Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Corval Basin > Plains of Bohar > [EVENT] A God's Will [P/R]
Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895

They were being outnumbered on the northern border towards Laeto. That’s what the report had said. It reached her hand before it even reached the others. The message was scrunched up into her fist as she closed her hand tightly. “My Lady?” The messenger stared at the goddess but got no response.

“Pull all troops back from the northern edge.”

“Do I tell Lord Zanar? What about the others?”

“Tell everyone to get out of my way or die.” She wanted these things dead. She would bury them alive if she had to.

The messenger’s face drained off color before they ran off and told everyone he could about Angela’s orders. “What are you planning?” Toya wasn’t too far from her sister with her arms crossed.

“I’m going to introduce them to an old Arriese Tradition.”

There was an abrupt chuckle from the younger sister. “Do whatever you want. This I got to see.”

“I need to borrow your water board.” Angela was tying her hair up and she had changed into something more appropriate for what she was about to do.

“Now, how the hell are you going to use it on land?”

“Watch and learn little sister.”

Toya got the board and handed it over curiously. Angela took off towards the northern front with Toya following by air. The least she could do was make sure her foolish sister didn’t make an ass out of herself. However, it became increasingly clear once she put two and two together what the goddess was planning.

When the call to retreat was finalized and everyone was pulled back the ground began to swell and move like a furious sea. The grasses rippled like seafoam and water as they tossed back and forth like they were pulled by the moons. Huge waves of earth rose up with the goddess riding the board on top of them. She didn’t like the deep deep water but she never said she didn’t like the ocean in general.

The earth swallowed up hoards of the enemies who had gotten far too out of control. In one particular place the ground burst forth with a huge sapling that twisted and turned as it grew. The tree picked up creatures left and right as it feed them to its roots.

This wouldn’t stop the invasion of the north but it would slow it down. The plains rippled and settled back into their gentle selves as the large wave of earth rolled through.

“Well… That’s one way to do it… I guess.” Toya said as she watched her sister at work.

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Sirona
Age: Looks early 30s
Alignment: LG
Race: Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Holy Knight
Silver: 0
She was curious to see how things were fairing on other fronts of the war. Lady Glory had felt that she could spend a few moments away from her front, things were holding well thanks to Shiloh’s mechanical creations. To that end Sirona had headed to where she knew Angela would be. Sirona was still getting used to the Light form she now had access to, not to mention the speed at which she could travel. Literally at the speed of Light, Sirona could be anywhere in almost no time, and since had no true physical form while pure Light she couldn’t run into anything either.

Angela would obviously feel Sirona’s presence draw closer, but the speed that Sirona was approaching at was insane. If Angela was looking she might have been able to see a streak of light coming into the area and appeared as a ball of light close to Toya after is whizzed around for a few moments over the scene below. ”Well, that’s different.” Sirona spoke as she came out of her light form and watched as Angela rode the Earth like a wave, swallowing up the beasts while the tree feasted on them. ”Here I was coming here to check on how things are going and Angela seems to have them well in hand.” She looked to Toya having never met before Sirona nodded. ”I am Sirona.” She introduced herself.

At the same time Sirona sent a telepathic message over to Angela. I came to check in, seems you have things handled. Need me to do anything before I move on? Sirona asked while keeping an eye on things.

Sirona, Goddess of Light and Strength, Lady Glory and the Stronghold of Peace

Sirona's Divine Powers;
1. Light From - Sirona can take on a form that is made of pure Light, she has no physical form while like this and can move at light speed.

2. Grant Strength - Sirona can pass some extra Strength onto those around her if they need it. The kind of strength they get is up to them, be it magical, physical or spiritual, it is a small lone of her Strength for a short time.

3. Solar Flare - Sirona can call down a beam of pure sunlight from the sun itself! She can focus this beam to a surprising degree, from the ability to target one being in a crowd to wiping out said crowd in a luminous cleansing of Light!

OOC: Shawn

Warehouse – If you need synth and stuff check here, if you want to buy anything please PM me on Sirona or find me is Discord :)
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
Shiloh had withdrawn her machines from the area for the moment, then she felt it. She had expected wild overgrowth, mountains rising and falling, even the earth splitting open like a gaping maw–but as a fellow artisan Angela did not disappoint. It was a wave of earth, like the rolling sea, smashing and churning against those poor saps who were land-bound. With one of the smaller world eaters in sight, her face began to slowly twist into a sadistic grin. When she had gone to check on Eytelia, she found the structure utterly decimated. Cold fear jolted through her veins when she saw not one, but two eldritch masses now free from confinement, and it was her first encounter with Dagron, the Wrath-class World Eater. Words were exchanged, and when the deity kindly told the thing to bugger off, it returned the sentiment by infecting a portion of the human scouting group she had with insane bloodlust. Now it was war. At first she felt anger, but remembering what Natsumi had told her on how the Wrath-class eater worked, rage quickly turned into gleeful vengeance. There was no reason to be mad. In fact, she should be thanking it–for now she had the perfect reason to use the secret weapon she had been planning for so long…

With a placid, mask-like smile the deity opened a portal right above the nearest World Eater and let something fall through. "I've been waiting to do this for a long, long time. Now…allow me to return the favor you so graciously gave us using Dalanesca." In the next moment, tons of rune-etched glass canisters filled with the concentrated powder of Spotted Lactarius Indigo came crashing down, and upon making impact they violently exploded showering it with blue dust. The monstrous entity let out a guttural scream as the mushroom powder burned into its flesh, glass shrapnel from the explosions causing lacerations which provided the powder more surface area to land on. Additional powder rained down and was caught up by the wind, ensuring there was no escape. With a perfectly pleasant voice Shiloh mocked the screeching horror beneath a mask of courtesy: "Send my regards to Azhizheth." She clicked her tongue, sending a massive swarm of Bakulaw spider drones straight at it.

The sky darkened as thousands of drones filled the air, all programmed to attach themselves to the world eater before initiating their self-destruct. The spider-like contraptions planted themselves into its flesh with a spiral barb, then opened up their bodies before blasting themselves apart. Each and every one of these were loaded with a highly concentrated amount of Spotted Lactarius Indigo, adding salt to its festering wounds. And they just kept coming. Not wanting to be outdone by Angela and Sirona's displays of power, she called down her latest mechanical implement of destruction–flaming mechanical wheels hell-bent on mowing down anything that stood in their way. They plowed through enemies like chariots of fire, running down anything that failed to escape their serrated edges. 

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.
Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
“Toya,” the fire queen spoke simply as she watched her sister. “I’m getting out of here… Another one of you is coming. Whether or not she has this handled remains to be seen.” She pulled the reigns on her dragon as Karith veered away and flew back towards the base. She would need to find another battlefield it seemed.

Angela moved her foot slightly and the wave changed direction as Sirona sent her message. ”I wouldn’t leave just yet. This whole area is swelled. Can’t you feel it too? It’s only a matter of time before my solution is worthless.”

Sure enough, the smaller of the eldritch beings made themselves known and the waves came to an end as Angela got a running start on the ground. It was a dead sprint towards one of the two eldritch beings. Shiloh was dealing with one. She swore she could hear her heart through her bare feet hitting the earth hard.

“Damn right they do,” Angela yelled in a huff up at Shiloh from her sprint. The earth roared and ruptured under her as she slammed her hands against the soil. “You should have chosen another world to fuck with,” the goddess let the words roar from her lips as the earth erupted below her. A monstrous tree creature began to tower from the ground as Angela grabbed a hold of its shoulder. It towered higher than the smaller eldritch.

She struggled for a moment before she could swing herself the right way and began to climb up the huge tree being. “Listen to me now.” The goddess commanded. “I have made you as a creature of war and I apologize for this huge disservice but if you do not fight… WE WILL ALL die.” Angela spoke up to the massive ent. It let out a few ear aching rumbles as it shook itself free of the earth it was born from. Grabbing on Angela almost fell off. She would need to focus. “Thank you.” There was some relief in her voice.

“I call on all the life that surrounds this place… From the smallest fly to the largest creature of the plains. Grant me your powers just for a moment.” Angela placed her hands together and closed her eyes. “Become one with my power.” A mass of green magic began to swarm around the ent and finally, Angela grabbed onto the creature once more as it swung its mighty arm with a roar.

The eldritch being went flying across the field. “Steady now!” The creature began to take its first steps. “SIRONA,” she yelled up at her sister goddess as she pointed towards Shiloh. “Take out the other one and meet back up with me. I can hold this one for a while.”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Sirona
Age: Looks early 30s
Alignment: LG
Race: Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Holy Knight
Silver: 0
Sirona watched Toya fly away on her dragon before she received a reply from Angela. I can now, I’m new to this, not sure what the new feelings are exactly sometimes. Sirona replied as she watched Shiloh enter the area and get into the fight. Taking wing Sirona got up high into the air and watched as the new eldritch being came through and Shiloh opened up a portal. Then the mechanical spider things that exploded and the wheelie things, covered in fire, plowed through the beasts with ease.

Again the Earth below ruptured as a massive tree creature clawed its way out on Angela’s command. Sirona nodded to Angela’s words, take out of the other one with Shiloh before helping Angela. Sirona wheeled around in the air and headed towards the beast that Shiloh was sending her creations after. Sirona didn’t like them, fake life and no soul, but they served a purpose she had to admit so Sirona didn’t say anything.

Flying up level with the eldritch beast’s ‘face’ of what she thought was its face, Sirona lowered the hood on her armour and grin. Her eyes started to glow a pure golden light as she raised her hands to the sky, to the sun! ”Be cleansed by the Light!” Sirona called out as a flare in the sky shined for a moment before a twenty foot diameter wide beam of pure sunlight crashed down on top of the beast. It roared in agony as Sirona kept up her attack, the area was awash in the Light given off by the beam, as the beam it started start to bore its way into the beast inch by inch.

Sirona, Goddess of Light and Strength, Lady Glory and the Stronghold of Peace

Sirona's Divine Powers;
1. Light From - Sirona can take on a form that is made of pure Light, she has no physical form while like this and can move at light speed.

2. Grant Strength - Sirona can pass some extra Strength onto those around her if they need it. The kind of strength they get is up to them, be it magical, physical or spiritual, it is a small lone of her Strength for a short time.

3. Solar Flare - Sirona can call down a beam of pure sunlight from the sun itself! She can focus this beam to a surprising degree, from the ability to target one being in a crowd to wiping out said crowd in a luminous cleansing of Light!

OOC: Shawn

Warehouse – If you need synth and stuff check here, if you want to buy anything please PM me on Sirona or find me is Discord :)
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
It was time for her to personally join the fight. Angela had given her all, and so was Sirona. Now it was time to show the World Eaters what she was capable of. Climbing atop the roof of the Clepsydra, the winds gathered beneath her feet sending her flying high into the sky. Once she was above the Eater the angelic goddess was blasting, Shiloh curled up into a ball and transformed into a myrmidon. With new metallic protrusions emerging from her forearms, shins, and back, gravity took hold of the deity as she became a serrated, electrified living projectile. With each rotation she built up momentum until she plummeted straight through the World Eater's fleshy, tentacled mass like a cannonball. Tearing new gashes as she passed through, spider drones were quick to swarm into the newly exposed surface area before the eldritch being could heal. A new round of explosions applied more Spotted Lactarius Indigo concentrate within the horror's body as Shiloh was heading straight down onto a Rhino. Unwilling to lose her momentum from an impact, she threw out her hands before her–force gauntlets equipped. When her hands made contact with the Rhino's hide she pushed back with an incredible force–sending herself back up while crushing the Twisted into the ground. Using the same gauntlets she reduced her own weight to gain more upward height, blasting back through the World Eater on the rebound.

Once she was back up in the air she channeled the currents again to change her trajectory at a slant. This time she stretched her body out, arms forward and fingertips touching, legs together like a diving swimmer. The winds began to surge as her body began to spin–turning herself into a myrmidon missile. Shiloh ripped through the Eater horizontally, continuing to sail through the air on the wind as she directed herself to loop back again. Although her body was no longer flesh, what a rush it was! It gave a whole new meaning to the phrase 'grievous harm with a body'. A few more turns and she had created more than enough openings for her mushroom-laden drones to take advantage of, and she pulled back to her airship. She signaled another wave of machines to take to the battlefield, this time thelyphonida units loaded with pressurized projectile chambers loaded with strange seeds she had picked up from an enchanted pouch. The seeds themselves weren't anything special, however the pouch's contents were endless, and who was she to disregard an endless supply of ammunition? The whip-scorpions peppered the Twisted with seed shots before tearing and torching them into oblivion.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

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