Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:43 PM, Post Subject: Star-Spangled Cannon-fire [O][Event]

"KA-BOOM!" Another blast sent the bugs flying high into the sky. "Fly free Mr. Beetle! And please don't come back, okay~" The little oni waved with a goofy grin plastered on her face as the oversized stag beetle went into orbit. The Highlander spearmen beside her watched it disappear as a speck in the sky in somber silence. One man in heavy armor took his helmet off and whistled. "Okay boys, knock 'em dead!" With a hop, skip, and a jump the little arcanist was on her way to get a mid-morning snack. In the tents where the cooks were busy with preparing the midday meal, a strange rabbit-like creature with wings was sneaking around, pilfering pastries from the bread baskets. It ate a scone, two blueberry muffins, some potato pancakes, three small gherkins, and a sausage. Licking its lips, it washed that all down with a helping from the spigot of a cider barrel. Before anybody noticed, it scuffled away out of sight. 

The sweet smell of frying food caught her nose, and Myouga gleefully tiptoed behind some barrels. Being small had its advantages, which she would put into action. Turning herself invisible, she moved under the table. While the cooks were doing their job grapes were popping off the bunch and disappearing one by one. A strudel floated off its plate, then dropped under the table, vanishing. She almost was caught when one of the scullery maids noticed a cracker in a position it wasn't in a few minutes ago. But as soon as her back turned, Myouga's invisible hands snagged a chunk of cheddar cheese and a butter knife. Snacking session over, she went to see what was new. There were so many faces from all over the continents, but unfortunately they were busy. Watching people train with weapons wasn't really interesting, so she made her rounds about the camp. "Patchy! There you are! Ooh you have sugar crumbs. You're a messy eater aren't you? Yes you are~" Picking up her familiar, she and the jackalope took a little ride in the sky with the oni's enchanted armor wings. 

"Hey, let's go visit Lise! Whaddya say?" The jackalope warbled, and she took that as a yes. Swooping down towards the cleric tents, she slowed her landing with levitation. With Patchouli in her arms she poked her head into every tent until she caught sight of a familiar blonde half-elf. "Heeeey Lise! Do you wanna see something cool?" Her former student was washing up after finishing some sort of procedure, and she waved back. It didn't look like a busy time, so Myouga let herself in. "I got a raspberry strudel for you! Some of the sugar dust fell off but it's still warm!"

Author: Mezereon, Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:06 PM, Post Subject: Star-Spangled Cannon-fire [O][Event]

A rumble from another explosion shook the ground lightly. The soldiers had grown used to the blasts by now, though the fresh recruits still jumped at every sound. She wanted to advise her teacher to ease up on the arcane artillery, but decided against it. Professor Ryou looked so happy when she was able to do what she loved. Her former professor hardly complained and took so much in stride, it wouldn't be fair to deprive her of a chance to use her talents to help. Liselotte was busy assisting the injured with the other healers. She was a good archer, but she could do the most good as an alchemist. Though due to the recent campaigns to reclaim the northern half of Endapano, she was worrying more and more about her former professor.

She asked a few commanders if they could allow the arcanist to stay behind and defend instead of participating in the offense. This took a few repeated attempts, each with a bit more urgency. Fortunately they saw things her way and agreed to find a way to keep Professor Ryou safely occupied until she was needed. Most days for the two of them were peaceful, albeit busier on her end. On the bright side, with so many scholars and masters of magic gathered in one place Professor Ryou had plenty of people to bother without succumbing to boredom. As long as she stayed within the camp's walls the lady alchemist wasn't too concerned. After that scare in Aestas, she was keeping a closer watch on the oni. 

One positive thing about working in Endapano was the reagent stock available. The elven island was home to a variety of flora and fauna, many of the plants being medicinal herbs. So far most of her relatives were safe, though there were a few that still hadn't been accounted for. The only way she could convince her mother to allow her to go was if she promised to ensure her mother's side of the family was alright. Galvin and Enrich were enlisted by Adeluna to defend the kingdom should any invaders slip past the Conclave's lines of defense, but hopefully that would never happen. It was hard enough for her mother to let one of her children go; right now staying with their parents was what the family needed most from her brothers. 

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sat Oct 6, 2018 5:31 PM, Post Subject: Star-Spangled Cannon-fire [O][Event]

"The hills are aliiiiive with the sound of explosions, with blasts echoing across a thousand years. The hills fill my heart with the sound of explosions; my heart wants to sing with every blast it heaaaars! My heart skips a beat like the wings of a bird as brimstone rains from the trees. My heart gives a sigh like a chime that fliiiiies with the smoke on the breeze~ It laughs like a brook when boulders and stars fall down that way–"  A small figure clad in white spun around with her arms out, doing a twirl before continuing her absurdly ad-libbed song. "–It siiiiings through the niiiiight–like a siren warning before a raid~" These clearly were not the original lyrics, as no one in their right mind would be singing about the wondrous beauty of explosions. …Except a particular arcanist who seemed to think explosions solved everything. Yes, everything. To quote, one of her commonly used phrases literally said: 'Everything's better with explosions~!'

Myouga came along with Lise when the war started and the half-elf was headed towards to assist her relatives. Having learned her lesson last Glaciem where she was kidnapped by a bunch of krampus who mistook her for a naughty child and taken underground to their secret lair, the small oni decided to behave…somewhat. War was serious business, and if they didn't win–the bugs would ruin everything. And that was a big no-no for the midget mage. So by helping out, not only would she be able to preserve the joys of delicious street food and shao mai for future generations–she would be saving the world! What more could anyone want? While her former student was busy with making healing tonics and potions, Myouga rode out with the soldiers on occasion to lend them a hand in blowing away the invading forces. After a while they stopped letting her come along, saying something about how she could better use her destructive talents to defend the Conclave's positions. That was a real let down, but the little arcanist didn't let it get to her personally. Maybe they were worried that she might get hurt out there. 

Things were calming down after days of continued fighting, and the small oni wondered if they'd be able to all go home soon. It looked that way, at least until alarms were going off and people were blowing trumpets warning of a new wave. They were calling everybody to arms. Now it was her time to shine! Casting a protection spell on herself, she used her nifty magical armor-wings to fly up to a high spot perfect to get a clear view of the battlefield. There sure were a lotta bugs, flying and marching everywhere! There was only one obvious solution to this problem…to bring down the stars! With a song and dance, she began casting the greatest spell from her personal repertoire yet. Sigils appeared in the sky as powerful magical energies filled the air heralding the incoming celestial barrage. When it was ready to burst, she shouted at the top of her lungs: "FIRE IN THE HOLE!"

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