Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Corval Basin > Laeto Rainforest > Have wood, Will travel [P/R]

Character Info
Name: Trafalgor
Age: 31
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Druid/Monk
Silver: 1225
Beads of sweat dripped down Trafalgor's face and body as he carefully trudged through the depths of Laeto Rainforest. He paused for a moment and reached out once more with his magick to feel out his surroundings.

**Feline-Not-Prey territory here. Alpha should go around,** sent Midori, his katerba companion, through the telepathic bond. Trafalgor could feel him off to his left and skirting a circular area. After taking a few moments to look around, he could make out minute signs of territorial markings of the tree-dwelling large cats that inhabited the forest. **This way, Alpha. Black-Feathered-One has scouted ahead.**

*The right has another of those snakes that are longer than they have any business being. Follow the Scaly Claw. I think we're almost there, Kohai,* sent his raven companion, Kuro immediately after. *I think the village ahead is the one you described. The trees are different, too.*

Trafalgor gave a small nod and carefully followed his companions around the predator's territory, feeling out through the earth and wind with his magick to make sure nothing snuck up on him. The trek this far had been difficult, but nothing he and his companions couldn't handle. Things had started back in Gulu while chatting with a passing trader. The man had mentioned a type of wood known to be as hard as iron, but nearly impossible to shape. He also mentioned rumors of the portion of the Laeto Rainforest it could be found in was protected by a "strong and terrible monster." After making the decision to craft his replacement staff out of this fascinating "iron wood," he was able to get a somewhat better idea of what to expect at his destination. 

The townspeople spoke of a protector that lived among a tribe that chose who was allowed to take the rumored "iron wood" from the forest.

He wasn't one to take rumors at face-value, but having now traveled this deep into the forest, he couldn't help but wonder kind of protector could survive and thrive in this environment. Over the last two days, he had managed to evade several tribes' patrols on top of avoiding all of the natural dangers the forest provided. 

'Almost done, boys. I don't know what to expect from the locals, so unless I give the order, no attacking unless you're attacked first. No killing unless absolutely necessary,' he sent back to them as he finished making his way around the predator's territory. 'Midori, stay out of sight. Kuro, keep an eye on things from above, please. I'm going to approach the village carefully.'

He got two acknowledgments and slowly made his way forward. Once again, he reached forth with his magick towards the village. Everything around him felt charged now. The air and earth had a… presence that wasn't there previously. His gut clenched and the hairs on the back of his neck raised as his instincts flared stronger than they had since he left Gulu.

Still, he had to move forward… and so pushed his instincts to the side and stepped forward once again.

The trees around him sprung to life.



'Hold!' he called back firmly as he leapt backward… to no avail. In short order, the trees' branches had surrounded and restrained him. Trafalgor briefly thought about attempting to cut himself free, but the thought left as quickly as it appeared. He was only being held just firmly enough to be unable to move or escape, but not enough to cause him actual harm.

He reached out into the trees with his magick to attempt to at least loosen his bonds, but it was firmly rejected before it could even reach the bark.

Assured that there was an actual mind behind the force restraining him, Trafalgor instructed his companions to stay clear and watch how the situation played out. He then prepared for what was to come, continue to struggle slightly against the branches.

"I come to you with empty hands. I have no weapons, but if I am forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons. Empty hands." ~Trafalgor


Character Info
Name: Daphne
Age: 48 Looks 20
Alignment: TG
Race: Wood Nymph/Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Forest Guardian
Silver: 200
Now, it wasn’t uncommon for people to misunderstand the Iron Woods. They were large, dark, and intimidating. The life that did grow there was weird for plant life. They were like that so they could grow in the shade. Though in some of the Iron Wood there was complete darkness. It made sense for people to be afraid. Though the beast they were all scared of was nothing more than a young woman. The stories about the enchanted forest were enough to keep her safe. She would rather took a nonviolent approach to people who came into the forest anyways so it worked for her.

Daphne had long dark red locks that reached the top of her hips. They were loosely pulled back on the sides and tied back using a ribbon. Gold paint sprawled from the mid of her neck all the way down her leg on her left side. They were in shapes and patterns mostly done by the native women who lived around her tree house. Daphne was tall compared to most women as she stood at five feet and ten inches. Her skirts were layered and had a high slit up her leg with the paint. The longer of the two skirts was a golden silk. The top was a simple bandeau in gold with green accents. Something to wear when someone was working out in the humid Laeto Ingius.

She was picking purple mushrooms called bristled sawmills and playing them in a large basket on her hip. A soft humming left her lips as she continued to pick. Best to always have a lot of forage for the village and for whenever random visitors came through. Daphne had been taught to be a good hostess, something she had not forgotten.

Soon her humming came to a halt as she perked up. The trees were whispering wild things. The villagers had noticed someone and it was never good when they did. They always got into trouble. She softly huffed and moved herself towards the area. Putting her hand to a tree she fused with it briefly before coming through the other side to its sibling. She stood above the whole scene. Just a little bit of magic and the vines came to life that sat still on the forest floor. They took hold of nearly everyone but gently. These strangers did not know what they were getting themselves into.

One of the warriors of the village broke through and he was jabbing his spear near. “Enough!” The foreign word left her lips as she jumped from the top branch and landed nimbly in front of the stranger. “I was the one who entangled you all. Go home.” Her gold eyes scolded the man silently as he backed off. The vines fell off the rest of the villagers who heeded her words. Soon it was only her and the stranger.

“My apologies for that. They get excited whenever they see someone come into the forest.” Finally, she turned to the man and looked him over. He definitely wasn’t from the area. None of her mushrooms had fallen out and she had made sure by turning and patting the basket. “The Iron Woods are a dangerous place Traveler. You would do best to get some rest and leave. You might not be so lucky next time, I’m not always near by to protect.” She tilted her head at him curiously. “Lost or seeking?” There was always the foolish who just ran into the Iron Wood looking for treasure.

After a while there was a blush to her. “My apologies again. My name is Daphne and I’m the guardian of the Iron Woods." She waved her free hand a bit. "I was protecting you from them I promise." The vines released from Trafalgor's body and his friends. "You see the villagers have a tendency to… How do I put it?" She blushed more as she looked away and up to the sheltered sky. "They kidnap men and try to offer them to me." She coughed it out and managed to look him in the eyes. "It's a bother really. Not that they don't mean well! Nymphs often mate and have daughters to help further the forest." Again she blushed and it was awkward for her. "I'm only half so I really don't require such things. They don't understand that so… This keeps happening. Not that you asked for my life story." She scratched the side of her cheek now as she tried to force the awkwardness to leave. "I have a tendency to over explain when I… get nervous." She always had. "I'm sorry again."

She went to bow and fumbled her basket of mushrooms. "Damnit." Daphne started to collect them. "You've come a long way from the looks of you… So the least I could do is offer you shelter and food for the evening. Mother would have a fit if I didn't at least try to offer." She gave him a smile.


Character Info
Name: Trafalgor
Age: 31
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Druid/Monk
Silver: 1225
Trafalgor glanced warily at the spearhead jabbing towards him, but stayed calm despite the group that had appeared from out of the forest around him. When the forest came alive once more and the vines covering the ground wrapped themselves around those accosting him, Trafalgor guessed that he was about to meet the rumored 'monster' of the Iron Woods. Still, he was not worried. He still had a few methods of escaping from the situation, including wrapping himself in flames and melding himself into the air, but his true reason for not being apprehensive about the situation he was in was because of the multiple bubbles of air he had taken control of in the few moments since his capture… bubbles of air that were positioned directly next to the spear-wielding villagers' ears and ready to explode with concussive force with a thought from him, which should knock them unconscious like his initial experiments in elemental manipulation had done to him.

*Kohai, above you in the trees.*

Ignoring the spear for now, Trafalgor turned his eyes upward, trying to find what Kuro had spotted. A splash of red against the browns and dark greens of the forest in his peripheral vision caught his attention, causing him to look in that direction as a woman's voice called out authoritatively in a language he didn't understand as a figure dropped down from the branches above them.

'Another one I'll have to learn when I get the chance,' he thought to himself with a quick smirk.

The young-looking woman was strikingly beautiful, but her clothing, complexion, and hair color marked her as 'not native' to Trafalgor's mind. In fact… that skin and hair color combination was not natural for humans, which meant that she had at least some non-human heritage. That all being said, he could not feel any actual enmity coming from her, even as she browbeat the villagers into doing what she wanted them to do - in this case, going away and leaving him alone. The last one, which just so happened to be the one that had been shoving his spear into Trafalgor's face, seemed to want to not listen, but did eventually relent under the woman's unwavering glare and leave with the rest.

Only after the villagers had disappeared back towards the village did the woman turn to him and apologize for their reaction.

"Apologies are unnecessary, but I thank you just the same," he replied easily with an easy smile. "I appreciate your concern, but I came neither unprepared, nor uninformed about the dangers of Laeto or the Iron Woods. Also…" he gave the woman a teasing smirk and a quirked eyebrow, "isn't it unlikely for a traveler like myself to leave as soon as they've reached their destination, without even taking the opportunity to obtain that which they seek?"

It was hard to see her blush with her complexion, but Trafalgor was used to it from growing up around those with darker skin than her. He didn't often tease strangers, but he was tired from his journey and his post-combat energy needed an outlet. From her reaction, Trafalgor pegged her as a naturally shy and socially awkward person. In other words, a perfect target for light teasing to produce the best reactions. He would do his best to keep it to a minimum, but he made no promises to himself that he wasn't sure he couldn't keep.

She quickly introduced herself and apologized once again as she released him and his companions. Trafalgor listened intently to her explanation as he rested his staff back against his chest and lightly rubbed his arms where he had been held. He quirked an eyebrow at the part where the villagers would offer men they found in the forest to her, but chucked as she just continued on and on. It was only after her third apology that he took his staff once more into his left hand, amulet and bracelet rattling against the haft as he shifted it, and smiled kindly at her. "Worry not, Daphne. I took no offense at your or the villagers' words and actions. My name is Trafalgor, Mtetezi of Gulu, and I have come in search of a length of Iron Wood to use as a replacement for my staff."

Having introduced himself, he placed his right hand over his chest and sketched a polite half-bow.

When she attempted to return her own bow, the large basket she had been holding at her hip the entire time slipped from her grasp and dumped its contents onto the ground. She let out a curse and started to pick them up. Trafalgor immediately put pressure on his staff, forcing it several inches into the ground and let go so that he could kneel and help her. The purple fungi caught his attention, as colors such as purple and red often denoted that the mushroom was poisonous, but held his tongue as he reached forward to assist.

When she offered him shelter and food for the evening with an explanation about her mother being cross with her otherwise, he easily returned her smile and returned to his feet, offering one hand to assist her back up. "From one Protector to another, I accept your offer of hospitality." The flapping of wings and a shift in weight on his right shoulder announced the presence of Kuro, who was glaring balefully (for a raven) at Daphne as he shifted his wings to unruffle them. "As does Kuro here. Midori, however…" 

Trafalgor trailed off as he glanced over his left shoulder to where he knew the katerba to be, even though he was too well hidden for Trafalgor to see. "Well, he tends to frighten people. So he will stay outside of the village for the evening, if it's all the same to you," he continued as he turned back to the redhead. "And fear not. He knows not to attack anyone or anything outside the bounds of the wilderness unless he is attacked first. He tends to stay hidden in most cases, anyway, but he does find the… jaguars, I think they're called? He finds them rather good sport and quite tasty."

He reached out with his left hand and pulled his staff free from the ground with a sharp tug, then gestured in the direction the villagers had disappeared in with it. "After you."

"I come to you with empty hands. I have no weapons, but if I am forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons. Empty hands." ~Trafalgor


Character Info
Name: Daphne
Age: 48 Looks 20
Alignment: TG
Race: Wood Nymph/Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Forest Guardian
Silver: 200
Daphne looked at him for a moment and tilted her head. “You mean you actually came out into the Iron Woods for something? That’s a very rare occasion.” She did like having visitors but it always went wrong when it came to villagers. They were protective of her and only wanted what was best.

She listened to the reason why he was there and grew quiet. “It’s a good thing you didn’t just take it. Iron Wood can’t be worked or carved by anyone and it has to be blessed by the guardian.” She pointed at herself. “Otherwise it tends to break even the sturdiest of tools.”

Daphne was grateful when he began to help her after the mushrooms fell and she gave pause. “I know they look poisonous but they aren’t.” There was a smile on her lips. “These are safe ones. Quite yummy in a good beef stew.” She chuckled at the bird and nodded. “I see him.” There was a magic glow within her eyes for a moment. She did see through the trees every once in a while. “Kuro and Midori are just as welcome as you are Trafalgor. He is welcome to any game in the area… It’s the circle of life after all.”

She beckoned them to follow her after Trafalgor gestured. In the middle of the Iron Wood grew a huge tree. It had an odd colored bark and vibrant green leaves that were the size of ones head if not bigger. There was a treehouse built way up high. A series of pulleys and ropes were hanging down. Daphne secured the basket easily. “Follow me.”

She grabbed the ladder and began the long climb up until she reached the first floor which appeared to be a balcony of sorts around the base. She pulled on the rope until the mushroom basket reached her and put it back on her hip. “We’re not there just yet.” They travelled up the tree via stairs until they reached a large front door. There was an roof over another porch with a stove, oven, and other things for cooking.

She placed the basket down by the stove and opened the door. “We can discuss the Iron Wood in here.” Instead of seats there were piles of pillows. The candles flickered to a lit state and she settled down on her own personal pile. “Now, there are rules to my Iron Wood. You must never actually tell people who you got it from. The rumors work in my favor. It protects me and mine. You can see that I’m not much of a fighter. If someone were to storm in here with an army I would lose.” Her eyes settled on him gently. “You must not use my Iron Wood for evil either.”

There was hesitation before the last bit. "Finally, you must wait here a week for the Iron Wood to be enchanted. I will give it no sooner or no later. The Iron Wood I give you is specially grown from this big tree."


Character Info
Name: Trafalgor
Age: 31
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Druid/Monk
Silver: 1225
Trafalgor gave a thankful nod at her welcoming of his companions.

*Midori, make yourself scarce for now, but feel free to hunt any of the animals that catch your eye. Villagers are off-limits.*

**Understood, Alpha. Maybe Feline-Not-Prey can be Feline-Prey?**

He gave a small smirk and followed after Daphne at her gesture. *The Guardian says that they're fair game.*

He felt a trill of pleasure come through the bond. **Graaah. She-That-Makes-Vines-Move is generous with her territory.** With that, he felt the katerba move further away and focused his attention on his surroundings and where he was being led. The enormous tree before him dwarfed anything he'd seen in his life, even taking into account the giants he'd had to make his way through on his journey here. The fact that it had a treehouse of all things built into it was just the drizzle on this particular mochi. 

Her beckoning for him to follow broke him from his reverie, bringing his mind back to the task at hand - scaling the ladder that led up. He gave a nod to indicate that he'd heard her and moved to secure his staff between his body and rucksack. This caused Kuro to hop off of his shoulder and fly up to, presumably, find a perch in the tree that was their destination. After giving Daphne a large lead, not wanting to be close enough to actually stare up her skirts in the event he looked upward, Trafalgor began to climb up the ladder after her. After several minutes, they both made it to the first landing. He did not have long to wait for her to finish pulling up her basket, since she was clearly used to such a task.

With a small smirk, he allowed her to lead him once again. "I thought that may be the case since I don't see a doorway on this level. Fear not, though. Compared to the journey here, this is downright refreshing for a final stretch." The ladder and stairs were certainly tiring, but as he had said, it was nothing compared to the feet-blistering lengths he'd had to travel to get here in the first place. The large door at the top of the stairs was probably the second most beautiful sight he'd seen in the last week, Daphne currently holding the top spot on that particular list.

He entered after her and gave a knee-jerk ojama shimasu as he carefully placed his rucksack and staff against the side of the entryway and removed his travel sandals before entering the house proper. "Err.. sorry, I meant 'please excuse the intrusion,'" he translated with a chuckle. He settled himself across from Daphne, opting to utilize only a single pillow and let her say her piece.

After she had explained her rules for the Iron Wood, Trafalgor's face became serious and he closed his eyes in thought. After a moment he gave a nod and reopened his eyes. "I understand and accept your rules for the Iron Wood. However…" he paused for a moment, looking directly into her eyes to weigh her potential reactions, then continued. "I require clarification on one particular point."

He crossed his arms across his chest and decided to just be blunt. "Frankly, as much trouble as the trip here was, anyone that desires to procure their own length of Iron Wood can go about it the same way I did - by following rumors, finding clues, and using their own skills and common sense." He gave a short smile to the red-head in front of him. "I'll not speak a word of the truth of you or the Wood, on my life and honor." He used one hand to gesture towards Daphne as he continued. "The length of time required for you to prepare the Iron Wood is also no issue whatsoever. From your earlier explanation, I had honestly expected a longer time frame being required. Besides," he returned his hand to his arm and widened his grin, "nothing worth doing is ever done quickly. I had allowed myself an additional month to reach my destination when I embarked on this journey. Since I can simply use a Gate to return home, my entire focus was on simply reaching the Iron Woods."

Trafalgor took a deep breath and grew serious once more. "The issue that I fear may doom this journey to failure is from your final rule." He glanced over towards the door to where he'd left his staff. "My staff is both my magickal focus and my preferred weapon. Under normal circumstances, that would not be an issue. However, in the spirit of integrity, I feel that I must inform you that my own Path occasionally requires that I perform Evil in the pursuit of Balance." He turned his attention back to the Guardian and met her eyes unflinchingly. "I am by no means defenseless without it, magickally or physically, but it is my preference to use it. If simply performing Evil is a disqualifying factor, then I must sadly bid you adieu and return home without my request being fulfilled." He paused for a few seconds to allow that information to process, then continued once more. "That being said, if the prohibition is simply against performing Evil with the Iron Wood… well, then I can easily and happily swear to you right this second that I will stay my staff from Evil in the the pursuit of my Path of Balance so long as it is made from Iron Wood. I would even be willing to submit to a Gaes to that effect if it would reassure you."

Trafalgor finally relaxed his posture and reclined slightly. "The final decision is yours Guardian of the Iron Woods. If you decree it, I shall willingly depart without my prize and keep your secrets unto my grave. You may even call upon me in your defense if such a time ever comes that you require it. Otherwise," he paused, uncrossed his arms, put his hands on his knees and bowed deeply to Daphne, "I'll be in your care for the next week."

"I come to you with empty hands. I have no weapons, but if I am forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons. Empty hands." ~Trafalgor


Character Info
Name: Daphne
Age: 48 Looks 20
Alignment: TG
Race: Wood Nymph/Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Forest Guardian
Silver: 200
“You never know how tired a traveler is when they reach the Iron Wood.” She offered a smile and continued her way up to the treehouse at a good pace.

The phrase caught her off guard which showed from the sudden jolt shiver she had when he spoke. “It’s fine. I invited you here so you aren’t really intruding what so ever.” Once more there was the gentle smile as she relaxed into her pile of pillows. The real business would begin soon enough as she began the terms and conditions of getting her Iron Wood.

She listened good and well to his acceptance, confusion, and minor grief. Tilting her head a bit almost like a puppy she held a quizzical look for a long time. “I suppose I shall speak the words of my mother.” She moved her hand as she spoke putting emphasis on certain words and ended with her hand on her heart as she spoke of her mother. “Evil isn’t so black or white. The people back home have a stern belief that most evils can be justified therefore they are not evil. It merely depends on what side you’re on. However, there are atrocities in this world that can be explained with no other word but evil. Like random murders, rape, abuse, unearned torture. My people believe in a great many evils as a mean to survive and being an outsider sometimes it can be hard to understand them.”

The guardian pushed herself up and crossed her legs in front of her as she thought. “My people were beaten, murdered, raped, and yet they grew more powerful to make sure something like that wouldn’t happen again. When I speak of evil Trafalgor I am not speaking of stealing coin, killing an enemy that threatens you, or anything that has a good rhyme or reason. What I am speaking of is the truly unjust. A man will steal coin to eat if he is poor and hungry… We don’t see that as wrong. If a man were to steal coin because he is greedy and he has no need for it. We view that as evil. If a man were to murder someone because they were wronged while we see it as unnecessary there is still a part of us that doesn’t blame the man however, if there is no reason… We quickly condemn the man. It’s not black or white but shades of gray.”

She inhaled and held for a few moments before steadying herself. “When I look at you and read your aura… I can tell that you are a good man. Even good men can have a nasty streak but they are few and far. I learned a long time ago that judging someone based on their words or appearance can be damning. The most ruthless of people are those that you wouldn’t ever suspect it… but you aren’t like that at least that’s how your aura reads.” She chuckled a bit and rolled her shoulders.

“So I believe you when you say you wouldn’t use my Iron Wood for evil. Though to be honest if it were truly evil I doubt that my Iron Wood would work at all. I’ve watched an Iron Wood sword go so dull it no longer hurt. This Iron Wood.” She raised her arms and gestured around. “Is a part of me and my soul. This is my tree as a nymph. My heart, my soul, and all of my dreams are what make this tree so strong. The trees around it take notice and they too get stronger. Just like a pastor to his flock. All living beings look for guidance. That’s why it won’t take as long as you might have thought for me to grow this mighty tree.”

Her gold eyes steadied on him and she lowered her arms. “I will grant your request but only because your aura reads so well.” She paused and put her finger to her chin as she thought. “Though calling upon you for help might be in my favor as well if you don’t mind. There is always danger that seeks out this place. I’m the only nymph in this part of the woods so my defenses aren’t always so even. My life is constantly strained and I will admit the only reason I’ve made it this far is because of who my mother is and the tribe below. If I was anyone else I would have been dead long ago… However, because I did not die and had the support I needed this tree is so strong I am not sure anyone can bring it down.”

Her eyes grew dark for a moment as she settled herself farther into the pillows. “The lifeblood of a nymph is the tree she is born from. Should this tree fall I too will die with it. That is what being a nymph is even if I am only a half-blood.”

Wiggling about her seat it looked like she was trying to shake the seriousness from her body. “Now that the dark things have been said and dealt with!” She clasped her hands together. “I will gladly let you stay in my treehouse for the week. I have a spare room for when my siblings visit and you can use that. I cook dinner every night at about midday and I cook breakfast just before dawn.” She nodded her head. “So if you want any you’ll have to get up and ask.” It was playful, to say the least.

“Oh, and if you see any of the Rattan Ents in the river outside yell at them. I’ve been fighting with them for years. They suck up all the water and leave me with none… They are very, very spoiled. The last person who came through watched me scream at the ents for a whole five minutes before telling me he was here.” She rolled her eyes and there was a light blush. “The river is a primary lifeblood for the village here and this tree. It’s very high in nutrients because the water comes from a natural spring underground. If you need to bathe I would suggest not in that river. I have my own bathing tub here and magic can get you some water from another source that you are welcome to use.” She tapped her chin. “What else.”

She snapped her fingers as an ah-ha moment happened. “And if my mother shows up don’t answer any of her questions. She is rather nosy and will come to conclusions that fit her narrative. She’s been that way for as long as I can remember. You’ll know her when you see… Can’t miss her, I promise.”


Character Info
Name: Trafalgor
Age: 31
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Druid/Monk
Silver: 1225
Trafalgor raised his head and listened to the words and wisdom of Daphne on the nature of Good and Evil. As she explained further, Trafalgor couldn't help the sad smile from appearing on his face.

'Father Sidney and Daphne would have gotten along famously," he thought to himself as he heard the words of his mentor and guardian after his mother's death come out of the woman's mouth. Her comment about using her mother's words caught his attention, but he didn't understand why it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

He let the smile drop as she described the history of her race and simply gave her a nod in understanding. He knew of the things done to the Nymphs in the past, but Daphne was the first he had ever had the opportunity to meet. He was glad that he had at least made a good first impression.

As she spoke of his aura and her perception of his nature, he gave a soft smile. "I am glad that I have been able to keep my Evil from staining my true nature. I am well aware of Good, Evil and the various shades of gray our actions are actually painted in. However, when I say that I perform Evil, I speak of Evil for the sake of Evil." His smile fell from his face and his eyes. "Small Evils like pickpocketing several people in a peaceful village I visited on the way here for no other reason than the village was too Good. I introduced strife with nary a word so that Balance could be achieved." He paused for a moment, then continued. "I did, however, leave the stolen goods on the outskirts of the village as I left. What happened to them afterwards, I left up to those who came upon them. Whether they took the items for themselves without trying to find the true owner or returned it was not my concern as I had already done my part in introducing the Evil in the first place. I did not take joy from my actions, nor was I without regret for them… but when I say that I perform Evil in the pursuit of Balance, such is what I speak of." 

He met her golden eyes once more and allowed himself a soft smile. "The world is full of dichotomies. Good, Evil, Magick, Spirit, Body, Mind… I seek to find a balance between all of them within myself… However, I know my nature is that of Good. If you say my aura hasn't been stained by my Evil, I can honestly admit that I'm glad, despite the Path I have set myself on. And I am doubly glad that your Iron Wood will even act as a measure of my nature… I have… questioned myself a number of times over the years."

Trafalgor reached up and stroked his beard for a moment before continuing. "The Nymphs have had a great many Evils done unto them… and even though you may only be half, I cannot abide the imbalance. Should you have need, you need only call upon me and you shall have my aid against any foe." He paused and shook his head. "I think you do not give yourself enough credit, Daphne. Yes, you had the support of your mother and the tribe outside… but is it not you who, despite your 'defenses not being so even', have the courage to venture out to gather mushrooms and face down unruly villagers with an unwavering will?" He gave a light chuckle. "Methinks the lady has a will not unlike the fortitude of her tree."

Trafalgor, too, relaxed his posture and sat back slightly. "Indeed. I think we have spoken enough on those subjects for now." He grinned at her shift in demeanor. "Got it. Breakfast after morning training, supper at midday, yell at ents in the river, but don't bathe in it. Easy enough." He reached up and pulled on his robes a bit, allowing a bit of air to flow under the garment. "I was lucky that the air was so humid along the way. I have been able to pull the moisture from the air and use it to clean myself almost daily. Just the same, it has been a long time since I have had a proper bath that wasn't in a river…" He leaned back and allowed a few vertebrae in his spine to pop. "As a matter of fact, if you don't mind, I would be extremely grateful to have a good soak after we're done here." His own scent caught in his nose and caused him to scowl slightly. "And possibly somewhere I can wash my robes?"

He blinked at the snap of Daphne's fingers and his gut clenched at the mention of her mother for the… third? Yes, third time that day. "I am… not unamenable to that request… but I have to ask, if for no other reason than to not be blind-sided later… The way you describe your mother seems very much like the descriptions of a particular goddess I was taught thoroughly about when I was younger. It could very well be a coincidence, but is your mother, by any chance… Angela?" He cringed a bit just at saying her name for the second time that day, but held firm in the hopes that his assumption was completely off.

"I come to you with empty hands. I have no weapons, but if I am forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons. Empty hands." ~Trafalgor


Character Info
Name: Daphne
Age: 48 Looks 20
Alignment: TG
Race: Wood Nymph/Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Forest Guardian
Silver: 200
There was a calm smile on her face as she thought about it. “Mother says that the world will never be wholly evil or good and that balance is a must for the equilibrium of the world.”

Her gold eyes washed over him like an overwhelming ocean wave. It was an intense stare for a little while in silence before she finally spoke. “All of us commit evil but I believe that once you balance out your sin with the good that you do your soul heals as well. There are of course crimes that you can’t come back from but for the average person… They don’t have to deal with such thoughts.” She waved her hand as she spoke and tilted her head to the other side now. “I once wondered what my path was in the world. See I spoke of my other mother’s heritage. The nymphs suffered as well though I got to see it first hand and for a long time, I thought it was my fault. I’ve come to the decision that regret holds us back and you are better off leaving it where it started to bud. Once you have done or said something you cannot take it back… but you should also not punish yourself for something outside your power.”

It had been a hard rock to swallow for Daphne but slowly she had come to terms with her mother and people’s deaths. At least now she did not believe it was her fault that they were killed even if she was the catalyst for it all.

There was a bit more bounce in her once Trafalgor accepted her plea. “REALLY?! You mean it?!” Her eyes were shining just a bit more as almost squealed in excitement. His next words completely calmed her down in a state of shock and a blush settled across her face. Her eyes darted from his as she held her hands tightly in front of her now. “I tend to not think of those as my own accomplishments but simply something I must do. When I do something I am not obligated to do with such fierce courage I will truly be happy. Any rat will bite if trapped in a bucket to a flame.” Finally, her eyes reached his again. “I do not mean to sound down on myself. I am quite happy with my growth but I have so much more to do and sadly I cannot leave here for long to do so. It was my choice to be bound to the Iron Wood and while I don’t regret it… I sometimes wonder if I should have discovered myself first before I took up such a large task.”

Once everything about their new morning and nightly routine were hammered down Daphne seemed a lot more relaxed with his company. Not to say that she hadn’t been before but now there was no tension hanging in the air. The red-haired nymph felt it was easier to breathe with the business out of the way. “The Laeto has a knack for doing that to everyone who visits. You never really get used to how humid it is here.” She pulled at her own clothing which seemed like barely any but for her living situation, it made sense.

“I don’t mind at all. I have oils and soaps from up north made with the best florals. Assuming of course that you don’t mind the floral smells I do know that some men are rather offended at the offer.” She chuckled a bit not really seeing him as the type to get mad over something so trivial. “There’s a pond not that far from here that we can use. I need to do a bit of linen washing myself so we can head there after you are done bathing. I’ll see if the villagers have a spare set of clothes for you to borrow in the meantime.” It was the least she could do to help.

That was when the happy environment around Daphne turned into panic as Trafalgor spoke the few words she was honestly worried the most to hear. She launched herself from the pile of pillows taking Trafalgor down and out onto the floor. She on all the way on top of him covering his mouth as the name left his lips. “Shhh… Do not say her name. She’s like the damn devil. Three times is all it takes.” Her voice was in the low whisper with her face near his. “I have enough problems with the villagers thinking I need a mate… I don’t need her involved too. I’m just lucky my brother has all of her attention in that department.”

Daphne struggled to get her body placement as she got up off of him. For someone so small she had a lot of force when it was really needed. “I didn’t hurt you did I?” She looked him over. “Come with me… If I managed to bruise you the soak should help.” Going up a set of stairs she took him into the living quarters of her treehouse. Two bedrooms and a bathing room. The bathing room was so far up the tree that there were no walls on the other side allowing a full view of the forest. Flowing hot water came out of a magic gate that was more like a raging river. It flowed into another gate so it didn’t flood her house. She got a rather large bamboo log that was cut in half and placed it to the water.

It ran right into the tub. If anything was luxurious it was the tub she had. Most probably thought she had a wooden one where you could barely fit but this one was fit for a castle and rather spacious. “I quite like baths I could never get used to the idea of not being fully in the water after living in the temple during my childhood… So she had this placed here for me so I had hot water and a big tub.” She pulled out a basket of towels and a smaller basket filled with oils, soaks, and soaps. “Here. It is hot though you’ll have to give it a moment to cool off before you get in. Shouldn’t take too long, magic water is useful like that.”


Character Info
Name: Trafalgor
Age: 31
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Druid/Monk
Silver: 1225
It really was a relief to meet someone… anyone, really… that actually understood the Path, and it's many hardships, he had set himself on all those years ago. It made taking her advice and words of consolation a simple matter of acceptance. He didn't have to second-guess her. He could see it plainly in her eyes. She knew.

Trafalgor would have normally felt a small amount of irritation at having his integrity questioned so plainly, but he couldn't bring himself to actually be angry with her at all when her face was lit up with such excitement and hope. Instead he just reassured her. "Truly. I place a great amount of importance to my oaths and I am a defender by natural inclination."

He didn't like that his words had brought her good mood down, but her explanation made sense to him. "I see… Yes, I was very fortunate that I was able to grow into my own person and become comfortable in my skin before accepting the mantle of Mtetezi. Still, it matters little whether when or how our burdens are placed upon us. Much more important is how we handle the burden. You have given me much to ponder this day, but I can accept your feelings on the subject as you have stated them."

Trafalgor was glad to finally be done with the heavier topics and moved on to the minutiae of cementing their temporary living situation with a much lighter feeling in his heart and spirit. He gave an easy chuckle with her after her comment about other men being offended so easily. "No, that actually sounds wonderful. Frankly, some men are far too easily offended if flowers of all things can upset them." He gave an appreciative nod at her mention of the pond where he could wash his robes, as well as a nod for the offer of spare clothing. "I have a spare set of robes and brought a pair of pants and shirt in case my robes became too threadbare, but they're all dirty right now. Three weeks of travel will do that, after all," he said with a chuckle.

He honestly didn't think the smaller woman could move that fast, let alone gather enough force in the short distance between them to actually knock him flat onto his back, but he was certainly proven wrong. He could only nod and give a muffled 'understood' in response to her whispered directive to not use the Goddess of Love and Life's name. He very pointedly was ignoring the fact that Daphne had, for all intents and purposes, pressed her entire body up against his own in her efforts to stop him from saying the taboo name.

He also did his utmost to ignore the way their bodies rubbed together as she struggled to remove herself from atop him. That being said… it had been a long time since he had last had a woman pressed up against his body…

When she asked if she had harmed him, he couldn't help but let out a bark of a laugh as he sat back up. "Daphne, I may have been caught off-guard with how quickly you moved, but I am much more concerned about you. I'm not exactly as soft as you are," he commented with a smile while poking at pectoral, then his bicep with a finger. He finally stood up and followed Daphne further up the tree, into the living quarters. After being shown the bedroom he would be using, she showed him the bathing room. The "room" and its contents got a very appreciative whistle out of Trafalgor.

"Now that is a view," he commented, a wide smile plastered onto his face as he gazed out into the forest. He then turned and watched closely to how the bath was filled before turning his attention to the raging flow of water between the gates. He turned to her, face suddenly serious. "I have questions about how that works," he said, pointing a finger at the flow, "but I will stay my curiosity until after I'm clean. In the meantime…" he eyed the baskets and perused the various products being offered before reaching out and pulling a familiar-looking bottle he recalled seeing during his time in Ataiyo from one of the baskets. As he opened the bottle and put it under his nose, he gave a soft smile as the familiar relaxing scent of cherry blossoms greeted him for the first time in a decade. He quirked an eyebrow and held the bottle up. "May I?" After receiving her approval, he turned and added the appropriate amount to the rising bath and replaced the bottle back in the basket.

"Thank you, truly. I managed to fashion a barrel bath back home in Gulu, but I do not have such a convenient way to fill it. This will probably be the first time in nearly a decade that I have had the pleasure of having a true bath," he explained as he removed the bamboo log, the bath now full enough for him, then loosened his sash enough that it fell to the floor. He gave a soft sigh as he thought of Yamada-sou and its inhabitants. "Not since Ataiyo…" He shook his head and turned his attention back to Daphne. "Apologies. I was lost in thought for a moment. If you don't mind, I'm going to get in now. I'll try not to be longer than half an hour…"

He allowed her time to leave the bathroom before disrobing, grabbing one of the soaps, and getting into the gloriously hot bath. He took a few minutes to clean himself off properly… then allowed himself to lay back in the tub, which he fit in quite comfortably, and relax as he gazed towards the open side of the room into the jungle.

He did not know when he dozed off, but when he opened his eyes, it was to the sight of Daphne above him, shaking his shoulders from behind and urging him to wake up. As he mind slowly cleared from being sleep-addled, Trafalgor shook his head a bit and sat up in the tub. "Sorry about that. Let me get the plug and I'll get out," he said quickly in Ataiyoan before freezing suddenly, shaking his head sharply, and repeating himself in common. He reached around the the area where he thought the plug might be, grumbling slightly under his breath.

"I come to you with empty hands. I have no weapons, but if I am forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons. Empty hands." ~Trafalgor


Character Info
Name: Daphne
Age: 48 Looks 20
Alignment: TG
Race: Wood Nymph/Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Forest Guardian
Silver: 200
“The jungle cares not how those of us who traverse it and what we waste to do so.” She waved her hand lightly. “We can wash those things.”

The taboo name came up and she showcased her talent to move fast. Anything to keep the busybody away, that was what she thought. Her mother didn’t need to have a misunderstanding about the situation, which she often did so on purpose.

Daphne hoped that Trafalgor didn’t feel too awkward about how she had done so but it was better than having her show up. “I’m fine, I might be lightly bruised somewhere but it’s better than what would have happened if she heard.”

There was a bit of relief that he liked the way her washroom was. That would make it more relaxing for him in the long run. “Aye, you can see the span of the whole Iron Wood from here. This is the center point and the tallest tree here.” She gave a smile as she looked out over her forest. “I will answer those questions the best I can once you are ready to ask them!” There was another chuckle as she got him ready.

“Of course, anything I have here is yours to use as well… You are a guest after all.” It would make her a bad hostess to not offer all of her best oils and soaps.

A chuckle left her lips and she found herself nodding. “I got used to the manor back in Sularia and the temple so I don’t think I could switch over to just anything. A little spoiled.” She kept her eyes off of him and nodded once more. “I’m going to go gather up what needs to be washed. That way we can just head down to the river once you’re done.”

Making her way down to the village she borrow some clothing from some of the men that were more built like Trafalgor. “These should work.” She bowed to them as she made her way back up. The dirty clothes sat in a basket now and she folded up the newer pants. Figuring he would be fine without a shirt she knocked lightly on the door and pushed it open. “I’m back.” She put the pants on a stand near the door.

She could hear his steadying breathing and knew he was asleep. Had it already been that long already? She came over and took his shoulders giving him a gentle rub and shake. “Trafalgor, you should wake up. You’ll be up here all day if you keep sleeping like that.” She didn’t understand what he said but chuckled when he moved around and repeated himself. “It’s right here.” She leaned over him and kept her eyes to the tub. “This rune right here.” She touched it and it held a soft blue glow now. “Once you want it drained you just touch it again. It has to gate the water out of here as not to flood the treehouse.”

Grabbing one of the softer towels she placed it next to him. “I found you some pants from the villagers so hopefully they fit. I’ll be downstairs waiting unless you wish to rest more. It’s the room on the left if you choose to sleep.” She scooped up his dirty clothes and carried them downstairs. She would wait a couple of minutes to see what he would do.

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