Roleplay Forums > Character Activities > Character Letters > Correspondence - Trafalgor/Father Sidney [SOLO]

Character Info
Name: Trafalgor
Age: 31
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Druid/Monk
Silver: 1225
Father Sidney,

I hope this letter reaches you in good health. I know that I have not been gone from Gulu even a week, but I have already discovered much during my time away from home. Foremost, and by far the most frustrating discovery, is how blessed I was to have been given such free access to the books within the church and around town. I only realized after arriving here that I should have asked you to write me a letter of introduction to help smooth the way. As things stand currently, I have had no luck whatsoever obtaining access to a single book that pertains to my search! 

Be that as it may, I can't help but admit that once more your words hold true: "The unknown is the wellspring from which all knowledge comes forth." In the few days I've been in Mamlak, I have learned more about myself than I have in the last 6 months of delving through the books in the church. With that in mind (and from following my own instincts), I have decided that Mamlak, too, does not have the answers that I seek. I have secured passage to Nisshoki on the morrow via airship in the hopes that I will be able to find more pertinent information. I have it on… decent assurance that the people of Ataiyo are more willing to discuss their beliefs in a less judgmental manner if asked in the correct manner.

Even if it turns out that this is not the case, I still have enough funds to sustain myself in Nisshoki for a good while and still secure transportation back to Mamlak. By the time you receive this, I should already be aboard the airship and making my way eastward. Therefore, please delay any return correspondence until I send you another letter with details on where I will be staying. I will write again as soon as I get myself settled. ~

With Regards,

"I come to you with empty hands. I have no weapons, but if I am forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons. Empty hands." ~Trafalgor


Character Info
Name: Trafalgor
Age: 31
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Druid/Monk
Silver: 1225
Father Sidney,

As promised, I am writing to you from my new accommodations in Nisshoki. I've written the details on the back of this parchment. First of all, before I forget again, I want to thank you once more for the journal and writing set you gave me. I've been giving it plenty of use and have found that I rather enjoy putting my musings down on paper compared to the copying you had me doing back at the church. I foresee many more journals being purchased in the coming years.

I must confess, during the trip eastward, I discovered something new about myself. Apparently, I suffer from mild air sickness. Thankfully, the symptoms only lasted for a few hours before my body became accustomed to the motions of the air ship. Still, I believe that I will avoid traveling by air ship again unless I need to travel a large distance. Not only was the nausea very unpleasant, but it was rather embarrassing to hear more than a few members of the crew laughing at my discomfiture. I suppose it will just be one of those things I'll have to get used to or prepare for. Hmm… perhaps there is a local remedy? I'll have to look into the matter.

I have booked my room here for a week, but already I am getting a much better feeling about my chances of success here in Ataiyo. Unless something unusual happens, you should be able to contact me here for the foreseeable future. If that changes, I'll be sure to forward my new information as soon as possible. I look forward to your response and hope you are still doing well. ~

Best Regards,

"I come to you with empty hands. I have no weapons, but if I am forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons. Empty hands." ~Trafalgor


Character Info
Name: Trafalgor
Age: 31
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Druid/Monk
Silver: 1225

~It is good to hear that you arrived at both of your destinations safely, my boy. I admit that this old man was slightly worried about you after reading your first letter. However, I know that your instincts have never led you astray before. So, instead of worrying needlessly, I chose instead to trust in them as you have learned to. I am pleased to know that such trust was not misplaced. It seems that while the first leg of your journey was met with a few… snags, your second leg seems to have met with firm ground. With any luck, you will catch yourself and hit your stride in no time at all.

I am also glad that my many adages and ongoing advice has proven useful to you in your journey thus far. I pray that they will continue to aid you as you continue forth on your search. If ever you find yourself needing it again, know that I will always provide an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on, and a (hopefully) reasonable voice in the chaos of life. 

But enough with serious matters! Since you left, many of the children have asked after you… as have more than a few from the hunting parties. It is easy to see that your absence has been noted and that your presence is definitely missed. Now that I have your latest letter, I can assure them all that you are doing well and are making progress on your personal quest. Also, as you have likely already seen, I was asked to forward a gift to you from the children. They insisted that you needed something to celebrate your journey, but were unsure what they should get you. I, of course, recommended something that wouldn't become a burden, but still remind you that there were those at home wishing you the best.

They decided on the bracelet you, no doubt, have in your hands as you read this. They fashioned it with twine and each added their own charm to it (8 in all for luck). Wear it with the intent it was given or add it to your staff alongside your amulet. So long as you keep it with you, I am certain the children will be satisfied. It is almost time for the messenger to depart for the city, so I will simply wish you the best as you move forward. I look forward to your future letters.

With Love,
Father Sidney

"I come to you with empty hands. I have no weapons, but if I am forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons. Empty hands." ~Trafalgor

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