Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Jadira, Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 4:53 PM, Post Subject: Wheels of Fate Turning [Open,R]

Jadira listened to the strange man as he said, -my child-. That was a very odd thing to say. Jadira only had to ponder a bit before she realized what this meant. This was no regular man. Now, all made sense. Now, Jadira understood why everybody seemed to avoid him. He was a priest! People were probably avoiding him since they didn't want a long lecture about the gods! It was clear that he wasn't a regular priest. His outfit, eyes, and general looks was not one of the priests who follow the Goddess of Life. Definitely not a generic priest who praised all of the gods. This guy clearly specialized. Jadira decided what he had to be. A priest of Dalanesca? His outfit was dark and seemed to be unique. It was somewhat similar to clothing styles of the followers of Dalanesca.

Both him and Dalanesca's followers preferred darker themes and less armor. The sound of his voice was cold yet somehow respectful. Jadira had only met a couple of Dalanesca's followers. Some of the follwers loved death an everything to do with it and showed it with the vicious enthusiasm in their voice. Other followers of Dalanesca had a colder attitude but still had a bit of respect depending on who you were. Those followers were also a lot more likely to stuff like, -my child- or -little one-. Jadira didn't really mind the phrase. She just found it interesting on how they were able to work those words into a phrase. If Jadira tried, it would probably sound extremely awkward. Then again, she felt as though she was the embodiment of all awkwardness. She heard Xunatar ask her a question. Jadira opened her bag and took out a simple journal. It was her second one. She kept one for her thoughts and the other for notes about all the monsters she came across. The journal had ten pages filled up. Three of those pages were dedicated to the bugs. Seven of those were for other monsters she came across. 

"I know their three major species and some of their subspecies. And some other stuff." Jadira said awkwardly. 

She opened the journal and turned to the first page which was labeled, ANTS. The handwriting was neat and orderly. However, the drawings Jadira made was no better than a toddler's drawing. The ants looked like three ovals with little legs sticking out and a couple of circles on the face that was meant to be eyes. The information actually written down seemed to be the most important part. 

  • Hive minded. Aka, they have super telepathy. 
  • Three subspecies
  • First subspecies: Feral. Oversized ant. Some are described as large as a dog. Some are described as large as a bear. Super strong. Legs, antennas, and eyes are the weakest parts of it. 
  • Second subspecies: Drone. Ant human thing that is weaker than soldier ants. Numerous and really good at the hive mind thing. They do combat but mostly in groups. Real good at coordination. They are much easier to kill compared to the other two but scary when able to use numbers as advantage. 
  • Third subspecies: Soldier. 4-6 strong thin arms. Some regular mouths. Some mandibles. They have retractible claws. Well trained and they work together. Super hard to kill compared to the other two species. 
  • Their weapons are a variety of stuff and their armor is thick. 
  • Magic: Can do fire and earth magic. Unknown if they can do anything else. 
  • Weaknesses: From the information gathered, it seems they all have something in common. They rely on their hive mind. If one can slice off their antennas, they will be separated from the tactic they depend on most. Cutting at their arms also seems to be a good tactic. They rely on each other and it is difficult to hold the element of surprise. Best to defeat them in teams and to pick them off one by one. Don't bother with stabbing most of the ant's in the chest. They are heavily protected there. Even some of the drones. ——–
Jadira then put her journal in her bag again. 

"I went around to the soldiers who had already in battle and learned about each of the bugs." Jadira explained, "I only wrote down what they all seemed to have agreed on. Although, I'm uncertain whether ants are capable of magic. Some of the soldiers claim they can't while some claim they can. I put it down just in case."

Jadira may have seemed too friendly but she wasn't too concerned about this man. She only shared the info that was about the bugs. Besides, he was wanting these creatures dead too. Or at least that's what she assumed since he was here. There was a good chance that he already knew all of this. Jadira then turned around to look at the soldiers. Then she turned back to Xunatar. 

"Want to come with me?" She asked curiously. 

Jadira figured that he might be itching for action since he seemed relatively bored. Or perhaps that was his regular facial expression. Then she remembered how he was on his knees earlier. Jadira had forgotten about that. Now she had just invited somebody who might have been injured onto a journey to kill bugs. Great. 

"Wait." She said, "I didn't remember. Since you're injured you'd probably better stay here. I don't want to get in trouble with the healers for inviting an injured priest or anything." 

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:53 PM, Post Subject: Wheels of Fate Turning [Open,R]

Their lives ahead, as well as their deaths, were as readable as one of the books on his shelf. No one else could possibly understand this leverage but him, and perhaps those that had control over this domain in the days where gods went absolutely without unchallenged. Though seemingly simple strings of magic literally at his fingertips, there was much power to be had, though he wasn’t keen on the cost of it. Pain ruptured through his core, his body shaking from the gift that weed had forced onto them without rhyme or reason. If the demon could have had his way, he’d uproot it and still kept his domain. Such pretty thoughts escaped him as he became conscious of the fact that there were some that were watching him in this vulnerable state. If nothing peeved him greatly, it was showing weakness to another. Xunatar couldn’t stand it one bit- not even family or those closest to him were to see him like this. Perhaps it was vanity that made him so unwilling to expose himself in such a manner, preferring to suffering (if needed) in solitary and silence. He was one the driving forces here, and to be on the ground like this- it would lose the shaky confidence these people had. Having risen to his feet, Xunatar looked around, his eyes still illuminating an array of colors from sea green to a deep purple.

A thought crossed the demon’s mind as he glanced upon his palm; could it be possible to tamper with fate? It seemed logical considering his temporary domain, but there had to be a limit, yes? For the time being, his body was getting accustomed to it just like he had twice already. At the very least, he didn’t have to worry about losing consciousness like the previous times. The smell of blood drew his attention over to an elven woman that had been sharpening her blade. He wasn’t shy about his observations, which became clear that she seemed young for her race. Perhaps she hadn’t been in battle before but it could also be a ruse- for what, he couldn’t say. While he could have very well used his new abilities and sneak a peek into her fate, he’d prefer to discover the unknown as he had always done.

One would need wits as well as a sharp blade to fend off these…things. These wicked foreign things with strong mandibles, pinchers, and stingers. Already too many had lost their lives so foolishly to underestimate the bugs and he’d rather not tap too deep into his resources to make these ends meet. The God turned his attention away for a moment as more causalities were being brought back in makeshift stretchers from the battlefield by rescuers. Some had deep wounds while the unfortunate few looked like they were maimed. Her voice caught his attention but his eyes lingered on them and the invisible strings tugged at him. Many of them would die before they reached operations.

Such was life.

“All around, my child. But then again, I suppose you mean the battlefield… it's towards the western part of Endpando, not too far from this camp.” His tone was respectful yet a coldness lingered like a venom at each end of the world pronounced. His shifting eyes drew upon her, his face void of emotion. To ask such a question like that showed her hastiness yet she was brave enough to face the unknown all the same. “What have you been told of the enemy?”, he asked nonchalantly as another thought rose to his mind. Perhaps in awe of his new strength, Xunatar hadn’t noticed something- that she had approached him as one would any other mortal in this land. It wasn’t a shocking concept and if she had known his true identity- chances were good that she wouldn’t have come to him at all.

Author: Jadira, Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:40 AM, Post Subject: Wheels of Fate Turning [Open,R]

Jadira had only arrived to this camp a few moments ago. She didn't come with a group but instead came on her own. Jadira had simple leather armor on in order to keep her speed and agility up. She wasn't keen on the idea of being slower than the enemy. Especially since some of those enemies would be stronger than her. Yet she did not want to go into battle without any armor at all. Her sword was an Ataiyan Katana that she managed to buy. She would have preferred a broadsword or something but she could use this one just fine. It was the best sword that she owned at the moment, it would have to work. When Jadira looked around her, she could see the fear in the soldiers' eyes. It was difficult for her to tell apart which forces fell under which god but a lot of them had that same fear. Some of them had rage or what Jadira would call determination. Fear during this situation was normal. As was anger or determination. They were in war zone. It was expected. This was the first war that Jadira had actually been in but she expected that it wouldn't be the last. Honestly she wished she could get back to her quest but if the bugs took over Canelux then it would all really just be over.

She untied her ponytail and pushed back her long black hair. Then she tied it back into a ponytail. Hair getting in the eyes would become an annoyance in battle. Jadira walked around the area until she spotted Xunatar. Jadira didn't really know who he was since she had never met the god and her obliviousness could impress even the most unobservant. She had noticed him since he had fallen onto his knees and was looking around at other people in an odd way. She couldn't put a name to it. Jadira stood watching him awkwardly then began to walk towards him. She was intending to help him up but then he stood up on his own. Jadira stopped walking towards him. Well, now she felt even more awkward. Jadira turned away from him hoping that he hadn't noticed. She ended up finding a boulder that nobody else was sitting on and started to sharpen her blade with a whetstone. Occasionally she would look at Xunatar to see if was doing fine. The last thing they needed was another soldier injured or for somebody to be possessed through a spell or something. Could the bugs even use magic? For a moment Jadira was not paying attention and as a result her hand slipped. She ended up cutting herself on her own blade. 

Silently Jadira cursed at herself for doing such a rookie mistake. Perhaps it was the nerves of the battle, or the fact she wasn't paying enough attention. Bits of blood trickled from her hand. The cut was not deep but was enough to be bleeding. It was less like a blade and more like a large paper cut. Either way, it should have not happened. Jadira took out her canteen of water and poured a bit of water on it to get rid of the bleeding. She tore off a piece of fabric from one of her other outfits from her bag and wrapped it around her hand. Jadira didn't really know if that was how to treat small injuries but it was better than nothing. Then she continued on with sharpening her blade. Soon it was ready and she placed the whetstone back into her bag. She was prepared for battle. Jadira then decided to go finally talk to Xunatar. Maybe he would know what they were actually planning to do or what was going on in general? She walked up to him. 

"Hi. Where is the battle at?" She said. 

Great socialization skills…That was not something she was known for. But it was something she would have to improve in the future. 

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 11:49 PM, Post Subject: Wheels of Fate Turning [Open,R]

Of course, that overgrown weed would pull something like this; though there wasn’t an ounce of complaint that would come from his mouth. Once those words from the Voice had echoed throughout the land, Xunatar felt a tingling sensation washing over his body and a deep frown came over him. “What now…” His fingers twitched out of control, much to his dismay. The god could feel the sensation overtaking him, something he hadn’t felt since his ascensions. What now, what was the Voice’s plan this time? The force pulled at him so great that he fell onto his knees and leaned partially against the side of the fort’s wall. Glancing up, he looked to those around him- followers of his banner, those of Angela’s, and the warriors, healers, and others that had joined the fight against the bugs. There was something odd about them whenever his eyes landed on a certain person; their auras felt much different to him now. Lifting one of his fingers to them, a string of sorts was drawn between him and the man that stood guard. Within a few brief moments, he witnessed something strange.

He witnessed the guard’s soon to be death- one where he could recall the vivid details before he pulled himself back and severed the connection. But it wasn’t going to be the end of that- for he felt numerous strings draw out from his fingertips and fell onto nearly everyone present. Of course from their lack of reactions to them, it seemed like only he could see them. So many images fell onto his mind, of what was waiting for them in the coming days. Some would survive for sure and others would die on the battlefield. His eyes were illuminated with several colors flashing at once. Cold breaths slipped from his mouth as the god rose to his feet. He felt disconnected from his own self and yet at the same time Xunatar was in his own skin.

“Premonition?” Was that what he had undergone?

The Weave of Fate, at least that’s what he saw it as was strung by him and him alone until the Voice took what it gave him. Xunatar wouldn’t bother to see if he could affect the insects or look into their fortunes- he doubted that it would work on them any more than the previous powers they had wielded. Even if they could, he didn’t need to read into it to know that the forces of Revaliir would go and win this savage war.

But for the time being, he needed to see what other things he could tap into with his newfound power…

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