The beautiful rolling plains of Fulani is home to many lakes inside of lakes... Those lakes often have their own islands and lakes. This is the land of water and prosperity in Onnen.
A floating bastion carved out of rock, this monastery has been a place of pilgrimage for those who revere Onnen, the first World Tree. Abshah'mal has been a spiritual center for devout ascetics since time immemorial.
A great and beautiful underground beach that appears hidden from the world. It is the only other attraction that appears to inhabit the same island as the monastery. A true natural wonder and beauty for all of Onnen to adore.
A man made island of freedom, debauchery, and utter chaos. Unlike Canelux's Vilpamolan there is no government here. The man with the highest coin or most power is the man who wins. The waters are dangerous and the city is much worse. Tread carefully travelers.