On the list of places she never wanted to visit, Eyota Etu was at least in her top ten. Evridiki slugged through the heat, cautious of anyone who might have tried to attack her. Although she knew the people of this place to be relatively peaceful, its location was less than ideal for wearing her heavy armor. Of course, she would never take it off, instead favoring her own safety over comfort with all the recent uproar that was brought about by the warped spire. Knowing this, the half-angel kept one hand constantly on the hilt of her sword, ready to attack at any moment.
Despite her reluctance to visit the area, however, she simply could not reject a request made by one of her friends back in Mamlak. Before they had heard news of anything going on in Eyota Etu, her friend's fiancee had mysteriously disappeared while on a delivery mission there. The situation itself was strange, only made worse by the wrath of the gods. In fact, Evri held little hope that the man was even still alive. Even with her best efforts, she couldn't learn from anyone what was happening in the city. All anyone would tell her was "Get away from here" or "You don't want to know". Frustrated and exhausted, Evridiki momentarily let her guard down to think about what could possibly be so terrible that it could prevent anyone from describing it. That was her first mistake.
Her second mistake was not flying out of there while she had the chance. Her bright red eyes flashed up when she heard the sounds of approaching footsteps, and she found herself surrounded by rugged, bloody warriors, each brandishing a weapon of some kind. She assumed they had been drawn to her shiny armor and drooping wings. During this moment, she had the opportunity to escape and ask for help, but she foolishly thought she could fight all of them at once. It only took two seconds for her to be out cold and on her way to the arena. By the time she woke up in the cage, all she could feel was the burning metal against her bare flesh. Her kidnappers had taken all of her armor, save for her boots, leaving her with her tunic and pants, neither of which offered much protection. At least they left her sword.
A wild screech rang out in the cage, drawing her attention to a psychotic-looking man with muscles bigger than her head. Without any more warning, he charged at her, and it became clear what the purpose of this place was. Her friend's fiancee was dead. Acting quickly, she flew up off of the burning floor, took her sword, and lunged at the man. Her blade pierced through his abdomen as it burst into flames, and she ripped it upwards, slicing through his torso all the way to his shoulder. He went down too easily, and the guilt was already plaguing her mind. She needed to get out before this happened again. Chains were thrown around her, forcing her into a room filled with battered and broken fighters. With no way to escape, Evri went into a dark corner of the room to try to form a plan. She watched as some were forced into the cage and new ones entered. One of the newcomers spoke to her, and she looked up at him with dull red eyes. "Evridiki," she responded quietly, studying him with an intent expression. "Who are you? Did you see how they brought you in?"