It was once said that when the world came into existence, elves were the first mortals to walk among the earth. They made great kingdoms throughout the land, taking up nearly all of Canelux until the age of men arrived. In time, their nations slowly fell as the humans stripped them of their land until eventually they were given an ultimatum; to either integrate and live beside them or leave. While many adapted to the change, those that believed themselves to be better than humans refused and set sail for someplace beyond their former homes. After weeks at sea, their ships found an island up north and soon the rise of Endapano came.
Traveling into the Kingdom of Endapano is no easy task by any means but hundreds of years later a great land bridge arose; connecting the island with that of Mamlak, making it possible for both those of the mainland and of Endapano to travel to one another. forest surrounding it stretches for miles from all sides save for the north. Those that attempt to reach it from there will be disappointed to find a pair of large mountains, too steep to climb. High stone walls surrounds Endapano and its gates are heavily guarded by elite knights, clad in silver plated armor. They will grant entrance to those with wish to venture onward unless they suspect malicious intent from the outsiders.
Once inside, everything that would be expected of a metropolis is here; the bustling marketplaces filled with exotic merchandise, lively taverns and blacksmiths that craft some of the finest elvish weaponry in the world. But an unique feature of it is that many of its buildings are constructed around and even within massive oak trees.
Another uniqueness of the area is that both wood and high elves populate it; the city is basically split in half between the nature loving wood elves and the more structured high elves.
The famous Endapano Stables is where people from all over come to buy animals, ordinary, exotic and even the mythological sort. These creatures are sold off once they are old enough to survive without their parents and eggs are immediately place onto the market, clearly identities as what species they are to avoid mix ups and confusion. Many guards keep tabs of the area, to ensure no thievery or even slaughtering of the animals occur.
Great elk are commonly seen around the kingdom as mounts and work animals for the elves, as horses are for humans. Strange vegetation known as Shine-hooks are native to the region; the name is coined from the way they attach around other plants and their bulbs illuminate their areas. Many of these are known to be hooked onto the exterior of the buildings, basking them in their glow. A small temple is kept for devotions and worship for various deities and a few harbors run across the northern shore to promote trading without worry of directly endangering the city. A majestic castle residing on the mountainside belongs to the ruling house of Tyrneanddare,which has ruled over Endapano since its creation. Both the crown and kingdom had recently been passed down to King Daevin Tyrneanddare the first; a political mastermind that attempts to keep his country neutral as far as the worldly conflicts go.
While the wood elves there are friendly towards visitors, some of the high elves still recall the old days may still hold contempt for what men had done upon them and distrust them. Many nobles of the latter will seem mannerly towards their guests, but will not think twice to think themselves as superior to the “flawed” races. Rumors have since spread about those that insult their houses or heritage end up going missing, possibly kept as prisoners (although such claims are dismissed from lack of evidence).
What is truly known is that this is one of the last great elven kingdoms and they will fight tooth and nail to keep their city from falling into the hands of invaders, especially their old adversaries from the mainland or against their fallen brethren, the drow.
In the aftermath of Dalanesca and Xunatar's actions, many of the elves were driven to the point of madness and have separated themselves from the city. It wasn't long before small tribal towns were formed from the deranged victims, who rob and kill those not of true elf hertiage.
Nemesis is the Lord of the Daybreak and Nightfall. God Rules I. Formido Tyrannis: The lord is unmatched in the fields of dark and light magics. II. Sacrum Lumen: Nemesis' skin contains the essence of pure light of which he can control. His very presence can harmful to those weak against sunlight/light while contact with him can be near fatal. III. Timor Comedenti: The god is able to feed on fear psychically within contact. The Volkov Family Brandon, the Mad Admin!
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