Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Harena Wastelands > Endapano > Healing [O]

Character Info
Name: Tristana Deformem
Age: 19
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: At the moment she is a traveler
Silver: 302
The battle with the insects was finally over. However, the damage to Endapano was clear. Survivors and refugees still remained at the tents and forts since their homes were still deemed unsafe. Rouge insects looking for vengeance could still be around the city and many of the houses had broken glass or broken roofs. Nobody would be safe living in the city until it had been fully repaired. Some of the survivors headed home but they did so on their own terms and with warnings of the possible dangers. Most of them were still at the fort. Injured and wounded soldiers flooded in from their battles at the front and nearby locations. Healers at the tents now had double what they used to have when the battle was ongoing. There were the emergency tents that had the most desperate patients, there were the regular tents where less desperate patients were sent, then there were the resources tents where healers made the herbs and mixtures for healing. Inside one of the resources tents, a young woman was holding a mortar and pestle.

The woman had a robe with a hood that covered her head and shadowed half of her face. She was crushing the dried stem, leaves, and flower of a plant in order to use it in a tincture. Most of the other healers were busy with the patients themselves while Tristana, the woman, had decided to help make more medicine since they were running low. They had a whole bag filled with all sorts of herbs and health potion ingredients. With all these injured and wounded flooding into the fort, Tristana wondered if they would have enough ingredients. Her hands were sore from using the mortar so much today. Small pink blisters had appeared on them but Tristana did her best to ignore it. Soon she had enough juice from the plant to pour into a small cauldron next to her. There was a small fire underneath the cauldron to heat up the pot’s contents. Inside the pot was a red liquid with little bubbles coming out of it. Tristana put down her mortar and pestle. She then reached over to the cauldron and stirred it with a long wooden spoon that had been given to her. It was a batch of Rejuvenation potions.

Unfortunately, these potions took a long time to actually make but with the size of the cauldron and the amount of ingredients available, Tristana was able to make a relatively large amount of it. Tristana sniffed the liquid inside the pot to see if it smelled right. It seemed to be fine and the color was correct. She finished stirring then reached down to pick up an empty bottle. Tristana poured the mixture into the bottle using her wooden spoon. After that she closed up the bottle using a cork and labeled it as Rejuvenation potion. Then she repeated this over and over until the liquid in the cauldron was gone. After all of that, she sat herself on a stool with a sigh. She was glad she was finally done with that one. However, her work was not done yet. Tristana still needed to get all of these potions over to the main tents. She packed up the potions and any other tinctures she was able to find, and put them all into a large open crate.

Tristana cast a spell of Strength in order to be able to pick up the heavy crate. She then squatted down and used her legs to pick up the crate. Then Tristana made her way over to one of the large tents and placed down the crate in front of it. She peered into the tent and observed the inside of the area. Tristana spotted a rack where the potions were supposed to go. She was careful to stay out of the way but she picked up several potion bottles and placed them on the rack. Then she slipped out of the healers tent and went back over to the crate. She picked up the crate and walked over to the next tent. Soon she had got at least five rejuvenation potions over to each tent. Then, with her empty crate, she began to walk back to the resource tent.

Tristana felt tired from working on all those potions and medicines for most of the day. The sky was the shade of bright red as the sun was beginning to set in the sky. She could hear the sound of voices celebrating in the distance. Her eyes looked over to see the sight of people dancing and celebrating around the fire in the distance. People would be celebrating after the war was over. These soldiers and survivors all probably thought that this war would destroy them all. In their minds, this might have been as though this was a miracle day. Tristana’s eyes gazed longingly at the party but her feet traveled over to the resource tent. She would need to begin another batch tonight. And she would also need to clean bandages, organize herbs, sew people’s ripped clothes, boil water, check the supplies, and a variety of other stuff that needs to be done.

Nobody was making her do this. She was doing it of her own agenda. It was something that needed to be done. If Tristana didn’t do it then nobody would. So she headed back to the resource tent with her crate. After putting it down she walked over to the bandages to get them washed up. They didn’t really have enough bandages to throw out used ones. Besides these were made to be cleaned and renewed. She picked up the basket of dirty bandages and dumped them into a bucket. There was soapy water in there so she didn’t need to worry about that. Then she used a long stick to move the bandages around in the bucket and to clean them. The soap was very special since it would strip away the bacteria that the bandages had on them. Or at least that is what the healers said. After cleaning them in the soap she rinsed the bandages in another bucket then hung them to dry.

After all that work Tristana cleaned up her hands and then walked straight to the herbs to organize them. Her feet was tired after all that walking around so it was nice to sit and organize lovely smelling herbs. Or at least some of them smelled lovely. She then heard a noise around the tent and looked up. Somebody was coming to the tent. Maybe whoever it was needed something? 

“Your choices are your own. The past doesn’t excuse now.”

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