Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Corval Basin > Yovaesh Port > A Step Away From Chaos [P, R]

Character Info
Name: Jesgil Yamar
Age: 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Draconian
Gender: Female
Class: Maid for Hire
Silver: 561
It had been a long time since the chaos had flooded the lands once more… Madness filling those who traversed this world and gone insane, just so Lady Dalanesca could prove her might… At least, that was what rumors she heard said. It was sad to hear, if it was true. She remembered the aid she had given her just moments ago, seeking out the powerful soul that escaped her realm. Well, then again, many souls were leaking out thanks to that one pharaoh demon. It was too complex for her to understand, and for her sake, she needed to be away from the chaos, lest she fall victim to that again.

"I should see her sometime soon," escaped her lips, a yawn intertwining as she stretched her arms out and pulled herself out of bed, dressing herself up for the day ahead as Yovaesh Port enjoyed the peace it kept. It was amazing to think this small port was not attacked by the mental plagues, but to her sanity, it was, letting her redress the bandages on each arm in peace. Some may call it odd on why a healer cannot use such magics to heal their own wounds, but the draconian saw no harm in it, even if she was baring herself from using said magic as she recovered.

"There," she told herself as she finished latching up the wraps on her arm before dressing herself in more relaxed ware: a simple gown flowing her her knees in a basic form: Nothing as elaborate as her usual maid outfit to tell herself to not worry about that duty. After all, this was her time to relax and recharge. She should try not to help the orcs as they do their usual business. And the first way anyone should help themselves would be to a simple breakfast.


Character Info
Name: Nymeria
Age: ??
Alignment: LE
Race: Born of Flame
Gender: Female
Class: Sorceress
Silver: 144
Nymeria was free, truly free, and had left the land of her patron for the wild world. A large sum of money and skills, Nymeria had but only look to the lands to find her footing. But what exactly was that, where would she settle, had she no piece of herself that was purely her own? It was int he port city, often frequented by her goddess, that sliver of heaven on the edge of the sea. 

It was as Nymeria entered the city, clad in the robes of her faith, that she realized how painfully out of place she would be in sheer red and black silks that hugged her hips leaving the span of her belly bare, breasts full and barely covered in the whips of fabric. White hair flowed loosely as she walked through the market, eyes bright and aware as she looked back and forth over the bustling marketplace. 
There she was, pale skin, snow white hair and brilliant eyes that did not seem quite right. What the hell did humans do now? Her mistress had not known, for Nymeria held all that the goddess had. The former had lodged always with her father or mate…how did one find lodgings, food…the rest of it, how did one live without a patron?
Step by step, Nymeria wandered the streets until she reached the sea wall, the first glimpses of the sea startling the sorceress. She gasping and looking out to the horizon, sea life jumping out of the water and into the air, ships that were so far out that they were but shadows. “Gods…”
The words died on the air, pure awe. 


Character Info
Name: Jesgil Yamar
Age: 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Draconian
Gender: Female
Class: Maid for Hire
Silver: 561
"Thank you very much," she complimented the chef loudly as the tavernmaid came over to claim her dishes, the sounds of stirring food on the skillet settling for a mere moment to give a thumbs up to the tables before returning back to his work. "And thank you for helping him," Jesgil added to the tavernmaid, giving a decent tip to her, completely understanding her line of work and how rough it can be. After all, not every living being was kindhearted and respected those who did simple work. She did not serve the tavern itself, but her guests, and they can often be a handful, especially after a drink too many.

Still, even labeling herself off duty, Jesgil was one who had trouble sitting around and relaxing. No, she was a woman on the move, and thus took to the streets where many of its citizens, travelers, and guests wandered through. Many of them orcs, but at the very least civil and willing to work with "the weaker kinds" as she would often hear it elsewhere… outside Mo-Mey, of course. It was always fun to walk through and listen to the commotion between merchants and ship handlers. However, as she walked through to enjoy the sounds of commute, her eyes could not help but catch a sight easily outside of the norm. A woman whose being called lightly dressed would be an overstatement. She left much of her body exposed, leaving just the important bits to the imagination, with dangling decals complimenting her form. If she would guess, Jesgil would assume the new sight was an exotic dancer.

And it was a sight that not only caught her eyes. Nearly every man and a few women she walked past watched her go by, staring a bit before having to focus back on their business as she headed for the shoreline of the city, where a ship was pulling in to trade stock. Jesgil could not help but tilt her head as to why such a woman would wear such a garb as casual wear. Well, its not like she could call fowl as she often her own work attire around as she walked through the lands, but it was nothing this revealing.

However, another set of eyes decided to push forward to "greet" the lady to the city, an orc with a lustful shine in his eyes as he aimed to impress her on first go by lifting a nearby barrel full of goods before heaving it on his shoulder, heading over to the dancer before attempting to sweet talk her into getting to know her and possibly "meet up" later tonight, assuming the clothing was for another kind of "work." While Jesgil was concerned, all she did was move a bit closer to at least hear to see if she needed to intervene at all. After all, she did not want to intrude if the woman actually did that kind of work, or had a connection to the man that was not rude… Still, her mind rattled to see how she should act if the need arises.


Character Info
Name: Nymeria
Age: ??
Alignment: LE
Race: Born of Flame
Gender: Female
Class: Sorceress
Silver: 144
Orcs, while the beasts were not unknown to Nymeria, she had not met one in person before but only known of them in the academic sense. They were too ugly to be part of the glittering court. Too brash to be part of the passions of fire, too reckless to know the touch of air. She studied the creature as it neared her, the light dropping slowly to the horizon, cooling the warm air as the sea mist came with the wind and the sea, two elements joining to be one. Perfection. Cool and prickling against her cheeks as she sighed, looking to the other with critical eyes, ice filling them.

The winds had ripped her robes, skirts tattered and flowing as a marker of her prior life and as the orc approached, undisguised lust on his mind, Nymeria could not help but gag. "You mistake me, sir. Take your leave."

The orc, true to his nature, advanced on the young woman only to be met with a forceful push of air, whipping out and away from her body in a subconscious move to protect the girl from potential harm. Once before this had happened, and while preemptive, it had been an important move. It seemed no less important this day, the gale pushing out and upward against the foul male.

"Frigid Bitch" the orc spat as he landed on his backside, scrambling backward before drawing a weapon from his belt. If pleasure would not freely be given, it would be aptly taken.

Nymeria cocked her head, a wicked smirk painting over her features as she knelt down to be eye level with the male. "Ice will thaw, stupidity is permanent."Standing with a fluid grace, the sorceress pushed out another gale, this time sending the man over the sea wall and into the ocean below, knowing well that there rocks below.

He landed with a sickening crunch, screams silenced before the issue was noticed by too many.

And as if the disturbance had never come, Nymeria once again resumed her post on the seawall- looking out at the horizon, white hair loose and dress in tatters. Mortals, they were odd creatures, basal, and short-sighted. There were questions that remained, and Nymeria knew what they would have to be answered soon- such as where she would be living, how she would make her way in this world. True, the Lady had left her a large sum of coin, but those coins were an arbitrary measure of wealth, something Nymeria would no doubt have to figure out.

"Now what."


Character Info
Name: Jesgil Yamar
Age: 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Draconian
Gender: Female
Class: Maid for Hire
Silver: 561
Jesgil was here to relax…. to take things easy… recover herself from exhaustion… yet when the orc's body was sent trying by a massive force of aeromancy, instinct took over and a sheet of ice shot out from her foot, running fast along the floor as the orc's body was sent over into the rough edges of the pier, with only cracks of ice echoing on impact. She could only hope it worked alright and the ice wall she sent out did not completely shatter. At least, that was what she hoped until she realized what she did. She used her power without her chant, which meant she did not focus on control and  holding herself back.

She took a brief glimpse at the wraps at her arm, seeing the smooth bindings on them become a bit bumpy. It seemed not using her chant began to push out the scales once more… pushing out the other side of her blood… Still, she shook her head to snap her back before dashing up to the lady who stared at the sea.

"Excuse me, ma'am," she said, a bit of nervousness in her breath as she hoped she would not have to handle the same fate, "but I would think there are other ways to turn down men outside of attempted murder." As if on cue, a large hand cam from the ledge that the orc was sent over came back up, the one from before pulling himself back onto the dock, letting Jesgil have an internal sigh of relief. Once the orc was back up, he went back to grab his load before continuing his job, figuring that such a good night would not be worth adventuring further with her. :While I do have no connections with that man, I would hope you would accept my apologies for him.

"Its just… well… your attire does not exactly scream 'modest,' which I am sure left impressions on others, and his bold orc blood wanted to take a shot, if you know what I mean. If you are not familiar with these lands, I can show you to the shopping district for some new garments… If you would like, I mean!"


Character Info
Name: Nymeria
Age: ??
Alignment: LE
Race: Born of Flame
Gender: Female
Class: Sorceress
Silver: 144
There was a good many things that Nymeria expected of this day; she had expected to find a new home. Expected to see the sea, expected many to view her as 'other.' She had not expected an orc to come up to her so brazenly presuming that she was a whore for the use of common men. No, no man had known the preciousness of this being, and she would keep it that way. As the woman approached, the source of the recent surge of power, Nymeria bristled, missing her hackles, missing her true form. 

She met the eyes of the other, unblinking, cool blue dancing with unspent power; aura charged to protect her. The woman before her was pretty, yes, and exuding the promise of magic.

"Modesty is a moral that is grossly overvalued, perhaps if one valued honesty or decorum more modesty would not need to be so highly priced." Her voice dripped with ice, though it held no malice, it seemed to be her natural state. Eyes alert as she noted other men looking upon her frame.

Such bothers would be ongoing should she not cater to the base beings that would no more value her privacy than they valued the privacy of a dog. Granted, even dogs understood the word no, and humanoids valued their growl as an admittance that they should not touch the animal.

Hm, it appeared that humanoids valued the opinions and sentience of their mates less than they valued that of a dog. 

No wonder her mistress had been so deliberate in her choice of mate, though she had been properly half nude most of the time, and people respected her power enough to value that. Mind, murder was a way to respect, but it was different as a non-deity than as her mistress had been. Oh, the complications."I suppose f the foolishness of the males will persist; perhaps it would be best to find a more suiting wardrobe. One cannot expect a species to grow so quickly." Idiots were too frequent, obviously. She turned to face away from the sea and look into the town, "Where might I find less…obvious, clothing." Nymeria reached to her left hip, pulling from thin air, a pouch that jingled heavily as she opened it.

"Money is no concern," she said as she revealed several hundred coins.


Character Info
Name: Jesgil Yamar
Age: 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Draconian
Gender: Female
Class: Maid for Hire
Silver: 561
The woman was certainly blunt with her ideals, but as much as she would hope, the unwritten societal rules often did not enjoy such freedoms, often wanting to treat the body as gems only to those who are close to them or ignorant of such rules. There were also those that found pleasure in breaking such rules, but she was never one to question others. Just as long she was not forced to do the same. At the very least, she understood what was being said and agreed to fetching a more proper set of clothing. "Now don't get me wrong, that does not mean we will not be getting rid of this lovely piece you wear," she assured. "In fact, we can get it patched up once you have something new."

"The name is Jesgil," she told the white-haired beauty, bowing to her through habit, "If you would follow me, I am sure we can find something to your liking." Though while Jesgil tried to get some small talk out to learn more about her, the other woman wanted to know more about the town itself, the Draconian sharing her experience with her while stating that she, too was more of a guest to these parts, yet always found important to know the lands.

While it was a step away from the bazaar, the pair did find the shopping district where garments and cloth decorated the streets and windows, guests shopping around with their eyes and wallets. As they moved along, Jesgil learned more and more on how stern her choices were, seeing as she would turn down an entire store from the feel of one cloth it offered. It was not until they found one that offered the soft touch of silk did she find something to her liking. It was a store a bit on the pricier side, but she said money was no issue, as she stated. "Well, now that we found a store, we should look for a fashion that fits you. Maybe something with a tight fit to help elude the body you love so much, while still concealing it?" A simple suggestion, but the windows showed it could cover such style.

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