Author: Vinsue, Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:42 PM, Post Subject: Good Hunting [p:r]
"Silvertail" the half orc hollered as he stopped a few feet away. She stopped and turned to face him. She took stance as the dragon stood ready to jump. "Walk off I am not in the mood for this." She stayed before stepping back two avoid a punch to the face. She than punched him in his sternum with a jolt of electricity to throw him across the path. he was out cold bot would live. "Do not test me." She said that the rest of the crowd could hear and see what happens when they do.Author: Logan, Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:55 PM, Post Subject: Good Hunting [p:r]
He kept an ear on the various conversations, it was the best way to avoid trouble, he had found. A strange woman behind him spoke in a language he hadn't learned yet, but the merchant's expressions were easy enough to read. When the man broke into laughter and the woman left in a huff, Logan followed at a distance. The alchemists would be here all evening, and it wouldn't be too difficult to get what he wanted, once he found them. His curiosity had been piqued by the anger of the woman who was now moving through the crowds like they meant nothing. Angry glares followed her, and people were starting to mutter. It was only a matter of time. He moved closer to an overhang, ready to watch whatever was about to happen.Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sat Jul 8, 2017 12:32 AM, Post Subject: Good Hunting [p:r]
She walked up to the place the vampire had disappeared and whispered. " Xurwk ultro" Repeat sound. The dragon hatchling repeated the whistle like told and the half elf stepped out. Vinsue paid her coin and stepped past the lady after the lady stated the one rule and warning. Vinsue did not stop when she saw the madness with in and soon found her first target. a man that well resembled a rat. thin, tall. and ugly.Author: Logan, Posted: Fri Jul 7, 2017 7:48 PM, Post Subject: Good Hunting [p:r]
It was only another fifty steps or so before he recognized the sign he had been told of. It was painted simply on first examination, looking like a name had been drawn in fresh blood. But the cunning artist had gotten the color just right, and it even appeared to be ready to drip off the sign. Logan knew he was in the right place, and whistled the tune. A woman stepped for from behind the stone alley's entrance, a half elf by her scent. He handed over the silver to gain entrance to the black market, and she nodded. But a few terse words were offered first. "No hunting within our grounds, and no fighting. It is hard to dispose of bodies, so if you cause one, either take it with you or stay with it and become a corpse yourself," she said before moving aside to that Logan could enter.Author: Vinsue, Posted: Mon Jul 3, 2017 1:21 AM, Post Subject: Good Hunting [p:r]
Vinsue had worn her long brown robes to town as she usually did when she did not want to be noticed. Her young dragon raped around her neck watching all it could so that it could learn. The dragon was a beautiful black and white and covered in jewelry. Vinsue slowly walked as she listened for a special tune and fallowed. She was after her other hatchling and she hoped to find it in the black market before it had anything really bad happen to it. hearing the sound she dunked into an ally way and watched. she stopped when she hard a moan and turned. the pore human was going to die and she did not have the time or ability to help.Author: Logan, Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:07 PM, Post Subject: Good Hunting [p:r]
There was a particular alchemist that Logan had caught wind of, one that might be able to assist him with a particular mission. It was night, and the port city of Yovaesh was awash in a thick fog. It suited the vampire perfectly, and he strolled through the roads as if he owned the place. Whistling a particular tune he had paid well to learn, Logan listened carefully. There should be an answering whistle somewhere along this road. The black market he sought had to keep moving in order to keep from being caught, and the tune changed each night. It was a caution that he understood all too well, his kin were not welcome in many places.