Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Aragami, Posted: Fri Jul 2, 2021 1:55 PM, Post Subject: There are Two Types of People [P]

His face flushed a bit more at that. Being much taller than most already made him stand out. The people in Hachimura were good people, small communities were always very close like a big extended family. As Effie led them away from the noisy crowd, a shopkeeper named Amane waved at them to come over. When the two came close enough, Amane revealed a beautiful hairpin in his palm. The faint purple was delicate, accented with gold. Ever the romantic, Amane explained the symbolism behind the flower to the young couple. "It's beautiful…" Rashomaru said, struggling to find the words. It reminded him of his mother's hairpins, though hers resembled clusters of hanging wisteria. 

There wasn't a day that went by where he didn't show Effie how much he cared about her, whether it was cooking for her or giving her periodic surprises with a new dish. But as time went on, he wanted to give her something that would last, something memorable. Something they could look at years from now and reminisce about. "How much is it?" He asked the shopkeeper. He kept his voice low just in case Nui or Genjiro was nearby. Nui would undoubtedly try to convince him to buy more than one while Genjiro would either badger him to buy it or badger Amane for something to give Enya. 

"For you, I'll be more than happy to sell it to you for 88 silver. Or would 77 silver be a better number?" Nisshoki had its own share of local superstitions, particularly towards numbers. Eight and seven were considered auspicious, while four was considered unlucky. It was based on the way they were pronounced in Ataiyan and other words which were homophones based on that pronunciation. He thought about it for a while, then decided it was worth it. "Alright, give me a moment." Not wanting to shortchange Amane, Rashomaru exchanged eighty-eight silver for the lilac pin. 

"Why don't you help her put it on? If you'd rather do so away from the gossips, Here's a case so it won't get damaged." Producing a slim lacquered box, inside was a silk-covered cushion designed to hold the hairpin. "Thank you, Amane." Rashomaru accepted the case graciously, his golden eyes looking at Effie waiting for her response. Even if it turned more heads, if she wanted to wear the pin, he would help her put it on.

Author: Effie Godfrey, Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 1:10 PM, Post Subject: There are Two Types of People [P]

There was a chuckle that left her lips, “At least I can use you for shade if I must.” They were slowly getting him to loosen up and that meant they could joke around even if it was quietly.

Effie was enjoying their time together outside. Little by little they had begun to show their affection to the outside world. They weren’t quite as loud about it as their younger counterparts but that suited their personalities much better. Once the gossip started Effie turned a light shade of pink. “You are lucky you are so tall now…” She spoke of how he hid his face under the parasol. Now her face matched the lightest colors of her yukata and she was sure it was entertaining for some.

She hid her face in his arm playfully and smirked up at Rashomaru. “I hear small towns tend to be this way. At least they like the idea of us~” She teased softly once more.

“Hey! Rashomaru! Come here!” One of the local vendors called him over. Thankfully, the vendor was more on the outside of the crowd. Effie squinted a bit before she smiled and she tilted her head to beckon him near it.

“Let’s go see what he wants,” She pulled him along now which got more hollers at them. Their relationship though not new was something new to everyone else.

“I just made this lilac hairpin,” the shopkeep was showing Rashomaru. “I think it would be lovely for her. Lilacs are given to young couples to represent the fleeting first feelings of love. Would make a pretty nice gift right?” The lilac was a light shade of lilac. “The sprigs of magenta lilac represent a stronger love too.”

Effie blushed a bit but she would after how their relationship got announced thanks to Genjiro and Enya.

Author: Aragami, Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:35 PM, Post Subject: There are Two Types of People [P]

He made a face when she fanned him; not that he didn't like it. "It's warmer up here believe it or not–I'm closer to the sun." Thanks to Effie, Enya, and even Nui he was starting to loosen up a bit. Rashomaru normally didn't joke around or tease others, but that was changing. After Genjiro met Enya, there was a part of him that was relieved. "Yes, it is isn't it?" He had a sinking feeling that wouldn't be the case very soon, but he was enjoying their time together while they could. A few of the regulars that ate at the Kaname's family restaurant noticed the two and were trying hard to suppress a few laughs. "Isn't that Yukari's eldest? And who's that girl next to him?" Gossip started to fly as nosy housewives and a few men were turning their heads. "She's a cutie isn't she? I think I remember seeing her somewhere! Looks like that shy boy of hers has finally grown up." He realized who they were talking about, and tried his best to keep a straight face. If he started thinking about what they were saying, his ears would surely go red.

One of the bolder laborers who knew his father cupped his hands around his mouth, shouting loudly: "Oi, Rashomaru–you need to stop playing house and marry her already! How long are you going to keep her waiting?" A few others broke out in uproarious laughter, causing the tall youth to tilt the parasol slightly to shield himself from the growing embarrassment. "Nakabe, you crow! You'll make the poor boy run off! And you dare to say we're the gossipy hens!" With summer in full swing, everyone was prone to get flustered over the smallest things. Rashomaru coughed a few times and tried to walk faster to leave the nosy townsfolk behind. "I almost forgot about the neighbors… It's a surprise that anyone can keep any secrets in Hachimura." He wasn't used to being the center of attention.

Author: Effie Godfrey, Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:59 PM, Post Subject: There are Two Types of People [P]

Effie was enjoying life with the Kanames and especially with Rashomaru. Effie delicately held his hand while his other held the parasol. She was looking at the cherry blossoms and the various shops that were set up around them. Effie’s hair was half pulled back with a delicate comb in it. She was wearing a short pink and purple yukata. “Yeah, it is sorta quiet. I’m hoping Enya keeps him in check but… You know she lets him get away with everything.”

The demon-touched girl had a small painted fan that she was waving to keep the airflow going. It was hot and she groaned, “It’s so hot.” She brought the fan up and started to fan Rashomaru. “It probably doesn’t bother you does it?” She chuckled.

They had attracted the attention of a few onlookers who knew Rashomaru. Now that Effie thought about it this was the first time that Rashomaru and herself had ventured into town holding hands. Taking the initiative she snuggled into him despite it being hot, “This is nice… Not having Genjiro ruin our outing for once…” Yet…

Author: Aragami, Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:43 PM, Post Subject: There are Two Types of People [P]

Today was a special occasion for the Kaname family, the two brothers and the girls had permission to have the day off to go into town. Rashomaru and Genjiro's parents had closed shop early to prepare some specialty desserts for their new upcoming dish to celebrate summer. Ice was very expensive unless you knew someone with connections or ice magic, so chilled sweetened tofu curd with ginger syrup was the next best thing. It would take a while for the coagulated soy milk to set, so Masashi and Yukari were busy cooking pots of sweetened red beans and mung beans to add as toppings. The suggestion for the new menu item came from Nui, who got the idea from trying egg pudding in Adeluna. Eggs spoiled easily in the summer and soybeans were always available year-round. If they made an extra-fine tofu curd, it would be an excellent vegetarian option too.

While Nui had gone off on her own to pick up some fireworks, Genji and Enya got sidetracked when something pretty caught the girl's eye. This left Rashomaru and Effie a rare moment just to themselves in the city. The pink-blossomed trees were now full with dense green foliage providing clusters of shade in the noonday sun. The shops were as lively as ever with new wares imported from across the Nyella, and tea houses were busy with the midday crowd. Rashomaru was holding a parasol, the painted oiled paper bobbing above the crowd. With the weather being warmer he was dressed in a stone-blue cotton yukata and sandals, his sheathed odachi slung over his back. "I've forgotten how peaceful things are when Genjiro isn't around." He said with a chuckle. "I guess I've gotten used to have him following me–and the other way around." Ever since they were kids Genjiro was a troublemaker, so keeping an eye on him was second nature to him now. 

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