It had been a few months since Enya had moved in with them–thanks to his brother. While they were relieved she could get away from her overbearing uncle and aunt, Genjiro's impulsive act of goodwill had given Enya's relatives a legitimate reason to quarrel with them. Things were quite complicated on her side, so unless they found a way to legally remove her from their guardianship, the Kaname family would need to tread lightly. Yukari was well-versed in the art of gentle deflection, and so they had managed to maintain a stalemate…until Genjiro had another great idea.
It was late morning after breakfast and Rashomaru was helping his mother with laundry. It was sunny so it'd be the perfect time to hang out the blankets to dry and dust off the mats. Effie was sharing a room with Enya as no one trusted having Genjiro and her in the same room without supervision. Nui had left to pick up a friend she had planned to introduce to them today, someone she had excitedly written about in letters from Canelux. Knowing her, Rashomaru knew they'd be in for a long tour of every nook and cranny of Hachimura village with his house being the last stop. Things were quiet and peaceful as Nui's chatter soon approached the yard with a new face in tow. "Mrs. Kaname, I'm back~ This is Kite, he's the one I've told you all about!" A blond young man was behind her, much taller than the usual village residents save for the Kaname household. Nui's nine tails were waving and fluffed, giving away how pleased she was.
As he took the quilt off his mother's hands, Yukari went to greet the guests. "Welcome, welcome! So you're the friend that Nui has been so eager to show us. My name is Yukari Kaname, it is a pleasure to meet you. This is my eldest son Rashomaru. I hope Nui didn't wear you out by showing you Hachimura's scenery. It's been a while since she's made new friends to show off her hometown."Nui's blissful mood was broken when a face poked out from a window with a cheeky smile. "Oh, Nui's back with her boyfriend!" He waved at them while the fox's ears immediately flattened and moved backwards and her face reddened. "Hey!" She grabbed a roasted unpeeled chestnut and flung it at his brother who quickly ducked back inside to avoid the incoming projectile. Even though she never officially admitted it, everyone knew. But she was still sensitive about it, and with how brazen Genjiro was about everything he was bound to annoy her eventually. Yukari let out a sigh as she opened the door to let them in, and Nui calmed down just enough to tell Kite she'd be right back before storming into the house to chase Genjiro down for embarrassing her.
Effie Godfrey
Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:03 PM Post Subject: Rules of Engagement [P]
Kite was dressed in the best tunic he had. He was meeting important people to Nui. His hair was to his shoulders in loose curls with half of it pulled back. It framed his pretty blue eyes perfectly. He stood at six foot one which was a lot more than his twin sister.
Kite had asked a lot of questions before getting a lot of Delphemium. He was never one to come empty-handed. “It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.” He grabbed a few of the stems of the big purple flowers and handed them to Yukari. “My name is Kite Wintercrest-Rose. It’s a pleasure to meet everyone.” His heavy accent from Arri was weird speaking Ayaitian but he seemed to handle it rather well.
Effie had been doing chores with Rashomaru. “It’s nice to meet you I’m Effie.” Kite handed her some of the purple flowers as well.
“Nice to meet you as well. Nui was just showing me the whole village. It’s much smaller than Sularia is.” He told Nui to take her time and figured she was about to do some unspeakable thing to the poor lad he saw in the window.
Enya made her way out and it was a good thing she had gotten used to how tall Rashomaru was. “Nui practically bragged about you in the letters.” Taking the last bit of the purple flowers he handed them off to Enya.
“You must be Enya,” Kite rubbed the back of his neck. “Thank you for being so accommodating. We were a little worried about the trip.
“It can be a little much around here but you’ll get used to Genjiro soon enough,” Effie tried to be a bit more reasonable than Enya who looked like she would take up arms for her beloved at any moment.
They all moved inside for some tea and Kite was the first one to try and seek out something to speak of. “Nui tells me that Cyril visits here often. You all must have met my cousin, Sapphire. It’s a very small world as it seems. Cyril’s twin brother Belen is courting my twin sister Tempest. So I know them both pretty well from the times I have to bail my sister out of trouble.”
“Your sister sounds like she would be a match for Genjiro,” Effie chuckled a bit as she poured everyone a cup of tea.
“Yeah… I wouldn’t be shocked if Tempest ends up marrying Belen. I swear my grandmother might just be counting down the days until they become a family of their own. Tempest is a blacksmith and enchanter so things get a bit more explosive on our side. I’m sure Nui could tell you some stories.”
Sat Jun 24, 2023 2:07 AM Post Subject: Rules of Engagement [P]
Before they had arrived at the Kaname residence, she had a whole route planned the moment they set foot in Hachimura village. She couldn't possibly show Kite everything in one go, so she stuck to the main road as they traveled through. As she showed off the best places to grab snacks and her favorite childhood hangouts, the shopkeepers and aunties at the market were chatting up a storm when they caught a glimpse of Kite. They were almost swarmed by middle-aged ladies and housewives who were the first to spot a new face and hear the latest rumors. But they weren't the only gossips out and about–it was an open secret that a good portion of the village's residents had moved in from Jayou and Nisshoki, being either former small-time mercenaries or ex-yakuza. Most of the latter were old friends of Rashomaru and Genjiro's dad who had helped them make the transition. As a result the village didn't have to worry about thieves or petty crime since nobody in their right mind would try their luck here. And despite their fearsome reputations, ex-gangsters were just as bad as housewives when it came to snooping for the latest news.
Once they finally escaped the mob of people admiring Kite's complexion, Arriese accent, and blond hair they had a peaceful hike through the old pines and bamboo before a house came into view. Things went smoothly as Mrs. Yukari welcomed them in, and they had made it well before evening too. Nui's blissful mood was cut short when a certain Shiba Inu-brained teen blabbed his mouth, causing sending her into a fury. After missing him with an unpeeled chestnut, she managed to hold her anger until they got inside the house, to which she turned to Kite with a strained smile. "I'll be right back–looks like someone forgot what I look like after a few months." She quickly darted past Effie down the hall and there was a yelp followed by angry high-pitched Ataiyan and the sounds of someone being aggresively smacked by a futon. Nui returned half-dragging Genjiro by the back of his kimono and he looked slightly disheveled but otherwise unhurt. Genjiro was just a bit shorter than his older brother, whose height became even more apparent when he had to duck before entering from the backyard. Even when sitting, Rashomaru was notably taller than everyone present.
Kite had started some small talk with Effie when Nui and the two brothers came in, and she let go of Genjiro to sit down. "Cyril and Belen's dad has a house close by the edge of Nisshoki. They say their mom is usually busy so they come and visit him when they can. I heard he works at a flower shop in the city when they're not around." She said before taking a few gulps of tea. When Kite mentioned the trouble his sister got herself into on a regular basis, she made a face. The first time she met Tempest she was nearly fooled until Kite laid out what exactly she had done. Then there was the explosions that she could hear and the chaos that ensued. "Oh yeah, you don't say. The first few times I thought something serious was happening but then he told me it was just his sister at work. But then I saw her running and Belen running with her–being chased by her grandmother…" She shivered, her tails puffing up a bit.
Genjiro was helping himself to some snacks along with the tea and was chewing a rice cracker thoughtfully. "They'll get married?" Nui bit half of a rice cracker with a strip of seaweed added on with sweetened soy sauce glaze. "I'm pretty sure they will. Question is if Tempest will take Belen's surname or if he'll take hers. Or maybe they'll have both?" Genjiro became unusually quiet as he ate another cracker. "So if someone gets married, they become part of someone else's family?" Nui was too busy getting her hands on another seaweed rice cracker to notice the gears turning in his head as he asked. "Yeah, that's what happens when people get married-" She stopped mid-sentence when the realization dawned on her and saw Rashomaru and Effie share the same worried look. "–Wait, wait, wait hold it right there! Don't even think about what I think you're thinking!" Immediately there was a panic as she, Effie, and Rashomaru desperately tried to stop Genjiro's train of thought to no avail. A grin came on his face and they all knew there was no turning back once he got an idea. And in his case, that meant bad news for everyone.
If Enya became a part of their family, then her aunt and uncle couldn't bother her anymore! Genjiro had discovered a perfect solution to help Enya so her relatives couldn't force her to go back with them. If they got married, then she could stay here and they would have to leave her alone! "Enya and I are gonna get married! And Effie and Rashomaru can get married too!" Hearing him blurt that out loud with a dumb grin on his face made Rashomaru choke on his tea.