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Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Thu Mar 4, 2021 1:46 PM, Post Subject: Hired Hands [P/R]

It was a nice peaceful day on Taevalinn and she had tracked the floating city down with her airship to pin down its flight pattern. Whenever a new business got up and running you could be sure that Shiloh would know about it sooner or later. A new trade hub like this one was full of opportunities, and the ones who made the most profit learned to get on board early. She found the place she was looking for and shifted the bundle under her arm before pushing the door open. What awaited her inside was a pleasant surprise for once. Expecting a small office with a single reception counter, the Talonwind Relic Acquisition Company was rather spacious. There were cases of unique and unusual items on display in an orderly fashion with a large variety in the selection too. This was the candy shop for archaeologists and historians, and a good place to get an appraisal for what she brought in today. She wasn't selling, but looking for a few extra hands to help her find something related to the object wrapped in burlap cloth.

"Hello? I'm looking for somebody who can give me some information on something I picked up and maybe a few hired hands to find others like it." When she had the attention of whoever was in charge of the shop, she'd set the bundle down to reveal an intricately built spherical device that resembled a mechanical arcane focus. It wasn't operational, but it had caught her eye at an auction where she sniped it out of the hands of other collectors. She didn't know where it was from, so any bit of information she could glean on it would give her a hint as to where she'd find similar relics. Her reasons were practical: if it was something harmless or normal she'd let it be, but if it was something dangerous like a prison for an eldritch entity–it'd best be disposed of in the bowels of Apoy's volcano. If that didn't break it, she'd find another way to make sure it was destroyed. But she wasn't going to tell them that, at least not yet. Something about complaints of 'destroying remnants of ancient history fueled by paranoia' when she told the wrong people why she was doing this.

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