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Author: elusivephantom, Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 4:07 PM, Post Subject: The Wrong Merchant [r/p]

[[ooc: gm permission given]]

A cloaked figure walked through crowded streets, pushing through the crowds and fetching objects from the pockets of those seemingly better off. So far, the figure had come away with a fair number of coins and, having grown bored with simple coin, even a few objects of varying size and weights. The man had to admit, his mark of choice were high elves with minds screaming their hidden disdain.

The man stood now in an alley just off the main path with his back against the side of one of the various shops.  Glancing at him, most would likely write him off as of no import and scarcely recall him if pressed later. His jet black hair didn’t stand out much among most humans and his manner of dress, while cleaner than most in his profession, wasn’t ostentatious by any means. The detail typically remembered by those whose gaze met his own were the icy blue eyes he possessed. In a lifetime past, the man’s gaze could have been called cold and calculating; soul piercing, even.

In his right hand, Kale held a cube-shaped box with puzzles on five of its six sides. The fingers of his new idly flicked across one of the puzzles, shuffling set in blocks around side. The fingers still lacked the deftness of his original hand, but these may well surpass the original in time.

A figure walked by the alley and drew his attention. Kale looked up to see another human walk by pulling a cart; a trader by the look of things. A small portal appeared and the cube was tossed into it as the gateway vanished. Kale picked the slipped the hood back up over his head and slipped out into the mass of people. He was careful to stay out of his target’s sight, following him all the way to an inn. The pickpocket frowned and slipped into another alley to watch and wait. Before long, his mark reemerged and the pursuit began again.

Finally, the man entered a more crowded part of the city; the perfect place to stage a run in. The thief’s body vanished, slipping into a breeze that flowed passed the merchant and carried Kale’s form to an alley beyond. He casually slipped back to the crowd and headed straight for Raile.

His head lowered and Kale bumped hard into the mark. Slipping his hand behind Raile’s back, Kale patted him and said, “Oh no, I’m so sorry! Are y’alright mate? I’m so sorry. You’re not hurt are you? Here, let me brush you off a bit.” His hand slipped into an open pack while he brushed, setting his fingers upon a hard pointed object and making it vanish into a portal of his making. His task done, he quickly dashed off with a final apology, “Sorry again, mate. I’ve gotta dash, but I’m sure glad you’re alright! Take care, friend!”

He slipped into the crowd again, ducking into the shadows of an alley to inspect his spoils. The box reappeared and he began fumbling at its lock; too curious to consider how reckless he was being.

Author: Raile, Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:56 AM, Post Subject: The Wrong Merchant [r/p]

It had been some time since Raile had left out of Jayou, leaving the twins behind to mind the shop while he was away.  This wasn't the first time he would do so, nor the last, as he had grown to trust them with the upkeep.  That being said, he was homesick, which was something that surprised the merchant more than anything.

Having been traveling most of his adult life, Raile had adapted to the concept that home is where the heart is.  Now that he had a storefront and what consisted of a family, he now longed for Jayou and the twins.

Raile's cart rocked as he ran over a small rock, causing him to wince in pain.  The land bridge to Endapo was quite an extraordinary thing to behold, but traveling with wheels was a potential nightmare.  Endapo was well known for it's rare animal trade, and while it was borderline cruel in some cases, it was the best opportunity Raile would have to get some ingredients for Leilah's alchemy needs.  His short term goal was to look for those interested in trading for coin.  Between those down and out on their luck, and those willing to bargain for a little extra coin, he could make a killing just in basic trades. 

Of course, Endapo may not be the perfect location for it, but he had never been, so at the absolute worst, he would gather information.  There was always money for an info broker. 

The cart hit another bad spot, and Raile grumbled, and sighed.  “I really miss them…” he said aloud as he approached the gates of Endapo.

It wasn't long before he was situated with an Inn, and back out on the streets, coin in his pockets, and his eyes scanning for anyone looking to trade.  Animals of all kinds littered the streets, either bound or caged as onlookers debated on what they'd offer.  Many looked to be young and terrified, but some of the others appeared calm and collected, as if they were second hand.

Raile's heart dropped a little.  He really might have come to the wrong place.  He sighed, and started to wander.

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