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Author: Kiba, Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 5:47 PM, Post Subject: Battles have Started (p)

There was no holding back the small chuckle in response to Angela’s threatening words. It was clear that the Lady was not taking well to being held back in a point of safety. None of them could take the chance that the Lady of Life would be brought to harm. The assailants were still an unknown to them. One goddess had already been brought to an end, and it was only due to a miracle that the Reaper had been brought back. There was still no telling what repercussions could come of the amount of power that had channeled through Angela. Kiba did not bring voice to these concerns though. Instead, he worked hard to make sure that the fortifications were kept strong and that he was where as he was needed. The diowolf wished to be beside his Lord’s side, but had been instructed otherwise. Teeth were eager to tear into the enemy.

”I will be careful,” he responded. There was not much that he could do or say to help reassure Anemone. He could not guarantee his safety considering that a deity had been brought to an end. The concept was an unnerving one. Even so, Kiba wished to go out into the battlefield and bring an end to those that would threaten his family. He worried about Teu and the grandchildren. There was only hope now for him to wish for their safety.

Jaw line clenched slightly at the lack of news. All the Champion could do was nod and then let out a heavy sigh. ”You need to stay with Lady Angela. Keep yourselves in here. I have some guards established outside this location and in equal distances outward. I do need to get back to the patrol. There can be none getting close to our location.” Kiba placed another kiss upon Anemone’s forehead before turning to the exit. ”Keep vigilant, and I will be back with any news.”

Kiba winked at the two women before leaving. Long strides were taken to hasten his pace towards the gates of the establishment. In a smooth transition, the Champion’s two legged form was replaced by a giant four legged one. Large black paws dug into the soft soil to test the give of the surface. Bi-colored orbs refocused on his surroundings to see Duath forming by his shoulder. Shifting shadows formed into the beings body, white specks where the eyes would be. ”We move out for the front. The others will patrol closer. I want to sink my teeth into a bug.” White eyed slits narrowed that told Kiba that Duath was amused by the prospect and ready to take on the enemy.

Gates opened for the giant wolf as he hurled his body forward towards the front. He would not allow much time to pass before he could get into the fray. The diowolf wanted to bring this conflict to an end as soon as possible. If they could stave off this war, then his family would be safe. Images of Teu, Alairia, and Dae crossed his mind. Only recently had they been brought back together. He would not allow them to be taken from him again. Claws dug deep into the ground and muscles tightened to propel him forward at a faster pace. Duath’s form appeared as if it were gliding across the surface, a shadow bo staff in his hand.

Creaks, buzzing, and cracks assaulted Kiba’s sensitive ears. He continued to run, but could see from the corner of his eye the outline of the enemy. Insect humanoids that were armed to the teeth. The diowolf ran forward, but in a split second he changed direction to latch his jaw wholly about the waist of one of the scouts. A terrified screech echoed in the air just before Kiba clamped down to bring the creature’s life to an end. The comrades were infuriated by the sudden death. The body of his kill was discarded quickly in time to another warrior in his grasp. A searing pain rippled through his back as a spear found hold in his flesh. With one quick move he flipped over to roll on top of the one who attacked. Duath went to work on the other’s as the fray continued to spread.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Thu Oct 4, 2018 12:28 PM, Post Subject: Battles have Started (p)

There was a smirk to return to Kiba from Angela as she thought about it. “I have been told that a dozen or more times now. I know better than to venture out on my own at the moment… However, if my strength should return to what it should be… heads will roll.” She wanted to pay them back too but at the moment she was but a mere healer. She could not wait until she could join the fighting if that time ever came.

Anemone snuggled into his kiss as he tried to comfort her. “Just be careful Kiba… Please.” Her words were meek as she took in his scent. It helped to ease her nerves just a bit.

“Oh, but of course… Your nymph.” Angela chuckled a bit at his answer to her playfulness.

The nymph stepped away from him just a bit as he could readjust. Purple eyes watched with worry but there wasn’t much her goddess or lover could say. This was war after all and she had to believe that Kiba would be alright. She was thankful to Lokir for sending him to Endapano. “Oh… Trust me I can hear her war cries every once in a while. I’m sure her husband is just having a field day with all of this.” Angela mulled his question over and shrugged a bit. “I hear bits and pieces from the Voice but we won’t know until someone says something or someone comes here. Rest assured that Lokir is a strong man and my daughter Basselina is at his side. I would definitely hear something if stuff started to go wrong there.”

Anemone gave another frown now. “I wish I could help more than I am… but I realize I am in the same position if not worse than Lady Angela.”

Author: Kiba, Posted: Mon Oct 1, 2018 5:29 PM, Post Subject: Battles have Started (p)

Before entering to join the goddess and maiden there was an audible laughter that the diowolf could hear. His brow lifted in curiosity and then merely shook his head. If any amusement could be found in such times he was glad that it was from the two within. Kiba entered to give his report, and once it was given he turned his gaze to Anemone. She looked at ease and safe from the battles outside; this relaxed his chest. He gave the maiden a wink as Angela spoke. Eyes focused again upon the goddess as he could see the stress radiating off of her. It made sense considering all that hinged on the success of these battles that were being waged outside the fortifications. ”Know that it is progress in our favor…for the moment, m’lady. Try to ease yourself. You are the ace in the hole if anything were to go wrong.”

Armor clinked as he closed the distance between himself and Anemone. He allowed his arm to wrap around her waist while looking down at her. ”I did not go outside the fort this time. I stayed atop the barricades. My patrol will be outside later one this afternoon,” he responded to her plainly. There was little he could do to ease her mind on his future runs. The diowolf did not want his maiden to worry but it was not to be stopped with all that was before them. A gentle kiss was placed atop her head before he looked back to Angela. He shook his head at her tease. ”My nymph,” he corrected with a laugh.

Kiba released Anemone to readjust his armor that was fit snuggly to him. He did not to get back out to do another check of the soldiers and make sure that they were vigilant. ”If it is Toya out there….I do hope you are ready to help with the growth. Her tactics are more than efficient in their task, but the after effect takes everything out with it as well. What concerns me are the other locations of assault. Do we have any word from how the other fronts are holding up? I worry for Lord Lokir since I am not by his side.” His feet repositioned once more as he thought about the god of Strength.

He was grateful to have the ability to keep an eye out for Anemone and Angela, but his dutiful nature kept pulling at the back of his mind. There was a great want and need to be at his master’s side. Lokir was to be fine as best Kiba could know. What concerned him was that the deities’ powers were not effective against their enemy. They were all vulnerable.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Mon Oct 1, 2018 6:15 AM, Post Subject: Battles have Started (p)

For a tent, it was pretty lavish. Angela had already checked it all out. She was used to sleeping out in the middle of the forests of Revaliir – At least that was what she liked to say. In reality, it had been over a thousand years since she roughed it (as the soldiers liked to call it). Most of the ones not from Arri had been surprised at how laid back the women of Sularia were. Especially that of the queens who seemed to spend their time with the soldiers instead of in the finer tents that they could have been in. They were a rare breed of women and Angela was no different from them.

The way of life in the desert was harsh and even the comforts of the oasis were hard at times. Still, Angela was doing a sweep for what seemed like the fiftieth time that afternoon. “My lady… If I could be so bold as to criticize you?” Anemone was seated in a pillow of plush pillows lounging about just watching and occasionally working on some embroidery to keep the boredom away. It was tiresome watching the elder goddess lose her mind and pace back and forth.

“Hmm?” Angela turned her green eyes to the petite woman. The redhead wondered if she had actually ever said no to a question like that when Anemone appeared to be hesitating.

“Well, my lady… I wouldn’t normally be worried about a normal person losing their mind and pacing back and forth like they had a patch of hot coals stuck to the bottom of their feet… but… Well… I have a fear that you might actually wear away the ground with your pacing… I know that we joke about newlyweds and first-time fathers wearing the floors down but for you that could be an actuality… I me–” Angela started to laugh and it was from the deep parts of her heart as she held her stomach. That was one of the most awkward things she had ever heard and she was laughing so hard that tears were welling up in the corners of her eyes.

“I didn’t mean to sound so funny My Lady…” Anemone blushed and tilted her head. “I’m only trying to look out for you. It can’t be healthy.” She shook her head full of brown locks in disapproval of her raving mad matron goddess. “You should sit.”

Angela finally stopped her laughing and wiped the tears from each of her eyes as Kiba came in to give her a report. She held up a finger to Anemone so she knew that Angela hadn’t quite forgotten to reply to her. “Progress will always be mad… It just depends on what side you are on.” She rubbed the back of her neck for the time being and it was surprisingly stiff. Her eyes drifted to Anemone for a moment who nearly jumped out of her seat as soon as the goddess laid eyes on her. “Easy Anemone. You are right I have been worrying far too much for a person in my predicament. If I wasn’t immortal I would surely have died from a failed heart… or maybe pacing so much my legs burn off.”

Anemone struggled to get up from the pillows for a few moments. She found her legs to be like jelly but she shook them a bit before carefully putting down her needlework and moving to Kiba. “How far did you go out from the fort?” She was worried about him and it was written plainly across her face. She knew he was Lokir’s champion and that alone should have comforted her but she couldn’t help her worries. “I have you running outside the fort and Lady Angela pacing inside the fort about to cause earthquakes if she doesn’t stop… Or at least she’ll cause a lot of ruts. I bet if she walks fast enough we might even be able to make a moat.”

“Ha. Ha. Ha.” It came dryly from Angela’s lips as she gave a pointed look towards Anemone. “You’ve got quite the sense of humor. I wonder if I dangle you up in a group of living trees what they would do to you? You are quite the lovely little nymph you know.”

Anemone immediately blushed possibly deeper as she had ever done before. “Please don’t tease me like that Lady Angela! I was only having a fair bit of fun.” Her little hands balled up into fists holding the edges of her dress. “You know what those trees whisper when I’m around! It’s not very pleasant.”

Again Angela was laughing but it wasn’t as hard as before. “As if I would,” it was soft and gentle as Angela waved Anemone off. “I imagine with the good majority of Arri’s forces here that the ones initiating the fighting is probably Toya…” She grimaced a bit. “I’m going to owe the elves of Endapano a lot of trees when she is done. My littlest sister is a pyromaniac on a dragon… You wouldn’t BELIEVE the damage she causes by just existing.” She waved her hand at the thought of Toya. “Gods know what my homeland was thinking when they named her the White Queen… The herald of innocence. You know what I think? I think innocence in their eyes is actually ignorance. When you put it that way she fits just right.” Angela smirked towards Kiba and Anemone.

Author: Kiba, Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:03 PM, Post Subject: Battles have Started (p)

The sun high above normally would have indicated a beautiful day. It was unfortunate that the day was to be marred by war and death. The Strength’s Authority stood armored and ready for anything that was to come their way. Bi-colored eyes reflected distant malice that indicated that a battle had already started for the day. Hands clenched within the gauntlets that were dawned upon them tightly. He was not in the midst of the battle. Instead, he was upon the fort’s walls looking over the expanse of land that proved to be a protective buffer. What pulled at the champion’s mind was the fact was that he was not at the side of his patron. Kiba wished to be at the side of his master, and yet he was not. His absence from Lokir’s side was not completely at waste. Angela was the only goddess with the potential to bring life back to any of the deities that could lose their lives. It was still an odd and daunting concept that the deities did not have their immortality against these creatures. Memories had been returned to Kiba thanks to the Mother, and he remembered the feeling of being an immortal. To have that stripped away at such a time….it was disquieting.

Kiba placed his hands upon the fortifications and leaned against it as if it would help him see better. He knew it wouldn’t, but the closing of his right eye to allow his Reztreal to work unhampered did. An odd power radiated in the distance that indicated the enemy. The diowolf desperately wished to be able to sink his sword into the enemy, but he was needed where he could protect Angela in the worst case scenario.

Soldiers were watching him from the corners of their eyes. They knew who he was and knew that he would be a good indicator of their outlook. Kiba pushed way from the fortification and nodded at the men and women in arms. ”Keep your vigilance. There is battle in the distance, but that doesn’t mean that a scouting party can’t sneak up to try and get behind our lines. Don’t let them find us being lenient in our patrols.” Kiba patted one of them on the shoulder before making his way down to the ground level. He weaved between the soldiers that were on their way to trade out patrol duties.

As he neared the center of the fort, Kiba felt a warmth that was not felt further on the battlements. Angela was being kept safe around the center for her protection. Anemone was stay there as well, which made him feel better. Entering the room he bowed to the goddess of Life and smiled over at his beloved. She was working on something, but he went to Angela first with another bow. ”Another skirmish is starting in the distance, but it is far enough where I couldn’t see anything even with my eye. Progress is being made, that is for certain.”

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