Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Duchy of Egjora > Itjivut, the Ice Island > Vacation Home [P/R]

Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
It had been a year since they gave the plans to Raile. They had to throw even more money at it than they had initially planned but Simone knew they would have to. No one in their right mind would build a castle in the deep snow. The island they chose was snowy all year round. They were paying extra to make sure the mansion held heat well and they were overseeing almost everything about it to make sure it was right. They would join hands and look at the progress and eventually they trusted the crew enough to work by themselves. That was six months ago.

Simone was in the garden with the boys and Teagan. She had called Lewis outside in a panic. LEWIS, YOU NEED TO COME QUICK! Distressed was her voice was when he ran outside dagger drawn she had a smile on her face.

She pulled the boys up and they clapped at Lewis. They had been working on standing for a while. Now they were taking their first steps towards Lewis. Teagan was watching with wide eyes. She would be next but Remy and Damond were their miracle babies. They were blessed gifts from Angela, Xeik, and Dala.


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
Lewis was capable of becoming a miniature whirlwind of death on command, and when Simone beckoned him with her pleading tone, he was there in a heartbeat, a dagger at the ready. What greeted him was not an enemy, but instead his baby boys, who were looking at him with glee. At once, he sheathed his dagger, his entire form morphing from that of a merciless killer, to that of a proud father. He dropped to his knees and held his arms open, a big smile across his face.

“My boys!” he said as they took their first steps together, falling into their father’s arms for a great hug. “I’m so proud of you both!” He smiled, his eyes meeting Simone’s. The two boys were growing up so fast, with Teagan not far behind. It was equally endearing as it was heartbreaking, and they could both tell that it wouldn’t be long now before they were all headed off to school.

During this momentous occasion, though, Raile appeared across the horizon, headed up from the port. When he got closer, he smiled. “What a touching scene, here…”

It didn’t take long for them to catch up, and finally Raile revealed the reason he had shown up. “Well…it’s finished.”

At that, Lewis’ eyes lit up. “Wait…it’s finished now?” A smirk appeared across his face as he looked to Simone. “Maybe…we can take a vacation earlier than expected…’


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
It always warmed Simone’s heart when she witnessed Lewis’s reactions to the children’s first steps. This was an important moment for the boys as they clapped with excitement once they made it. Teagan had crawled into her mother’s lap as they watched and she let out a puff of air. “Don’t you start huffing now too…”

Teagan clapped her hands at Lewis and giggled. They were getting an awful lot more vocal. Once Raile arrived Simone gave him a friendly smile, one she only had when they had their kids. On the island, she was a lot less guarded and much more friendly. “Isn’t it? They are getting so big.”

Simone’s eyes lit up with Lewis’s. The twins were being terrors at school, not that they were being bad per se but now that it was no longer a secret they were intelligent… Well, it was causing waves. “I think… a vacation is a wonderful idea.” She booped Teagan’s nose and rubbed her nose against Teagan’s face.

“We can take the youngest and go. Bring Silva and Henry with us to watch them while we enjoy ourselves. That way if Teagan starts to walk we don’t miss it. Leave Walter with a way to contact us. I think the babies would either love the snow or hate it. The twins are warm like we are but I think Teagan would hate it.” Simone giggled a bit as Teagan fell over on her lap and laid on her back giggling up at Raile. “You aren’t allowed to crush on Raile. Daddy will throw a fit.”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
“Daddy will most certainly throw a fit,” Lewis said as he carried the twin boys back to Simone. “Here. Let me take Teagan and you can go start packing. I’ll let Silva and Henry know. It’ll be a fun little vacation. Oh…we’ll need to invite Xeik voer as well…tell him we’re going…” He paused. “Going to have to plan that out very carefully.”

It took only an hour for them to get ready to leave, and Xeik had been called. For Xeik, it was a rather weird time to be called, and he came, ready to take care of any injury that may have occurred, no matter how serious.

“Where’s the kid,” Xeik asked as he looked around. He noticed that the ,ain room was now filled with several suitcases. That was strange. Did the Terrowins have guests?

“Oh, no one’s hurt,” Lewis stated as he walked down. He was wearing a lush black, short sleeved button down with elegant silver trim in the shape of floral patterns, and white pants. It was an odd look for the ex-assassin, almost as if he were going somewhere tropical.

“Then…why am I here?” Xeik asked, now more confused than anything. “Why did you call me?”


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Simone kissed her husband and chuckled. “So protective~” She handed the excited Teagan over to Lewis and kissed all three of her boys before leaving to pack. This would be a delicate operation. Harder than any job they had ever done before.

Simone made her way down the stairs in a wide brim hate with her hair in a braid. She was wearing a short sundress that was in a dark purple color with silver flowers. “Well…” She crossed her arms. “We’re going on vacation. The kids are yours. Be back in a while. Stay in our room. BYE!” She talked fast and clapped her hands. In that instant, the magic activated and the suitcases, Lewis, and herself were gone. Silva, Henry, and the babies were already at the new place.

They were now in the main foyer of their home. “This home is gorgeous Lady Simone,” Silva smiled up at Henry as they balanced the babies.

“Remember that this is also a honeymoon for you as well. We don’t plan on making you babysit the whole time you are here. Lewis and I prepared a honeymoon suite for you as payment for putting up with this request.” She handed Silva a map of the new home with their room marked. “I also put down which one has the nursery for these three and where Lewis and I will be.”

Henry was moving the suitcases into the appropriate rooms as Silva got the children settled in and their toys unpacked. Simone walked around their luxurious bedroom. “This… Is perfect~”

The walls were black with silver details while the floor was in light wood plank patterns with lush gray carpets around the bed. The bed was much larger than their one at home draped in silver and black silk with a dark purple blush backboard. The furniture was made from black wood and silver. It fit their aesthetics very well. “I guess we can change.” She crept up behind Lewis and wrapped her arms around him. “But… It would be a shame to let this all go to waste. Xeik probably thinks we’re on a beach somewhere.”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
The mansion was perfect. There was no way it could be anything else. Lewis smiled as they wandered about the new construction before finally settling in their room.

When Simone came up behind him, he leaned into her and let out a content sigh. “The look on his face was priceless. I wonder what he’s doing now. Probably panicking.” That left a smile on his face. “But…you know…these clothes don’t have to survive, you know…”

He smirked as he pulled her over to the bed, and the two flopped down on it. From there, it was anyone’s game…

The two found themselves curled up in a pile of blankets, intertwined with each other as they shared in the luxury of the fine sheets. It had been a long time since the two could really focus on each other and not have to worry about the kids popping in at a moment's notice. It truly was the sort of vacation they needed, even if they did end up missing the kids dearly.

“We should probably start working on dinner. Silva and Henry deserve a break…” Lewis said as he mumbled into Simone’s shoulder. “But you’re so damn comfortable.” It sounded like he was half asleep. This was probably the most he had been relaxed in weeks.


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Simone wasn’t about to complain about her husband’s suggestion. The bed was perfect and great to break in. It still had a wonderfully fresh smell to it. The fireplace in their room was roaring and the sound was comforting as the wood crackled.

She snuggled into him as he put his face into her shoulder. “Silva would kill us if we try to use the kitchen before she can. You know how excited she was about it.” There was a smirk on her face. “Besides, you need sleep you are about there now.” She rolled and wrapped her arms around him kissing his forehead.

There was a knock at the door. “Madam and Master?”

“I’m awake Silva~” Simone smirked a bit.

“I’m starting dinner,” Silva was always on point when it came to dinner.

“Thank you Silva. I’m going to let Lewis nap,” Simone was rubbing Lewis’s back and she kissed his neck. “Take a nap… Maybe we can go take a bath after this? We do have a new washroom to try out.”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
Lewis nodded, half awake. The concept of food and a bath sounded wonderful, but now was the time to rest.
When it was time for dinner, Simone gently woke up Lewis, and they went down to eat. Silva had put on a wonderfully smelling beef stew, with a variety of fresh vegetables.

“This is amazing, as always, Silva,” Lewis said as they finished the meal. He looked to Simone with a sly smile, and leaned back in his chair. “A bath sounds wonderful right about now, but you know…I had a thought. The natural hot springs in the area…those sound almost better. What better way to break in the new vacation home than a long soak?”


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
They finished eating and Simone smirked up at him. “There’s a snowstorm outside… So, you know what I think that’s a wonderful idea.”

Silva and Henry reassured them that the babies were being wonderful and napping. While this was also a honeymoon for them they loved the Terrowin children like their own.

Simone helped Lewis change into a thick warm robe after making sure that’s all he had. In return, Lewis playfully helped her get undressed and get a robe of her own. The whole ordeal took them an hour. Silva and Henry moved the babies to the other side of the home once the laughter and chasing started. At least they were given a warning before the married couple began to run in and out of rooms chasing each other.

Finally, Lewis carried her out the back of the mansion and down several stairs in the freezing cold. Simone snuggled up to him and watched the blizzard as they wandered down to where it was nice and warm. Taking the robes off they hung them up and slipped down into warming.

“This was the best idea,” she chuckled a bit as she cozied up on Lewis. A ledge had been built around the hot spring which was nice. “I wonder how long it will take until Xeik has enough~”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
The warm water was comforting as the two sank into it. This time that they were sharing, alone and without kids, was something that they had both missed. They loved their children dearly, by all accounts, but they were always ever present in their lives, which meant alone time together was nearly impossible unless it was arranged.

Lewis wrapped his hands around Simone’s waist, pulling her close. “No idea…but that’s his problem…” His hands explored across her bare skin…

“This is our time…”

Simone grinned mischievously, turning herself to face Lewis, still in his lap. “You are quite right…” She leaned and kissed him deeply. Both of their hearts were beating in sync, and things were definitely starting to heat up…

“AH HAH!” There was a sudden burst of magic from the other side of the hot springs, and immediately Xeik walked in. “I found yo-”

Both Lewis and Simone looked over at him, caught in the act. Though, neither one of them made a move.

“We’re…kind of busy here,” Lewis stated with a deadpan look across his face.

“You’re interrupting,” Simone stated, mirroring his look.

“HOLYANGELAI’MSOSORRY!” Xeik immediately turned and went through the first door he saw., slamming it behind him.

“He just-”

“He did…”

The door opened back up, and a shivering, half frozen Xeik scampered in. “WHY IS THERE A BLIZZARD OUTSIDE!? WHERE IN ANGELA’S NAME ARE WE!?”

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