Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:39 PM, Post Subject: Greener Pastures [P]

"Oh so you can talk to animals? That's cool! I can't do that! I mean I've tried, but they don't really wanna talk to me–y'know what I mean? I know somebody who can talk to animals too! She's my student! Er, or was. She's already graduated." It was easy to mix things up, especially when your job expected you to remember a bunch of names every year, proceed to remember said names with their faces, and then start the process all over. What was the definition of insanity again? Coming back from that train of thought, Belphegor asked her what she had been doing before this.

"What was I doing before we skedaddled outta Kurayo? Do you mean like, right before I saw you and you saw me; or waaaaay before today happened? Eh, I'll tell you both anyway!" Cheerfully dusting off her hands she crossed her arms beaming proudly. "Before the whole…accident, I was sightseeing around the place. Not that there was much to see thanks to it being dark all the time. Seriously, I was about to keel over and nap with how dim everything was. You'd think they'd try to at least brighten the place up more like Gobethio. And the atmosphere's just crummy with all that tension in the air." Pouting over how much a failure her visit to the island was, she continued. "Anyway, before today I was hopping from place to place, looking for anything interesting. My classes at the college back in Iria don't start until a few months, so I'm seeing the world before my free time's over."

Myouga grinned, hoping to pique his interest. She loved talking about her alma mater, and was proud to be a member of its illustrious faculty. All Irians' were free-thinkers, and seeing how much time she spent living there she might as well be half-Irian.

Author: Ossukitty, Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:32 PM, Post Subject: Greener Pastures [P]

"I don't mind you calling me Bel." Belphegor thought on what she was saying. He could think of a few evil people (though he didn't know many people).

"The only thing I can do with magic is talk to animals….." 

Belphegor stood up from the ground and shook the dirt and leaves off of his cloak, and tucked his long hair back into his hood.

"What were you doing before this?" 

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:22 AM, Post Subject: Greener Pastures [P]

Myouga gave an understanding nod. "I can get why she might have thought that Belphegor. Can I call you 'Bel'? If you don't like it I'll just use your full name. Anyways, right–magic. Most people are scared 'cause it seems really dangerous and unsafe. But really if you think about it, everything's a little unsafe. Boats sink, carts fall apart or flip over, and horses throw you off their backs. Magic's just what most point fingers at since it's not so easy to understand like boats or carts." Putting her hands on her hips she said to him. "Remember, magic isn't evil. People who use magic for evil are evil. Stuff like necromancy for example. I know a guy who used to raise people from the dead. But he ran a business where people could talk with their dearly departed relatives one last time to say what they never got to say before they left. Of course the bones and bodies eventually went back to being dead, but it helped a lotta people get over their loss."

Taking a pause to think if she forgot anything, she then added. "Geography's pretty important, especially if you're moving around a lot. Don't bother with politics though, that's just a whole 'nother can of worms. When people start talking politics things always get nasty." She gave a dismissive wave as she mentioned the subject. It was important to teach kids the basics before they went out into the world, and she didn't want him getting involved in stuff that was way over his head. Too many good men and women died just because someone got a little too political.

Author: Ossukitty, Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 8:45 PM, Post Subject: Greener Pastures [P]

Belphegor watched Myouga intently as she spoke, soaking in her words and thinking on them.

"I'm Belphegor." He said softly.

"I never traveled through a portal before. My mom preferred to traveled on carts and boats because she thought magic was evil. I don't know much about geography or politics either."

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 12:23 PM, Post Subject: Greener Pastures [P]

In response to his question, Myouga put a hand to her chin making a thoughtful face. "If my hunch is correct–which it is, we're in the island forest of Egjora. Heh, Egjora…reminds me of eggs. Basically we've gone and landed south of Adeluna, in the continent of Canelux." It was then when she noticed the kid seemed ill after coming out of the portal. "Hey are you ok? I bet this is your first time traveling with portals. Everybody's first time is different, though most of the time people either get really confused or feel like they wanna hurl their whole stomach. It's not so bad if you've had experience teleporting."

Sitting on the grass, she sighed as she explained. "Weeell after that glorious accident where technically I'd be liable for assaulting a citizen unprovoked in Kurayo, I'm going to think it'll take at least ten years for them to hopefully forget all about it. Luckily I normally don't have any reason to visit the place anyways so it shouldn't be hard to avoid it for a decade…or two." Reaching into her cloak, she pulled out a half-eaten crescent-shaped flaky pastry and began finishing it off as she continued talking. "I mean, I guesh thatsh whaht happensh when you have a buncha people who got kicked outta everywhere elsh an' they try to make their own lawsh." Stuffing the last bit into her mouth and swallowing, she cleared her throat. "–Anyway, in the end they make the laws so they only benefit themselves and don't care much about other people. Kinda ironic since they've been subjected to partiality in the past only to do the same when they have the chance. But that's just my opinion. I don't know any vampires or therianthropes personally." 

"Oh right I've been chatting away for so long that I totally forgot. I'm Myouga! Nice to meet you!" She grinned broadly as she stowed her mask into the voluminous folds of her cloak.  

Author: Ossukitty, Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 10:45 AM, Post Subject: Greener Pastures [P]

Belphegor stumbled through the portal after Myouga before face planting on the ground dizzy and nauseated. He moaned in agony and debated on whether he should get up before his clothes became dirty and soiled.

He decided standing up was too much effort and rolled over onto his back before he suffocated in the grass. He looked up at the girl upside down as she talked and was midly surprised when she took off her mask. 

"10 years? Where are we?" he asked as he squinted at the bright sun. He idly waved off her concerns as he wasn't easy to be angered. Belphegor winced as his stomach clenched painfully and let out another pitiful groan. "Is this supposed to happen?" he asked whining.
He decided to stay on the ground. Standing up was too much effort. Slowly, as if it pained him, he lifted his head a squinted at her as he saw her face for the first time. He thought her make up was strange to him, but he didn't know if that was normal or not. ".10 years? ……..Nevermind. Where are we?" Pushing himself up onto his knees, he looked around curiosly.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 6:18 PM, Post Subject: Greener Pastures [P]

They both entered the swirling portal and found themselves back in the outdoors. Myouga tripped on the way out and tumbled onto the grass, her hat coming off in the process. It was very bright compared to the perpetual shadow of Kurayo, and everything looked so…green. The air was crisp and a bit chilly, while birds chirped in the trees. "Wheeew! We made it! And nobody else tried to follow us too. Well looks like I'll have to wait for another ten years before I can go back there again." Getting up off the ground she picked off bits of grass from her clothes and retrieved her hat. Looking at the kid she had brought along, she put her hands on her hips and wondered why she was being stared at. "Hm? What's the matter? Is there something on my face?…Oh wait." It took a few seconds for her to realize it and she pulled off her mask. "There we go. Much better! It's sooo bright here! Wow Kurayo's dark." 

Putting her grotesque mask away, a child-like face with black hair as short as a boy's grinned back. Her eyes were a matching charcoal color and small dabs of red face paint highlighted the ends of her eyes. She turned her head to admire the scenery, and then scratched the back of her head as a puzzled look came upon her face. "Hey wait…this isn't Ataiyo. I've gone and botched up that spell again. Well it's still far away from Kurayo, so it works. Shoulda known that the air smelled too spruce-y." Returning her attention to him, she give a cat-like grin. "Hope you're not too mad at me for putting that drunk on ice back there. I keep forgetting that lightning spells are more of a convulsive shock and less of a zap."

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