Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Raize, Posted: Sun Oct 6, 2019 11:13 AM, Post Subject: [Event]Defensive Line[R, O]

It would seem that the Gods had a sense of humor. Or at least, perhaps all they had left available to send in for a rescue was a pint sized runt with a hero complex.

At the last moment, Rhenakos felt something grab his arms. “Oi! Hey!? What the hell is-” His body left the ground, and he could hear the sound of someone or something straining against his weight. He was still in the direct path of the Rhino, and whatever was trying to save him wasn’t going to succeed at the rate this was going.

“Hey! Do something already or we’re both going to die!” About halfway through his statement, he felt something…wrong. At once, the two shot into the sky, out of the way of the Rhino, and to safety.

Sort of.

He finally looked up to see what had sace him. “Oi, you puntable little-” Rhenakos took a deep breath. Osiria would be pissed at him for going off on someone who had just saved him. After a moment of trying to figure out what to say, he finally settled on, “You need to work on your timing.”

From up high, he could see the state of the battlefield. In terms of sheer body count, Revaliir was winning. But it’s not right… he thought. He may have been a brute, but he wasn’t dumb. Most of the time. “We’re going to be overwhelmed unless someone does something.”

And then he realized that they were losing altitude. Fast. “Uuuh, runt? We’re falling. Do something!” Oh right. I’m heavy. He hit the ground, rather hard, but managed to stick the landing. His entire body shook from the impact, and he was fairly certain that his body would complain once the adrenaline wore off.

But he still had to react to the enemy. Now wasn’t the time to stop. Rhenakos hefted his sword, and dove back into the fray, once again delving into his single-minded madness.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Fri Oct 4, 2019 10:59 PM, Post Subject: [Event]Defensive Line[R, O]

"Have no fear–the great and magnificent Myouga Ryou is here!" At least that was what she wanted to say in this situation. Her words were lost in the noise of battle and she zipped around overhead with her magical winged armor. Using protection and invisibility the little arcanist was able to pick off enemies from above, well out of harm's way. She was like a stealth sharpshooter–but with spells! Fire and frost pelted pesky Infecters and lightning zapped stalkers without any sign of their attacker, leaving the small oni giggling. And if that wasn't enough a rain of spectral arrows did them in. It was then she spotted trouble. A big ol' monster called a Rhino charged through the place and like a real rhino it wasn't gonna stop. A man with red hair was stuck between a Corrupted and a hard place, and he shouted for help.  Myouga's eyes lit up as a grin spread across her face. 

"Hold on tight buddy! Here I come!" On second thought, maybe trying to lift somebody bigger than you wasn't such a great idea. But she was already swooping down, and there was no time to take back her words. Still she was going to try! Even if her arms were gonna be terribly sore she wasn't going to leave him hanging. Grabbing Raize by the arm, she strained to pull as she pumped a reverse gravity spell onto herself. It was pretty risky but it was the only way. "Come onnnnnnn!!! HRGHHHH!!!" The Rhino was coming closer and closer, then finally they had liftoff! The sudden reversal of gravity sent both of them flying high into the sky, causing Myouga's invisibility that wear off as she screamed: "YEEEESSSSS!" The euphoria didn't last long as what goes up must come down, and down they came–thankfully after the Rhino missed hitting them. 

Author: Raize, Posted: Fri Oct 4, 2019 8:40 PM, Post Subject: [Event]Defensive Line[R, O]

For her, if not for the future, Rhenakos mused. Even now, he still felt the ache of when he had killed Osiria, but now, with the End at hand, there was a possibility for redemption. Whether or not I live is beside the point. My life is nothing compared to hers, and that of the one she carries. He gazed up at the Void dwellers who had started their assault. There was a God who retaliated against a rather brazen beast that attempted a suicidal charge.

They weren’t immortal, but they were many. And that was what worried Rhenakos. He could cleave through hundreds, or even thousands if it came to that….but eventually he would run out of strength before they ran out of numbers. At least, that was what it felt like. Izori. Noel. They had spoken about the names of their potential children long ago. Osiria.

The first wave made it’s assault, and Rhenakos readied his heavy blade, letting out a battle cry as he rushed forward, side by side with others who would put their lives on the line. The two sides crashed, and an eerie silence took hold of the battlefield before the cries of humans and void beasts alike shrieked in the air.

The demon hunter slashed down with his blade, cleaving one of the assailants in half. Another came from behind, crashing into him like a wild beast. Off in the distance, Rhenakos could see a large, unwieldy amalgamation crashing through the ranks. The hunter clicked his tongue in protest, and swung his blade hard to the left to deal with the beast that had assaulted him. That thing is going to be a problem… He motioned for two men to follow, and the three cut their way through towards the Rhino. Sensing Rhenakos’ intent, it seemed to make a beeline for the trio.

“Let’s see who’s stronger then,” Rhenakos said, his eyes widening. He felt the demonic strength of his left eye flow throughout the rest of his body, and a wild smile started to creep across his lips. “Come and get it!” the hunter roared.

However, there was an unexpected trick that had yet to be played. A voice rang out, something not of this world. To Rhenakos, it meant nothing, but to one of the men that had followed, it meant everything. Immediately, the man turned his blade on his comrade, slashing him across the chest. This left Rhenakos wide open, and in a bind.

A traitor!? To his back, he had a Corrupted. To his front, a Rhino charging him. All around him, he could sense the Void beasts and their killing intent. Dodging would not be easy, if at all even an option.

“Anyone want to play hero!?” Rhenakos yelled aloud, barely expecting a response. “Now’s your chance!”

Author: Attie, Posted: Fri Oct 4, 2019 8:35 PM, Post Subject: [Event]Defensive Line[R, O]

Attie felt as though everybody in the Bohar had to know about the Eldritch threat by now. The armies of Eldritch abominations had already been fighting against the Canelux armies. She had taken on the form of a blue jay and had been travelling around the Bohar Plains, looking for people to help escape or for any residents that she needed to warn. By this point, she had warned over sixty different villages and nomadic tribes about the dangers and had helped many of them escape over the past couple of days. She was relying on her mana potions to help with her magical energy maintenance. Luckily, the merchants back in the safe zones had lowered their prices for potions in hopes that it would help them win against these monsters. 

As she flew through the air, she spotted a man on horseback. She was aware that this could have been a Chomper but the horse would have probably been afraid of him if that was the case. Attie suddenly spotted an Eldritch running after him, clearly wanting him to be its next dinner. Attie quickly lowered herself to the ground then transformed into her human form. She snatched her whip from her belt and used it to ensnare the monster and keep it from hurting him. Attie used her right hand to pull the whip to keep it entrapped while she used her left hand to send a column of fire at the beast. In a matter of seconds, she had burned the Eldritch to a crisp. 

She looked over to see if the man was alright. 

Author: Aegis, Posted: Fri Oct 4, 2019 7:30 PM, Post Subject: [Event]Defensive Line[R, O]

”They dare come and invade this realm, they are solely mistaken if they think they will succeed in their endeavor.”

The hunter, now in charge of the main defensive force of the mortal realm, spike as another denizen of the void dropped. A wound outlined by the pale glow of mana as Zanars ‘arrow’ had pierced it. That was just one of the many that had risen from the dark depths of void. They, unfortunately, decided that Zanars home of Bohar would be a great place to enter in. As soon as Zanar had heard that he immediately rode off, making sure Kalyani and Vale stayed within the temple walls.

Fortunately for the defensive forces, there were portals that linked each place that allowed defenders to gate between. When Zanar arrived he had made sure to set up a base camp for the forces that had followed him around one such portal and then moved on to save the nomads and villagers that called the place home. This also was a perfect time for Zanar to test out his new bow as well.

The god had found out that it worked quite well, and he was glad that he no longer needed to lug around a quiver as well. This was at first, but now after having fired the thing far more than he thought he was starting to get worn out and the latest kill that he had shown that. It was getting more and more difficult for him to draw back the bow, even though he was one of the conclave exhaustion still set in especially since he was pouring his own divine strength into each of the arrows as well. It was a foolish thing, but he had to make sure that none of the creatures survived.

His ears picked up a small faint sound coming from behind him. He thought it may have been an animal trying to escape the chaos, but no, it was coming closer and closer to him with each passing moment. An infester, mindless drones only wanting to create more of these twisted acolytes. Zanar has seen them infected a whole tribe, he, unfortunately, could not save them on his scouting mission. He was only killing to make a path. It seemed tho, one was trying to come after the god.

It leaped at him as it got close enough, and Zanar turned around and let loose another shot. The beam of mana traveled right through the creature’s mouth and out the backside of its carapace and fell down. Its legs flailed about for a bit before resting still. ”Stupid creature,” he huffed exhausted. He needed to get back to base camp, in his current state he would not be of any help to anyone. Even though he couldn’t die to these creatures the men under his command needed his skills in order to defend this place, especially since he knew the plains like the back of his hand.

He hoped on the back of his horse and made his way back, he only hopes he did not run into a force of the void on his way back.

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