Roleplay Forums > Character Activities > Character Journals > Weathered Tome
Wretched Wraith

Character Info
Name: Wretch
Age: Dead
Alignment: TN
Race: Wraith
Gender: Female
Class: Muddy Magic
Silver: 286
ItA rather hefty book, though convenient in size for one who travels often. It is bound in hard leathers of varying quality, stitched with conspicuous seams. It bears no label or markings of any kind that might communicate its purpose, though that in and of its self would not be unusual of a journal. It is clear from the state of its hardback it has weathered quite a bit, leaving it scratched and dirty - frayed.

When opened it is plain the inside has faired no better. The paper has become yellowed and cracked, crumpled wrinkles entrench its contents. Many pages stuck to each other, or altogether torn out. Worse yet when one begins to read the tome they find in the early pages the ink has smeared or faded. The words made illegible by some water damage or other such catastrophe.

It is only through an extended period of search, flipping through ruined pages, that we find our first of note:
The entry is not dated, instead we see a series of shaky tally marks, denoting the number '8' The handwriting is scrawled chicken scratch, difficult to make out to those unaccustomed. It reads;
Sharp. Like spike.. in forehead.

. That is this pains name. Annoying to forget it, yet feel it still. Is it spiteful then? Embittered by my negligence in memory it comes to me as a painful reminder? No. Of course not. This is silly joke. It is just a headache.

I awoke on a beach. This pain already present as I regained consciousness. The boat is gone. No wreckage or landlocked remains. Nothing to prove it ever existed at all, except the fact I am on a beach where once I was not. When I woke up I could feel the sand beneath me. In fact I can feel it still. This is important. From this I knew I was in the living world. Perhaps then, the boat is dead. 

It is of little importance.
Wretched Wraith

Character Info
Name: Wretch
Age: Dead
Alignment: TN
Race: Wraith
Gender: Female
Class: Muddy Magic
Silver: 286
The next entry is similarly tallied '8' 

I have found my belongings. They were where I left them. More or less. My satchel and bags, the contents thereof. All accounted for. Somethings have been switched around. Items taken from one bag placed in other. This is peculiar but of little note. A squirrel probably did this. They seem fearful, but they are mischievous creatures. It does not matter.

Of greater note however;  the road is gone. This is a misfortune as I had intended to walk on it. There is grass now, where I would of walked. 
I can walk on grass of course the problem is others will not. If there is grass it is a road less traveled, and further more not very much of a road at all. So there will be none to buy my wares.

I am confident I can follow what was once a road but is no longer a road, the question is will it still lead anywhere now that it isn't? I fear not. Regardless I shall walk the road I recall and see where it leads me. It is as good as any other direction.
Wretched Wraith

Character Info
Name: Wretch
Age: Dead
Alignment: TN
Race: Wraith
Gender: Female
Class: Muddy Magic
Silver: 286
Confusingly, the next entry is tallied '6'

I am beginning to think the road I am following, not only no longer exists, but perhaps never existed at all. It is strange to think but nothing here looks familiar. Perhaps I was mistaken, or maybe early on in this attempt I simply strayed to far from the road that is not there, and have instead wandered onto a separate road that was never there. Methinks this explanation makes more sense. I doubt I would fabricate an entire road, though anything is possible I suppose. When you get as old, and as dead, as I details begin to blur. The important things stick around for the most part. That which grounds you. But finer pieces can be lost, or interchanged. 

Never have I been one for the details regardless even way back then. Time is another thing lost very easily. I think even the living lose it, and they have even less than I. Much less if I have my way. But enough naval gazing ay? Were here for facts not poetry. The fact is, this wretch is terribly lost. Not so lost that I am worried, but lost enough as to be unaware of where exactly I am. I continue to follow this road which doesn't exist, but I am beginning to worry it shall only lead to places of equal non-existence. But one would hope, if I follow it long enough, I would end up in some sort of place which is real. We shall see.

The entry ends, the next is tallied '7'
Animals despise me. They have seen that I have cheated death in a way they never shall and they spite me for it. I was standing in a field today. Near my road. I was staring at nothing in particular as I thought a very good amount of things. Most of these things pertained to my road, its lack of road, and where it shall go next (if anywhere.) So as you can imagine I was stood there very still. I do not breath so it is not difficult for me to move very little at all! When suddenly I am pulled from my important postulating by a yanking pain in the roots of my scalp. A deer had wondered up to me and was attempting to eat my hair! So of course I began to yell at the deer. Make myself loud and big as to frighten it away. But it simply stood its ground and stared at me.

It is this which makes me conclude the deer was either stupid, or hateful of me. For a deer should know better than to stay so close to something which is loud and bigger than them. That is nature.

… Actually it might of been a cow.
Wretched Wraith

Character Info
Name: Wretch
Age: Dead
Alignment: TN
Race: Wraith
Gender: Female
Class: Muddy Magic
Silver: 286
The tally reads '12'

I have further news involving the deers. The news is that the involvement of deer does not involve deers but instead involves cows. This is important because cows are typically owned by people while deers are ungovernable. I have investigated this interpretation and it has proven accurate as more cows have made themself known. These cows do not wear the coat of wild cows. They are domestic cattle.

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