with enough effort.  Though even thinking about planning was making his head hurt even more.

Liselotte's voice was at the very least soothing to listen to, and she seemed to know what she was doing.  As he was laid down on the cot, however, he felt beyond vulnerable; here he was, prone, and unable to do much to defend himself.  He could literally be taken hostage for all he knew.  And with so many prying eyes on him, there wasn't much he could do to get out of there.  He grit his teeth as the doctor examined his head, though he noticed his clothes hadn't been touched, thankfully.  Hopefully this would be over soon.

After proclaiming that there was nothing externally wrong, Lise proceeded to do something that felt like she was driving a hot nail into the back of his skull.  

"AIYYUUUUEEEEEE!" he screeched as he nearly jumped out of her hands.  But thankfully his position laying down prevented him from doing much else but flailing like a ragdoll, keeping her spellweaving intact as the pain faded into nonexistence.

By merely touching his head, she had cured him of whatever concussion he had.  That…was extraordinary.

As he sat up on the bed, studying her face curiously for a few moments, he then managed to offer a slight smile.  "You are too kind, Head-healing-nurse-mistress.  Your power was both fast and bulbous…thank you."

Leaving her to ponder what exactly fast and bulbous meant, he swiftly got to his feet and attempted to escape the infirmary with a furtive gait, barely noticing some kind of rune-forging going on at the reception desk.  He didn't want to be present for any more potential examining; this was too close of a call for him to feel comfortable sticking around.  However, it seemed that he wouldn't be allowed to merely slip into the darkness and prepare his journey to his ultimate destination.  There she was, Apparently-Professor Myouga Ryou, waiting for his exit in a chair whilst eating what admittedly looked like a delicious pastry.

He muttered something foul in Koboldese under his breath before turning to her, knowing it would be easier to just get this over with.  Though truth be told her bubbly personality was rather pleasant.  "I…ssssmm…must say…I'm surprised you are a professor, I wouldn't have guessed it, Excitable-Oni-Ryou.  What and where do you teach?

Author: kingcrasy, Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 3:43 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

He looked at the receptionist "Oh your Griselda, Sorry about all the broken stuff?" he chuckled awkwardly helping her sort the supplies before he rose his eyebrow quickly "What if I just made you something to help this place?" he quickly a slid into a chair causing it to squeal loudly against the tiles "I once accidentally made a rune that almost looked like it sped the speed of time up in a small area around it, but alas I quickly found it only affected plant life, like a really efficient fertiliser" he got a blank slate out while giving a look to the lady waiting for the nod of approval, once given he got to work chipping away watching the slate glow with every hit, one wrong tap could result in the Rune breaking and releasing all its energy at was which gave him many thoughts on how to create a powerful pressure plate trap for his next work.

It took him a few minutes but the result was a flat green rune pulsing with energy, even the young blacksmith was proud of his work as he slid his goggles up wiping his forehead and looking at Griselda with a smirk "Now we just put this here" he muttered placing one of the herbs on top of the slate as roots seemed to seep across the top layer and rejuvenate the plant as the lavender he placed there produce a small stalk, "The benefit of this is that the rune powers itself off sunlight which you get a lot from the desert". he hoped this was enough of a repayment for all the things he broke while with heatstroke he stood walking over to where he saw the crazy cat lady with her mouth full with a sigh Regi asked "Seriously, who are you? I mean from the sound of the conversation you had you're a teacher of sorts but how does anyone learn something from you?"

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 3:24 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Griselda was soon busy handling the supplies from the man who was previously a patient in the infirmary. In response to that man's rather dismissive address of her, she just gave him a friendly smile as if nothing had happened. As long as their supplies weren't being stolen, she had no reason to be upset anymore. Leading the heavily-accented man and the kobold to the cots, she began opening up her travel case for some clean cloth and poultices. They probably wouldn't be needed, but you could never be too prepared. Turning to the two, the alchemist smiled. "So, gentlemen–could you explain to me what exactly happened? I'd like to know how Mr. Manaclaw came to be injured. You can set him down on the cot here to give your arms a rest sir."

Understanding the kobold's anxiety towards the phrase 'medical examination', she did her best to assuage his fears. "Don't fret sir, this won't take long. It'll be quick, and when it's over you'll be out on your merry way. Taking a blow to the head is no laughing matter. People have been known to die very suddenly following a head injury. All I will be doing is a check on where your injury is, and the severity." She would then put on a pair of gloves and proceed to gently press around the area where said injury was. "No bleeding, or fractures. Though I can't be sure if nothing is ruptured inside, this should do." Using a healing spell on the area, any damage that wasn't immediately life-threatening would be gone. The pain spiked for a moment as the healing took place, then disappeared when it was finished. "There you are, Mr. Manaclaw. You're fit as a fiddle. Take care if you choose to venture outside the outpost!" She waved to them when the nervous kobold was released. "Professor Ryou's likely running Griselda ragged out there. She said she wanted to speak with you, correct? You probably shouldn't keep her waiting. Professor's known to have trouble sitting still for long periods of time."

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 3:08 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Seeing Ivacus again, Myouga's gloominess fled in an instant. "Mr. Manaclaw! You're here! Whew, I thought I'd lost you somewhere. It's really hard to find somebody when people don't know what a kobold is!" Hearing what the masked man was saying through his peculiar accent, she continued. "I'll wait for you out here until you're done with your check up! Don't worry–Lise is an expert! I should know–I taught her class back when she was a student in the academy!" It was hard to imagine the grinning girl as a teacher, let alone in a formal teaching institution. The mental image of a lecturer and Myouga just did not mesh somehow. "Alrighty Lise, he's all yours! Hm…where did that cat go?" Her voice trailed off as the kobold was being brought to the infirmary for inspection of his head for a concussion.

As she promised, she sat down in a chair and waited. Seeing the man who mistook Ivacus for a pet back when she tried to explain things, she pointed at the receptionist. "Griselda's right there mister!" Knowing how the bespectacled woman didn't like her very much, she took out a sweet roll and began to stuff it into her mouth. Eating the pastry made her more quiet, and gave her something to be preoccupied with. It wasn't time for the midday meal, so she might as well keep herself full until it was ready. Her rather active lifestyle made it easy for her to burn through energy like a lamp. When that pastry was finished, she took out another. 

Author: Hans Ze Vampire Hunter, Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:01 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

- Please Mr.Manclaw examination is in order it , zis iz for your own good besides it shouldn't take long and it won't be painfull - He said with his,maske covered, face turned towards Ivacus - Not to mention ze fact that quicker we get to performing it , quicker you will be free to do what you want to do so please be calm - After finishisng this sentence he turned his head towards Liselotte - After you Mizz - he said in a calm and polite tone. Meanwhile his mind was in a state that couldn't have, by any definitaion of the word, bee called calm at this very momment, no he was kind of screaming internaly because he was worried that if Mr. Maclaw wasn't examined quickly enough something might happen, like he might die which would be horrible and then some.

Author: Ivacus Manaclaw, Posted: Sat Oct 7, 2017 6:53 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

This was certainly way more attention than the lizard was used to.  The words Kobold and Manaclaw were getting tossed around even more than when he lived back at home with Father Kreest and his brothers and sisters…it was oddly satisfying, hearing so many people care about his well-being.  Maybe the world above wasn't such a jerk-filled place of stuffed shirts after all.

However, he had a feeling that if he allowed this medical examination thing to go unchecked, he would soon have a lot more enemies than friends in this claustrophobic outpost.  And in the middle of the desert with no bodies to shield himself with or a possible escape route, now was not the time to be as unsubtle as he normally was.  Thankfully, he was saved by the bell as it were.  Or, in his confused understanding of Common expressions, the phrase "relieved by the gong" that he muttered under his breath.  However he said it, never before did he think he'd be happy that a crazed, cat-toting half-demon of some kind was actively looking for him.

"Yes, over here, I'm Manaclaw, save me from this torturous grasp!" he shouted, waving his hands in Myouga's general direction.  Being held aloft like a child so easily was getting a little uncomfortable, to say the least.  And seeing as the cat the Professor was holding got a reprieve from it, he hoped he would too with a little pleading.  "Kindly-doctor-woman, I don't like being airborne either!" he said, craning his neck towards Liselotte.  "I swear on the 9th Circle of Porta Inferni I'm doing just bloody fine!"  

Of course, he would have to ignore the slight headache and dizziness he still had to be totally fine, but self-preservation took precedence over worrying about such petty concerns.  

Author: kingcrasy, Posted: Fri Oct 6, 2017 2:57 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

He rosed his eyebrow, "A Kobold?" he muttered to himself flickering through his notepad reaching pages of races quickly reading articles he had found in many books, in the past a lot of people had asked Regi why he kept the variety of notebooks in his possession. The problem was that the blacksmith had a bad memory and was incredibly use to forgetting the names of people, places and pets even Cricket had to bear witness to the young man pacing back and forwards trying to remember the time of his last feeding, his mother use to tell him it was because of all the ideas he kept coming up with was pushing all the important information out from his ears and mouth and that's why he talked so much.

There was the pang of pain in his chest he had become so used to since learning of his mother's passing, not being able to be with her at the final moments of her life all he could hope for was that she knew how much he cared about her. he was snapped from his thoughts watching the obviously crazy woman running out the Tavern hearing the panicked meow of a cat, "Miss! please put the cat down!" he quickly walked outside to see them run out of view before being faced with a rather large old lady holding a book of green looking plants and herbs he gulped before the woman chuckled loudly, "A strong man is what is just what I need!" she pushed the crate into his arms before continuing talking "Take these Griselda in the infirmary, hopefully, she'll find these useful" the lady finished with thanks and a slap to the back pushing Regi forwards towards the building.

He opened the door a bit nervously before shouting out, "Miss Griselda? I have a crate of items for you from a bear of a woman!" he walked in placing it on the ground before stopping seeing them all, "Okay so we have, Crazy Cat lady, Plague Doctor, Human-Lizard" pointing with a finger at each one with a expression on his face before it formed into a distasteful one "And you" finishing on the blonde one. "By any chance any of your merry band is Griselda?" he finished by taking his rucksack off the top of the box and sliding it back onto his back.

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Fri Oct 6, 2017 1:44 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Returning from the stables, she headed back to the infirmary. The rooms needed tidying up with people tracking sand in with their shoes, and there was no harm in making salves and ointments in advance. Best to be overstocked than running low when it was most needed. Entering she heard a cacophony of voices–one heavily accented, one less accented with a hissing lisp, Griselda's annoyance, and a cat complaining to the people that they wanted  to be put down. She came upon the scene of her professor holding a cat above her head–against its will–and a masked man holding a kobold. She blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't seeing things. "Oh professor! You're awake! Feeling a bit better now?"

Casting such a powerful spell like that earlier must have taken a lot out of her, but Professor Ryou had bounced back spectacularly. If she was running around like this, then she was probably fine. Glancing at the other two, she assumed they were here for treatment. Griselda gave her a look that said she didn't want to be here, so Liselotte did her a favor and stepped in. "Excuse me sirs, if you need something I can help you. So, what do they need Griselda?" The glasses-wearing woman pushed the frame of her glasses back up her nose. She needed a new pair, as they had been bent out of shape when someone accidentally sat on them. "The masked one says that kobold took a hit to the head. Do me a solid and take them in for an examination, will you? Oh and your friend's looking for someone named Manaclaw." 

"I see, well right this way gentlemen. I'll need to take a look at you to see if you're ready to be up and walking." Giving a warm smile, she motioned for Hans to follow her. "Lise, Lise! Can I come too? I don't know what Mr.Kitty is saying, he's talking an awful lot right now." The small mage pestered the half-elf, holding the cat up to her face. 'Tell this nut to put me down!' The cat complained. 'She's been running all over, parading me like a couple with their firstborn child!' "Professor, you can let the cat go on its own now. It doesn't like being airborne." The arcanist looked surprised, then sheepish. She let the cat go and it scampered off to freedom.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Fri Oct 6, 2017 1:29 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

"Yes it can!" Myouga said, staunchly maintaining her opinion. "Cats talk all the time, we just don't know what they're saying!" One the cats meowed lazily while grooming it self. The little mage then pointed at it, as if proving her argument. She then gaped at the man and gasped, looking a bit hurt by his words. They were rather insensitive, and possibly discriminatory. "Whaaaat? How can you say that? Mister Manaclaw's a person, not a pet! He's a kobold! You're so mean!" Pouting, she puffed her face at him like a blowfish putting on an angry face. "I guess you didn't see him then. Oh well… Drat, time to do this all over again." Grabbing one of the cats, she pointed ahead as she marched out. "Alright Mr. Kitty! I'll give you all the sardines you want if you tell me where you last saw the lizard! Let's go!" While she ran outside, there was along drawn out meow as they disappeared into the streets. 

"Let's see, tavern–check, street number one–check, stables–check, guard barracks–also check. Where haven't I looked yet? …Oh!" The infirmary! Of course, that was where she hadn't looked yet! She was regretting not putting a sign on the kobold before they split up, but if one doesn't succeed at first–try until it works! Hoisting the tabby cat she had absconded with, the arcanist began navigating the streets until she made it to the hospital. Hopefully he wasn't in there for treatment, and had just taken cover. Bursting in, she shouted: "Hello?! Is there a 'Ivacus Manaclaw' here? I would like to speak with his personage!" It was an absurd sight; a small girl holding a cat above her head yelling at the top of her lungs. The bespectacled woman let out a groan. "Oh, you again. Hey, are either you the bloke she's looking for?" The woman pointed at the odd girl.

Author: Hans Ze Vampire Hunter, Posted: Fri Oct 6, 2017 11:52 AM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

- You lost a part of ze trinity of life for a momment, good Lizard sir that is not zo be zaken lightly and a proper examination iz in place and while I understand zat you want to go on with your buizznes but I must insist on zat you must be examined.
Then he came towards the nurse and said
- Good lady zis Lizard was hit in ze head and lost Counciousnes for a brief but considerable amount of time, zo I came here to ask help in his examination. From tone of your voice I can azzertain zat you are not very pleased about zis but It should be done just in case and I can even help as I have was trained as Doctor.
He says that in somewaht serious yet polite tone, while also thighting his grasp on Ivacus

Author: Ivacus Manaclaw, Posted: Fri Oct 6, 2017 4:16 AM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

"Pffhh…" he uttered as he looked at this curious, masked man with an incredulous look on his face.  The sheer absurdity of the pun made him at least half-chuckle.  "I've worked with bodies deader than that humor, mysteriously-masked-individual.  But I will let it slip."

He offered a bit of a smile as he turned his attention to the state at hand; apparently he wanted to take him to the infirmary, which was fine and dandy and all…but he was loathe to let anyone in the medical profession examine him.  He had quite a few artifacts of necromancy on hand within his bunched up robes, and having them being taken away from him in a town where people jumped so much at the mention of the undead would likely be more hazardous to his health than whatever minor concussion he suffered.

"I assure you though, I'm fine…really, there's no need for this, I promise you."

However, it seemed as though that this man had a doctor's spirit indeed, and wouldn't rest until he made absolutely sure that the little lizard was completely fine.  He was carried into the infirmary soon enough, and greeted by a tired, frustrated looking woman who asked how she could be of assistance.

"I'm being abducted, call the constabulary," replied Ivacus dryly with a flat look on his face.  "Also I'm fine, I swear.  Just got hit in the head…and please don't take any of my stuff off, I'm…uh…cold?"

Author: kingcrasy, Posted: Wed Oct 4, 2017 5:12 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

All it took was one distracted hit of the chisel for the rune to flare up and crackle with energy, Regi quickly patted out the heat, dousing the rock with the remaining liquid from his drink. He looked over to the source of the distraction being a person running around asking about a Lizard with clothes on, there were two possibilities about this one, they were talking about a species of Lizard people or they were crazy. curiosity leads him to stand up and investigate this person of interest what was the worse that could happen and maybe he could help them.

You know that phrase 'Curiosity killed the cat' well there was a living example of it now as he watched the obviously crazy person shake the cat interrogating the poor creatures on where her lizard friend was, allowing a deep sigh to escape his lips he spoke up trying to grab her attention with a quick cough "Miss, you realise that kitten won't be able to respond" his cockney accent seeping into his voice, "And most likely don't even know what happened to your pet lizard" he suggested walking over to stroke one of the stray cats allowing its head to push against the palm of his making him crack a smile down at it, "Maybe someone found him and took him somewhere safe?" he chuckled at the incoming joke "I would say the worse he lost is a tail, but at least they grow back. I'm sorry, I'm sorry that was awful".

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Wed Oct 4, 2017 1:09 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

[OOC: I'll be skipping Lise's turn this round everyone!]

Downing a glass of refreshing sweetened lemon juice, she fished some coins from her pocket and paid the man running the establishment. "Here ya go, keep up the good work!" She saluted him before hopping off her stool and running out the door. Feeling much, much better she began to search for the kobold. After all, what else was she supposed to do for the rest of the day? "Mister Manaclaw! Hello? Helloooo! Where are youuuu–" She shouted as she ran through the streets, in a sing-song voice. With Liselotte outside of the infirmary, there were the usual medical staff back at work. One woman with glasses looked up from her ten-crescent novel to see a man covered from head to toe in concealing clothing with a small humanoid lizard in his arms. Blinking, she let out an aggravated sigh and pushed the spectacles further up the bridge of her nose. "Welcome to Aestas' infirmary, how may I be of assistance?" Her tone of voice said she wasn't happy to see them, but had to since it was her job.  

While Myouga was running this way and that, she reentered the tavern to double check if she had missed the kobold somewhere. She hadn't paid much attention when she was guzzling those three glasses of sweetened lemonade, but she ended up searching by a man who was in the tavern when she was re-hydrating herself. "Excuse me, sir! Have you seen a lizard? He's about half my height and about this big, with a slight hiss of an accent? Oh and he's wearing clothes, too. I'm looking for Mister Manaclaw, but after everybody was taking cover from the sand I dunno where he went." 

She had asked a bunch of random people, from hospital staff to the guards, to the cats. Actually it was more like she interrogated the cats, but she lacked the ability to understand their meowing. She was somewhat disappointed, as she was sure the cats saw everything. They were everywhere! If somebody knew where anything was, it had to be the cats. Come to think of it, she probably should've found Lise first before asking them. The arcanist forgot her former pupil was fluent in animal speak. 

Author: Hans Ze Vampire Hunter, Posted: Wed Oct 4, 2017 12:47 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

As Hans was walking around the camp, carring small lizard creature like an baby, trying to find hospital, the Doctor without degree heard lizard muttered something, this made Hans made very happy because it meant that the creature might be regaining counciousnes, but he was somewhat confused when the creature started throwing insults at him but on the second thought he, or Hans asumes that it is he, might be just in shock after being knocked out. This was somewhat confirmed by the creature itself ehn it started to apologise for insulting him to which he replied with polite
- Oh zo not worry about it but we should get you to ze Hospital for examination, you geting hit in the head isn't exactly ze most healthy thing and we zon't want to have zead lizard on our hands ha get it? zead lizard on our hands? Ha ha  ok I will stop
After that pun that is more dry than the desert itself he went to the last building that could be a hospital in this outpost

Author: Ivacus Manaclaw, Posted: Wed Oct 4, 2017 6:13 AM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

"Gnnghn…my head…"

The Kobold woke up feeling oddly weightless, and unbearably hot.  And as he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the face of some kind of cloaked, beaked monstrosity.  

Startled, he blinked for a moment.  "Am I in hell?" he asked aloud in Koboldese, thoroughly confused as to why he felt like he was floating in an arid patch of air and staring at what was likely some sort of minor demon.  Probably meant to intimidate him as he was welcomed to the underworld, or something of that nature.  

Realizing that if he was in fact dead, and there was some sort of hellish justice system prepared to sentence him to an eternity of getting hot pokers shoved into his ears, he figured he might as well have fun.

"You should really consider a makeover, avian-inspired-demon-thing.  Your face is…uh…hrnghmm…super ugly.  The ugliest of ugly.   The demon of ugliness is probably crying in his room right now, knowing you exist!"

Not quite as witty as he had hoped, but still effective, in his half-awake mind.  His ego would be destroyed for at least another century or two.  

But then, his memories came flooding back as his brain started to kick back into full gear.  He felt the weight of himself pressing into the man's hands as he held him up, and the desert wind brushing gently against his scales.  And…that embarrassing episode of him clambering on top of the man he was looking at like a complete idiot.  And he had just called him an ugly demon.  This incredibly spooky looking, probably secretly homicidal man, was undoubtedly about to incinerate him in retaliation to getting hit with such a sick burn.

Normally he wouldn't apologize for his tomfoolery, but when his life was on the line, he was all too ready to start licking whoever's boots needed polished.  "Oh!…you're the gentleman I…yeah…I apologize for that, mysteriously-masked-individual.  Please don't kill me, I have yet to father my children.  Or visit Parvpora.  Or successfully build an undead construct from rabbit ears.  Take your pick of reasoning, I swear I have at least eleven more!"

Author: kingcrasy, Posted: Tue Oct 3, 2017 12:33 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

He woke up with the feeling of his brain trying to escape through the front of his skull, he always hated those trinkets and it wasn't like he wasn't making sense, she was just too slow to understand him. It took him a few minutes to gather the courage to open his eyes biting his lip to avoid groaning in the dulling thud of his head sadly it turns out fighting against the lull of sleep that item produces causes a unrestful sleep perhaps he should write it down with that he tried to reach other but not moving he noticed his he was restrained to the bed allowing a quick sigh to escape his mouth.

"Scuse me?" he called out in a thick cockney accent "Anyone here to unwrap me?" with this the nurse like person came through and gave him a suspicious look asking him questions about his state of mind after answering them all with confidence and a lot of convincing their face turned to annoyance explaining to Regi all the mess he had caused in his attempts to escape before untying the sheets and allowing to use a bowl of water which was much welcome.

He washed his face listening to the nurse explain what happened during the night and how the dead were attacking the village, he was intrigued to say the less as he used a knife to shave away the weeks of hair covering his face before halting the progress and asking, "So where was my stuff when you dragged me here?" the Nurse made an O face and pulled a bag out from under his old cot allowing Regi to weirdly hug the old tatty looking book inside and counting each glowing stone the young blacksmith continued his grooming and cleaning the mess he made during his heat stroke.

He waved politely to the Nurse as he walked out into the outpost covering his eyes from the bright rays of the sun, feeling better now he had washed and drank enough water to revert the side effects of heat stroke, they had also told him of a place he could settle down and work on this project and hopefully get more information on the things attacking everyone, Regi walked quickly not speaking to a lot of people who were busy shovelling or sweeping sand away from their abodes and entering the worn tavern putting his finger up and simply asking "Cactus Pear Juice with some gin please" allowing a grin to form before sitting at the table reading over instructions he left himself a chiselling away at the stone which seemed to glow more with each tap of the tool, hopefully he could sell some of his modified runes here to help the people and get a profit, heck maybe even buy a map would be a good start, finishing his train of thought with a chuckle.

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Tue Oct 3, 2017 8:43 AM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Liselotte let out a sigh of relief when the man passed out. Sure, he had made quite the mess–but now there was one less headache to solve. Taking the sheets from the other cots she knotted them together and then dragged him up onto the cot nearest to him. Using the sheets, she bound him to the cot tightly so he wouldn't be able to get loose without considerable amount of effort. She had also checked his pockets for any knives or anything that he might use to cut them should he regain consciousness. The end result left the man looking more like a mummy in preparation for embalming, sans the removal of his vital organs and soaking in embalming fluid. One of the apothecaries who had volunteered to assist with tending patients then came in and looked concerned when they saw someone cocooned to a bed.

Looking up, she gave them a reassuring smile before coming over to them. "Oh, perfect timing! You see, this particular patient was a tad delirious from his heat exhaustion and insisted on returning home. Nothing I could say would convince him, so I had to let him sleep for a little longer. Keep an eye on him, would you? He's also somewhat confused, and believes the cabinets and cupboards are his house's storeroom. Make sure he doesn't take anything out of there." After putting things back in order, she thanked the personnel and left them with an incapacitated blacksmith. She did a recount of the supplies that were in the infirmary cabinets and was pleased that nothing was missing. Just as it should be. 

"…Basil! Oh, I nearly forgot!" Grabbing her things she carefully opened the door and left the medical ward, running to the stables. There was sand piled around the building, and that made getting the main door open more difficult. Once it was open, she rushed inside to check on all the mounts and animals. The roof had held, and there wasn't any sand inside the stalls. When she got to her Harenian lizard's stall, she found him awake with an apple core beside him. Unlatching the stall door she knelt down and patted his head. "Thank goodness you're alright. Did the storm rattle you?" 'So that's what it was? I thought the walls were going to be blown down. The horses were screaming in everyone's ears, thinking it was the end of the world. We're fine in here. How are things outside?' "About the same, more or less. We're cleaning out the sand blown in by the winds. No casualties. A horde of those bandaged undead were coming to assault the encampment, but they've been dealt with."

Seeing he was alright, she went to fetch some water and poured it into a metal dish for him. Even though he was accustomed to the desert, he still had to drink enough water. So far that left only her professor to be checked on, so Liselotte went to see where she had run off to. A quick look in their quarters told her Professor Ryou had been there, but was somewhere else now. As long as she was alright, there was no need to pursue it further. The woman was more capable than she acted.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Tue Oct 3, 2017 8:24 AM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

The clanging of the all-clear bell woke her up after passing out for her little nap. Turning over on her side, she covered her ears and whined. When the noise didn't stop, she slowly opened her eyes and pulled herself up. Blinking, she rubbed her nose and saw the door was wide-open. "…Hm? Where'd all the kitties go? Looks like the storms finally left." Getting up she dusted cat fur off her dress and began searching for the broom. Finding it, she began sweeping it out the door with the sand that had blown in. Usually she'd use a little magic to whoosh it away, but she was still a bit tired. Satisfied with the state of the room's floor, she went out to see how everyone else was doing. But not before closing the door.

People were already shoveling sand and carrying it out in buckets. The front gate to Aestas was open again, and people were tossing shovels of sand piles out of it. The buildings seemed all ok, and there didn't appear to be any damage. They had successfully fended off the necromancer's forces for the time being. As the cleanup crews were sweeping the streets, she began to search for that kobold she had been talking to when the attack hit. Myouga still had to continue their conversation, but where was he? Everybody had been running this way and that when the alarms went off and took shelter from the sandstorms. Not too concerned, she shrugged. She'd bump elbows with him again eventually. The outpost was a small place, so sooner or later she'd spot him. For now she just wanted a cool refreshing drink–non-alcoholic of course. Not that the tavern would let her near the stuff anyways. Again she faced the recurring problem of being denied her rights towards inebriation. 

Entering the tavern, she called as she came through the door: "I'd like a mint and honey water with a squeeze of lemon, please! Make sure you pour in at least two spoons of the stuff!" She was getting a little hungry too, but first she needed a pick-me-up.  

Author: Hans Ze Vampire Hunter, Posted: Tue Oct 3, 2017 2:29 AM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

While Hans was somewhat suprised by a little lizard creature but he couldn't harbor any hard feelings against it since it was easily deduced that the creature climb on his as to find some clear air and he realy cannot blame it for that, so he started looking for the little guy. As you can imagine many geting through that crowd required lot of patience and saying:
- I am zorry, I am zorry, I am realy zorry, zorry, zeriously zorry….
… and that gine for almost entire hour untill he found the small Lizard person laying on the sandy ground uncouncious, "Zomeone must have knocked him out it zeems", he thought as he saw little guy there. So 30 year old Doctor took small creature on his arms and went straight to the entrence when he heared the sound of doors opening, thankfuly it was just other people who opened the door as the sandstorm has passed.

Author: Ivacus Manaclaw, Posted: Mon Oct 2, 2017 6:39 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

"Myeah!" screamed Ivacus ferally as his lithe frame was literally launched backwards into the crowd, causing an immense hubbub behind him.  Once again, after falling through the few people that had caught him on their backs without their consent, he found himself in the dirty haze of the sandy floor and leg sweat, much to his dissappointment.  

A fitting metaphor for his life, he surmised…he climbed one mountain, only to realize it was actually a giant that was all too happy to throw him back down to the bottom again.

"Nask etcsharrh…"  he muttered to himself as he once again got to his feet…only to be kneed in the back of the head by a careless muscleheaded buffoon, sending the little lizard man reeling into the throes of unconsciousness.

His dreams were filled with zombie waiters serving endless platters of eggplant casserole.

Author: kingcrasy, Posted: Mon Oct 2, 2017 5:31 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

"Simple heat stroke not enough to keep a great blacksmith down" he grinned raising an eyebrow at her, he couldn't put a finger on it but that face of fake care reminded him of someone allowing himself to put the sack down he looked down at her curiously before even asking he heard the gentle tinkle of a bell, eyes widening Regi started stumbling forward, "No no no, you don't understand I need my notepad, I'm not crazy you didn't need to use that" tripping on his own feet he accidentally broke things as he grew closer to books pulling them to the ground.

He hastily went through the books through them around slumping against the wall, "I need to get home… to find him" grabbing a old wrinkled book with coal dust covering its page he tried to get back collapsing trying to fight against the enchantment "I left Cricket… all alone" as he let out a large exhale of air falling asleep finally even if it was not to be the most peaceful of sleep.

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Mon Oct 2, 2017 5:17 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

When the man stuffing much-needed medical supplies into his own bag shushed her, Liselotte crossed her arms and gave him a deadpan look. He was muttering nonsense, and seeing that he was in the infirmary he was most likely a patient. Resuming her usual smile, she walked towards him slowly. "I suppose you just woke up, but the outpost's forces have already sent those walking cadavers packing. There's a rather violent sandstorm raging outside so I would suggest you remain indoors. Sir, I'd prefer not to repeat myself–please empty your bag." Then the man, likely still delirious or delusional, told her to get something for him. With a smile like a cat's, she sauntered closer and feigned concern. She really didn't have the patience to deal with this, not right now. 

"Dear me, it seems I've been mistaken. You must be one of the patients who came in today. It appears the rest of our staff is currently busy at the moment, so I'll be assisting you for today with your recovery." In one of her hands, she had a small little bell. A faint tinkling of metal was heard as she rang it, causing anyone in the immediate area to feel drowsy. It also had the wonderful effect of making her words more convincing, and to add more to it she cast a charm spell. "You must be tired, you should rest to speed up your body's recovery. Why don't you sit down on one of the cots here?" 

And if that didn't work, then she would help put him to 'sleep' until someone from staff was available to keep an eye on him. There were plenty of clean sheets around to keep him in place, and quite frankly having someone who wasn't personnel putting things in disarray was getting on her last nerve. She told herself that he was probably still confused, and shouldn't blame him for acting in such a manner. He just needed a little more rest to clear his head…that was all. 


Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Mon Oct 2, 2017 4:58 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

The guards were herding people inside, and Myouga was helping as much as she could. Most of her 'help' took the form of using wind to push people into buildings faster, and moving boxes with telekinesis. The sand flying around was getting worse, so she had her hannya mask on so she wouldn't get blinded. "This is gonna be a pain to clean up when it's gone…" She grumbled as visibility was dropping. Pulling out a piece of fish she herded the cats into the building she and Lise were staying in and locked it up. Using what little magic she had recovered from that meteor shower she dropped onto the army of undead, she bolted the doors and windows. The sound was like somebody pouring a really, really big bag of rice out all over the town. Noisy, and continuous. 

She waited inside with the kitties for what felt like forever, getting bored as time ticked by. It probably was only less than ten minutes, but she was getting impatient. Why couldn't the sandstorm move faster and hurry up? Holding one of the cats, she looked at it. "Ughh, I'm so booored. Aren't you bored?" The cat meowed at her, and she had no idea what it was saying, so she put it down. Lying on the ground she put a dried sardine on her stomach and let the cats climb all over her. At least the riders had retreated, hopefully that would be all for today. She was not looking forward to cleanup duty, and there weren't brooms big enough to shuffle the sand out. She then remembered the caravan hadn't arrived yet. Were they ok out there? They were pretty far out from other oases and towns, so it was a big risk venturing here.

About an hour passed, and the storm blew over. The little mage had fallen asleep by then, the fatigue from using such a powerful spell finally catching up to her. The cats seemed to sense it too, and were trying to get out. One of them finally grabbed hold of the handle while others knocked the beam that barred the door out of the way. Swinging open, sand spilled into the room as they ran back into the great outdoors.

Author: Hans Ze Vampire Hunter, Posted: Mon Oct 2, 2017 3:47 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

- Ehm ehm - Was Hans's reaction to lizard looking thing hanging from his head - ……… Me too? ehm ehhh I'm zorry but who are you and what are you doing on my head? - He asked in the most polite tone he could muster at the momment without sounding too distressed about the fact that he didn't feel the little guy climbing on him. But before he got an answer Hans heard a terrible ghostly howl from the outside. This starteled Hans so much that he accidently shaked off the creature from his head and into a crowd of people which started panicking even more because of that.

Author: kingcrasy, Posted: Mon Oct 2, 2017 1:30 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

He muttered listing of the items in a distracted haze when the girl spoke to him, he responded quickly with a loud Shush as he started speaking confident "I need you to get me Iron shavings, try using the posts from the cots" he glanced back with a small smirk covering his dirty face as he held a vial containing bleach, "When the bleach reacts with it should produce Hydrogen enough of that gas we can at least start to produce incendiary bombs for the people outside, however, some people will get hurt from miss firing" he stuck his finger in the air pointing at the Burn Ointment.

As he waited for the rest of his ingredients he went over to a wash basin taking of his makeshift hat allowing his messy brown hair to flop over his forehead allowing him to clean, "I need you to tell me whats going on out there, because I'd rather not be eaten alive but a bunch of undead before I got home" he thought that maybe he more of commanded than asked about the problem here but ever since his mom died his joyful side was truly a rare sight to been and not a lot of people had the ability to bring it out, his mind drifted to his research as he clapped in the air with a large grin "Regi, You Genius!" of course talking to himself was a habit he picked up in his travels but whats better than a argument when you always win, he turned staring at the girl "I need my bag with a lot of patches and burn marks, its got books that are important to me maybe important to you too if you really need to help people" he grinned rubbing his eyes to remove some water.

Author: Ivacus Manaclaw, Posted: Mon Oct 2, 2017 1:25 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Apparently there was a lack of corpses in the camp to use as a makeshift army. What a shame, really. Others might disagree with his analysis of the situation, but a few revenants would have been a lovely addition to the defenses of the area. Regardless, it seemed as though his talents weren't going to be needed; with so many powerful magi in one place hailing down what had to be meteors on these creatures' heads and erecting nigh-impenetrable barricades of magic around the settlement, there was nothing he could, or really wanted to do. It would only give him plenty of time to plan his entrance into Aysut, and more rest after his journey.

He slipped into one of the larger buildings…judging by the interior, it seemed to be some sort of common restingplace for researchers that weren't full-time residents.  Already, preparations were being made for the oncoming storm, with windows being blockaded and the door quickly fastened shut behind him.  This was indeed some serious business.

The atmosphere was incredibly humid and hot, and the body heat of a bunch of panicked creatures crowded together wasn't much helping the situation.  And due to his size, he found himself getting pushed around by the frantic crowd.  Eventually, after wading his way through to a more open area, he found himself next to what he assumed was some kind of metallic pillar at his height; he was desperate for fresh air at this point, and he figured that if he could get above the miasma of sweat and fear, he'd be able to breathe like a normal bloody person once more.

With some difficulty, he clambered up the strangely-fabric-covered, metal pillar, his claws snagging at the black drapery until he finally crested the pillar's head, taking a deep, gasping breath.

Wait…the pillar's head?  

He looked down into the eyes of an admittedly rather creepy looking bird-shaped mask, as he managed as friendly of a smile as he could.  "Oh hi…didn't quite see you there!"
dHowever, he would have to get inside rather quickly, as a massive tornado of sand seemed to be descending upon them.  

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Mon Oct 2, 2017 1:08 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

She had been holding her breath when the ghostly riders came, and after what felt like forever they finally left. Heaving a sigh of relief, she then began to hear the howling outside intensify. The window shutters and doors began to shake as the winds pushed against them, and sand was starting to leak in through the cracks under the door. Still, the heavy crates were pushing back and keeping them shut. Nothing else could be heard when the twin sandstorms battered Aestas. It was as if the very desert was trying to bury them alive. The protective barrier set up by the mages were weakening the strength of the whirlwinds, but its primary purpose was to deflect any magical attacks sent against the outpost. 

While the storms raged, she thought of her mount and the other animals in the stables. Did someone make sure the doors were secured? She bit her lip as she fretted, she should have checked before she blocked up the medical ward! Basil should be fine, but still there were the horses and cats too. She then heard the sound of cupboards and cabinets being opened, and rushed to the storage rooms. Where was it coming from? Finding no one in the storage room she went towards the direction of the infirmary and found someone pilfering bottles of smelling salts, disinfectant, and rolls of cotton. "Sir, what do you think you're doing?" Raising her voice she put her hands on her hips, looking at this person who was stealing the medical ward's supplies. Somehow this man seemed familiar, but her mind was more preoccupied with the question of what exactly he intended to do with what he was taking.

Glancing at one of the labels, she saw one of their jars of burn ointment being taken. It was clear he didn't know what half of the things he was taking did, and that they had been put in a cool place to prevent spoilage. "I'd rather not report you to the guards, so if you could kindly empty that sack of yours I'll overlook the offense this time." Of all the places for a thief to show up, this had to be it. The alchemist was visibly upset, as these items were provided to them out of the generosity of the northern kingdoms and they weren't getting any more until the next caravan arrived. If they wanted to steal something, they should have picked the tavern.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Mon Oct 2, 2017 12:47 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

The undead were starting to thin out, and they weren't regenerating. Watching from her spot on a pile of boxes, Myouga was feeling confident. With the slow-walkers out of the way, they would just have to weather the sandstorm. Her smile began to fade when she heard shrieking and the clattering of hooves. This wasn't good. She had heard the stories of towns ravaged by these ghostly riders, places ripped apart in their mad search for revenge. They shouldn't have anyone in town who would be their target, why were they coming after Aestas? Looking in the direction of the pyramid, the arcanist had a hunch. Psyching herself up, she didn't let her worries show on her face. "Alright everybody! Looks like we've got company! Let's show these ghosts of the past that what happens in the past, stays there!" She shouted.

The other mages still had enough magic in them in case the riders did try to break through the wards. The fight was halfway over, and she wasn't going to let the settlement fall. The ghastly shrieks of the spectral steeds carrying their riders were growing louder, and soon they were in sight. Stallions with half-rotted visages bearing armored men bound to this world by a malevolent will thundered towards the gates. "GIVE US THE GIRL!" They screamed, voices on the winds. The guards were tense, but Myouga crossed her arms and grinned. "HA! I'd like to see you try, ya old coots! Give it up already–your god's dead!" The riders were hurtling towards the entrance to the outpost when they were repulsed by a powerful, invisible force. In response to their presence, the wards shone brilliantly with a golden light and they could not advance further. They then circled the encampment, trying to get in to no avail.

Eventually, they left empty-handed. When all was quiet, the little mage let out a cheer. But then sand was coming in, lots of it. The sandstorms! "Everybody, get inside! It's gonna be a big one!" She didn't see her former student, but knowing her she probably was inside keeping others safe too. Ducking into one of the buildings, she and several other outpost residents began blocking up the doors and windows with anything heavy while waiting for the storms to pass. The two tornadoes laden with sand had hit, and began showering the streets with pounds of quartz. Even the cats had hidden away, and the streets were emptied once it started.

Author: Hans Ze Vampire Hunter, Posted: Mon Oct 2, 2017 7:34 AM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

As soon as Hans entered the Outpost alarm bell started ringing, this either meant that something was on fire, sandstorm is comeing, Undead are attacking or various combination of the previously mentioned points. There was no smoke anywhere so that at least ruled out the posibility of fire starting or at least in his mind it did. So it must be either an attack or a sandstorm, but before he could ponder in what way he could help, some guard took his arm and lumped him into a crowd of civilians and shouted
And so he and the rest of people got moving. Even though he wanted to help not escape, he was unable to do anything else than run with the crowd and find some building to hide in, which all of them did. It was the communal house, with loads of beds out into neat rows, thankfuly someone was had enough forsight and put some materials for baricades into the building ahead of time so there will be no need to deconstruct the beds. So the civilians baricaded the windows, the doors and any hole that could be used to get inside, it got a little bit stuffy inside, which was kind of a problem for guy wearing all black outfit, a mask, and some elements of a plate armor (Cuirass is under the Overcoat)

Author: kingcrasy, Posted: Sun Oct 1, 2017 8:22 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

He had been walking around for days and somehow managed to get lost in a godforsaken desert filled with the dead, now the heat didn't really bother Regi due to working forge constantly back at the place he once called home but these zombies like creatures that had been attacking at night was a pain, one even ripped his shirt not long ago resulting him using it like a turban for the rest of the journey. or at least till he blacked out.
Yes he had passed out in the sand due to heat stroke and then dragged through the burning sand to a shoddy town in the middle of no where, apparently even though he was to the heat his body still couldn't handle it for days on end and waking up reminded him of the hangover he had the night he fell from Cricket's back, it almost as if he heard his brain clicking away a lot like horse hoofs, he quickly opened his eyes muttering to himself "Wait they are horses but in the desert?" he looked over at the barred door of the Medical ward with a sigh before climbing out the cot with a wobble in his step, "Hello!? anyone in here, if there's a horse around I would really like to borrow it" impatiently waiting for a response he shouted again, "Hello!"His headache grew more as he ran a hand through his tangled hair and muttering away, "Yes Regi I know this is a bad place and no it's not a floating city full of flying ships but heck, SOMEONE didn't get a map before you left" with a mock chuckle he continued talking to himself searching the cupboards for anything of use guessing the outpost was under attack and wouldn't miss a few supplies, it's not like he was stealing if everyone was gonna die why not use it for other people. "One life for many, Good idea Regi" he patted himself on the back before picking up an empty sack and started reading the poorly labelled items.

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Sun Oct 1, 2017 3:32 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

"Prepare suppressing fire!" At the command, Liselotte and the other archers let loose a volley that cut down the next advancing line of undead. When that wasn't enough to slow them down permanently, she threw bottles of volatile concoctions down. The resulting explosions blew them to bits, or corroded them into pools of acid. "Ahh…I love the smell of niter in the morning." The half-elf smiled, corking another empty ale bottle before tossing it over. The rest of the mages were assisting after her professor's summoned meteor shower, and seeing so many enemies felled in a single move raised morale. An important move to secure a defensive victory.

She kept her position atop the watch towers mixing up more combustibles with what she had on hand. Arrows needed to be conserved, so it was more useful to re-purpose things that would only be put into the trash otherwise. There were still plenty of undead coming forward, so by no means was the battle over. What worried her most were the twin sandstorms bringing up the rear of the undead army. Down below, trebuchets were being loaded with any heavy projectiles that could be found. Most of them were stones which were too damaged for building, and other rubble. The sand was starting to shift, and the winds made visibility less than ideal for the archers. Their best scenario would be to make sure all the undead were down before the sandstorms made impact.

Descending the ladder, she quickly returned to the medical ward and shut all the doors and windows. Heavy items were moved in front of them to keep as much sand out as possible. Everyone else would have to take care of barring up the rest of the camp, and she could hear the wind howling outside. Her stomach began to form a knot when she heard wailing and hoof beats. The undead riders…they were here already? Nightfall had yet to arrive, so how could this be? The scholars spoke of a necromancer who was commanding the risen dead in and around Aysut. If had sent them, then there was no doubt he intended to blot them out of existence. Would the wards hold against these undead thralls of such power? She had to believe that they would, or else only divine favor would keep them safe. She didn't know if there were any descendants of the escaped sacrifice within Aestas, but if so then that would only make things worse.  

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sun Oct 1, 2017 3:09 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

So this person was a mage, just like her! "Oooh a kobold! I've never seen a kobold before!" Before they could continue their conversation, the warning bells were rung as everyone was called to arms. This was the first time it was being run outside of a practice drill, and she could feel something coming their way. Instead of being alarmed, her eyes lit up as she finally had something to do. "Battle stations everyone! Prepare for combat!" She shouted, striking a pose. "Mr. Kobold, I'll answer your questions later! By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes!"

She was a bit confused as to why he was asking her if anyone had died recently. "Huh? Um, I don't think so? What do you mean by 'recently'? I mean there's a lot of dead people…" The arcanist pointed towards the direction of the oncoming undead horde. "Quit standing around and get to your stations, lollygaggers!" The brusque voice of a grizzled man with an eye patch interrupted her. "O-oh right! Coming! Give me a second!" Pulling out a wand from her short cloak, she adjusted her hat and put her game face on. "I'm up for gate duty now! Can't let them get close enough so they can take down the warding glyphs! Allons-y!" She then scampered off, getting a running start before deploying the wings on her armor that was covered by her cloak. The wings carried her up above the encampment wall, and she assessed the situation.

There was an entire legion of shambling dead out in front, with sand-sucking whirlwinds in the back. She couldn't do anything about the tornadoes, but once the mummies were cleared out things should be fine. The sky's greenish tint made her miss its usual blue. But enough dilly-dally–it was time to wreck these undead servants with a reckoning! Her eyes glowing viridian, she began channeling immense power with arms lifted high. Up above, an arcane sigil within a circle began to appear lit up by the eerie green backdrop of the skies. Chanting, the symbols began to glow brighter and brighter until it was ready to be unleashed. With the stored power in the spell at its peak, Myouga shouted: "LET'S MAKE IT RAIN!"

A huge blast of energy rippled across the skies as the seal activated and a shower of meteors began pelting the advancing enemy. Flaming boulders the size of millstones barreled into the mummies and decimated the first rows like foot soldiers running into a line of archers. Whatever wasn't crushed flat was pulverized and there were smoking craters pockmarking the quartz sand dunes once the spell was over. Feeling a little winded, she landed back on the ground and took a gulp from a mana potion. She had pushed back the enemy's advance a little, now it was somebody else's turn.

Author: Ivacus Manaclaw, Posted: Sun Oct 1, 2017 2:07 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Almost as soon as he got past the front gate, an incredibly enthused voice hailed in his general direction, welcoming him to Aestas with open arms.  It was surprising to say the least; Ivacus either generally went without notice or got permanently banned from re-entry in most of the settlements he frequented.  A small comfort, perhaps, out of many long days of trying to make his way in this vast world alone.

After getting shoved towards the source of the voice by the guards, he was better able to take a look at who had called upon him.  Though she was undoubtedly taller than him, it wasn't by much; she seemed quite small for a human, in his experience.  But for such a small package, she seemed impossibly full to the brim with boundless energy.  He could probably power an entire regiment of zombie footmen with her voice alone and still have plenty to spare.

She introduced herself as Myouga before he could even get a word out as to what he was in response to her queries, and seemed incredibly excited to notify him that she wasn't in fact a human at all, but some sort of intriguing human-demon hybrid judging by the small horns protruding from her forehead.  This Myouga was an interesting specimen certainly…her will to be incredibly bubbly in the face of the crushing desert heat, potentially Hellish heritage, and the potential for the entire outpost to get overrun by a horde of undead was mesmerizing, to say the least.  It almost made him question her intelligence: but if there was one thing he had learned in his travels, it was to never underestimate anyone who seemed harmless. 

Lowering the cloth covering the bottom half of his face, he'd manage a smile and a bow as he got the chance to reply.

"I am Ivacus Manaclaw…I believe those above ground once called my race Kobolds when we were more plentiful.  A pleasure to meet you indeed, effervescently-interesting-Myouga.  Though I wouldn't have guessed your heritage, you were not nearly as horny as I thought you were at first glance."

He turned his hooded head to the sides, taking in the encampment as he continued to speak, making his lack of knowledge of certain idioms in Common painfully clear.  "So tell me, have you learned anything about that pyramid city or whatnot?  I have a vested interest in the undead here, and it's incredibly important that I learn whatever I can.  My friends at the Academy are depending on me, after all."

Though his new companion might have had time to answer, neither of them would have much more time to mull over things further.  A sudden clanging of a bell assaulted his ears as the pace in the town went from casually purposed to incredibly frantic, people rushing to the walls surrounding the encampment and preparing what appeared to be battle stations.  Just before the main gates he came in from closed completely, he caught a glimpse of the forces headed Aestas' way on the horizon.  

So this was the fearsome undead army he had come to learn more about.  Perfect.

However, he'd need to make sure that he survived in order to research it.  And considering this was the only bastion of civilization for miles, it would seem that this settlement would have to survive the onslaught as much as he.  

He had wanted to remain at least somewhat incognito…but unfortunately he'd have to pull out all the stops this time around.  He could explain himself after he singlehandedly bolstered the area's meager forces and led them all to glorious victory.

The little Kobold turned to the oni and smiled with a tinge of maniacal excitement: "tell me, my friend…has anyone here died recently?"

Author: Hans Ze Vampire Hunter, Posted: Sun Oct 1, 2017 12:00 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Meanwhile as this was happening a new person was slowly aproaching the outpost. From the look of things this, new arrival is a man who is dressed in clothes that are quite frankly complelty unsuited for the travel across the desert for many reasons the biggest one being that they are black, but the man didn't seem to care, as he came closer to the outpost. No sooner than 10 minutes later black clad man found himself face to face with the guards at the entrance with whom he started talking:
- Hello zere is zis ze uhm Aeztaz Outpost?- The man asked
- Ehm what? Idid not quite catched that - one of the guards said
- Oh Zorry I will just reapet ekhem "IS This the Aez- I mean s -tas Outpost?" - He asked trying to minimize his accent
- Oh yeah well it isn't the cursed city of the dead so yeah this is the Outpost - Guard said in deadpan tone
- Zat is great newz because zat mean I zat I am in the right place ehm let me introduce myzelf, I am Hans von Hohencolern and I am a Doctor I came here to help ze people, ze wounded - Hans exaplined himself leaving out the fact that he is also a Vampire Hunter, which in his mind drealy affect anything at all and is rather unimportant fact in this situation
- So what is up with the black get up and bird mask then? - Guard asked him a realy good question
- Oh I zpend most of my money on ze supplies and such, so I didn't have any for clothes and mask is filled with herbs to keep the diseases away, you know ze bad air and all - Vampire hunting dcotor explained
- Hmm fair enough you are free to enter
- Oh Zank you very much and sorry if for an problems
- Ehh to be honest you did not even caused any problems realy
- Zat is good to hear
And with that Hans had entere the Outpost

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Sun Oct 1, 2017 11:43 AM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Watching as her professor bolted out the door before her, Liselotte watched as she was running towards the  main gate. "That should help cure her boredom for a little while. I'll leave Professor Ryou to her fun, I could always ask around about the new arrivals later." Closing her novel, she bookmarked her place and went to the stables to see how her Harenian lizard was doing. The stables was one of the more presentable structures in this makeshift settlement. It took many men and a system of ropes to pull the beams up and to secure the roof. Half of the building had its foundation and walls come from a preexisting stone structure, granting it greater stability than if it were made of only timber. There were as many as twenty stalls but there was always the possibility that they would expand and add more.

Finding the numbered stall where Basilius was, she saw he was taking a nap. Unlatching the gate, she quietly slipped in and left an apple beside him. It would be a nice little treat for him seeing he didn't get much variety in his diet here. Something sweet and refreshing would break up the monotony of raw chicken and eggs he had for the past days. He always was so well-tempered, never complaining even if he was disappointed. "I wish I could've brought you to a more exciting place for our first trip together, Basil. But you can rest now. I'll take you for a walk around the perimeter when the winds are less strong." Latching the gate once more, she left the stables to return to the building that served as the local hospital ward. They would need more tonic water and herbal powder ground up for the patients. With more people expected to come in, the numbers of those requiring treatment would increase.

The chaos arising from the sands had gotten the attention of the Goddess of Life herself, and the Mother was coming to assist in healing the injured. The thought of meeting a deity was both exciting and awe-inspiring. What would she say if she ever had the chance to meet Angela face to face? Those thoughts were interrupted as there were people moving about outside. There were shouts and tension in the air. Were they being attacked by bandits? She never would have thought them to be so bold as to prey on the only safe haven in the midst of this madness. But then the shouts gave her second thoughts. This wasn't normal; even bandits wouldn't elicit such an active mobilization. Blowing out the flame of a boiling flask, she grabbed her bow and quiver before leaving. Something was wrong.

"Everyone, defensive positions! Guards, man the watchtowers and bar up the gates! They're coming!" Climbing up to one of the taller buildings in Aestas, she shielded her eyes as she looked out into the horizon. There was something out on the sand, steadily approaching. It looked like a mighty wind following an army. That couldn't be… The mages residing in the settlement took their positions and began to activate a protective barrier over the entire camp while others channeled their power into the warding glyphs. A storm was coming, one borne of the ancient energies from Aysut.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sun Oct 1, 2017 11:15 AM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

Rushing outside, the arcanist made a beeline for the front gate to Aestas. Were there new people here today? Maybe if she was lucky she'd get a chance to interview some important person for the Mage's College! Running down the dusty streets she skidded to a halt when she saw the source of the commotion. The guards were having a squabble with themselves–wait no was it someone else? They were too tall and blocked her view, so she climbed over some crates to get a better look. Her impish smile spread into a grin as she saw the new arrival: a rather small lizard-thing that was standing upright and even shorter than her. She'd never seen the likes of them before, so naturally she was compelled to go see them.

Hopping off her perch, she came out from behind one of the tents to intercept the guards escorting him. "Helloaphant! Welcome new person! Hey, hey can I talk to this guy for a minute? Please? Pleeaaaase?" Her pleading wore down what little resistance the two armed pikemen had, as their long shifts out in the elements tended to force people to make decisions based on how troublesome the choices were. And seeing that she had been confirmed as a professor from Iria, they figured it would be fine to dump this person off on her. Only less than a week had passed before Myouga had gained a reputation among the staff at Aestas as being a handful, though with good intentions. "Sure, knock yourself out. He's all yours." Came the less than enthusiastic response as the guards threw Ivacus to the resident troublemaker. They had learned quickly that the only way to keep her from running amok was to keep her engaged.

With the guards' approval, the little arcanist giggled as she prepared to have a nice chat with this curious lizard-person. "Hey, I've never seen somebody like you before! Sooo~ what are you? Oh–and I'm Myouga! I'm not human, even though I look like I am! See?" She flipped up her bangs to flash her small horns protruding from her forehead before putting them back down. She looked like she had an entire sack full of burning questions and was nearly ready to burst from excitement. Another new race to add to her encounters! The world was certainly full of amazing things.

Author: Ivacus Manaclaw, Posted: Sun Oct 1, 2017 4:21 AM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

"Do keep up will you?  We're almost at the camp."


"Now now, what did I say about whining?  If you didn't want to get turned into a pack mule you shouldn'tve gotten executed for murder, it's that simple!"


A curious sight would crest a small sand dune overlooking the Aestas Outpost: a diminuitive-looking creature in a heavy, tattered cloak, face hidden by a swath of fabric, was pulling a headless corpse carrying a backback on a lead attached to its waist.  It had been making a pitiful hissing sound the entire trip from the nearest settlement…Ivacus knew he should have sewn what remained of this poor criminal's trachea shut before he had embarked on this journey…or perhaps removed the lungs.  But that would have been far too messy an endeavor in a populated area.  Despite the fact that the Kobold was incredibly open with his craft, he didn't want to get arrested for the indecency of desecrating a corpse in public.  Besides, necromancers pretending to be doctors needing a corpse to teach anatomy generally didn't dissect cadavers in the street.

He'd been easy enough to tame; though his soul was overwhelmingly attached to his body after his execution, he didn't have much left of a brain to reason through his situation with.  He didn't ask questions and (mostly) didn't complain; he was the perfect impromptu servant to keep him company on the lizard man's magically aided trek through the barren wasteland.

However, as Ivacus neared the main gate of the settlement, he noticed that his improvised draught horse didn't seem to want to continue onwards.  Ivacus squinted his eyes to get a better look at the half-crumbling stone walls…only to notice the runes.  Obviously a warding spell of some kind, meant to keep out the undead.  The undead he was particularly interested in, that is.  But it also had the side effect of halting his designated pack carrier in his tracks.

"Damn…" he muttered in his native language under his breath as he, with some difficulty, removed his backpack from his zombie's back, before snapping his fingers; it slumped forward into the sand lifelessly, as its body began to succumb to days worth of intense heat almost immediately without Ivacus' energies to sustain it.  He would quietly leave it to dry and rot in the midday sun as he shouldered his pack, plodding the few final steps towards the gate, already opening to a small caravan entering.

Upon reaching said gate, he was greeted unceremoniously by a pike in his face.  Obviously, the guards were incredibly suspicious of him to say the least.

"Who in the blue blazes are you?" mustered the bravest of the quartet of pikemen now holding their weapons at his throat.  Ivacus often forgot how hard it was for people to accept that necromancy could be as harmless as any other discipline…why he even put up with these people and didn't just blast them to smithereens was beyond him at times.

Faced with such tremendous pressure, he bowed low and called upon the ancient art of lying one's way out of any situation once more to aid him.  Though he was once totally ignorant to speaking the language of Common, he had managed to learn how to speak it without too much trouble nowadays, despite the slight hisses and harsh growling undertones that punctuated his dialect.  "Gentlemen, please.  I've traveled all the way here from the Mage Academy at Iria to aid the efforts in containing this undead menace…unfortunately, you had to see my experimental golem break down.  Shame really, I was getting quite attached to him.  Though he wasn't quite as attached to the head I made for him, literally took it off and threw it away after proclaiming he didn't like it!  Aha…foresight is unfortunately not the greatest skill of my creations…but at any rate, would you kindly point me to whoever's in charge here?  They should be expecting me, and I'm quite tired."

The guards conferred amongst themselves for a few moments, debating whether it was an intelligent idea to let a strange lizard creature into their midst.  But deciding that at least it wasn't undead, as it managed to pass the warding hieroglyphics protecting the settlement, they offered him a compromise.

"We'll see about your credentials.  Jyra, Nax, escort this…thing, if you would."

Two sturdy looking men moved from the side and formed up around him, as Ivacus greeted them both with a sarcastic smile thankfully hidden by the cloak covering his muzzle.  "My friend, your generosity is legendary.  Commendable are you, oh high and mightiest of town guards, the bards shall sing praises of your name for generations to come!"

Receiving a deep sneer in response, Ivacus only smiled to himself as two of his new friends took him to the center of town, where the caravan's occupants were unpacking their belongings.  Finally, he would get the chance to see what the fuss was about with these mummies and undead horsemen…truly, it would be a fascinating opportunity to hone his craft indeed.

As long as these uncivilized jerks didn't try and toss him out.  Nobody in the world it seemed was as open-minded as he about these sorts of things.

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Sun Oct 1, 2017 12:24 AM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

News of an ancient city rising from the sands of the Harena Desert had traveled all the way down to Adeluna, and it was no surprise when Professor Ryou came knocking. Since she had some capabilities as a healer, she could assist the travelers intending to venture into the granite and sandstone pyramid or anyone who fell ill. The desert was home to many poisonous and venomous creatures, and this was where her specialization in toxins came to shine. And for once, she could bring Basilius along. Her professor opened a portal to Sularia where they could join a caravan headed for the outpost of Aestas. Her Harenian lizard was perfectly acclimated to the harsh environment, and was happy to finally see the world with his owner. Marcasite was left back at home with her parents, so Basil could get his turn.

Even after the buildings and duties were arranged, it was still far from a relaxing holiday. Sandstorms whipped at the fortifications regularly, and at night the shrieks and howls of specters from times long past roamed the sands. The only thing keeping the dead out were the warding glyphs her former teacher had helped to translate. Resources were being rationed, from food and water to medical supplies. Professor Ryou offered to have things sent in via portal from time to time, but she advised her against it. The mage needed to conserve her magic for emergencies, and potions were in short supply. The clapboard shack that functioned as a tavern only served water, as alcohol would be a poor choice in this arid climate. It would only serve to dehydrate people more, but to make it more palatable a mixture of tonics and herbs were added to prevent sickness. The most important items in their food supplies were citrus and salt. The former was provided by Mamlak and Sularia, while the salt came from the steppes. A new shipment of supplies would be sent every two weeks, but even then they had to be careful with what they had.

There was help coming in from other northern powers like Endapano and even Yovaesh, but not much was heard from the south. It was disappointing, but perhaps Adeluna and Egjora didn't consider the chaos in the Harena their problem. Vilpamolan was too disordered as is to even help, as it was already preoccupied with keeping itself together. Even with the assistance from Parvpora, most of their support would come from Canelux. Looking through the arcanist's notes, Liselotte read her observations on the artifacts brought from Aysut. There were translations of symbols, theories on what the ancient culture that once thrived here had been like, and a mention of local superstitions. Professor Ryou didn't mind her leafing through her notes, and she even let her help draw the pictures of the glyphs that decorated the stone jars and tablets reclaimed from around the pyramid.

The dry heat was slightly more bearable indoors, but after a few days she felt her skin begin to itch from the low humidity. She had to keep her gloves on just to regain that little bit of moisture, which became inconvenient when work had to be done. So far there hadn't been any accidents, and hopefully it would remain that way. For a person who required a great deal of mental stimulation, being stuck in a barren sandscape was torture for somebody like Professor Ryou. Liselotte had been prudent enough to bring a book or two, but the arcanist liked going out and doing things. Her groaning was interrupted by the brief periods of distraction, either through playing board games or visiting the cats.

Speaking of cats, they were brought along as a means to ward off the evil spirits. This superstition was especially strong with the people who lived near the desert, and among the nomads whose way of life depended on going from oasis to oasis. Without anything else to do, the strays became the encampment's mousers, wiping out any rats that would have come along with the wagons and supplies. It was the middle of the day and the heat made one languid and weary. In the stables set up for the dromedaries and nightmares, her own mount was resting in the shade.

The sound of pounding hooves made her look up at the door with a start, her heart rate calming down as it wasn't the undead horsemen. It was easy to forget that the wards would keep them at bay, and they couldn't grow to careless. Should the carved arches fall or the wards lose their strength, Aestas would be overrun. Hearing voices and baying of camels, it appeared the expected caravan had arrived. "I think they're here. Why don't we go see who's outside?" She asked the cropped-haired mage lying face-down into a pillow.    

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:42 PM, Post Subject: The First Wave [O][Event]

"It's so hooooot! There's sand everywhere, and its too dry!" Came a whine from a girl in a white dress over a pair of black trousers. Taking off her hat she sprawled herself over a chair and fanned herself with it. "Well it can't be helped. It is a desert after all. Though I do agree with you there on the last part." A blonde half-elf flipped through a novel  while the other loudly complained. Myouga had come in with the first group of researchers and scholars when Aestas was set up. Along with some mages from Iria's mage academy, she was assisting with analyzing and recording any artifacts brought back to the site that were recovered from the unearthed ancient ruins. She and her friend had come in by caravan, which was a long and stuffy trek across the Harena desert from Sularia. 

"You know professor, if you disliked the climate so much you could have just opened a portal here instead of spending five days in the back of the wagon."
The arcanist looked up lazily at the alchemist from her upside-down position on the makeshift couch. "I knoooow–but I didn't have the exact coordinates for the base camp and I didn't want to just show up in the middle of nowhere." There was also that little 'undead infestation' the desert was having, but they both knew that. The first few days was hectic, as they were spending their hours setting up tents, nailing together shacks, fortifying the old stone walls, and creating the enchanted arches that led into the makeshift settlement. Most of the help came from Mamlak and other towns nearby, and the locals had a hand in helping the researchers decode the glyphs recovered from the towering sandstone and granite structures. Thanks to their efforts, they now had a means to prevent the ghostly riders from breaching Aestas. As long as no one left after nightfall, they would be safe. 

Another thing the locals brought with them, were cats. Lots and lots of cats. Apparently it was due to some superstition relating to associating cats with magic and whatnot, but it only created a now growing population of strays that patrolled the streets in packs. On the plus side, they'd never have a rat problem. So far nothing new had come in for her to look at, and Myouga was very quickly becoming bored. She had already pet every cat in the entire settlement twice, scratched their ears, rubbed their bellies, and teased them with a feather on a string. At this point the cats were getting tired of her coming to play with them and they would just leave. Everybody was having a slow day.

"So boooored…" She groaned, flopping over and burying her face into a bean-husk cushion. "There's nothing to do. How long do we have to wait until we get more people coming?" The mage asked, looking up from lying on her stomach. Her former student thought a bit. "…Well another group of wagons is supposed to come in sometime this week. I'm sure as time passes more people will be stopping by to plan their exploration into Aysut."

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