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Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Fri Dec 1, 2017 6:26 PM, Post Subject: Foreigner [L:3, O]

"Just a little more…a liiiiittle more. Hrghhhhhhh–" Somewhere up in the trees, a small figure in white was straining her arms attempting to grab something with what looked like a severed arm. She was so close, so very close to a cacao pod which was a yummy apple red. When the tips of the arm extension were within reach, a monkey popped its head out from behind the branch making noises softly. Its eyes locked onto the bright red pod, then stared at her. Myouga stared back, and they both knew that this was no longer a simple meeting of oni and monkey. This was a battle of reflexes. Neither moved for a while, eyeing the other. Then the monkey slowly moved closer to the pod. "…No!" It paused, then reached out its hairy little hand. "Nooo!" The little mage frowned. "No bad monkey! That's my jungle pod! I saw it first!" 

Finally the monkey snatched the pod and scampered off, and the little arcanist tried to chase after it. Then there was a loud crack as the branch she was standing on gave out. From above, there was a faint scream that quickly grew louder as something fell down from the canopy. A small figure in a white smock and a rather oversized bag crashed into the rainforest undergrowth. What looked like a small child was now lying face down in a pile of leaves.

Author: ILoveIcees, Posted: Fri Dec 1, 2017 5:47 PM, Post Subject: Foreigner [L:3, O]

It had been a few days since Elowen had set out on her own after she and Randal had bought a house. Adeluna was nice and full of interesting things to do, but she wanted to return to her home for a day, just to tell her people that she had made it out okay, and possibly even convince a few to venture out from the rainforest. Though she missed her love, the Dryad took comfort in the fact that she could still write letters to him. She had considered trying to find Qadim, but she was sure he had a more important job to do than babysit her. Plus, she was used to the terrain and dangers that loomed in the forest, meaning she was adept at avoiding it. Case in point, something disturbed the plant life near her, so she stopped and placed one pale green hand on a tree, trying to sense what it was. However, Wen did not recognize the being; they were not native to Laeto. Unsure of whether or not they could or should be approached, she stayed in the shadows and called, "Who's there?"

Author: Sshani, Posted: Fri Dec 1, 2017 4:21 AM, Post Subject: Foreigner [L:3, O]

S'shani was a foreigner, one of the stranger creatures of the land. She kept to herself mostly, though she didn't dislike company. She was just… busy. Always busy. There were many kinds of people - nobles, knights, mages, reavers and rogues… but S'shani? She was none of those. She was a commoner, a peasant, perhaps. She spent her days travelling, gathering metals and whatever other valuable materials she could get her claws on. It was how she made her living, really. She had tried to be a travelling merchant, once, in a life that seemed so long ago. No one had trusted her. So, she'd left her old home, and now, here she was. Deep in a rainforest, she blended in nicely with the surrounding foliage and tree trunks. She searched for anything of value, sharp eyes missing little.

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