Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:38 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

Sometimes people disagree with each other. It's not because they're 'right' or 'wrong', they just have different ways of seeing things. And they don't always talk things out or understand before things happen. While she was busy recording what she could straight from the dragon's mouth, Myouga was picking up on some not-so-happy voice tones behind. From the way Dala told her about Cao, she seemed to expect her mentor to be more than disappointed in a breach in trust more than the surprise the girl had planned to pull. Things came to a head when Cao said she wouldn't teach the girl anymore, and it was clear nobody was happy. Then Dala did something that surprised the small oni–she ran up and unlocked the special manacles she had so meticulously planned to keep on Garelu. It was a big, awkward moment for everybody. Garelu for his size and age, was really a teenager in human terms. He was young, gutsy, ambitious–but not overtly malicious. He just wanted to make a name for himself in the world, like all people his age were wont to do. Myouga understood those feelings, or she assumed so. Dala was angry. Cao was angry. She and the dragon were just bystanders in the main miscommunication conflict. 

As Garelu took off, Myouga watched the direction where he flew to get an idea of where his lair might be. To Dala's strained thanks for helping her, despite the risks and repercussions–Myouga gave her usual smile and waved back. "No problem! Glad I could help!" Not wanting to make the girl's mood any worse, the little arcanist cut her typical silliness and quickly handed Dala a card written with magic ink. On it were some names and a location. "Today was really fun. If you wanna meet up again, here's where you can find me. Ask for Nicodemus Calliergi, he knows me. Just describe me to him and he'll let you know where I am or what I'm up to if I'm not in." This was the only hint the oni gave that she wasn't what she seemed, as an ordinary child wouldn't have a reference in Iria's Mage Academy. "I'll return the stuff you lent me later!" It was an honest to goodness promise, as it didn't seem to be the right time for that now. Opening a portal, Myouga left to parts unknown, the portal vanishing in seconds after. 

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:18 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

The words Cao said hit her heard. Besides the fact that she was dropping her as a student, it was the things about the chains that really bothered her. She was right about that. Dala's mind filled with fury, only towards herself. Instead of watching people go, she stomped over to the dragon, took out the key from her bag and unlocked the manacles. The heavy chains dropped and she picked them up, stuffing them into her bag. 

"I'll offer you what I promised in exchange, you can't hurt the village or anybody near it." Dala said to him. 

"How do you know I'll keep my word?" The dragon asked. 

"I don't." Dala admitted, "But there's not much I can do about that now. Is there?" 

Instead of going into a rage or trying to kill anybody, the dragon just stared at the child. She went through all of this, only to undo everything after a few words from some random woman? The dragon stretched out his wings and took off into the air. He decided to fly away from the village, towards his own home to think things over. Dala looked over to Myouga. 

"Thanks for helping out." She said, "Bye." 

The child was in a terrible mood. But it was mostly because of what Cao had said about treating other people equally. It was her own ambition that had made her forget. There were things she wanted to run through her head. To think about. The last thing she needed right now was for anybody to talk to her. She began walking through the snow, away from the village and towards a random cave that she had seen last time she had visited. Fury overwhelmed her mind but it wasn't towards anybody. It was towards herself. The fury grew as she left the others. 

"Time to re-think all of this." She said to herself. 

She looked down at her dagger. Perhaps there was a way to ensure that she never forgot what it was like. Extreme situations counted for extreme measures. It was time to remember what it was like. 

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:19 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

"At least you were paying attention, though you are incorrect about your actions only affecting you. If you did not capture the dragon, do you think the dragon would spare the village and your comrade"? Completely at a loss at how selfish and inconsiderate Dala was acting. Lixue knew that she had a bad attitude, but she had shown her that she cared for others. Was it all a lie, did she trick me into assisting her just as she had the Woman?

Speaking of the Woman who and what was she doing? Looking over and listening it appeared as if she was questioning the dragon. Introducing herself as The Great and Magnificent Myouga, Arcanist Extraordinaire made her seem more like a performer than a practitioner of magic. It was insulting to all those who gave their all to the study of magic and yet here this woman was showing off acting like an entertainer when there were plenty of mages who could barely lift a quill and would do so much more with it than simply use it for their own whims.

Ignoring the Dragon and Myouga as their calm reaction to everything that had just happened annoyed her further. How can they act so calm when they were just fighting not so long ago and how can the dragon be okay with working with someone who placed him in chains releasing them only into another set of chains. Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

Looking back to Dala with a plain expression as whatever respect and trust she had placed in her former student had been destroyed by her actions and words. Even with all that was said and done, the Undead still held out for a shred of what she had seen in Dala before. Unfortunately for Lixue, the girl's next words did nothing to help reignite hope in her former student. As Dala shrug off Lixue's concerns and turned her back on her the Priestess' faith in her finally shattered.

Frozen by her former student's and friend's actions as the Undead saw Dala's true character. Everything that she had said and wanted was most likely a lie as such a selfish and inconsiderate being would never create a kingdom out of the meek. If anything the girl would become just like all the other so called nobility, noble in name only while serving only their own self interests.

As Dala looked back to Lixue, the Undead bore directly into the child's eyes. "No I will not be following along nor will I be teaching you any further. You say you wish to help others and create a kingdom where everyone is treated equally yet you forget the feeling of your own chains as you placed them upon another. Is that how you will lead? If they don't comply chain them and force them into submission? If that's how you wish to lead you'll never become a true leader as your rule will be enforced through fear, not respect". Looking to the Dragon, "Don't be so quick to ally with her, as who knows when you'll just be another pawn to be sacrificed for her own goals".

Turning around and making her way for the village as she had to correct her own wrongdoings to others. "Goodbye Dala".

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 1:12 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

"I was explaining that my consequences would have only effected me. It was not an excuse." Dala responded quickly, "And Cao, weren't you the one who told me to beware of my anger? It seems you should try following your own advice." 


While the two were arguing, the dragon was waiting for them to finish with their argument. He didn't care about whatever they were talking about. Then, somebody else approached him. It was the little person who had shouted him to the ground in the first place. The dragon looked at her in the eyes, expecting her to be bragging about her victory against him. Instead of doing that, she began to ask him a bunch of questions. The confusion rant through his mind but his pride was more powerful. This was a perfect opportunity to explain his lineage and his important past. 

"Well I come from a long line of Borealis Dragons. We are a strong and powerful line of dragons who live in some of the coldest areas in all of Rev." He began to explain in a proud manner, "I'm the youngest out of my family. I decided to choose this island because it was cold enough for me to feel comfortable. Though, I can feel comfortable anywhere I choose. Its just sometimes I prefer Itjivut over a desert."

The girl then offered the candy apple to the dragon, which he had to turn down. That was her prey not his own. There was a strange creature behind the girl, a rabbit deer cat thing. He hadn't seen anything quite like it. But whether it was impressive or not….well the eating of a crumbly biscuit didn't exactly present a strong image in the dragon's mind. Anyway, what was he talking about?

"My stash is mostly made out of furs and other materials. But that's only because the island doesn't have much treasure. Or merchants. So its been a challenge to make a real fantastic horde. But not too much of a challenge for a great and powerful dragon like me!" 


Dala knew that this conversation wasn't going to get them anywhere. She had things to do and waiting for Cao to stop being angry was not one of them. The little girl was feeling guilty for making Cao worry so much but she didn't know how to handle it. What did a person say to somebody else who was worried? She'd never had anybody to worry about her before. Next time, she would write a letter to help get rid of those worries. But she had a feeling that Cao was already at the breaking point and was going to drop her as a student. Dala's attempt to make Cao proud had backfired in a way she wasn't expecting. 

"Cao, your anger isn't going to help this conversation." Dala said, "My words probably mean nothing to you right now. So lets stop this worthless talk and you can cool off." 

The little girl turned away from Cao and headed over to Myouga and the dragon, who were in their conversation. She was glad that their arguing hadn't scared either of them away. Their next steps were to get a magical contract built between the dragon and herself. It was clear that Cao wasn't going to be willing to help. But the inclusion of Cao was never in Dala's plans in the first place, so it wasn't that big of a deal. 

"Myouga do you know how to make a magical contract?" The little girl asked Myouga, "If not, we can go to the village and figure out where to find a mage who would be able to help us." 

She looked back to Cao, knowing she was still angry. But Dala didn't want to leave her behind. 

"You can come with us if you want." Dala offered. 

Dala figured that Cao would be too angry to want to come along. Especially after she had fought the dragon. Being included in their plans didn't to be something that Cao wanted so the little girl wasn't going to expect much. 

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 3:02 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

While Dala and her mentor were having a serious, long talk about doing crazy things without approval–Myouga wasted no time in seizing the opportunity to get her long-awaited interview. "Soooo–Mr. Dragon, what brings you here all the way out in the middle of Glaciem Island?" That was what she was going to call Itjivut from now on, as the cold was the first thing she had remembered from her past visit. "I'm the great and magnificent Myouga, arcanist extraordinaire! You know, I've always wanted to ask a dragon questions. It's on my bucket list! And speaking of questions, out of all the places to start up your secret dragon stash–why here?" She took out a wooden wand and skewered a candied apple on it, taking a bite. "Mmm, frosty." The small oni then pointed the bitten candy apple on a stick towards the dragon as if she were offering it a taste. A silly grin was plastered on her face, spread from ear to ear. It was hard to imagine that this whimsical, free-wheeling individual was the one who sent him tumbling down. From behind her shoulder came a strange chimera of rabbit. deer, cat, and bird in many colors, her familiar Patchouli. It looked up at the large scaly winged lizard and made odd trilling noises, munching on a crumbly biscuit. 

Indeed, Myouga was quite magical despite her size. She was practically floating again, but stayed still enough to wait for Garelu's answer. A notebook and quill floated out next to her as if poised to write a record of their little chitchat. "Don't spare any details! I'm all ears, if ya know what I mean." She said with a wink. And bizarre behavior aside, what self-respecting dragon would resist the temptation to boast about him or herself in front of a willing audience? This was exactly what the little arcanist was hoping for; if the direct approach didn't work, she'd move on to building camaraderie through sharing food. Lots of people would comfort themselves after a bad day with a treat, and when it came to treats–Myouga had more than enough to spare. An entire pantry full to be exact. Cookies, cakes, pastries, salted nuts, dried jerky, candy…the list was only as long as your imagination. And if she didn't have it on hand, a quick portal back to Nisshoki's famous street food stalls was just a spell away.  

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 10:11 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

With Dala freed she in another's care Lixue would not have to worry about friendly fire, however, the Undead still had to be mindful of the village nearby. Preparing to ground the ice touched reptile, Lixue caught movement in the corner of her eye. Slowly closing in on the dragon was the Woman in White holding Dala in her arms. "What are you doing! I said leave not head directly for the Dragon"! It was doubtful that her words reached the duo as the air pressure from the Dragon's wing would overtake any nearby sound. With the two of them so close there was nothing she could do as it would be too risky to attack and her more beneficial magic was impossible in her current state. Growing more frustrated as all she could do was wait for an opportunity to strike or in the very least quell any attempts of a counter attack from the Dragon. As Dala and the Women came closer and closer any chance of Lixue being able to assist would be next to impossible. Feeling helpless and unable to do anything for Dala even if the main reason for it was because of her felt worse than anything the Priestess had endured since her revival.



While the attack had worked in disorienting and ground the Dragon, the method was reckless as doing such a thing so close to your target while holding another was beyond insanity as no doubt the two had received some feedback from the blast.

Once the Dragon had colluded with the ground and the Woman had teleported to a safe enough distance with Dala, Lixue prepared a litany of blacken ice harpoons chained to the very ground ready to pierce and drain the Dragons life away. Just as she was about to fire the barrage of harpoons into the Dragon her student stepped in the way halting her teacher's attack. "Dala get out of the way"! First, both of them fly directly to the Dragon, now in between her and the Dragon, enough was enough.

However, rather than the concofiny of magic ready to fire at him, the Dragon focused on Dala with a poor excuse for a threat as if he was going to kill her he would have already done so. Lixue did not care or pay attention to the conversation as she could care less. She already was aware that Dala was at the helm of this whole charade and that her and her coconspirator did everything they could do stop her from dealing with the threat endangering not only themselves but herself as well.

Holding her spell at the ready as Dala went over to the Dragon and whispered something in his ear. Whatever it was it completely changed his demeanour as he agreed to ally with someone who had just tricked him. As the crowned their newly formed alliance Dala turned to her as if she expected her to form a contract between the both of them.

Releasing her magic and dispelling the circle, Dala's response did nothing to quell the Undeads cold burning anger towards her actions. "And? Just because it all worked out it justifies your actions"? Staring coldly at Dala her grey and moonstone eye looked through the girl as Lixue was still in a combat mindset. "Instead of an apology you give me an excuse, do you know how worried I was? I thought that you might have been kidnaped or worse, though I suppose what I think does not matter to you as you went behind my back and lied to me". Lixue’s eyes soften as instead of anger they showed a deep pain.

Author: Dala, Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:21 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

The moment Dala realized that Cao was here, the child knew that she fucked up. It wasn't because she had gone after the dragon. It was because she didn't set up a proper explanation of where she had been. Next time she would have to create a longer time-space to be missing. Perhaps she would have to setup a fake kidnapping? Or maybe just claim that she was busy with other studies? Dala knew that Cao wouldn't trust her to go on her own, especially after tonight. But unfortunately, Cao's presence ruined the last half of Dala's plans. She knew the dragon couldn't kill her. Not as long as he was trapped in those manacles. He could have beaten the living daylights out of her but she'd been through worse. That kind of thing was normal. 

Dala could feel the dragon's grip loosening and she fell downwards. Her eyes looked at Cao and she realized…..her mentor was going to beat the shit out of this dragon. Although the little girl hadn't seen much of Cao's powers, she did know that it was better than whatever the dragon could do. But that was not her biggest concern. Her biggest concern was that she was speeding towards the ground. Luckily, Myouga caught her before she hit the ground. Instead of following Cao's instructions of leaving Myouga seemed to be going after the dragon. Relief flooded through the little girl's mind. They still had a chance! Suddenly Myouga shouted the dragon down to the ground. The dragon fell to the snow but seemed unharmed. They teleported back to the ground and Dala quickly looked over to Myouga with a smile. 

"You just saved our mission. Thanks!" She said. 

The little girl ran over to the dragon, who had just gotten back up. The dragon realized that it wasn't Myouga nor Cao who was at the center of this. It was the child who had trapped him in the first place. 

"I could easily kill you, little brat." He growled. 

"You could." Dala agreed looking him directly in the eyes, "But even if I didn't have an angry mentor or a powerful friend…..you wouldn't. I'm the only one with the key to your freedom." 

"It isn't hard to find people to pick locks. " The dragon retorted. 

"These were especially made for a dragon." Dala replied, "Do you really think I would be stupid enough to overlook that? Killing me would destroy any chance of getting those off. You'd be powerless forever. But I'll make a deal with you. If you agree to be my ally, I will not only release you but I will make you stronger than you could ever hope to be." 

"I'm already strong" The dragon insisted. 

"You got a beat down by a child and an undead young woman." Dala reminded him, "Most dragons would have put a fight against them. But there is something else that might convince you…." 

The child leaned over to the dragon's ear and whispered something to him. The icy dragon's eyes widened in surprise and looked at the child with shock. He quickly covered his expression as Dala continued. 

"So what do you say?" Dala said, offering her hand out to him. 

"As if I had a choice." The dragon muttered then gave out a sigh, "Yes. I will be your ally. I'm guessing you already thought about making our agreement a magical contract?"

"Yes." Dala said, "So those manacles won't come off until we find somebody who can create magical contracts. But first……."

She looked over to her mentor, who was probably already around at the scene. Dala could tell that the woman was pissed off. Most of it was justified, as Dala hadn't told her everything about what she was going to do. But the only regrets that Dala held was that she didn't cover her tracks better. It was possible that Cao was going to hurt her, punish her, or reject her as a student. Dala didn't realize how mad Cao would be at first but that much was clear now. Instead of saying anything, Dala just looked at her mentor, waiting for whatever rant or rejection was to come. The idea of making Cao proud was smashed the moment Cao showed up. 

"The dragon is fine now. He's not going to hurt anybody. Not the village. Not you. Not me. Not Myouga." She simply said. 

Now it was time to wait for whatever was to come. 

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:52 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

"Uh oh." Those words were an understatement for what was happening now. Chasing after the dragon in flight, Myouga figured she didn't have to use 'non-harming' spells anymore. Dala's magical manacles were still on it, it'd be a shame to lose them! And besides, she promised to help her catch it. The other girl with bluish green hair told her to make sure Dala didn't become a pancake on the ground, and the small oni wasted no time in doing just that. Pumping more magic into her winged armor, Myouga started quick casting teleport in rapid succession–first to intercept Dala from making impact, and then to slowly creep up on Garelu. The dragon's wingspan gave it more propulsion than her armor, but soon they were growing closer towards the Boreas dragon's head. Still using all the strength she had in her arms to keep her grip on Dala, the little arcanist sucked in air before shouting at Garelu's head: "BOO!!! OOGABOOGA!!" The magically amplified bellow blasted the dragon, doing little physical damage to its sturdy scales and thick hide. But it was just enough to throw off its equilibrium in its inner ears, giving it a bad case of vertigo. And when the world was spinning, it was hard to fly in a straight line–or up. Garelu went careening into the snow, more dazed than hurt. The manacles still held, and Myouga's arms were burning while she felt the pain of carrying more than ten pounds of weight.

Continuing her teleport spam to make a faster, safer descent–the small oni never felt so relieved to be back on solid ground. Letting go of Dala at last, Myouga flopped down onto the snow as her familiar Patchouli began digging in her bag. It pulled out a healing potion with its mouth, and dragged it over to its owner. Wearily she got hold of the bottle and winced as she popped the cork off. Taking a big gulp, she could feel her cracked throat feel better almost instantly. The awful feeling like her arms were going to fall off was slowly fading too. That draconic bellow spell sure was handy, but it always hurt her throat after. That was why she didn't use it too often. "Oof…not one of my best moments. But it worked, and that's all that matters. Whew! I'm beat." She still wanted to interview the dragon, but first–she had to catch her breath. Her ability to cast within seconds had both saved their hides and their chances for success, despite being slower and weaker than Garelu. Not bad for a first try at dragon-catching! Throwing a glance back at Dala's mentor, she whispered loudly to the girl. "Alright, better start convincing Mr. Dragon quick! Your mentor's catching up and she doesn't look too happy…" 

Myouga was completely oblivious to the fact that she was seen as a kidnapper. She was only aware that Dala probably didn't let her mentor know about what she'd been planning, and somebody was hopping mad. Patchouli climbed up back onto its owner and flicked its ears as it felt a rather ominous presence charge through the snow fields, in other words–Cao herself. Looks like they had a lot of explaining to do. 

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 12:25 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

Running through the snow as fast as she could, thanking her new body for unending stamina and inability to feel the cold as the Priestess was in no way dressed for such weather. Looking to the skies, she would see the dragon still in flight seemly enjoying its unchallenged reign over his claimed territory. It looks like I still have time though I don't understand what is going on. Nothing adds up why here and why such a young dragon? Whatever i'll.. Before her plan had even formulated in her mind a deafen bang erupted forth sending explosions of colour all around the area halting the Undead in sheer and complete confusion as to the how what and more importantly why. Though the why came to a realization as the dragon headed directly for the sounds and pops of colours sending a cold shiver down the Undead's spine as her mind exploded with its own fireworks depicting what could and most likely would happen to her student. "Dala"! Screaming out to her student redoubling her efforts as the Priestess had little no time before her fears would become a reality.

Reaching closer and closer to the Dragon's roost the Undead could make out bits of conversation, but more so from the dragon than what appeared to be Dala. By how the Dragon spoke it was far younger than she had thought as it had none of the wisdom or grace of an older more mature member of his species. Unsure of what was going on between Dala and the dragon, but by how everything came to be it was clear that Woman in White was the mastermind behind Dala's disappearance but Dala herself! Furious would be an understatement at how Lixue felt. With everything that had happened and what she had gone through, the Undead was at a point where her anger seemly rolled over itself coming full circle into a state of enlightenment, but the worst thing of all was that Dala lied and betrayed her trust in her upon purposely endangering herself and others.

Seeing just over the snowy peaks as the Dragon roared on about making her student pay. About to verbally lash out at the Dragon herself the sight she saw muted her as the dragon had begun to fly away with Dala. Looking around to see the Woman in White floating in the air. "Abductor, be sure to catch Dala and leave"! Creating a magic circle Lixue focused a curse directly on the claw numbing it causing it to open releasing Dala. Firing a small bolt of blackened ice at the Dragon to get its attention, "The only one who is going to make my student pay is me you overgrown salamander"! Keeping her focus on the Dragon not even breaking it to see if Dala was fine as in battle there was no time for luxuries like emotions.

Author: Dala, Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 12:00 AM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

Dala's expression showed confusion when Myouga began to talk about an idea of hers. Then she pulled out the fireworks. The second she saw them, she immediately backed off as far as she could before Myouga flung a fireball at the crate. There was a massive explosion of sparks and powder that ran high into the air. After they launched, Dala quickly went back over to the manacles to ensure that the chains were still covered in snow. She quickly added some snow just in case. Dala even stood in front of it just in case the dragon landed near them. 

"Just let it come Myouga. Don't attack the dragon. Let it come to us." Dala instructed, "I think we go its attention." 

The dragon had noticed the fireworks, it was impossible to not see them. He landed a distance away as he wanted to get a look at the situation ahead of him. The dragon walked towards the two and the golden bracelets. He already knew what this all was about. Those stupid kids….messed up the fireworks before his tribute. Although fireworks were uncommon, he knew when they were properly set up and when they weren't done well. 

"Excuse me!" Dala called out to the dragon, "We're supposed to give these golden bracelets to an all-powerful dragon. Do you know if any are around?"

That made the dragon furious. However, these were merely idiot children. He couldn't blame uneducated brats for not knowing a glorious dragon like himself. Surely their parents just were too terrified of him to actually inform them properly. The dragon held up his head and stopped in front of the children and the bracelet. He eyed the two carefully then decided to speak with them. 

"I am that glorious dragon that you speak of." He said loudly, "I'm sure that your parents haven't told you much about me because they are too afraid. I shall tell you of myself for your sake. My name is The Great and Majestic Garelu of Itjivut. But you may have the privilege of calling me Garelu. Now I'm going to assume that these are mine." 

He reached out towards the bracelets but Dala stood out in front of them. 

"Wait a minute. My mommy said that dragons would never dress themselves." She said with her arms crossed, "If you're REALLY the powerful dragon, you would have made us dress you!"

The dragon thought for a moment and realized that the child was correct. He was an all-powerful dragon! There was no way that a magnificent all perfect creature like himself would dress himself. That's what peasants did! That's what normal dull creatures like humans, dwarves, elves, oni, or basically anything that wasn't a dragon did.

"I knew that!" He insisted, "I was just testing you! Now hurry it up! I don't have all day!"

Dala moved out of the way and watched as the dragon placed his wrists in the bracelets. The little girl worked as fast as possible and closed both "bracelets" with a click. She took a few steps back and watched as the dragon lifted his arms into the air. Garelu saw the chain and realized that these weren't bracelets at all! They were manacles. The dragon bit at the chain and tried to pull it apart but the chain was as strong as ever. He let out a roar of rage then snatched Dala up in one of his claws. His wings spread outwards and he soared into the sky. 

"I WILL MAKE YOU PAY LITTLE BRAT!!!!" The dragon roared. 

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:30 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

A flashy, non-harming spell? She almost answered before she heard Dala's entire question, then paused as it took a few seconds for her to check her mental inventory. "…Yep! Sure thing! Leave it to me, little buddy! They say bigger is better, and nothing's better than expl–er, magic!" Nearly had a slip of the tongue there, but no harm done. But then she remembered she had something even more effective than the spells she had been formulating. Something that would definitely get the attention of anybody within a good distance. "Uh ok, hold on. I got something that'll do just that–just not a spell. We wanna get it's attention right? And the best way to do it is fireworks!" Pulling out an entire caseload of fireworks, the small oni dropped it on the ground and started pulling the fuses out into view so they could catch fire faster. "Dala you might wanna take cover real quick! Just saying~ It's gonna be a BIG BOOM!" Starting a countdown to give the girl some time to get farther away, the little arcanist conjured up a fireball in her hand before flinging it right at the crate. The last words Dala heard before the blast was: "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!"

The sound of wood splintering into pieces was overshadowed by a massive explosion of sparks and powder that reached high into the sky. There were a few dozen of those things, all of them having been lit simultaneously. It was a star-spangled rainbow of chaos, and if the sound didn't draw attention, the constant shower of color would. Myouga was still floating high, hands on her hips with a silly smile stretching from ear to ear. It was a smile of pure satisfaction at a job well done. If only the radiant blasts of her spells could last as long… Shielding her eyes as Patchouli began warbling in her ear, she looked around until she saw a shape on the horizon. "I think it's coming! Quick, what do I do? Keep it busy or start spell-slinging?" Both of them were practically the same option to her, the difference was whether the spells would hurt or not. From what she remembered from literature, dragons were pretty resilient even against magic damage. She knew she wouldn't be able to take one down in a fair fight. But she wasn't going to be fighting it–she was just making a distraction. And distracting people was one thing she did exceptionally well. 

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:10 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

Exiting the portal, the Undead would arrive in the interior of an inn. Looking around she would catch the attention of the other patrons and the staff. "Are you with the woman and the girl they just left not to long ago". Closing the distance in an instant Lixue stared at the server with a cold gaze as she looked through them. "Did they say where they were going"? With her draining aura on top of the killing intent, the server could bearly answer out of a mix of fear and exhaustion. "A dragon has claimed ownership of our village demanding tr.."


"At the edge of town"!

Sprinting out of the inn as soon as she had gotten the information. A dragon what is going on? Could it be that the woman is going to sacrifice her, no that does not make sense there are plenty of people here. Running at top speed through the village the Priestess was determined to put an end to whatever was going on as the whole chase and everything made no sense.

Author: Dala, Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:33 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

Dala looked up to see Myouga with her and smiled. Despite everything, she was glad to have somebody helping her out, especially someone who was so enthusiastic about dragons. They continued towards the edge of the village and in a matter of moments, they were there. Myouga asked about their plan but Dala just smiled. Instead of answering, she took out a pair of large anti-magic golden painted manacles. It had been stored in her infinite purple bag, otherwise she would have been unable to hold it for so long. They were large manacles, fit for a dragon. 

"This is gonna be our key to success." Dala explained, "I'll need you to find something to get the dragon's attention once I'm ready." 

She carefully, and with effort, placed the manacles on the ground. They had already been opened when she pulled it out of the bag, as though she had intended to do this all along. Once the golden manacles were on the ground, she covered the chain part of it in snow. The keyhole for the manacles was covered in paint. The manacles themselves were especially made to look like bracelets that could clasp on. The chain part was hidden deep within the snow. It looked like a pair of regular golden bracelets that were made for a dragon. All they needed to do was to get the dragon in them. Dala looked over to Myouga with a smile. 

"Remember the innkeeper's talk about gold?" She said with a smug look on her face, "I didn't plan that but its awfully convenient to help us explain why we are giving such a gift to him. These are made especially strong, so that a dragon cannot break them easily. And they are anti-magic so he cannot use his magical abilities to help the dragon escape. But first, we gotta convince the dragon to put them on." 

That was going to be the hardest part. And either way, whether or not they manage to catch it, the dragon will lash out. That is something Myouga needed to be prepared for. She looked her new friend in the eye with a serious expression. 

"If we fail and the dragon lashes out, then our plan B is to flee." She explained, "There's no point in sticking around an angry dragon. But if we succeed…. protect only yourself. Got it?"

Dala knew that the last part of her request was odd but there was a reason for it. But for now, their main focus was getting the dragon to put on the golden manacles. If they could convince the dragon, then everything else would fall into place. It was a reckless plan. A stupid plan. A recklessly stupid plan. Yet if they succeeded, it would not only help the villagers but it would help Dala as well. 

"Next step is to get the dragon's attention." Dala said, "Myouga, do you have a non-harming flashy spell to get its attention?"


The Borealis Dragon was flying in the air, feeling the cold wind and enjoying every moment of it. He would be landing soon but he wanted to enjoy the flight first. This dragon was prideful and an almost adult. He'd already taken a village as his own and he was ready for the next tribute. The dragon hadn't noticed the two girls in the snow yet. But all it would take was one magical spell….

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:01 PM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

"Hi Dala! Ooh, that's super cool! I've never interviewed a dragon before! If we can't speak it's language, I'm sure we can work something out. There's a sort of 'universal language' that all living things understand, like sign language and gestures. And if that doesn't work we can offer food." This would have been a hint that Myouga was not quite what she seemed, though this detail would simply fly by. This would become relevant to Dala later…much, much later. Myouga thought Dala was pretty gutsy for a kid, and she liked that. Before she could tell her, Dala started divulging some of her more personal feelings. While she did, the little arcanist kept quiet and nodded. The fear of being alone or abandoned was something universal too. She remembered hearing other kids her age worry about how their peers would think of them, how their parents would think of them, and how other adults who were important thought of them too. And she didn't just brush Dala's worries off; she knew they were real. Once the girl was done, the small oni gave Dala her two cents.

"Mhm, that's true. You can't expect people to stay with you forever. Friends go separate ways, family members grow old and pass on, and sometimes people die in accidents. That's life. You can't expect everybody to like you, and some people won't no matter how hard you try. But that's ok! My mom and dad told me tons of times–no matter how bad life gets, no matter what people say or think about you, do your best and live life to the fullest. 'Life's an adventure', my friend Nick always said. Since we're already here, why not make the best of it and be happy? Even if your mentor isn't happy after you get the dragon, you should be proud that you tried." Looking back, it was easy to think of things she could have complained about. She could have blamed her parents for not giving her a stronger body, she could have blamed herself for not being good at drawing or sewing. She could have blamed her bloodline for being stuck at the size of a child. She could have been bitter and upset when people mistook her for a kid every day. But that was no way to live. And so, she chose to take all of these hurdles in stride, and focus on what she liked, what she could do. That was why she was happy.

Overhearing the villagers talking about the rumored dragon, her face lit up with a smile. When Dala came back after asking them questions, her first words were–"CARPE DIEM!" She shouted, standing up and pointing to the sky. Turning to Dala, she explained: "That means 'seize the day' in an old language! Of course I'll come! I'm not gonna pass up this chance to interview a dragon face to face! Wait til Nick gets a load of this~" Myouga got herself dressed for the weather, thanking Dala for lending her the boots. Following quickly after her new buddy, she tossed some money to the waiter and waved as she flew out the door. "Thanks for having us!" The warmer clothes were so much better, making the cold bearable. As Dala walked, Myouga floated above, squinting her eyes to see what was on the horizon. There was snow, snow, and more snow. Maybe some mountains in the distance. With her winged armor, she spun around in the air, humming a little song to herself. 

"Heeeey~ So what's the plan when we meet the dragon?" She shouted down. Myouga knew what she'd be doing once they saw it–but she wanted to know what Dala had in mind. After all it never hurt to prepare an escape rune in case talking didn't work. Dragons were pretty scary creatures. 

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:05 AM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

Scrying the remnants of the portal the Undead would reach the exit leading to an icy plain unknown to her. Recounting the portals, Lixue would reopen the gate revealing the blinding white of unless sea of ice and snow. Not caring as to the what and why of the matter as all that matter was locating Dala and dealing with the one who took her. Even if it appeared as if she went willingly that woman could of use some sort of illusion or mind bending magic to trick her into following. Leaving the village for the Icy Wastes giving no thoughts on the fear and destruction she had left in her wake. 

Stepping through the gate the crunch of snow echoed throughout the empty lands with only the hallowing of freezing winds to accompany the Undead. Thankfully the cold was not an issue for the lightly dressed Priestess as any human would already be dangerously close to the first stage of hypothermia. Snaking through the surrounding area she would spot two tracks almost completely filled in with snow. Following along the tracks, Lixue worries compounded on top of another as Dala was not properly dressed for such weather. Doing her best to remain calm and hold back her Undead natural as the Gaes she placed upon herself was started to take effect. Fighting against the spell as her body grew heavier and pain crept throughout her body. Thankfully the pact had not taken into full effect as Lixue still had some sense as the Gaes pact required the target to be willing for the full effect to activate. Dragging her feet through the thick snow as the Undead could barely lift her feet as the pact grew stronger and stronger as the woman grew more irritated. Even though her mind was focused on the current task, Lixue could not help but be thankful for what she is as fatigue was not an issue as the tall snow and pact would be more than enough to quickly exhaust any living thing.

Focusing only on her student as the Undead shuffled through the snow stopping more and more to look for any signs of life as the tracks had almost been completely retaken by the snow. As she wasted more and more everything compounded more and more till she could locate no more tracks. Branching out in a circle to find anything as panic was beginning to overtake her mind. Nothing! Nothing at all! Where did they go they can't of disa.. Feeling foolish for not thinking of something so simple she sensed once again for any sort of distortions in the area picking up yet more remnants of a gate. Why would they travel here only to travel again it's not as if they are trying to hide their tracks? Confused by the odd actions, but not wasting any more time than she already had. However, as she tried to triangulate the location her lack of focus and the Gaes made it impossible to focus. Damnit! this stupid curse why did you have to work against me now! I can't let this stop me I'll have to partly dispel it to follow after them! Holding her hand over her chest a light would shine down towards the sigil as the chains around the mouth disappeared leaving her hunger more open to the world. As the pain and weight subsided it was replaced with an insatiable hunger. The Undead's mind was being overtaken with only the desire to consume. I.. won't let… something like this get the better of me.. Not when I have others who rely on me! Keeling over as a haunting scream echoed throughout the plains as Lixue fought with her inner demons. Pushing her hunger back with her desire to protect her student the Undead stood back up looking to the gate outline with one dull grey eye and the other holding a vibrant moonstone colour. 

Author: Dala, Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:48 AM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

A small smile appeared on Dala's face as she watched Myouga let out a sigh of relief. The warmth of the inn was a great comfort but….this isn't what she was here for. The little girl looked at Myouga with a serious expression, as though she was more of a fourty year old than an actual child. This mission was important. There wasn't anything that could be allowed to get in her way. 

"I'm Dala." The child said quickly, "Dala Asher Nesca." 

Dala looked over to the cookies that Myouga offered. Confusion crossed her face as she looked down at the pastries. She'd seen the dessert in windows and other places but she'd never had a taste. The child shook her head and looked over to the rest of the inn. Now was not the time for cookies. The gears in her mind where turning as she began to figure out how to get the dragon's attention. Her eyes scanned the inn and her ears were alert. If any mention of a dragon passed through the Inn, she would hear it. Myouga was mentioning something about the ponies, which apparently was her goal. Dala could respect that. Ponies were good, in their own way. They had a cuteness about them. 

"I'm here for a dragon." Dala explained, "I need to find a way to trap one. Dragons are strong and they have a physical intimidation level. But theres also the fact that dragons can speak draconian. A language that would be impossible for me. I do have a mentor, her name is Cao. She's an ally of mine. One of my best allies. But….." 

Dala let out a small sigh. 

"If there's one thing I've learned, its that everybody leaves you someday." Dala said bitterly, "I want to learn from Cao. But….I know that one day she'll leave me. Either by death or she'll realize that I'm not a great person. I'm not a perfect student. She'll hate me and then she'll be gone. Its just a matter of time." 

The child didn't cry. She wasn't allowed to cry. Not now. Not ever. Crying was for the idiots who showed weakness. The ones who wanted to be picked on and hurt. Instead, Dala narrowed her eyes and avoided eye contact. She just stared at the wooden table for a short time, lost deep in her thoughts. Now wasn't the time to be lingering in the past. Now was the time for action. 

"That's why I need more allies. I need as many people on my side as I can get." Dala explained, "A dragon would be a powerful ally. But that's only if I manage to capture one. Besides, I know that once Cao sees that I've caught a dragon, she'll forget all about this little incident. She's gonna be proud! I just know it!"

Dala stood up and put her hands on her hips while she spoke. Her eyes were filled with determination and that smile on her face displayed her confidence. Yet there was a lingering sadness in her eyes. She knew that even if Cao was proud, the inevitable was still inevitable. Catching dragons wouldn't make people stay with her. Nothing she did would. Dala had no idea why she was telling Myouga any of this. There was something about talking to girls her age that always loosened the child up. She knew that friendly kids like Myouga wouldn't bully or harass her as much as the older people. 

"The dragon stalking the village. He's keeping an eye on us to make sure we don't leave." The innkeeper was talking with one of the waiters working at the inn, "Apparently he demanded gold recently as his tribute. I think he's worried we will abandon the village to escape the payment. Can you imagine that? Gold on this island?! What kind of idiot asks for gold on an icy island?!"

A mischievous smile curled onto the child's face. Finally. This is what she needed. What she had been waiting for. Without another word, Dala darted over to the innkeeper and began interrogating him about the dragon. The innkeeper seemed confused but told her all the information that he knew. Once Dala was done, she raced back over to Myouga to inform her of the next steps. 

"Alright. I'm going to head out towards the edge of the village. That's where the dragon is apparently.
" Dala explained, "You don't have to come with me unless you want to. I mean…you are a kid so I don't exactly want to put you in danger. Even if you do have magic. But I can't stop you if you decide to come along." 

Dala packed up her stuff and put on some more layers of clothes. Then she reached into her bag and pulled out some snow boots for Myouga. The snowboots weren't as good as the boots that Dala was currently wearing but they would work efficiently. After dumping the boots on the table, she headed straight for the door of the inn. It was time to go catch herself a dragon. Whether or not Myouga came with was up to her. Either way, Dala would head out to find this beast. She began trudging through the snow, towards the edge of the village. 

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:00 AM, Post Subject: Snow Problem [P]

"I LIIIIIVE!!!" Raising her arms high, Myouga let out a happy sigh of relief as she basked in the delicious warmth of hot chocolate. After the girl had kindly lent her a very nice fur coat, the little arcanist opened a portal to the place she was told thanks to being given enough information. They were now inside a cozy inn, and Myouga was helping herself to a near infinite supply of marshmallows from her mirror portal to her pantry. "Thanks a bunch for the coat back there! You really saved my hide! Get it? 'Cause the coat's fur?" Bad jokes aside, things were going swimmingly. "Oh right, I totally forgot! Silly me~ I'm the great and magnificent Myouga, arcanist extraordinaire! And this is Patchy, my little buddy! I dunno what Patchy is, but he's magical. What's your name?" Taking out a tin of butter biscuits, she began stuffing them into her mouth. All that shivering made her hungry. "Want some? They're really good!" She offered the cookies to the blond girl. Regardless if Dala took any, there was more where they came from.

"Mmm…buttery shortbread goodness. By the way, why'd you wanna come to Itjivut anyway? Not a lotta reasons to come sight-see in the land of permanent Glaciem. I'm just here for the ponies. They're super cute. I saw them a while back, and I knew I had to have one! Too bad they don't leave the island often. I dunno if they're fast though, but they can carry a lot of stuff." The small oni was pretty laid back and chatty, even to a kid she'd just met. It was easy for Myouga to make friends, as that was just how she was. Now that she knew where the ponies were, she just had to open a portal and coax one to follow. But like always, her natural curiosity had her more focused on why her newfound buddy wanted to come on this impromptu adventure. The inn they were inside was one she remembered back when Gifre's Vault had turned everything frosty in Ignius. Lise had come along and they both tried to enter its depths. They had been lucky to get out alive without frostbite, and they had the little pets to show for it. That was a tale for another time. Now it was time for plans and hot chocolate. Patchouli was now helping itself to the butter cookies too, leaving crumbs everywhere. The familiar seemed to have an appetite that matched Myouga's.  

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