Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 8:57 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Yavish seemed to have everything in order and her curiosity satisfied. Dala's previous concerns melted away since it looked like Yavish was just generally curious. Now she had a professional adventurer on her side, even if it was a temporary situation, Dala would feel safer whenever she had to leave for business or a duty. Cardawen would be lucky to have a warrior such as her.

"Forever Furnishings would be good. And check out the red stall marked on the maps. They make the most heavenly melopitas." She suggested. 

Dala always favored the part cake part cheesecake dessert with its melted honey but there were more duties to attend to. Runaway sheep wouldn't save her the endless amounts of paperwork she had on her table.  She also didn't want Yavish to feel like she was hovering so she decided to give her friend some space and let her explore the village on her own. The villagers would be pleasant to newcomers, especially when Yavish was going to purchase something and especially after the sheep rescue. 

"I'll let you do your thing."
Dala said, "I've got more work to get done. Let me know if there's anything you need, okay?"

With a wave of her hand, she headed back to the upper floor of the barn, her temporary living space and went back to the paperwork. When the village was large enough, she would build her own place but for now she'd just use the upper room and focus on her work. If only more sheep were running away. Alas, somebody had to do the work and she wasn't going to leave it on its own. 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 8:24 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Yavish noticed the change in expression, however brief on Dala when she went to answer her question for more information on the tribes.  She decided that she had delved far enough into that rabbit hole and that her interest had been more than satiated.  What amazed her the most was the Broken Ember tribe with werewolf numbers that topped into the thousands.  She knew that the village was more than lucky to have Dala as their expert negotiator.  Yavish dreaded to imagine what would have become of the village had the Broken Ember decided to pursue more savage goals.

She looked over the map that Dala provided her with and just about managed to hold back a chuckle when she saw the stick figures.  Yavish's own artwork was never on a professional level, so she had no room to judge.  When she scoured the options available to her to purchase basic furniture, she decided to start at Forever Furnishings.  Yavish pointed a finger on the store and said, "I think I'll check out Forever Furnishings first and go from there."

The biggest circumstance that would factor into what she would buy would be the price in comparison to what she had on her.  Of course, Yavish also had to make sure that whatever she brought would not immediately break under her weight.  Then another thought came to mind.  A weapons store may be worth checking out if the village had one.  Her current weapons had served her well, especially in her and Dala's recent bout with the wolves, but she figured that it would not be a bad idea to browse the store to see if anything was there that grabbed her attention. 

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:45 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Yavish seemed to accept the house, the visible disappointment in the lack of furniture was evident but it couldn't be helped. Even if they had available houses they were still building a stable economy. She couldn't rightly justify asking the villagers to build furniture  for strangers while their own futures were so uncertain. Fortunately, Yavish appeared to be motivated to add furniture herself when she requested for the shop names. Dala smiled and dug out a map of the village. The map was a crude drawing, since she had forgotten to bring along one of the maps made by a villager with actual artistic talent. She offered the map up to Yavish. 

"This will help you find all the stores and stalls you need." Dala stated. 

The map was crude but useful with its box houses and stick figures. Above each store was the name or the name of the owners. There was a store called Forever Furnishings run by pair of twins. One was a woodworker while the other focused in weaving and tailoring. Together they were able to supply most of the furnishings of the town. Under normal circumstances, their prices would be far higher since they had little competition. Dala made a deal with them so that their prices wouldn't rise too high in exchange for initial assistance during the setup of the stores. Many stores had made similar agreements with Dala since she was responsible for bringing them to the town, setting their stores up, and creating easier access to materials. To buy a bed with pillows and a mattress would be 90 silver, a chair 30 silver, and a table 50 silver. 

The other question Yavish had was related to the tribes. Dala's brow furrowed as she became increasingly concerned on what Yavish was planning. The minotaur had enough common sense, so she doubted Yavish would go racing around challenging the tribes but she couldn't help but feel a bit worried. Still, Dala would place her trust in her friend and hope she didn't do anything that would get her killed. 

"Well… it depends. There are some tribes that are big enough and large enough to move around continents." Dala began, "Lunar Sun and Broken Ember are the biggest examples of that. I think Lunar Sun are in the highlands right now. Broken Ember would be in the Bohar-Plains, north-east around this time of year. They're the strongest currently since they have Lycanthropes in the thousands." 

She remembered meeting Iona, daughter of the chief, a long time ago to arrange better relations, only to learn they weren't always present in the Bohar Plains. If she had done her research properly, she probably could have avoided going through all the effort for such little rewards. 

"But when the big tribes decide to stay in other continents for the season, then the ones that are the strongest are the Eira, the Greinea, and the Enkonah. They usually stick around throughout the year." She explained, "The Enkonah get their strength from their horse riding and are faster than the other three. They're a mix of humans and centaurs. The Eira are known for their strong connection to the magical world. Mostly humans with a few orcs. The Greinea are the largest whenever the bigger tribes are gone so they typically draw strength from their numbers. They are mix of a bunch of different types of people."

Her knowledge of the Bohar Plains was steady but she also understood the everchanging principles of the land. 

"But these things can change." Dala went on, "It only takes one plague or one bad year to bring a strong tribe to its knees, just like any country or group. The Bohar Plains are massive. If one tribe falls, another will rise to take its place." 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:45 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Tribes of humans, centaurs, and orcs.  It was quite impressive that Dala managed to form deals with many of them.  Yavish was curious about which of the tribes was the most dominant.  She was about to inquire about it when Dala's excitement about her staying cut that off.  Yavish followed Dala to where she'd be living, appreciative of her new friend's hospitality.

When they drew closer to the houses by a slope, Yavish studied them.  They definitely seemed livable for folks, though she had a slight concern about the stilts that many of the homes stood on.  Yavish hoped that she would not be living in one of those standing houses and was relieved when she saw that her house was more of a regular one.  A brief examination showed her that this particular house was no doubt built for someone like her.  She expected some furniture to already be set in place, but upon entry she was disappointed to find that the house was completely empty.

After the tour that showed that the house contained at least a kitchen and a fireplace and the information that Yavish would have to purchase her own furniture for the house, she stated to Dala, "It's…adequate."

It began to dawn on her that much of the village was still in the process of building itself up, so some gaps here and there were to be expected.  Nevertheless, Yavish was thankful to Dala for giving her a place to stay for a time.  She looked around what would become her bedroom and came up with a plan.  For now, the goal would be to acquire a bed, a chair, a table so she could at least live comfortably.  Yavish asked Dala, "Any shops I can visit to get some furniture?"

She lifted a finger as she remembered her other question and added in, "Also, of the tribes you mentioned, which is the most powerful out of them?"

Author: Dala, Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 11:40 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

"Depends on the tribe. Most have humans. Some are centaurs. Some have orcs. Some are mixed. Each tribe is like its' own country with its own rules and culture." Dala explained, "Unless you've taken time to study them, it's difficult to tell who is from which group." 

The minotaur's mind was made up and she accepted the offer. Dala almost shouted in excitement but somehow managed to keep that to herself. Despite her belief that the only reason she was so excited was because Yavish would be a great help to the town, which was true, there was another factor. She was just happy to have someone new to talk to. Most of the town were busy with their own work or just didn't have much interest in conversations about the rest of the world. Not only was Yavish a warrior but she was well-traveled and had a desire to help people. 

Dala exclaimed, "Then I'll show you to your new place." 

Dala quickly led Yavish through the village, closer to the edge nearest the slope where a selection of homes stood. They only had two major rooms, true to her word, but appeared sturdy and comfortable. Each home had the structure of a regular house of Cardawen but had the corners or backends built into the hill, using it as a part of the structure instead of trying to separate from it completely. Most of the buildings on the hills used stilts or were built on a flatter part but this side of the hill was steeper and its homes reflected that. Yavish's home was a white wooden home with a red-tiled roof and a stone base. The building was tall but only had one story. The door was on the larger side and it was almost as if the house had been made for a taller person. Dala had intended for it to go some large orc or maybe even a centaur, but this worked perfectly. 

"There's no furniture yet so you'll have to get some from one of our shopkeepers." She explained. 

The door led straight into a kitchen with a fireplace and enough space for the necessities of a kitchen. An archway led to another room. It was empty but there was a comfortable small window that allowed enough light to enter the space. A bed would fit and even a desk or a dresser could be added in. 

"Sooo what do you think?" Dala asked. 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:12 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

This village had been the center of plenty of activity concerning the tribes as Yavish had learned.  Bordering countries with little to no interest in working with the local tribes led her to surmise that these tribes may have been causing trouble for said countries.  Yavish had no true understanding of the situation unless she interacted with the tribes herself.  The previous mention of deals being made with the tribes to prevent them from attacking Cardawen made Yavish rather mistrustful of them.  She wanted to know more about the tribes and asked Dala, "What species are these tribes primarily?"

When given an offer of a temporary home was provided by Dala, Yavish took a moment to think it over.  A personal living space for herself after all of her days traveling was most certainly welcome.  On top of that an actual long night of rest to herself.  This offer grew even more appealing with the addition of a job board to deal with threats both to and beyond the village.  The growth in income would be useful as well.  The minotaur looked around at the villagers strolling about and working in their shops, understanding that building a reputation in Cardawen could go a long way to a good word being spread about her throughout other villages and perhaps even towns.

Yavish's eyes settled on Dala with her mind made up.  She motioned toward a random building and replied, "I accept your offer Dala.  Having a place to rest is helpful, and I'll be more than happy to aid the village and its residents."

A somber mood overtook Yavish for but a brief moment.  Eventually, she would have to continue in her travels, but not before she did what she could to ensure that those living in and around Cardawen had better lives than before.  She would especially be vigilant for those that sought to snatch away any innocent people from the village.  The first thing Yavish planned to do tomorrow was check out the tavern's job board.

Author: Dala, Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:10 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Dala sensed her new friend's readiness to learn about the village and possibly help with their troubles. Despite Dala's friendly and chaotic nature, she had an eye for talent. She could see the overwhelming potential from Yavish. The minotaur was strong and would only get stronger by the day if she kept up with training and learned how to face new type of foes. Such an ally would be greatly beneficial in the future. It was part of the reason she was so upfront with the town's history. Her words rang true but had a purpose behind them. 

"We act as a trading center for the tribes. Neighboring countries, mostly Adeluna, have a bad reputation with the tribes and refuse to recognize them as anything more than barbarians." Dala explained, "Few people want to trade with them or if they do, they wrack up the prices to an unreasonable degree. We made a pact with them to keep prices at a reasonable level and to continue trading with them, long as they keep their side of the bargain." 

She remembered when she first started opening negotiations with some of the tribes. Dala ended up having to earn their trust over and over then had to work tirelessly to get the villagers to open up to the neighboring tribes. Neither side ever became extremely friendly to one another but they had eased into a symbiotic relationship. Yavish began opening up about some of her past to which Dala eagerly listened to. Yavish's story was a tragic one, involving deaths of both her adoptive father and having to fight against her blood family. To have the strength to fight someone who could have been family… that type of pain wasn't something Dala could even begin to imagine. The resolve in Yavish's voice was clear and steady. She offered to stay around a little more, something Dala had been hoping she'd say. 

"If that's the case, I could arrange for one of the open homes to be given to you." She offered, "We have a policy of making two or so available homes for refugees or anybody who wants to buy a place. It's only got room for a kitchen and a bedroom so don't expect much. But it'll be a lot easier than takin up space in the inn all the time." 

Dala looked at Yavish with a clever little smile as she started to sweeten the deal. 

"And if you're ever low on coin, the tavern keeps track of job requests. Things like fightin monsters and helping out other places."
She said, "What do you say?"

Although her offer appeared to be generous, she saw it more as an investment. Coin, power, security, food, everything relied on people. Choosing the right people with the right skills could make or break any beginning town. The value was not in how much coin the town was making but in what skills the townsfolk had. Even if Yavish chose to temporarily live here, it would still be more than worth one of the homes they set up. 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 4:29 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Yavish listened with interest to the lore of how Cardawen dealt with bandits or monsters.  She was also rather impressed that this village was able to strike deals with nearby tribes to keep most of the trouble out of their border.  The bovine could feel the air darken when Dala discussed the pasts of most of the villagers that resided here.  It was amazing everyone was able to forge a society here with such vitriolic histories.  Yavish's eyes looked across anyone in view of them.

Who knew if someone might one day send a large army to attack the village for the petty purpose of settling a score with a resident.  Not every motivation to commit evil needed a deep, detailed reason behind it.  It reminded Yavish of when she helped defend her adoptive parents and the men and women of her home village from a raiding party that contained both of her actual parents.  This was a dark memory that Yavish disliked talking about, but knowing the troubles that Cardawen faced, Yavish figured that she could do more to help out.

She asked Dala, "What do the tribes get in return for keeping away most of the outlaws and monsters?  This surely can't be a one-sided relationship."

Yavish continued, hoping to perhaps show Dala that she could relate to some of the residents, "And, your story reminds me of when I was younger.  When I was a calf, I was found and raised by some farmers.  I helped around the farm and they gave me helpful advice that made me the person that I am today.  When they revealed that they adopted me, I realized that I had basically wandered away from my real parents who I was unaware of at the time were part of a group of raiders."

Her voice grew sorrowful, "As I mentioned before, I helped defend my village.  That day, my parents were among the raiders, and that was the first time I saw them in many years.  Intense fighting ensued, and I slew my father, but my adoptive father lost his life as well."

Yavish folded her arms and her voice became steel, "From that day forward, I vowed to become a defender of the innocent.  I appreciate the night you are giving me, but if you'd like, I can stay around a little more in case something more terrifying than mere wolves does come this way."

Author: Dala, Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:52 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

"Oh you have no idea." Dala sighed in response to Yavish's question. 

She motioned for Yavish to follow, as she was still intent on getting her to the inn and following up on her promise. Her voice was lowered to avoid too loud of a conversation but there wasn't really an issue in stating the facts. Dala had a feeling the minotaur could be trusted, especially after her assistance with the wolves. The young woman knew that caution was important but she also understood the dangers of being paranoid that the world was out to get them. Besides, if Yavish turned out to be cruel or unkind, then Dala would simply have to handle the situation or call in a favor from one of her friends. 

"Bugs aren't really a problem since we put up the honeycomb vines. And we made some deals with the neighboring tribes so they wouldn't raid Cardawen." Dala explained, "But we do have to occasionally deal with bandits who got through the tribes. There's also the occasional beast or random mage. But the worst ones are the people who target specific villagers." 

Usually the villagers didn't like bringing up the past so she kept her voice lower so only Yavish could hear. 

"Many of the people here are outcasts or abuse victims. Some escaped from violent nobility, slavery, loan sharks, and some had to escape their own families." Dala said, glancing back at Groth's store for a moment, "Sometimes those people want to drag our villagers back. The guards are able to handle the small stuff like the occasional wolf or thief. But they aren't experienced or strong enough yet to take on the bigger stuff. I usually have to handle anything too big or strong." 

At times Dala didn't mind being the village's main defender but it wasn't sustainable. As their leader, she was sent out on trade missions or had to help with end of the world situations. That wasn't even including the times when her friends were in trouble and she'd have to stop what she was doing to help them out. Each building had a safe room and knew what to do when trouble arises but Dala knew it wouldn't be enough. 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:22 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Yavish accepted both the potion and the mint from Groth with a nod of gratitude.  She consumed the potion and watched her bite wound.  As Groth mentioned, the teeth marks left by the wolf sealed up and her arm looked like new again.  Yavish flexed with her fully healed arm and felt none of the pain from before whenever she moved it.  It was a relief to the minotaur that it was a quick magical fix and not a lengthy process.

The mint was then taken as per Groth's instructions to freshen her breath.  It was a refreshing flavor to say the least, and after the remains of the mint passed through her throat, Yavish said to Groth, "You have my thanks Groth."

A raised eyebrow was given to Dala after Groth made a remark on her breath.  Yavish never found Dala's breath to be awful, but that may have been because she had not been around Groth as long as her friend had.  Regardless, she had little interest in whatever discourse the two shared as she looked down at the silver held out to her by Dala and took it, dropping it into her own pack with a, "Thank you."

She glanced toward the door to Groth's shop and asked, "So there are the wolves that sometimes harass the sheep.  Dala, are there any other threats that this town deals with sometimes, such as bandits and bugs that could destroy crops?" 

Author: Dala, Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:52 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Groth gave out a grunt of recognition to Yavish's story and began to look over her wound. After giving her a careful inspection, he stood up and went over to a cabinet, taking out a small vial with a light pink liquid inside. He then walked to the nearby shelf and plucked some mint from the bushel. The orc walked back to Yavish, holding it out to her. Dala watched with a bit of pride. She remembered when Groth could barely talk to another person without feeling uncomfortable. Now he could serve up herbs and potions without any problems. 

"Drink this potion. It'll heal your wound. Then eat the mint. The potion gives you bad breath." Groth stated. 

After Yavish drank the potion, her injury would slowly seal up and vanish, as if it had never been there in the first place. The potion recipe required rare ingredients and wasn't readily available for everybody. However, Yavish had helped with the sheep and possibly defended the town from wolves. Although the orc didn't seem to say or express much, him giving the minotaur such a fast-working potion was his own form of thanks. 

"Awww Groth you big sweetheart." Dala said with a smirk. 

"You should eat mint too. Your breath stinks." He stated. 

"Never mind. I take it back." Dala huffed. 

She still took a bit of mint and chewed on it. Her gazed turned back to Yavish, realizing she barely knew the poor minotaur she dragged into the mess and had yet to give her the payment she promised. The young woman opened up her satchel and took out a large amount of silver and handed it to Yavish. There was only the food and room for the night left, which she would have to speak to the innkeeper about. 

"See! I promised you'd get paid." Dala said. 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Mon Jan 2, 2023 1:38 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

"Ah, so it's like fire magic, but brighter," Yavish said, beginning to understand what Dala meant from her explanation of her magic.  She looked across the village at the houses and the stores.  Her eyes searched for an inn that she might be sleeping in for the night as they drew closer to it.  The two villagers who lost their sheep earlier were waiting for them, and after Margie's gratitude, Yavish defended Dala with, "We had to fend off wolves that would have no doubt made a meal out of it had it reached the forest."

After that exchange, Yavish followed Dala and looked around the village, still looking for something that resembled a possible sleeping quarter for weary travelers.  She saw the children who were excited to see her, and despite the father chiding them, she did not mind the attention.  They were kids, and curiosity was common among them after all.  Neither did she care for the stares she was receiving from some of the villagers, figuring that minotaurs like herself were an uncommon sight in this part of the world.  Yavish raised an eyebrow at Dala when she bashed through the door of the Medicine and Potions shop and just sighed before she entered after her.

An orc as a healer was the last thing Yavish expected to see, but she was not going to judge a being in the profession of the healing arts.  When Groth asked Dala what the issue was, Yavish stepped up to Groth and explained, "Nothing was broken by her…hopefully.  We went out to retrieve a runaway sheep and got into conflict with a pack of wolves.  We managed to fend them off, but one of them bit me during the fight."

She displayed the bite mark to Groth.  The pain was beginning to waver, which Yavish was thankful for as she hoped that healing the injury would be easy for Groth to take care of.

Author: Dala, Posted: Sun Jan 1, 2023 5:57 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

After receiving the okay from Yavish, Dala began to walk towards the village. The village itself was located on a large hill with a gentle slope and a river wrapping around the back end of the hill. The farms were built on the hill as well, choosing to create a terrace style and filled with a selection of potatoes and corn. There were a few houses for the residents, though most preferred to live above their stores on the second floor. Each building had a stone floor and bottom structure while the upper halves were made of a sturdy type of wood, dragged in from the nearby small forests. Despite the villages' small size, each building and farm were high quality buildings made with care and consideration to its placement. As they walked, Yavish asked her about what she said earlier, questioning the association between light and healing.

"Yeah, normally healing and light magic go together. I guess I can technically heal but its less gentle sunshine and warmth. Imagine the feeling of your blood boiling just underneath your skin or the heat of a desert running through your body." Dala explained then paused for a moment to collect her thoughts, "….My magic is light magic, but it's a different use of it…. Think of it this way. A water mage and an ice mage are very different types of magic, right? But ice is basically just cold water. It's the same element at the end of the day. And water mages have connections to healing as well but you wouldn't expect it from an ice mage."

Dala hoped her words made sense. The young woman had spent several years just researching light magic to understand how to use it, even then she still struggled.

"The difference is temperature. It's the same with my magic. Others use the light of a sunbeam, I use light closer to the sun itself." She said, "Its an uncommon form of magic cause if you aren't careful using it, you could end up burning yourself." 

They arrived at the small gates of the village and the two villagers from earlier approached them. Margie, an older woman wearing a simple summer dress with an apron and Velio, a younger man dressed in a simple tunic and shorts. Velio was a bit strange with his slightly purple skin and pointed ears, a clear sign of his inhuman nature. Nobody in the village wanted to ask, scared it would be rude to do so. Margie meanwhile was a simple looking human with a slightly annoyed expression. 

"Miss Dala thank you and your friend for getting that sheep. But did you really have to tie it on a HORSE?" Margie sighed, "It'll be a pain tryin' to get it back out in the field tomorrow. Even with the fence."

"Never mind that!" Dala exclaimed, trying to avoid a Margie lecture, "My friend Yavish is injured and needs immediate medical attention. I need to take her to Groth." 

The two nodded and went back to whatever work they were doing while Dala directed her minotaur friend towards a two-story building with a sign that read *Medicine and Potions*. As they walked a few children looked up and gasped excitedly at Yavish, impressed by her horns and size. They had seen tall people before but never a person like her! The father who was fussing over the children was careful to tell them that staring was rude. A few others looked towards Yavish, surprised by the new stranger but were quick to look away the second they caught her eye. Dala practically ran up to the door and slammed it open. 

"EMERGENCY GROTH!" She shouted. 

A tall extremely buff orc wearing an apron and a pair of small glasses let out a big sigh and looked in Dala's direction. 

"Morning Miss Dala." Groth greeted in a monotone voice, "What did you break this time?" 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Sun Jan 1, 2023 2:04 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

It was unfortunate to learn that healing magic was not in the woman's roster of spells, but Yavish saw no reason to complain.  She checked her bite wound again upon hearing that the village had a healer.  It did not feel like the wolf's teeth penetrated too deeply, but nevertheless it was a good idea to get the injury patched up as soon as possible.  Yavish remained calm though, confident that a simple bite would not be enough to place her in dire straits.

"Well Dala, that is good to hear," Yavish said in response to Dala's answer regarding how the villagers would react to the arrival of a minotaur.

She looked toward where the horse had fled with the sheep and when asked by Dala if she could walk, Yavish was unable to hide a smirk as if she did not just stroll over to her after their recent bout with the wolves.  Yavish nodded and replied, "Yeah, I'll be fine.  It was only a bite, but it still hurts like hell though."

The pain still rang through her arm.  As of this moment, all Yavish was anticipating was getting her injury healed up and a nice hot meal.  She gestured in the direction of the village and said, "Let's head back to the village.  I'm sure those two that you were dealing with earlier will be delighted to see that their sheep has been returned to them safe and sound."

Her head hung low for a moment before she asked, "One thing though.  What do mean by your magic being too intense for healing applications.  Isn't healing magic usually associated with light?"

Author: Dala, Posted: Sun Jan 1, 2023 12:58 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

"You'd think so. Apparently, my kind of light magic is too intense for healing stuff." Dala explained before she noticed Yavish's injuries, "Oh um sorry. We've got a healer in the village. He uses herbs and stuff." 

She'd explain more if she knew anything about medical practices. Wiping the blood off her sword in the grass, she looked towards the wolves Yavish destroyed. The young woman was impressed by the stranger's battle ability. Fighting off three wolves at once was still a challenge for even the greatest of warriors. Dala had an advantage of using magic but even she would be in trouble if a pack of wolves came at her. Sheathing her sword, she had a look at Yavish's wound, trying to see how bad it was. Dala was unable to tell for sure. 

"Nice to meet ya! The name's Dala Asher Balato."
She said, "As for the villagers, I don't think they'll have an issue. Cardawen is mostly made up of outcasts so they don't really have the right to judge others."

She knew that wasn't the strongest comfort she could give Yavish but it was the honest one. Dala couldn't always predict how people would react and her new minotaur friend did look different. But if the village could be made up of orcs, humans, satyrs, and a goblin or two, then they shouldn't have a complaint with her wolf fighting friend. After seeing the slight wince, Dala knew that they needed to get to the village as fast as possible. Luckily, it wasn't too far away. 

"Are you able to walk?
" Dala asked. 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 3:01 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Yavish watched the injured wolf writhe about until it finally died from shock.  A pool of blood had by now formed around the other wolf she slashed open, turning the lush green grass into a crimson red.  Pain seared through her left arm, and she checked it to see that it was bleeding from the bite marks.  Yavish turned to her partner to see how she was doing and saw that the horse had left her behind with the sheep still tied to it, but at the very least it was running toward the village.  She was about to run over and help with the other wolves when she saw the brilliant flash of light cast by the woman that burned away a wolf's entire muzzle.

The other wolf took an injury before it turned to retreat in Yavish's direction.  She decided not to attack it, and let it flee past her toward the safety of the forest.  As the survivor made its getaway, Yavish sheathed her sword and walked toward the woman.  The sight of the light spell gave Yavish the idea that she may have healing spells, so when she was close enough, she asked her, "Light magic huh?  Would you happen to know any healing spells?"

She showed the woman the bite wound on her arm before she gave the forest a brief glance and saw that the wolf was now a speck before it vanished into the woods.  Yavish turned back to the woman and decided to introduce herself, "Yavish Neroleone.  You think the villagers will be okay with a minotaur among them?"

Yavish made a slight wince as pain shot up from her wound once more.

Author: Dala, Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:11 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

With haste, she threw the sheep onto the back of the horse, a rather uncomfortable fit for both creatures, and leapt onto the horse herself. She had a feeling Yavish would be fine after her boasting about fending off an entire raid party. A couple of wolves wouldn't be a problem for a warrior like her. Trusting her newfound ally, Dala jumped onto the horse and sprinted towards the village. Holding a hog-tied sheep and guiding a horse while staying balanced was an almost impossible feat. Dala was using all her leg and core muscles just to stay on with the sheep. She almost wished she could drag the sheep behind but that would result in dead livestock. The villagers would be pissed if she came back with it all shriveled up and beaten. 

They were closer to the village now but when Dala looked behind her to check on Yavish, she spotted two wolves, inches away from their spot. Fighting on a horse while holding the sheep would be impossible. There was only one thing to do. Using the rest of the rope she had brought, she quickly tied the upside-down sheep to the horse, both creatures neighing and bleating out their disproval. Luckily, wolves chasing the horse was a good motivator to keep it moving despite its displeasure. Once the sheep was somewhat secure, Dala steered the horse in the direction of the village and leapt off. 

The horse would run back to its home where it was safe. She knew it was in its cowardly nature and the sheep would end up at the village, even if it was traumatized. Dala tumbled to the ground but was relatively unharmed. She learned how to fall safely after donkey incident. The wolves turned to her and snarled their fangs at the girl, seeing her as an easy target. The wolf on the left snapped its jaws while the right wolf lowered itself, ready to launch at her. Dala drew her sword and pointed it at both creatures. 

Her breathing slowed. The sounds of the world became muffled as her heartbeat grew louder and louder. Lowering her sword, she used her left hand and pointed at the lowered wolf. The center of her palm glowed fiercely as that familiar burning sensation flowed through her body. Fiercer than fire. Brilliant and painful. Dala could feel the amounting pressure and with one swift motion, released it towards her enemy. A spear of light erupted from her palm and struck the wolf's muzzle. The wolf howled in pain as the light enveloped its face. The other wolf, slowly backed away from both its wolf comrade and Dala. When the light faded, what was the wolf's muzzle had been burnt into ash.

Picking up her sword again, she sliced at the other wolf, striking its leg but unable to cause it further damage. The creature bolted in the opposite direction of the town and Yavish, terrified. Meanwhile the other wolf had fallen onto the ground, either in complete shock or in death. Wanting to spare it from any further misery, Dala quickly stabbed the sword into the wolf's neck and chest. The two fatal blows killing her enemy. 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 1:24 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Yavish cringed when she saw the woman throw her form down on top of the sheep and then pick it up by its neck.  She used to work on a farm with her adoptive parents, but she never saw them pick up a sheep like that.  Sheep handling may have depended on the region, but she was not a professional in that area by any stretch.  Nevertheless, the wild maneuver worked, and they had successfully caught the sheep.  Yavish was more than ready to bring the sheep back to the village and was about to respond to the woman's gratitude when a howl turned her attention to the source and saw a small group of what she figured were wolves coming toward them.

When asked about her combat capability against wolves, Yavish drew her broadsword and replied, "I can handle wolves.  Hell, helped my village fend off an entire raid party once."

As she positioned herself for the incoming fight, she considered turning down the money, but when one was out adventuring like her, a little extra never hurt.  Yavish said, "And I'd appreciate all of that!"

Yavish waited, ready to defend the woman and their quarry.  When the first wolf was close enough, it leaped at her for a bite, but she was able to sidestep the jaws and countered by slashing across its side, letting blood seep from the open wound as it struck the ground on its side with its mouth agape.  One of the other wolves charged in for a bite, but Yavish saw it coming and used a fist to knock it back.  The wolf did a somersault through the air before it landed on its belly in a complete daze.  A third wolf jumped up at Yavish and managed to clamp its fangs onto her left arm.  She tried to shake it free, but the wolf was latched on tight, so instead she slammed the canine into the ground in full force that sent it a couple inches deep and with some broken bones.

The wolf in the ground let out a painful whine, but it was silenced by a foot driven into its stomach by Yavish that finished it off.  She turned to the other wolf that was recovering from its stunned state, but before it could act, Yavish sliced it across the back, causing it to collapse on the ground twitching from its damaged nerves as it unleashed a howl of pain.  With two wolves dead and a third dying, the other two decided to ignore the minotaur and instead went for the woman and their bounty.

Author: Dala, Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 12:17 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

For a moment Dala thought their plan had worked and the foolish sheep had been caught. She walked the horse over to Yavish and the creature when it suddenly broke free, landing on its back. A hundred percent done with this little chase, Dala leapt off her horse and body-slammed onto the sheep. There was a bleat of fear and probably pain but nothing had broken on either side.

Dala held the creature by its neck, as the farmers had shown her, and yanked at the two back legs with her free hand to prevent it from standing up again. Leaping from a horse and body-slamming a sheep was not the best of ideas and Dala was only realizing it now as several bruises began forming along her face and arms. Choosing to ignore it, she used some rope from the horse's saddle and hog-tied the sheep. 

"Finally. Thanks for the hel-"

A howl interrupted her speech. Her eyes darted towards the woods and in the distance she saw five little dots running in their direction. Wolves had a sense of smell that could track down almost anything and anyone. Dala glanced at the village then back at the pack, deciding on the best move. Another idea formed in her mind but it would require additional help from Yavish. 

"How are you with fighting wolves? There's payment and a free meal in it for you." She offered, "And a place to sleep." 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 9:57 AM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

As Yavish continued to bolt after the sheep, she could see the forest in the distance.  If the sheep made it in there, then it had plenty of places to hide as well as plenty of carnivores that would no doubt make mincemeat of it.  Learning from the woman that wolves did indeed live in the forest made Yavish up the ante on catching the sheep.  She yelled after the escapee, "You don't want to go that way!"

The way the sheep kept moving erratically made it difficult to catch until the woman formulated a plan and Yavish responded with, "Got it!"

She stayed on the left side of the sheep as the lady on the horse drew closer to it from the right.  When the sheep darted toward Yavish, she dove for it, and this time she managed to trap it within her grasp as she landed in the grass.  The sheep let out a slew of panicked bleats as it wiggled in Yavish's arms, desperate to break free.  Yavish tried to keep her hold on it, but the sheep's head smacked against her muzzle several times and it caused her grip to loosen.  The sheep utilized the opportunity to break free and succeeded as it shot from Yavish's arms and performed a small tumble before it landed on its back.

Fortunately, the sheep's body was facing the village.  Yavish jumped to her feet, prepared to catch it again whilst hoping that her partner was quicker on the grab.

Author: Dala, Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 6:39 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

The second she heard the sound of Yavish's yell, Dala knew the sheep had revealed itself. Dala finally managed to gain control over her horse again and pushed the horse in the direction of Yavish and the mischievous animal. They were running through the plains but in the distance there was a spot of forest, not large enough to be on a map but big enough to hide animals. If that dumbass sheep went into the forest, it would be over for the foolish creature. Luckily, the forest was further away than what an average sheep would run. For a moment, Dala thought they would be fine. Until Yavish reminded her of wolves. 

"That forest over there is where the wolves usually are."
Dala shouted back. 

Even with the large distance between them and the small forest, there was no doubt in the young woman's mind that a wolf could easily cross a distance like that. Especially if they were hungry. Dala urged her horse into a faster run as they raced towards the sheep. An idea formed in her mind. The problem was that the sheep kept zig zagging across the field. However, if each person was on both sides of the sheep, they would have a better chance of catching it. 

"Go to the left of it and I'll take the right. I'll push inwards and force it to go your direction! Get ready!" Dala exclaimed. 

She maneuvered her horse to the right of the sheep and began moving closer to the sheep. Careful not to get too close but still putting pressure on the creature, causing it to zag directly towards Yavish. In the distance, she could hear a howl. They were running out of time. If they couldn't get their hands on the stupid sheep before the wolves caught it's scent, then it'd be over for the blasted bleating sheep. 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:05 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

With her offer accepted, Yavish stepped toward the north plains watching for the lost sheep.  She assured the woman, "I'll keep my eyes peeled for it."

She hoped her size would help her have an easier time locating the sheep, but so far she had no such luck.  One would think that a sheep surrounded by green would stick out like a sore thumb, but that was apparently not the case. Yavish gave the woman a brief, puzzled look when she imitated a sheep sound.  She returned to her search with a simple shake of her head.

Then the woman kicked her horse into high gear and a swarm of birds rose from the grass.  Along with the airborne critters, the sheep had revealed itself and was now speeding close to Yavish right as her search partner declared its location.  Yavish lunged at the sheep to grab it, but it cut left, and her arms hugged air as she missed it by a mere inch.  Her attention snapped to the fleeing sheep, and she grunted, "Damn it!"

Yavish gave chase after the elusive sheep, intending to catch it before it got into any dangerous situations.  Now that the thought crossed her mind, she called out to the horse rider and asked as she still ran after the sheep, "Are there any wolves near here!?"

Wolves were something that she could deal with being a minotaur and all.  The issue lied in her keeping pace with the sheep enough so that she would have time to save it before it became lambchops for a predator.  Yavish continued to chase the sheep, watching for any wolves or anything else that posed a threat to either her or the sheep. 

Author: Dala, Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:58 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Just as Dala was ready to start her search, a strange creature approached her horse. For a moment the girl was confused until she looked a bit closer. Her eyes widened with surprise as she realized exactly what the creature was. A minotaur! Dala had never encountered one before but she'd learned a bit about them during her travels. The stranger lifted their hand, showing they meant no harm and offered to help look for the lost sheep.

"Yes! I want your help! Okay, you look towards the north plains. If you see any fluffy and white peaking out of the grass, then that's probably it." Dala said, "If you see it, try to catch it or give a shout."

With that, Dala readied her horse again, assuming that the minotaur would prefer to search on foot. The horse Dala was riding was strong but not strong enough to carry a fully grown minotaur. The young woman scanned the fields for any sign of the sheep but the creature was keeping itself hidden. She even made a sheep noise, hoping that the sound may draw it out. The sheep stubbornly remained hidden. Suddenly, Dala came up with an idea. If they wouldn't be able to draw out the sheep, maybe they could frighten it instead. She slapped her horse on the back then clung onto the horse's main. The horse reared up and gave out a sharp neigh that rang throughout the fields. Flocks of birds previously hiding in the grass fled to the skies while a little cloud of white fluff dashed through the grass, right near the minotaur. 
"There it is!" Dala exclaimed before remembering she was on a runaway terrified horse. 

Her focus quickly shifted from the sheep to directing her own horse in a safe direction. A runaway horse was almost impossible to stop but they could be directed in certain directions. She knew, or at least hoped, that the horse would tire itself out before they were taken too far from the village. 

Author: Yavish Neroleone, Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 11:42 AM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

Yavish's hooves strode along the dirt road as she sought to get to the next town.  She had a fresh swig of water earlier, so her energy was refreshed for the time being.  As she walked along the path, she spotted a village and decided that she should visit it for something to eat.  The minotaur closed in, and that was when she noticed two people in what appeared to be a heated argument.  She drew closer and deciphered that they were blaming each other for a sheep that apparently got loose.

Another woman joined them, and Yavish stopped, deciding not to approach anymore lest they panic at the sight of a minotaur.  She was not sure how this part of the world viewed minotaurs, but she was not looking for trouble in the slightest and preferred a more diplomatic approach.  The duo in their initial argument seemed to relax, and the other woman hopped on her horse.  Yavish figured that she was not exactly in a rush at the moment, so she decided to see if she could pitch in and help the lady search for the lost sheep.  Her slow stroll became a power walk, and she managed to intersect with the horse rider's path. 

Yavish lifted a hand at her, showing that she meant her no harm and said, "Heard you all lost one of your sheep.  Would you like me to help you out?"

Her eyes scanned the grassy plains, hoping that the escaped ball of wool had not gone far. 

Author: Dala, Posted: Fri Dec 9, 2022 4:17 PM, Post Subject: Workin Nights [O][R?]

"The sheep got loose again!" A voice shouted out. 

"Again? I thought we fixed the fence?" Another responded, "What the hell did you do?!"

Dala sat in the upper loft of the barn, carefully organizing the village Cardawen's resources into categories in a record book for this year. She had always been cautious about using their limited resources wisely, especially since the village was so new. Her sleeping mat laid next to her table along with a chest for any of her personal items. It was a simple type of living but necessary. There wasn't much room in the timeframe to build herself a proper home when there were other buildings that needed to be constructed. Her hand ached from writing and she glanced at the pages of records she had added. Maybe hiring an assistant or two wouldn't be a bad idea? But it would have to wait until she had proper accommodations for them and for herself. Arguing from two villagers continued outside, increasing in volume as their tempers grew. Dala sighed and slammed the record book shut then slid down the later and left the barn. It wasn't difficult finding the two since their voices practically reached the heavens. 

"What are you two going on about?" Dala asked 

One of the villagers, a young man with pointed ears, turned to her with tears in his eyes. Even from one look Dala could tell they were crocodile tears. The other person standing next to him was an older woman, around her fifties with an expression that indicated she was about to strangle the man. 

"I didn't do anything Miss Dala! The sheep just got loose while I was taking them through the pasture! It ain't my fault!" The young man sobbed. 

"Bullshit. You're the one who was supposed to watch em. It was one job!" The older woman shouted. 

Dala had a feeling if they kept arguing like this, they wouldn't stop until midnight. The young woman put her hand on both their shoulders, shoving them apart to force a distance between the two. 

"Look I'll go find the sheep. Margie, how about you teach Velio here how it's done? You've got experience with keeping an eye on kids so it should be helpful." Dala suggested, "And Velio, take a break and calm down. You won't be able to watch anybody if you're eyes are filled with tears." 

Margie seemed to be fine with this idea and if Velio had complaints, he knew better than to voice them. Usually the older woman spoke harshly but there was always a line she never crossed. Velio hated criticism but that was something he'd have to learn to deal with. Once the two calmed down, they both went back to the remaining sheep. Dala found her own horse and mounted it, heading out to Cardawen's massive grassy hills in search of a lost sheep. 

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