Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Sebastian Black, Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:23 AM, Post Subject: New to the world [P,R]

Qalindra was quite amused with herself upon learning her randomly-drawn hunch was almost spot on. "Who needs otherworldly senses when you've a woman's intuition, hm?" She quipped while sharing a conspiratorial glance with Taryn before she went below deck and then looked Sebastian's way. He waved off her remark indifferently. "True enough that he doesn't know which way we sailed, though I'd wager he at least knows that we did sail, rather than travel by land or air. Time is of the essence, as they say."

"I personally witnessed you slay Eldritch abominations a squadron of my guards couldn't handle when we all thought the world was coming to an end…and you're worried about one man?" Qalindra questioned, incredulous. Sebastian's demeanor lightened at this, though his tone was still grave. "I'm more concerned about m'lady here than myself," he replied while rapping his knuckles upon one of the Calypso's masts fondly, for luck. "Do you know how long it took me to amass the funds for this thing and learn how to use it, darlin'? That, and I'd prefer it if the bloody cur didn't get an opportunity to lay his belligerent hands back on his family ever again."

Considering him curiously, Qalindra tapped a pondering finger at the corner of her thin, smirking lips. "You've plans for her then," she stated matter-of-factly, almost in a whisper.
"Calypso? Of course. She'll be my home and means of travel for a long time coming, hopefully," Sebastian replied, rather mundanely.
The elf sighed with exasperation. "Oh, Sebastian!" She exclaimed. "Don't be so obtuse. It is endearing at times, but not often to those of us that know better from you."

Sebastian turned to face Qalindra fully at last, jabbing an indicting finger her way before starting down below deck after Taryn. "We are not having this conversation. I am ever the foolish philanthropist. Nothing more."

"…I knew it." Qalindra tittered smugly to herself.

Having stood in the frame of the makeshift room he had quartered off via hanging some embroidered plum-colored linens for a moment, Sebastian at last made himself known. "I could give you a dozen reasons as to why this is or isn't a mistake. All that matters is that you're both safe."
He stepped past the improvised curtain and squatted onto his calves next to mother and child.
"You can stay on the boat if you'd like. Qalindra can be a touch intimidating, so I suppose you can come with me if you want to come into town…"

Sebastian trailed off, smiling sheepishly, autumn gaze alight with mirth. "In either case, I might as well spoil the surprise: I was going to commission some additions to make living aboard a touch more cozy. I'm well-connected here for one reason or another, as you could probably tell from the start with customs."

Author: Taryn, Posted: Wed Mar 4, 2020 10:38 AM, Post Subject: New to the world [P,R]

The noblewoman turned, almost startled by Bash's voice behind her. Still, she managed a warm, soft smile for him as she nodded in answer. "I've not slept that well… Well, in a very long time." In truth, it was when she was first informed of her betrothal that her sleeping quality immediately deteriorated. She made her way over to a rail on the starboard side, folding her arms as she leaned on it, watching the land get closer. "Endapano, the ancient home of elves. Can be very territorial, but also accepting of trades and travelers. Right?"

She was about to wave his comment of her attire the night before away until she realized he was actually complimenting her current, casual self. Taryn blushed as she glanced at him. Her upbringing ensured she did not flounder for words as she struggled for the right thing to say in return. "I… Thank you." Would it be too awkward if she returned the compliment in turn? "You too." The words came out hastily as her blush deepened, turning to idly play with her wedding ring. Only, it wasn't there anymore. It felt strangely empty, the idea of freedom almost daunting in that moment.

Instead, she distracted herself by watching Calypso gliding through the water toward land and docks. She could see people working, busy with heavy loads. As the Calypso came up to the dock, Taryn watched the elf who stood there with interest. Her mother-in-law was elvish, but there were subtle differences between the two women. This woman had higher cheekbones and longer ears. She padded back to the entrance which held her sleeping child within, listening to the banter between Bash and elf, the familiarity and feigned dislike. An expression of alarm washed over her as Qalindra made an accurate assumption over Taryn's presence aboard the Calypso, glancing between elf and man.

Sebastian shrugged it off as he introduced her to the elf. The entire time, Taryn remained silent, standing rather protectively by the entrance below. He may know her, but did he trust her? He lowered the ramp, Qalindra boarded and Taryn stiffened as she realized that she was making a beeline straight for her. Qalindra's hands were warm as they cupped around Taryn's own, her voice alluring. Anxiety welled up within the noble, her panicked eyes beseeching Sebastian for assistance. "I… Can't," she whispered. This was uncharted territory for her, but the wounds were too fresh, too tender to share with someone not in the know. Last night had been one of overwhelming joy, but she was still bouncing between fear of and willingness to stand against Elwin.

Taryn made her green gaze to meet the blues of Qalindra, pulling her hand from the elf, her soft voice steeled in detached authority. "I'm here of my own will. He knows not where we sailed." With another glance at Sebastian, a look of defeat set on her face, she retreated below deck, to the bed where her son lay. She fell to her knees next to it, taking a single hand as she gently moved Arziros's hair from his face, curl by curl, fighting the tears that threatened to soak her cheeks. "Was this a mistake, Ari? Should we return home? To Kieran?" she whispered the questions. Her son stirred, opened his eyes and smiled at Taryn, a small hand reaching out to cup her cheek.

Author: Sebastian Black, Posted: Tue Mar 3, 2020 7:18 PM, Post Subject: New to the world [P,R]

Graphite dashed, drawing hand guided by another, unseen one across worn pages. Pages filled with memories of Sebastian's life, illuminated by a brilliant morning sun. The wind swept across the sea and through his hair as he diligently sketched. Three dimensions were captured within two as line drawings gradually transformed into recognizable figures. Taryn's soft smile and Arziros' unbridled excitement upon boarding were depicted as accurately as possible, to commemorate the day prior. On the page next to it were busts of Kieran and Elwin back to back, with artistic emphasis placed on their differences. When he looked up at last to rest his eyes, Taryn was standing at the railing where she was upon deck in his drawing.

"Sleep well? It was a touch stormy late in the night." Sebastian asked and greeted her warmly as he closed his journal. He was seated near the helm, left leg crossed over right. It was rather warm for the time of year, and being out on the sea. He was dressed today in loose-fitting fisherman's trousers and a baggy v-cut tunic, both a matte grey. His bare feet padded across the planks as he casually took the wheel to make some small corrections to course. "We're approaching Endapano. I've a few connections there for some supplies."

Sebastian glanced at Taryn once more, a nigh unreadable expression playing across his features. He was silent for several moments, as though considering words. "Not that your regalia last night wasn't regaling - being dolled up and all that….I think this look suits you better, though."

The Calypso began to drift smoothly alongside the docks just then, where a fair-haired representative of Endapano customs awaited. The woman's refined high elven features, tinged with an almost somewhat sour ennui, sweetened at noticing Sebastian's ship. He saluted as they approached with a playful, razzing snap to the movement. This elicited a sigh of feigned disgust and a roll of the elf's crystalline blue eyes.

"Come on aboard, ma'am. I've nothing to hide," Sebastian promised, crossing a hand over his heart.

"You and I both know that's a crock of manure," the elven woman retorted, tilting her hip and crossing her arms.

"Been awhile, Qalindra."

"Not long enough."

Gulls circled and yawped overhead anxiously. Occasionally, a fishing vessel would arrive. If they were quick enough, they could snatch a free snack from the deck. They were sorely disappointed this time around when diving clumsily for a closer inspection.

"If I didn't know you any better, I'd assume this poor maid you've got here is the wife of some foreign caliphate or something, now on the warpath, following you here," Qalindra jested with a genuinely grave tone while bowing her head towards Taryn. "I thought you dealt in spooks and weighty books, not flesh and blood…are you going to introduce us properly?"

Sebastian offered a sheepish grin, ruffling his messy hair while shrugging. "Firstly, that's perhaps half correct. Secondly, Qalindra, this is Taryn. Her son, Arziros, is below. Probably still adrift. The ocean works better than valerian root on the wee ones."

Qalindra shared a silent, knowing glance for one moment longer with Sebastian before he lowered the ramp onto the deck to allow her to board. The elf strode directly to Taryn, taking her hand in both of hers cordially. "I would very much like to hear the whole story from you, my dear. For security reasons, of course. We can meet up with Sebastian later…?" She glanced back his way and he gave her a nod as he began to don his jacket and effects spread out about the deck.

Author: Taryn, Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 12:04 AM, Post Subject: New to the world [P,R]

Taryn snuggled into her son, feeling quite warm and comfortable, not quite ready to open her eyes to greet the new day. When she finally did, she did not recognize anything at first. She was surrounded by dark, wooden furniture inside a room that seemed to be swaying and creaking softly. Even the blankets that covered her were not her own. It took several long moments for her to remember that this was Sebastian’s boat, his home. Everything had not been a dream, she really had broken things off with Elwin and stepped out on her own in the big, scary world with only an acquaintance by her side. She was trusting him with both of their lives.

The fact that he agreed at all stunned Taryn. She was still in a dazed state of mind when she broke the news to Kieran. Her brother-in-law had stood silent for a long moment as he regarded her. Then his hands cupped her cheeks, his lips planted a long kiss on her forehead before wrapping his arms around her. “Stay safe. Write to me when you can. Come back and visit. We’ll be here.” For Sebastian, he offered a handshake. “Keep an eye on your back. My brother does not play fair.” While half of her wanted to shake him, scream at Kieran for not putting up a fight for her to stay, Taryn was not at all surprised with his acceptance. Teu and Kieran had both been trying to get her to make her own decisions since she was taken in.

When Sebastian first showed her his ship, the young noblewoman’s jaw practically dropped as she stared in wide-eyed amazement. While she had seen the flying machines, she had not seen an actual boat in person before. Tales of sailors fighting and wrestling with nature fascinated her as a child, but it was never “lady like” to hold such fancies dear. As she climbed aboard, Arziros wiggled out of her arms to run in circles across the deck, his small arms spread wide as he giggled. Taryn’s hand trailed along the railing as she turned to Sebastian with a genuine smile.

As the memories came to her, Taryn carefully slid from her comfortable spot, trying not to disturb her slumbering child. She grabbed her favorite sweater which had a wide neck that hung off of her shoulder and pulled it on before tying her hair up in a messy bun as she went up the stairs. A hand went up to guard her eyes as the sun was shining bright in the sky.

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