Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Hiro Kouen, Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 12:13 AM, Post Subject: [EVENT]Cast Thy Judgement[O/R]

Hiro Kouen had been protecting the fort, he had intended to visit Lady Angela, but there needed to be a lull in the battle for him to make his way to her.  So Hiro did what he usually did, crack some skulls.  Or exoskeletons, carapaces . . . whatever, insects didn't exactly have "skulls" to crack, but the point is, Hiro was destroying insects with his magic and sword skills.  Hiro cleaved through a insect soldier's head with his blade, then unleashed a blast of flame at the remains of the body, making sure it was dead.  The young Phoenix Knight saw a group of flying insects fly overhead, Hiro summoned his armor's phoenix wings.

"Oh no you don't, you bastards!"  They were breaking through the front lines, making their way toward the healers, and Lady Angela.  He would not let them take her life.  She was like . . . the only mother figure he had left.  He lost his father in combat, and his mother was gone too, he had no other family, but Angela knew his father, Sabishii, when they were in the old world.  She was a family friend.  He couldn't let another close friend suffer like that again.  Hiro plunged up into the air and gave chase to the flyers.  He managed to gain on them, and unleashed hell on the first one with a blast of flame when it wasn't looking.  With that one dead, he focused on the second one, which was now aware of his location.  There was a third one that continued onward, but the second, wasp-like insecoid decided to try and hold Hiro off, so its brethren could complete its mission.  Hiro growled under his breath, and clashed with the insect, swinging his blade at it while in midair.  The insect parried the blow, and fought defensively, parrying each blow Hiro threw at it, while flying backwards.  Hiro continued to push the assault, mixing in flames with his sword slashes.  But the insect was too fast, and kept dodging and parrying the young warrior's attacks, as if looking to waste his time, and trying to bait the best time to counter attack.  Hiro started getting frustrated, he prepared to unleash a bigger attack, but then a voice filled Hiro's head.

A temporary loan?  What the hell?

Hiro's questions were answered with an immense flash of golden flames radiated from the fort.  A wave of golden flames radiated outward.  These were no mundane flames, something more divine.  The insect making its way toward the fort was instantly incinerated.  Then the one Hiro was doing combat with.  Then Hiro himself was struck by a wave of these golden flames.  A wave of emotions and memories filled his mind.  Breaking his mother's favorite vase.  Every argument he got into with his parents as a lad.  That one time he hit another child out of anger.  Scaring a group of children with his fire magic, before he had full control over it, because they were picking on him.  Any time he killed an enemy, even if it was rightfully done, he remembered, and the memories all burned his body.  Hiro felt the flames of judgment burning him.  It wasn't lethal, it wasn't that horrible, the sins he committed weren't THAT bad.  It still hurt for a bit, until it died down.  When Hiro opened his eyes, he found himself falling towards the ground,  He managed to pull up, but it was too late, he still skidded across the ground, finally coming to rest face down in the mud.

"Ow."  Hiro took a moment to recover, before pulling himself out of the dirt and mud, which now covered his normally shiny, crimson and gold armor.  He started to wipe the dirt off of his body, before turning to see where the hell he was.  He was in the courtyard, some distance away from where Lady Angela was on the ground, motionless.  "Oh god.  Lady Angela!"

Before he could run over there, a woman he recognized as Toya, one of Angela's sisters, stormed up to her, shouting and yelling at her.  She picked the GODDESS off the ground, and slapped the hell out of her.  Hiro winced.  That looked like it hurt.  Wait, why the Hell was she hurting Lady Angela?  The Goddess woke up, they exchanged words, before the Goddess got punched in the face.  Immensely hard.

Hiro was furious.  He started to storm over there.  He probably shouldn't get involved, but he couldn't stand for someone to punch Lady Angela, an esteemed Goddess of LIFE in the face.  But then another woman appeared in the sky, with angel wings, who Hiro did not recognize.  But she looked a lot like Lady Angela herself did.  They talked together a bit.  Then Toya stormed off presumably to kill more insects.  Lady Angela unleashed a huge mass of healing energy across the battlefield.  Hiro looked toward the tents where the dead or wounded were contained.  People were getting up, even those covered with cloth, those who were actually DEAD, they were getting up.  She had actually revived the dead, something he knew Lady Angela had refrained from doing the most.

Finally, when all was said and done, when Hiro saw it was safe to approach her, he walked up to the Goddess.

"A-Are you all right?  Lady Angela?  I saw all that golden fire, and everything.  Then your sister decking you, and ugh, that made me angry.  The nerve of her to punch you, even if you're sisters!"  Hiro sighed and calmed down, looking visibly upset.  "I missed you, Lady Angela, I haven't seen you in forever, after everything happened between you dying, and then my Mother and Father coming back, then both dying, and Miss Sapphire going off to Mage Academy.  I-I didn't know what to do.  I kept meaning to visit you, but I've been just afraid, and overwhelmed, and every emotion in the book!"  Hiro felt every bit of fatigue hit him, even though his wounds were healed, he felt drained.  Like everything that happened in the past few years caught up to him.  His legs wobbled, and he fell to his knees, using his arms to catch himself.  He felt tears coming to his eyes as he remembered everything that happened to since they last spoke.  "I'm sorry, I don't know what's happening to me, Lady Angela.  I feel so sad."

Author: Kraken, Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:58 PM, Post Subject: [EVENT]Cast Thy Judgement[O/R]

Dragons and dragon-riders had a habit of turning the tide of battle, Brenna noted, watching as the world was set ablaze. The same went for Goddesses. So when the two fell from the heavens together, it was as if everyone's prayers -saving those of the insectiods, of course- had been answered. The mercenary smiled a wide, bitter smile, the distant treeline bursting into flame, a burning beacon that illuminated the open ground between there and the wall. Great jets of flame roasted the invaders, a couple dozen being cremated at a time. This army will be a tasty morsel, she and the dragons thought, supposedly, anyway. Not that she would ever dare feast on the flesh of freakishly big insects. She'd leave that to the flying reptiles; their wings fanned the flames, driving the bugs into a desperate frenzy. They wanted to avoid the scaled beasts ire, and what better way to do that than getting close to their most hated enemy: humans. 

Fending off a sword from her left, Brenna raced to push the insects back, unaware that Angela the Unconscious was being brought back to the land of the living as they fought. It was difficult to concentrate on anything else when a mantis the shape of a man was trying to gut you with a sword more bone than malleable metal. She turned the point aside, a quick pirouette helping her to bisect the mantis. She twisted the blade free, black blood splashing her chest. It was then she noticed how exhausted she felt. Every parry left her arm feeling heavy, a numbness spreading through the limb as she swept aside a club meant for her skull. Every slash and stab of her own blade took up more energy, slowly but surely wearing her down. Her forearm bled from a shallow cut, a sword-blow that had made it past her guard. Her cheek bled to, though she hadn't noticed it until now, a mix of sweat and mud and blood making her hair stick to her forehead. She couldn't say how long she'd been fighting, only that it never seemed to end. There were so many bugs, too many for her to handle alone. 

A mistimed block left her doubled up, the wind driven from her lungs. Packed so tightly together, the dragon riders couldn't risk helping the defenders up on the wall. Too many of their own would be caught in the flames, and they had orders. Brenna didn't know this. She only knew that her body hurt all over, that a ladybug had gotten the better of her, that her comrades were too busy fighting for their own lives to save hers. The ground felt cold through her gloves, arms outstretched to steady her. The reaper's shadow loomed, come to take life and soul. 

And then there was light….

A strange blue-green light, so bright, too bright; it blinded her, and the ladybug, and those around her. And then it was gone. As were her wounds, and the exhaustion, a new energy rising in it's place, adrenaline and an unsaid purpose driving her upwards, her sword arcing in to catch the ladybug beneath the chin. She felt glorious, an upheaval of emotions swelling her breast, making her feel proud and strong and like a new, improved Brenna. The strange iridescent light that had returned air to her lungs and healed her wounds leaked from her skin. It wove it's way through the ranks; those allied to the Goddesses' being brought back to life. Those that still stood redoubled their efforts. They moved faster, hit harder, thought more fluently, a second sense easing their path to victory. 

Brenna helped a Rosenite archer to her feet, the battle for the wall all but done as the attackers were surrounded and cut down. The little, stubborn groups were mopped up, simple, no drama. Then her attention drifted to the fight below, the field of fire and death. Defenders were pouring from the gates, sallying out to aid their rescuers. Shouts of "Bless you, oh mighty Toya!" and "Thank you, kind Angela!"  suddenly erupted from the resurrected soldiers; Brenna found herself laughing at the memory of Angela passed out. This was way too precious. Far too precious to forget, she thought, barreling down the steps after a knight in plate, keen to fight valiantly, as the young and dumb were so oft to do. 

Author: Kyra Tivares, Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:28 PM, Post Subject: [EVENT]Cast Thy Judgement[O/R]

The small rabbit had finally managed to climb up onto Angela's stomach. She then sat there very comfortably. As if the world around the rabbit wasn't filled to the brim with chaos and death. Kyra, the rabbit sitting on Angela, knew that this probably wasn't a good idea. But she couldn't help it. The spot was comfortable and the more she left herself as a rabbit the more she started to act like one. Suddenly Kyra heard a pissed off voice roar in the distance. Her rabbit hears were more alert and could hear somebody walking over. The person was a very angry woman whom the child called, Aunt Toya. Assuming Angela and Toya were related, Kyra hopped off of Angela and took a few paces back. Then all Kyra had to do was sit and wait. The entertainment was coming to Kyra in the form of Toya bitchslapping a goddess.

This is the kind of stuff that entertained Kyra greatly. Thank goodness she was a rabbit and couldn't speak. Otherwise she'd be laughing at the two. Eventually Angela woke up and stopped the slapping-fest. Then a voice boomed down and an angelic woman descended from the sky. So this woman was the mediator between the two siblings. Fascinating. Then Angela began to resurrect everybody who had died when she was passed out. Was she allowed to do that? Apparently not by the way she was talking. Toya was whisked away by a random dragon then Angela started to apologize. Kyra transformed back into her original form. She wasn't a rabbit anymore, nor was she a dragon. Now she was just a normal half elf with short blonde hair and a mischievous smile.

"You're fine." Kyra said even though she knew that she was not the person that Angela was talking to, "At least you're here now. That's all that really matters in the end. Besides, at least you didn't land on anybody when you fell. That would have probably killed anybody standing under you."

Kyra was being honest and slightly teasing. It was a terrible idea to tease a goddess. Especially after what just happened. Kyra wasn't known for having any sense. She snatched the greater mana potion from the cleric that had tried to wake up Angela earlier. After drinking the whole bottle, she ran off to go find her weapons. Kyra's weapons weren't too far away. They were hiding in a bush. That was the safest place for weapons. Nobody searched bushes for weapons. Kyra grabbed her whip and her dagger. She placed the whip handle in her mouth and placed the dagger on the ground. Kyra transformed into a large brown hawk and snatched the dagger in her claws. Kyra soared into the air, avoiding the wasps and flying bugs as much as possible. She flew back to the battle. After landing on the ground, she transformed back into her regular form. Then she took the whip out of her mouth and found her first target.

A wasp was flying towards the battle. Kyra struck the wasp with her whip. The tail of the whip wrapped around the neck of the of the wasp. Kyra pulled the wasp down towards her and used the dagger in her left hand to stab the wasp in the face as many times as possible. Then Kyra unwrapped the whip from the wasp's neck and moved on to her next enemy. Which happened to be three soldier ants. Kyra didn't really think her little whip would do much against an entire group. So she decided to do something a bit more practical. And it would be easier now that she was not in dragon form. Fire breath became significantly more powerful if one was in dragon form. Also more chaotic and difficult to control. But as a regular half elf, it was so much easier. The soldier ants were charging at her and extremely close now. Kyra opened her mouth and instead of sound, fire blasted out of her mouth directly onto the ants. Burning them. Kyra cast a spell to increase her agility then flipped over the burning ants to find some other bug to play with. She got her wish but not in the way she was expecting. A beetle insectoid rammed into her and knocked her down to the ground. Kyra would have become a fresh meal if it wasn't for a random soldier killing the beetle.

"Thanks!" Kyra said, "I'd rather not go on a trip to the underworld today. As fun as it sounds."

Kyra pushed the dead beetle of off her and teleported behind a soldier ant on the ground. She used her whip that wrapped around the ant to stop it from escaping. Then she repeatedly stabbed the ant soldier over and over. It was dead. She happened to be towards the edge of the battle since going deeper would have allowed less mobility.

Kyra spotted some dumbass kid that had wandered to where the battle was. A wasp had seen the child and was speeding towards the kid. Kyra ran as fast as she could and snatched up the child in her arms, barely missing the wasp spear. Kyra then started running off with the kid in her arms as several wasps started chasing her. Thank goodness Kyra had that agility spell on her or they would have caught up with her.

"This was not the plan!" She shouted as she sped off running towards, well Kyra didn't really know where she was running but it was away from the fighting. That was certain. 

Author: Toya, Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:53 PM, Post Subject: [EVENT]Cast Thy Judgement[O/R]

“What the bloody hell do you mean she PASSED out.” Toya was high above the skies of Endapano on her mighty red dragon. The winged messenger looked startled by her response but went away all the same. “Karith, dive down and throw a line at the intruders… Make sure not to hit anyone.”

“Control my flames then… You are skilled enough.” The dragon retorted and Toya snorted a bit. The large beast and her rider dive bombed near the lines Angela had tried to protect just before she fell. Roaring flames burst down onto of insects far enough behind to avoid any of the troops. Other dragon knights were coming in after her, grabbing insect warriors and ripping them to shreds. Trees were on fire but there was nothing Toya could do to prevent it much. She was busy making sure that the flames didn’t hurt any of the soldiers that belonged to them. Her focus was entirely on keeping them safe and Karith’s was narrowed in on the enemies below.

Once they got close enough to the front of the line Toya unstrapped herself and stood up. Her feet held in by mere straps. “Blaine is going to kill me for this… Karith maintain the dragon knight’s formation. I have a sister to bitch slap.” Karith let out a mighty roar. It was ear shattering but it served a purpose as the other knights rallied their dragons with Karith. Toya unsheathed her fire sword Balaur. It’s red metal engulfed in red hot flames just from it sensing the blood shed below. “Easy Balaur… You will have your day today.” Toya took a breath and released herself from the foot holders once Karith flew over the right spot.

Toya’s skillful eyes had managed to mark out the right landing location as she slammed into a flying beetle warrior. Balaur ripped through them with the sword melting them like butter. There were screams of pain as she tore them down but not enough to end them quickly. Her goal wasn’t to kill but to get through enough to reach her sister. One of the insects grabbed her and Toya scoffed. “F*ck off… KINDLY.” She grabbed its armor and brought it in smashing her head into his. It was hardly a surprise that the hardest headed Rosenite Queen had a hard head.

Blood trickled down her face just a tad from the impact but it would heal. All things healed. She dropped the insect and bolted her way through. Her hands flared up letting the weave take hold as flames sprung from the ground and gave her passage. “Where is she?!” Some folks looked at her like a mad woman but Toya growled once more. “Where the hell is that bloody useless goddess?!” She roared now and a small blonde girl ran over.

“Aunt Toya! Mom’s passed out… She was setting stuff on gold–” Belle had been yelling and pointing towards Angela but Toya sheathed Balaur and stalked right on past her with a displeased look on her face. “…Aunt Toya?”

“You heard the Voice she got another domain.” It was low from the brunette. “But that isn’t a good enough god damn reason for her to be on the ground.” She had HER children here in Endapano. Lots of the Rosenites had brought their kin to keep them safe because Angela was safe.

Toya took Angela by the front of her robes and slapped the goddess hard across the face. “WAKE UP. This is no damn time for you to feel sorry for yourself. NOR to take a nap.” Toya did it a few more times and finally, Angela’s hand shot up and grabbed Toya’s wrist.

“You know… Dearest Little Sister… If you were anyone else I would kill you right now.” Angela groaned up as her green eyes flickered up to Toya’s angry ones. “Also, you look like shit.” That last smart ass retort from Angela made Toya deck her sister hard against the goddess’s face. but it appeared to hardly phase the red-haired Goddess.

“Stop your childish squabbles. This is no time for it.” The voice boomed and both sisters looked up towards the voice it came from. It was Cathrine, the eldest of the sisters, that was floating in the sky. With long white hair, large white wings, and a form that matched Angela’s… It was hard not to notice the relation. Her voice though was shooting through the minds of all those who didn’t resist it. “It was hardly Angela’s fault for her passing out. Control your temper more Toya.”

Toya dropped Angela abruptly and put her hands up in the air with a stubborn look on her face. “Well, I bloody woke her up didn’t I? Now we can push back.”

Angela hit the ground hard not really expecting her sister to drop her as she had. However, even if it was a surprise it was almost expected of Toya to do something like that. A rough sigh left the goddess’s lips as Cathrine took off back to what she presumed was another side of the fight. The youngest Rose sister held out her hand to the goddess and pulled her up with ease. “That hurt Toya… By the way.”

“Well, it wasn’t supposed to f*cking tickle that’s for god damn sure.” Toya put her hands on her hips and began to walk towards the front of the lines once more.

Angela smirked and followed behind her sister. Slowly around the goddess, an aura of green light once more shot out. Her healing aura was in place now and she felt stronger than ever. “Sorry about that. Had a bit of an argument with a certain domain. That little nap as my darling little sister called it has allowed me to grasp at least partial control over the domain of Judgement. As long as I remain in control I won’t burn the troops. I can’t, however, promise that the insects will be so lucky. The time to turn the tide of battle has come.”

Taking a deep breath the goddess raised her arms up above her head. “I will only be doing this once… If anyone one else falls after this moment they stay dead.” It was a grisly warning but Angela was firm with her promise. She hated bringing the dead back. She hated disrupting the natural cycle. A crystal blue like magic circle formed above their side of the field. Allied soldiers began to regain the lives they had lost. Their wounds healed almost instantly. Those who had arrows, pikes, and other things stuck into them were immediately tended to by Angela’s clergy who ran out now that it was safe to do so. “What… What are you all waiting for? Go raise some hell!”

Toya smirked a bit but she whistled with two fingers as Karith swooped down and grabbed her with the dragon’s sharp talons. The brunette was nimble as she swung herself up even with the pressure of the wind and grabbed onto the leather straps as she climbed into her saddle. It was dangerous and only a mad woman would do it… but then again the White Queen was mad.

“Blaine is going to kill her when he finds out she did that… I can only imagine how she got down here.” Angela lowered her arms once the mass resurrection was done. “I’ll provide on the field healing and ward off insects from getting to the injured. I feel much, much better now. The Voice has told me that I can proceed into the field now which means our immortality is back to almost full strength or complete. I'm sorry you had to wait for me to regain the sense I had lost." They deserved a more sincere apology and so that was what she did.

Author: Kraken, Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:07 PM, Post Subject: [EVENT]Cast Thy Judgement[O/R]

The defenders reacted quickly, sure, but Brenna didn't know how that was supposed to help if the bugs had already gained the wall. Well, not all of it, she thought, deflecting a mantis's scythe-like arm, her buckler already angled to tempt it into a follow up. When the attack came, the arm holding the buckler withdrew, the bastard sword rising in its place to maim the overeager bug. There was a moment's resistance as steel bit flesh and bone, the impetus of her counterattack cutting through what she assumed was the creatures elbow. It let out an almighty scream; a dirge to the dying and soon-to-be dead. Brenna shoved it off balance into a pack of it's kin, her blade whistling in to sheer a bug's head clean in half. 

Respite secured, she stepped back into the bumbling ranks of humans, demi-humans, elves, dwarfs and, on the odd occasion, familiars. It was strange to have one's swordsmanship complimented by a talking fox, but what was one to do? It was nice of him to notice, and she smiled at him, the wily little thing zipping in to bite an ant-things ankle, it's master hacking the creature to pieces whilst it was distracted. Brenna had never understood how exactly one could summon such beasts, and she had never deigned to pretend otherwise. Nor did she understand how magic and the various schools talented young witches and warlocks went to worked. It was beyond her; The Voice, The Vision, Mana- or whatever they call it! What she did understand was war. War was good for a mercenary: more fighting meant more contracts, more contracts meant more silver heading her way. She could swing a sword better than most men-at-arms, chuck a javelin as well as any Yovaeshi  hurler could, was even decent with a lance, though she had no mount to speak of. So, yes, more war please, she prayed, not that any higher power was listening. 

A lightning bolt zipping by her ear to fry a half-dozen insectoids snapped her out of it; she chided herself for getting lost in unimportant thoughts. All along the wall, soldiers and militiamen fought. Professional warriors rescued peasants inept at war, bugs killed and devoured, making footholds wherever they could. Her periphery revealed to her a giant bee crashing into the wall, it's hulking mass sweeping a whole group of men clad in mail and leather from the wall. It circled, returning for a second run. Arrows fluttered from one of the towers, and their was a weak cheer as the barbed shafts tore the bee's wings to shreds, sending it careening into the wall with an horrendous splat. Rival groups were forming; a shieldwall against a wall of bugs. Self-preservation and the need to kill fueled both, beating hearts pumping blood until said blood was spilled on cold stone or muddy earth. 

Regardless, the battle wasn't going well. Without Angela's presence, morale wavered. The troops needed their goddess and the last Brenna had seen of the fire-haired deity, she had been passed out at the foot of the wall, a bunny and a scared cleric for company. What a nightmare, the human mercenary thought, killing an insectoid as it crawled over a parapet. The mass of bugs and ghastly insectoids clambered up the wall, magic and stones and arrows harrying their assent. Brenna added a body to the mix, killing yet another as it chose her of all people to attack. "Rally!" Someone called as a gargantuan beetle rammed the gate, setting the wall a-shaking.  

Author: Kyra Tivares, Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 10:05 PM, Post Subject: [EVENT]Cast Thy Judgement[O/R]

The little rabbit looked up two the two people who seemed to be talking not too far away. Then a mantis man fell near both Kyra and Angela. Kyra hopped over to the mantis and sniffed it. The insectoid smelled of death so Kyra went back over to Angela. As a rabbit, Kyra could hear many different things. From the noise to the battle, the war horn, and any other noise nearby. It was a little difficult to tell them apart but with her alert long ears, it made things significantly easier. Kyra was able to hear Brenna and the cleric's conversation. She could also see them fairly well. It helped to have the eyesight and hearing of a rabbit. She was able to hear and understand their conversation about the cleric needing to help Angela. And if the bugs were getting over the wall that fast, then well, they needed that help. Kyra did not want to leave Angela alone in case another bug got through. But if she left the cleric up there he might not be able to actually get down before a bug got to him. 

Kyra transformed into a dragon again and flew up to where the cleric was. Obviously he would be surprised by the sudden dragon appearing out of nowhere. Kyra quickly snatched him by the cloak with her teeth and was as gentle as a dragon could be with a person. Then she flew down to where Angela was, careful to not get too close, and gently placed the cleric next to Angela. The cleric seemed to be extremely surprised, terrified, and many other things. Kyra wished he would get over his fear and get to work but she knew that it would be a poor idea to try to rush him. Instead of rushing him, Kyra observed the area and the battle. She was keeping an eye out for any threats. And she was maintaining her dragon form since switching in between the two forms did take up mana. If she were to judge her mana right now, it would be about half empty. Or half full. Kyra noticed some bugs trying to climb over to their side. So she walked over to the wall, very awkwardly since walking as a dragon was hard, and dipped her head low enough so the insectoids would not see her.

A mantis-man managed to climb to the top of the wall and was standing looking for a target. Kyra's head popped up and snatched the mantis man and started to chew. The mantis man tasted very bitter and Kyra quickly regretted trying out what this bug might taste like. Seeing as how dragons had razor sharp teeth, the bug didn't last very long. Kyra spit that bug out too. She then realized that it might not be a good idea to keep trying to see what they tasted like. However she couldn't use her fire breath spell since almost everything here was made up of wood. There had been enough damage to this place and the last thing Kyra wanted to be known for was burning down an entire forest by accident.

Her claws could accidently damage the wall. So it seemed that in order to defend this side of the wall, she had to use her teeth. Kyra was not so thrilled about that. If only she had a breath spell that would cause damage but nothing that would hurt everything around them. She knew that there was a spell like that but she had neglected to learn the ice breath spell since she thought the fire breath spell was more effective. Kyra wished she had learned it but there was no point in crying over things that she had not done. Otherwise she would be crying all the time. Kyra decided to just chomp on them and then spit them out. Basically exactly what she was doing earlier only being more cautious about it. She managed to snatch another mantis man and an ant. At least until this warrior person came over to defend the wall.

When Kyra looked back to the cleric he had a whole bunch of stuff and was at work. She then transformed back into a rabbit since the immediate danger wasn't near and they had a warrior watching over them now. If there was danger then Kyra would be alerted to it. Technically there was danger everywhere but at the moment it seemed that a lot of the fighters were able to keep them away from Angela for now.

As a rabbit now, Kyra hopped over to the cleric and sniffed his outfit and bag. She sniffed out something that would be incredibly useful. A mana potion. While the cleric was busy Kyra crawled into the open bag and knocked it to the side. Then she rolled out a mana potion and started chewing at the bottle to try to get it open. Unfortunately the cleric noticed. "Get off! This isn't for you." He said. He then picked up the bottle and Kyra, as a rabbit, dangled from the bottle. Her teeth were strong enough to hold onto the cork. At least until the cleric started shaking it and ended up flinging Kyra to the wall. She had forgotten how soft rabbit bodies were. Slamming into the wall really hurted when you were a rabbit. Luckily he hadn't used much force. Kyra, slightly irritated now, stood up and hopped over to Angela. Her cold wet nose sniffed at her face. Then Kyra attempted to climb up onto Angela's stomach. It was very difficult to climb when one was so small. 

Author: Kraken, Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:41 PM, Post Subject: [EVENT]Cast Thy Judgement[O/R]

Brenna woke to darkness and damp, alarms blaring; men shouted, and a horn was blown to rouse the sleepers. Again and again it sounded, the racket pounding her eardrums with a heavy hand, mercilessly drilling into her the one, important message its user wished to communicate: Get up! So she did. An elbow eased her assent, and within seconds she was crawling around her tent in search of clothes, armor and, most importantly, weapons. She found them quickly in spite of the lacking light, stashed at the end of her sleeping mat, nice and neat. Until she tried donning them. As it turned out, getting dressed in the dark was harder than it seemed, and she stumbled from her tent with one boot yet to put on and a vambrace not properly secured. After a few, hurried seconds of stumbling she remedied the situation.

Wrapping a sash of maroon cloth around her shoulders and neck, she joined in the rush of bodies heading for the eastern battlements, bastard sword bouncing in its scabbard. She reached the wall with an entourage of men-at-arms, mercenaries, and clerics in tow -not her people- before bounding up the steps to the top, outpacing her more heavily armored brothers and sisters. When she got there her chest was heaving, and she had to steady herself on the balustrade, a great sigh escaping her lips as she took in the view. Even in the dark, the moonlight illuminated the enemy, silvery-white light reflecting off of carapaces and hides and, in one particularly sinister case, teeth. Their eyes shone in the dark, a malicious evil making them glint. Brenna was thankful that there was a couple dozen feet between her and the ground. 

A hand slapped her on the back, and the mercenary turned to see a cleric, perhaps one of those from the healers' tent, by her side. He had a torch in one hand, a mace in the other. His face sported a big bushy beard, his forehead and eyes hidden by the hood of his robes. "What's going on?" The cleric asked, his voice breaking as he surveyed the approaching insectoids. She heard him whisper a prayer, eyes widening as he took an involuntary step back, a mantis-man dropping into the flickering torchlight to his right. Brenna was already moving by the time it stood; a two-handed shove sent it flying from the wall, a meaty thwack heralding its landing. It lay motionless, spread-eagled in the dirt, one of it's kinsmen dead close by. Another body lay there to; fiery hair splayed wildly around a head of pale, perfect skin. A…bunny squatted on its haunches nearby, sniffing at the unconscious form of the deity. Recognition screwed up Bren's features, disbelief making her squint. "Is that…"

"Angela! Oh, sweet maker!" The cleric cursed, almost doming himself with his mace as he threw up his arms. "How…why…?" Brenna regained control of herself first, a great ruckus telling her the fight had begun in earnest. Time to earn my keep. "Get down there and help her." She said, airing the steel at her hip, wrenching a buckler free of her belt. "Me? I can't-" Brenna raised a finger; a warning on the tip of her tongue. "You will. What? You think I've got incense stuffed under my armor? Smelling salts? Someone has to get her back on her feet, and that someone's you." "But I-" "No! No excuses! Get down their and help her or find someone that will." And with that, she was gone. 

Author: Kyra Tivares, Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:04 PM, Post Subject: [EVENT]Cast Thy Judgement[O/R]

A pair of golden eyes observed the scene of the Goddess and her power and how she seemed to be shouting at the air. These pair of eyes belonged to a hawk perched on a tree watching the entire scene go down from a safe distance. The hawk's wings were brown like the shade of bark on the trees while her feathered chest was a light tan. At this point the goddess had fallen unconscious and people around her were panicking. Their protector, their savior was unavailable. As soon as the hawk spotted that golden aura vanish it spread out it's wings. The hawk's wings pushed off of the ground and allowed the bird to soar into the air. It dived towards the ground and let it's wings catch the air to slow it down. Then the hawk landed on the grassy ground near the area where the goddess of life had landed from her fall. Suddenly the hawk morphed into a different creature. Light tan long ears grew from it's head as the wings transformed into legs and paws. The hawk had morphed into a rabbit.

This rabbit then hopped over to Angela, it's small wet nose sniffing the area around the goddess. Then, after verifying it was safe, it got closer over to the goddess. The rabbit sniffed her hair then started to sniff her eyes. It seemed that the goddess was alive. Which was a rather good thing. It would be quite terrible if Angela had died. Not to mention inconvenient for every living creature in Canelux. Both of the rabbit's ears picked up sounds of different things. Of battles and screaming. Of people rushing to grab their arms and weapons. The rabbit sat down in front of the goddess as if it was some sort of grand defender. Angela now was under the protection of this little rabbit. Oh how the enemy would clearly be shaking in their bug boots at the sight of such a fearsome rabbit. Little would the enemy know that the rabbit wasn't just any rabbit. It was a little bit of a trickster. Just a little bit. Tricks, mischief, and other little troubles followed this specific rabbit around. It was waiting. Waiting for an enemy to come approach. It's ears were alert for anything that might come up from behind it while its black eyes observed the area besides and next to it. 

Before all of this even happened, the shapeshifter rabbit had gotten a lovely drink of a greater mana potion so she was rather hyped up on magic at the moment. Some of the magic users had neglected to put away their potions and as a result the rabbit had gotten into it. And drank the entire potion. She thought it was blueberry juice. There was fighting at the eastern front and they were near it. An insect had managed to get past some of the fighting and was headed over to the innocent little rabbit and Angela. The rabbit noticed. The rabbit took a few steps forwards so she would have plenty of room. The rabbit morphed into what seemed to be a half elf girl. It was Kyra. Kyra then transformed into a dragon with her polymorph spell. Kyra was glad that she had drank that greater mana potion earlier. It made this a bit easier. Although her transformation was not perfect. Instead of a dragon's tail, Kyra still had a little rabbit's fluffy tail. Which was rather annoying. Kyra snatched up the insect humanoid in her jaws and began to chew it like it was a snack. A few moments into her little snack, she spat it back out. The insect was dead, as razor sharp blades jabbing over and over into one's body can do. The insect also was covered in saliva and had most of it's body crushed. Kyra transformed back into a half elf and began using her hands to clean up her tongue and possibly remove that disgusting taste. Then again it served her right for trying to taste the enemy. Kyra spotted a mage running past her and shouted out to the mage. 

"Hey! I need a mana potion here!" She called out. 

The mage clearly didn't have time to stop so instead of handing out the bottle, like a normal person, the mage instead threw it at Kyra. As a result the bottle full of blue liquid hit Kyra in the forehead. Luckily the bottle was tough and didn't break at the impact. Which was rather confusing since Kyra's mother claimed that she always was hard headed. She picked up the greater mana potion and drank all of its contents. Now she was hyped up even more on magic. It felt good. All that mana running through her. After observing the battle she concluded that it would be better for her to stay by the goddess and keep watch while the others went to battle. So she transformed back into an innocent little rabbit that was clearly able to do no wrong. Kyra wondered if all of the insects tasted the same. 

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:36 PM, Post Subject: [EVENT]Cast Thy Judgement[O/R]

The goddess had been sitting within the healer’s tent taking care of the patients that came to them. It was hectic and for the most part, there weren’t enough healers to go around. Angela had spread her herd thin. However, with her in Endapano it was hardly necessary for her to have a full staff. She could remotely heal many people if she had to and she did when the fighting got intense. Just walking into the fort made one feel more alive and full of energy compared to those outside of it.

Her earthly aura was visible around the whole encampment. Shimmering green which seemed only visible in the light of the sun and direct moonlight. True she wasn’t as powerful as she had been but she could at least do this when she was focused. Focused was the keyword. It showed largely how practiced she was. Within a small herbal circle, most likely something to amplify power, Angela sat silent and still. It was an uneasy stillness.

The goddess didn’t move, she didn’t breath, nothing. The tiny bit of wind that swept through moved her long red hair. People whispered but they didn’t dare to raise their voices for fear of breaking her concentration. It was amusing if only because she had long ago taught herself to ignore the outside world. If one was close enough to her they could hear the humming of magic that radiated from her.

She stayed like this for a long, long time before the Voice’s voice came through for everyone. The herbal circle burst into golden flames as Angela was cloaked in a near blinding golden light. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” It was the once quiet goddess as she stood up and started to shout up to the air. “OF ALL THE THINGS YOU COULD HAVE GIVEN ME?! IS THIS A JOKE?!” Her hair lit up like a thousand sunsets now and golden sparks almost like tiny lightning bolts crawled across her skin. Her green and red eyes were glowing from the power surge. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” She stomped her foot.

No one had seen the goddess lose herself as she had at that moment. “OF ALL THE DOMAINS!” It sounded like she was insulted. She crossed her arms. At first, she was upset but soon it became abundantly clear that she wasn’t in control. Those with even the slightest bit of sin on them started to burn and the Goddess’s eyes grew big. “SHIT.”

It was vulgar but she didn’t care as she took off from the healer’s tent and ran up to the fort walls climbing up to where she could be at least by herself for the time. Even from where she was perched she was visible. Hard breaths drew now from the goddess as she leaned against the walls of the fort. She was up on the second level where the archers would normally stay put. Even in the darkness where no torches were lit… She was an uneasy beacon. Angela slid down the wall and pulled at her hair.

It was a constant struggle as anyone who got near her would feel the golden flames upon them depending on the degree of their sin. “STAY BACK,” she bellowed out in what was most certainly pain. She and the domain weren’t agreeing. She was physically rejecting it because it was against everything moral she had in her being. “Just stay back.” She was balled up against the wall for what seemed like hours.

The healing aura had fallen. The healers' tent was uneasy and everyone was panicking now that Angela wasn’t there. There weren’t enough healers to help. There wasn’t calm and harmony. There was just panic in the Endapano Fort.

“THE INSECTS HAVE BROKEN THE LINE ON THE EASTERN FRONT,” one of the younger commanders were screaming in panic. This was the closest they had gotten since Angela’s aura had fallen. After a time, she emerged from her hiding place. She looked exhausted like she had been physically fighting a war but soon she was climbing to the very top of the fort walls near the eastern front. Her hand extended and she winced. “So be it then,” her voice was full of disdain for what she was about to do. Insects closest to the fort that had broken threw exploded in a golden fire. However, those who knew their magic sensed that this wasn’t fire at all. It was something so much more sacred. Exhausted, wary, and pissed beyond belief the goddess fell from where she had been standing. "Go f*ck yourself," Angela was able to get out in a sleepy tone towards the sky as she fell. She hit the ground hard enough for harsh cracking noises to be heard. It was abundantly clear that if she had been a mortal she would have been broken in several places or dead.

Once she was out, the golden aura around her faded at last. Gods did she hate the Voice.

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