Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:05 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

One of the strange things about this raging beast was that regardless of what they threw at it–it's only response seemed to be more anger. Even a rabid wolf would have enough sense to halt before an obstacle, but the oversized ape proceeded to plow through. There were shallow cuts all about it's body, but not enough to slow it down. Shiloh was considering her next move to immobilize the monster when she felt the shaking of the ground no too far behind. Expecting another earsplitting roar, she braced her ears only to turn and see the gargantuan ape raise its fists high. With an ungodly screech, the enraged primate began swinging, pounding the ground of the boneyard as if it were wielding two hammers. With each smash of its fists, powerful shock waves rippled through the earth, making the damp and darkened packed dirt shift every which way like a small-scale tremor. Bleached bones and headstones flew while Shiloh was jolted about as she tried to maintain her footing. Even with the best agility and reflexes, she ended up tumbling into a roll. She only had her armor to thank for softening the impact, but not before the beast rushed at her with eyes full of hate. 

Panic gripped her again as the monster made a swipe, and she quickly transmuted herself into one of her myrmidons before its uninjured fist snatched her up. The ice on its other fist had shattered in its metronomic mashing, revealing raw flesh exposed by severe frostbite. With a flick of its wrist, it threw her into the ground, creating a skid trail where her thrown body scraped the earth. Then it did this again, and again, and again. The only reason why Shiloh wasn't dead from the pain was due to her emergency polymorph and a healing brooch she had obtained from completing the mazes of Love and Death years ago. While her myrmidon form dulled her senses and was more resilient to damage, just before she reached her breaking point–the brooch had her fully recover. She would have tried to save its use if she could, but the alarming speed and ferocity of the ape gave her almost no time to react. But as she was tossed about defenselessly, she had one more trick up her sleeve. When the beast tried to grab her one last time, it missed. In that split second of confusion, Shiloh latched onto its forearm and called down lightning. "FULGUR!!" Moments after her shout, a snaking bolt of electricity struck from the heavens. It hit Shiloh directly, and with her now metallic body as a conduit–it transferred that voltage right into the oversized ape's nervous system.

That near-miss by the monster was hardly a stroke of luck. In fact, it was due to Shiloh deploying her Gestalt spell at the right moment. Right before it grabbed her, she had caused a slight interference with its visual processing, making it believe she was a tad closer than she really was. A minute and very subtle form of illusion, but one that bought her the time she needed to stop this thing from moving for a few seconds to take a direct hit. And the bigger the creature, the more blood and fluid it had in its body, making a lightning strike that more effective. With its nerves thrown out of order, the beast was now open to an attack. 

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:32 AM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

While the plan had worked for the most part Lixue unconsciously held back the power of the mine for the Deity's sake. Even though she was aware that the Woman cannot die the very attempt of taking the Deity's life affected the power of the blast. However, with an oddly large Ape still living, the Priestess did not have time to ruminate on her thoughts.

Even though it took the blast head on it seemed to be fairly unharmed or simply too angry to notice it's pain and suffering. Its dense muscle structure could have reduced the damage or it's just too stupid to feel pain. Disappointed by the lack of overall results from the ambush, but it was not for nothing as ice encased the Ape's right arm had been encased in ice ripe for the picking. Though the Undead would have to hold back on capitalizing further as the beast seemed to be able to sense magic similar to her own magical sensitivity. Somehow the world seemed to be working against her as the Ape seemed to have come across one of the few trees that were not bamboo within the forest of eyes to the Undead's misfortune as no other oaks stood between her and the now dislodge oak barreling its way towards her tearing through the bamboo with little resistance.

Moving towards the danger the Oak flew just barely over Lixue's head as the hardwood crashed to the group kicking up dust and plant life. With the threat of being crushed now avoided, the enraged building sized Ape with a club of ice for a hand that wanted nothing more but to grind the one who ambushed them into a paste was charging towards her just as the oak had done before. As the Beast charged towards her the Undead had more than enough time to capitalize on the remaining ice on its arm as it seemed to be smashing its way through the general area as it did not seem to know her exact area giving her yet another idea. Sending more magic into the existing ice cold would run through the Ape's body in an attempt to slow and peel away at its flesh while she reinforced the snapped sharpened bamboo with ice to make its destructive tendencies more painful on the beast.

Deciding on death by a thousand cuts instead of an all in approach an explosion went off At the back of the Ape's head singling to the Priestess that the Deity was still in the fight after her surprise. Following the Masked Woman's movements for a moment she looked to be heading for the boneyard to fight in the open with slightly better terrain as the bones and flesh strewn about the yard did not make for the best footing. While Lixue had hoped that the Deity stayed away or found the other creature, she was not about to not put the God to work now that she is here and besides she had to move as well as the beast was getting too close for comfort.

Leaving the beast to the frozen bamboo spike Lixue would hold her cloak and fleet foot for a moment longer to create some distance before lowering the spells and making sure to make as much noise as possible to get the Ape to follow after.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:54 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

She never did get the chance to use aura sight to see if anything or anyone else was around, not with what looked like a gargantuan bloodthirsty ape making a fully concentrated effort in turning her into a pile of mush. The roar's initial blast had nearly caused her limbs to lock up, but Shiloh didn't stop and kept running. It was a frantic mad dash to avoid the incoming blows while keeping herself balanced. The last thing she wanted was to trip and stumble. She had dealt with her share of beasts back before she was a deity, and that experience didn't take off any of the edge of her current situation. It was fight or flight–and picking the wrong option meant a swift and gruesome death. Even if the Voice did keep its end of the bargain to bring her back to life should she unexpectedly die, dying was painful. There was absolutely no reason to take unnecessary hits when they were preventable. Zigzagging back and forth through clear spots between the soon to be leveled trees, she noticed the ice trap a moment too late. With eyes wide, she kicked hard and tried to put more distance between herself and incoming release of magic. The numbness was on its last legs of wearing off, but Shiloh wasn't able to get completely out of the blast radius. Sensing the incoming increase in magical energy, she grit her teeth and cast protection. The spell took most of the brunt of the ice, but it didn't dull the pain. Though the explosion did give her that extra boost to gain a few meters more of clearance from the monster.

The monster on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. It took the blast head-on, however due to it's immense size, only the parts of it closest to the ice spell were noticeably affected. It's right fist which it had used to swipe at Shiloh before the mine went off was encased in a layer of ice, but this only made it angrier. It whipped its head around, snarling and sniffing until it caught wind of a new scent that was similar to the magic that had gone off. In the blink of an eye the beast swung it's frozen fist at a nearby oak, breaking the trunk and sending the shattered tree hurtling towards where the scent drifted from. Then it went on a rampage, charging and smashing in that direction in an attempt to pulverize the pesky thing that had made the attack. While it was momentarily distracted, Shiloh took the chance to heal herself and reactivate aura sight. Beyond the overwhelming malicious aura of the ape was the magical signature of the exorcist who had left first. After reapplying another spell of protection, it was time to play her hand. Conjuring a lacriamium-coated axe into one hand and a skyshard boomerang into the other, she cast skyfire blade on the boomerang before throwing it as hard as she could towards the back of the monster's head.

Once again she was on the move, not waiting for the boomerang to signal it had hit its mark. Despite her personal priority of self-preservation, she wasn't going to lead the thing back to the mujina village. Skirting around she attempted to double back towards the boneyard, hoping to lure it back to a more open area. An explosion went off the moment the boomerang and the beast made contact, aggravating it more than dealing serious damage. It was possible that she and the exorcist could keep the bloody ape occupied long enough to wear it down or until it died. But there was a nagging voice in the back of her head that warned her this was wishful thinking, however. 

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:14 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

Leaving the village behind and entering the forest proper Lixue cast not only a cloak of invisibility but a spell to muffle and lighten her step as the Undead was going to give the beasts a taste of their own medicine.

Even if the monsters could move on the city at any time Lixue carefully made her way through the forest as to not only keep an eye out for her targets but for the forest's quirks. Doing her best to stay on a single path as the mist and the spirits that resided in the woods did their best to try and divert the Priestess from her path. Whispers and optical illusions gathered around the Undead as the spirits of those lost to the forest did their best to add another. Anytime the Priestess felt unsure she would look to a compass or sense for magic to dispel the simple trickery.

Approaching a break in the forest that felt wholly different from the rest of the mist covered woods Lixue halted her advance and moved to an area with more cover to approach. The Undead's sensitivity from magic and life gave the Priestess an idea of what she may be faced with as the opening felt twisted and spiteful far more so than the lost spirits of the woods. Keeping low as she reached the edge of the forest she looked around to see the boneyard filled with what one would expect through the odd stones surrounding the boneyard interested the Priestess far more even though they seemed inert for the moment.

While Lixue wished to investigate more, stifled sounds of a bipedal creature and the feeling of a divine presence singled the arrival of the Deity much to the Undead's displeasure. Slipping through the woods Lixue stalked the Masked Woman as she approached the boneyard. Many things about the Deity were surprising and disappointing to the Undead as the 'God' seemed to be unaware of her presence even though she only hid herself from one's eyes and ears and that for some reason the Woman seemed to still be wearing the mask hindering her vision more.

Counting to watch the Deity only caused the Priestess to lose more faith in the current pantheon as the God seemed to have been followed by the beast as it landed with its focus directly on the Masked Woman. Biting at her lip Lixue cursed the Deity as she wanted to cleanse the boneyard before she came into contact with the beasts. Her anger towards the Woman's incompetence would have to wait as the beast seemed wholly focused on tearing the God into bits leaving the Undead with the option to either assist or use the Woman as a distraction to be able to cleanse the boneyard. As the beast let out a deafening roar and splintered a tree Lixue did not expect the Deity's next actions as the Priestess stood dumbfounded for a moment as the Masked Woman began to run.

Considering the situation and that the beast's focus was on the Deity, Lixue decided to use this opportunity to set up an ambush for the beast while also possibly punishing the god for its cowardice. Following the two she would gauge the distance and speed of the two and set up an ice mine behind the Masked Woman while also preparing to follow up to entrap the beast if the icey explosion was not enough to kill the beast.

Author: CodeNat, Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 10:06 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

[OOC: You guys can skip me in the order now and I’ll show up again after a certain amount of time.]

The heroines took this information with varying degrees of faith, but the two of them still chose the worst course of action in the end.

“Tragedy it is,” I said when the both of them had departed, effectively splitting apart their group out of pride. The exorcist of the two seemed to disapprove of everyone present, exhibiting a sort of disdain even for the people she was supposedly trying to save. Her armored companion seemed glad to see her go as well, making no efforts to stop her and only hoping she would not make the situation worse. Neither of them seemed willing to work with the other; each believing they had the best course of action. I believed, however, that they were wrong; and with that belief I called out to Kumao before he could turn in.

“Before you go, Kumao, I will tell you what the others did not,” I said to him. “If it turns out that this exorcist is wrong, her attempts at purification might only serve to anger the threat that has thus far taken its sweet time in poaching your people. Because of that, you should be prepared to leave with everyone else as soon as possible.”

Still frightened from his circumstances, the elderly Mujina jumped in his skin from the address. He sheepishly turned back around toward me as if he had forgotten I existed, then responded in a quiet voice.

“But the human I signed a contract with-,
” he began only for me to interrupt him.

“Could be wrong. They seem dependable, but there’s little way of knowing for sure. And, unfortunately, the two people who came here to help you chose to split up in spite of the fact that there’s strength in numbers. That’s why I said it’s a tragedy and no longer a heroic tale. Better to be prepared than die of hope in vain.”

It was then that I heard something behind me. Some twigs were crunching on the ground a ways back, staggered in such a fashion that whatever was doing it was clearly not human or even bipedal for that matter. Kumao heard it too, but he didn’t seem to recognize what the sound was coming from or even be aware of what he should be doing until I told him.

“Kumao, on second thought, you might want to start running.”



Just then the ground where Kumao had been standing was crushed by an invisible, three-toed beast. If nothing else, the old badger was fast, so he managed to flee before he ended up as a Mujina pancake on the outskirts of his village; but the evidence of the invisible beast’s arrival was plain to see. My first thought upon witnessing it was that the village was doomed, that even if those stubborn women did succeed it would all be for naught as far as the badgers were concerned. Yet then I noticed something peculiar: the beast had begun attacking the dogwood I was seated on. Even though a very loud Kumao was still running for his life while screaming in the open air of the village; even though I had no scent to be noticed by; somehow the creature spotted me and immediately began chasing me to the exclusion of everything else in the area. It was like I was a piece of red fabric to the bullish monster, and I took advantage of that to lead it away from the village just as the other monster’s roars echoed from the north.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:48 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

There was a reason why Shiloh had been rather open-minded when it came to what the fox kid said. And once she introduced herself that nagging sense of familiarity finally had a face. Natsumi, or 'Greed', as Azhizheth had referred her as–had been someone who had always managed to cross paths with Shiloh at specific, opportune times. Each time they had met it had been for important reasons; either it was Natsumi lending her help and information, or she was requesting it from Shiloh. Despite her belated shock and panic at the knowledge of the 'phantom' being another class of World Eater, Natsumi had never done anything to intentionally throw the world off the rails–and had been a literal life-saver more than once.

It was good to see an old acquaintance again after the train wreck that had been the build up to the inevitable Void Invasion. But she kept this tidbit of information to herself, as it wasn't the time and place for a reunion. Als,o because that sort of information wouldn't do any good in revealing to the other people here. At least the exorcist didn't try attacking the projection. Shiloh predicted that there would be a high possibility that the exorcist girl wouldn't want to work with her, but she never had the chance to ask. The girl made the decision for them–deciding to go off and tackle the two-headed problem by herself. Maybe this was for the best, as they just didn't seem to get along. However Shiloh had a feeling that they might run into each other again sooner than they'd like, especially since her rotten luck had ways in making a bad situation worse.

Once the girl was out of earshot, Shiloh turned to the badgers and Natsumi. "Well, looks like it's just us now. I'm not sure which one of the two the girl will find first, but I really hope it's not the invisible one." As for her, she'd head towards the bone graveyard. A graveyard sounded like a more open area, which meant more routes of escape if she had to run. Sometimes it was a small comfort knowing you could see what was trying to kill you–except for a few cases. When it came down to the wire, strength wasn't her forte and she was no priest. For people like her, there were other ways to eliminate threats…and they involved a liberal use of force. Waving to the old badger, she left towards the northeastern edge of the village. Soon she passed the abandoned houses and was at the fringe of Menomori. 

She'd passed through the Forest of Eyes many times to reach the Spirit Realm, but this was something else. The silence felt more ominous, the trees and bamboo thickets making shapes that she swore would move when she caught them out of the corner of her eye. Putting on her force gauntlets and running a quick mental inventory of her current layers of armor, Shiloh took a deep breath behind her clay mask. To hunt a beast, one must know how to think like a beast. Even if the creature in question was more of a deranged monster fueled by rage instead of an animal. Monstrous or not, animals were driven by single-minded reasons. Once you figure out what those reasons are–the rest falls into place. The mist seemed to shift and billow the deeper she ventured in, dimming the skies like a grey haze. Though it was harder to do with a mask on, she focused her senses to track down the abandoned boneyard hidden beneath the trees. Mud. Moss. A stale, humid air. With slow and quiet steps, she saw the rows of uncarved chunks of rocks serving as makeshift headstones. There was no grass around them, only dank moist earth and scattered piles of stained bones. 

Creeping closer, she strained her eyes to see if there were any signs of the exorcist's tracks. The girl should have arrived before her, and the former had a very distinctive type of clothing… Suddenly a chill ran down her spine at the sound of a branch snapping. An acrid, putrid stench began to fill the air as she could very clearly smell dried blood. A terrible, lumbering shadow shook the earth as it landed, sickly yellow lights glaring straight at her. A scream seized in her throat as the first of the two mentioned beasts let out a deafening roar! Smashing one of its forelimbs through a tree, the trunk splintered into pieces and that was when she started to run. She could feel her body go stiff with fear and a terrible ringing in her ears, but there was no time to lose as right out of the gate this thing was practically burning with an insatiable bloodlust!

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:55 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

Looking to the Masked Woman in disbelief as Lixue could not believe that a deity took everything thing at face value from something that was clearly not a child or was even capable of truly crossing the line between sentience and sapience as it only seemed to care for its own entertainment, let alone it's enjoyment in the death and suffering of others. As the apparition spoke again designating itself as Natsume though more importantly, it's referral to itself as a phantom was aptly named as it was truly outside of their world.

Keeping an eye on the Phantom, Lixue pondered on the being above. The Undead knew of many realms and how Gates taps into a space in between the world and another to close the distance, however, she has only heard of the beings that roam the space never encountering one face to face. I don't know what this thing is and that is what bothers me. While it seems to be passive for now who knows what it may do if it grows bored of simply watching. Deciding against acting against the creature for the moment as the Priestess already had a task in front of her, diverting her attention would only lead to a less than desirable outcome when face to face with what threatens the village.

Listening to the Deity share Kumao and the villagers' accounts told the Undead nothing she did not already know. Not sharing her information in kind as not only was the shared information useless and provided less than she already knew the Outsider was still looming over them as if the two Women were actors in a play. In fact, the Undead was still pondering on whether or not it would be beneficial for the two of them to work together at all as they were already at odds about how to investigate. Couple that with no knowledge of how each of the parties fights and that they have never fought together shows that the cons would outweigh the pros. With the combat disadvantage already enough to convince Lixue to deal with the matter alone, the Masked Woman's request for payment from the village sealed her decision to set off alone. Quickly glancing to Kumao as he held the contract in his hand as she found it funny that the Yokai sided with the one who placed their needs first over one who offered their help willing without asking for information unrelated to the village or goods when said village was at it's worst.

With no reason to waste any more time Lixue turned her back on the group and proceeded to the northeast overhearing the Outsider's comments. "Sounds like something is trying to corrupt an area or gather negative energy for a ritual. That spirit is better off used to sanctify the area halting its plans and ability to use the dead to its advantage". Since Natsume offered some wisdom the Priestess decided to return the favour as the being had proven her hypnosis correct. While she would take the Outsider's words with a grain of salt the evidence fell in line with its words.

Author: CodeNat, Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:31 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

Sure enough, the lass who had stormed off on her own to investigate came back with a tight lip and a rude attitude. Rather than simply asking for my name politely, she turned to her armored companion and asked “what” I was. Said companion took me at my word - which I appreciated - and tried to convince the mistrustful one that I was no threat to her or the village; but clearly I had to speak up lest she waste her energy trying to attack an illusion or, worse, ruin my show.

“The name is Natsumi and I’m a person, thank you very much. If you must use another term, I suppose the closest you’ll get in Revaliir’s nomenclature is ‘witch.’ ‘Phantom’ will also work.” Turning on my back in the tree branches, I tilted my head backwards and looked down at the people below with a lukewarm reception. “I’ve been asleep since shortly after Azhizheth’s invasion, but I’ve grown bored of my dreams in the time since then and it’s not the moment for me to awaken just yet. This projection is my method of quenching that thirst for entertainment that I have: the same that doesn’t go away simply because I’m sleeping. It allows me to spy on the world’s events without physically being present. And, if I heard right, this village’s problems started 2 months ago, making it quite improbable for me to be the primary cause of the stress its inhabitants have endured. So as I said, I’m just an observer and nothing more.”

The armored boyo with voice altering magic had already started outlining his deal with Kumao then. In exchange for two potent barrels of alcohol, he would subdue the beast by any means necessary.

“Going to get the beast drunk or set it on fire are you,” I asked him thinking of the most obvious ways I would use alcohol in a situation like that? “Can’t say that’s a bad idea. Best of luck.”

Who knew if the impatient one would go along with said plan, but it was starting to look like the horror masque was turning into a heroic tale or a tragedy. Which way the coin fell on that spectrum would be up to how prepared the two individuals in front of me made themselves; and lucky for them I was feeling generous.

“If you’re already headed north, I’ll pass on some information free of charge as a courtesy to the potential ‘heroes’ in this play,” I told them while turning right-side-up again. “It’s quite possible that you’re dealing with two beasts instead of one. I have seen grizzly sites from up here in these trees the past several moons and one is a makeshift bone graveyard to the northeast. You’ll know it from the small bones snapped and scattered clean across the landscape there. But the bones are too small for adult humans, so, unless there’s been some mass disappearances of children that I’ve been missing lately, they’re probably badger bones. To the northwest there’s something similar, but that place is full of corpses that even carrion eaters won’t touch. The bodies belong to all manner of local fauna and people; but they’ve been mutilated in sadistic, perhaps ritualistic, ways. And whatever’s doing that does so at night while under the cloak of invisibility or some chameleon-like camouflage. The force is also capable of breathing life back into the corpses so they scream while the mutilation is ongoing. To me, these two things do not belong to the same beasts. The bone graveyard belongs to a wild creature hunting food while the other is the den of… something else.”

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:44 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

Instead of waiting and letting Kumao do the legwork for them, the exorcist went off on her own once the old badger went gathering info. Shiloh couldn't really understand why. Maybe she was impatient and wanted to get things over with? Kumao would be reporting his findings to both of them, but she didn't stop the girl from going her own way. Looking at their respective reactions to the same situation, it would appear that their objectives were very different. The exorcist was fixated on fixing the problem immediately; she was leaning more towards figuring out how and why this was happening in the first place. After demanding to know where the houses of the victims were, she was gone for a while. Despite their different methods, both women had received the same information. And the exorcist girl came back just as the previously hidden observer was now revealed. The girl demanded to know who this new face was, and Shiloh didn't really have a straight answer. For some reason there was this nagging feeling in the back of her mind, like a strong sense of familiarity. She could've sworn that she'd sensed this particular aura before…

"I don't really know honestly. The kid said she's just an astral projection, so she's not exactly 'here' in the physical sense. I don't sense any malevolence or ill-will coming from them, so I think it's safe to say they're not involved with the kidnappings." More like bored out of her mind, if it wasn't clear by the yawn and casual attitude. Shiloh doubted the exorcist would believe the fox kid when she clarified she wasn't the culprit, and couldn't help should they run into what was. Normally she too would have a healthy suspicion of any convenient bystanders, but her experience with astral projection was telling her that a mere image wasn't likely capable of affecting the world around it outside the use of magic. She then gave a brief summary of what Kumao had told her. "–Basically it doesn't appear the villagers did anything to provoke the attacks. Whatever's responsible is very likely north of the northeastern corner of the village. Menomori isn't too far away, so something might have been lurking around for a while before picking off easy targets. The details of the crime scenes seem like they were spirited away…violently." Kujishoku was a ways beyond the gate located in the mists of the Forest of Eyes. Perhaps something had breached the barrier again. 

Remembering what she had planned to do, Shiloh rummaged into her bag and pulled out an enchanted scroll and quill. "Again, thank you for the information. But it's time to get down to business." Words began to appear on the parchment as she drew up a legal and binding contract detailed with her terms and conditions for the completion of this task. "Now before I officially accept this job, I'd like to make sure we're all on the same page, Mr. Kumao. This written agreement between me and the representative of this village–which in this case would be you–outlines the exchange of goods and services between both parties. I'm not asking for much; in exchange for subjugating what plagues your village I want two jars of the strongest alcohol you have. Not the best, the strongest." With reluctance, the old badger excused himself as he went to ask his fellow folk. After a short delay, he and two other mujina brought two earthenware containers labeled 'sake' in Ataiyan script. Those two scurried away once they left the jars. She had her reasons for this, it was just an extra precaution for what she might encounter once she left the northern boundary of the village. You never knew when a few containers of high-proof alcohol would come in handy. 

The contract stated that for those two jars of wine, she would use any means necessary in subjugating the threat and that she would ensure it would never endanger the village and its inhabitants ever again. There was a blank line at the bottom where Kumao would place his signature, though in his case an inked paw print would suffice. There was no need to have him seal the deal with blood as Shiloh felt the mujina would keep their word. "Please take your time to read the document thoroughly. If there is anything you'd like me to explain or any terms you aren't satisfied with, I will be happy to oblige." Kumao and the villagers in hiding exchanged glances before he took the parchment into his paws and gave it a good look over. After he dipped his paw in ink and pressed it against the paper, the words lit up as the contract was complete. When all was said and done, she shook his clean paw before tucking the scroll and wine jars away into her bag. "It's been a pleasure doing business with you sir." Her voice said in a happier tone. "I'll provide you and your village with a copy of our deal once the job is finished." With that small formality out of the way, it was time to venture into the unknown. 

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 10:44 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

Leaning back slightly as the Deity went against her attempt to question the villagers. Turning around to see the Masked Woman whispering something to Kumao sealed the Undead's decision to no longer cooperate with the Woman, as the Deity had not only insulted and undermined her attempts to gain knowledge but also discluded her from whatever plans or information she may have.

As the two finished their meeting Lixue looked to the Badger plainly as she wanted to be done with her promise to his village as it seems that neither he nor the Deity trusted her. "Where have the disappearances taken place? I want to investigate the area to get any and all information on what I may encounter and if the villagers still live". Since Kumao and the villagers already feared and distrusted her there was no reason to make an attempt at building any bridges. If they wanted to fear her then she will fit the role as long as it allows her to deal with what threatens them for she can be on her way. "It would be easier if you tell me which homes the disappearances have taken place unless you wish for me to check every home"? The Undead's words crept throughout the Yokai's entire being as he immediately and hastily pointed while explaining the appearance and the directions to two homes. One was of the man he spoke of before to the furthest northeast and the other a family home of the Namuras slightly closer to the center of the village also northeastern Lixue headed for the homes as an experienced eye can glean information better than an inexperienced one.

Starting with the furthest home first as she planned to work her way back to the Deity and the Badger to see if they had anything to add. However, it had been two months since Naguma's disappearance and nothing of note could be found as there were no tracks other than the Mujina's. By how the tracks intercrossed with each other it was clear that they were searching for the Yokai in a panic. Naguma's home seemed untouched as there were no signs of forced entry or a struggle meaning that the badger must have been taken while out in his garden.

Moving onto the Namuras, how the young family displaced was fairly obvious as the door had been splintered leaving only bits of wood attached to the hinges and the surrounding walls warped inward from the force. Two sets of claw marks were scarred into the floor stopping suddenly as either they were raised out of reach of the floor or became unconscious. Other than what to expect from a struggle an odd perhaps magical presence while faint could be sensed. Perhaps that is why there are no tracks. Just like the Naguma there was no blood either it is taking them alive, but why for later use or for another reason? Exiting the tiny home the Priestess placed magic over the splintered door as she levitated and reformed what remained of the door as to see if anything had been caught in the splinters from when the beast broke in. No fur, skin, hair or blood either. Releasing the spell on the door caused it crumbled back into a pile of wood and metal as Lixue went to an untouched wall of the home and fired a basic concussive blast towards it leaving noticeable damage, but no cracks. Surprisingly sturdy for its size. Twisting her hair around her finger as she looked to the home, the Undead thought on the information she gathered. No blood so they may still be alive, but most likely the first disappear is no more. Whatever broke in is strong as the homes while tiny are sturdy though it's strength does not explain how it hid its tracks. Either it is magical or it is working with something that is as one acts as the brains while the other brawn. By the missing Yokai, it's base is most likely to the northeast as it started from the furthest home and is slowly working its way down. Though if it's this strong why is it acting so timid as it is doubtful that the Mujina would be able to stop it? The Priestess was still missing many key factors but the investigation was not a complete loss.

With her investigation concluded she made her way back to where the Masked Deity. Upon her return, another party had shown up in her stead. Resting among the branches was a Kitsune well just like the Kumao it appeared to be a Kitsune though it's Qi told a different tale. Looking to the Badger and the Woman though her focus more on the Masked Woman who most likely had been there the entire time. "While I'd go over my findings in exchange for your information, who and what is that among the trees and does it have to do with the odd presence I've sensed among the homes of the missing"? Whatever it was Lixue was not about to share information around something that was possible a part of the reason the villagers have gone missing.

Author: CodeNat, Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:56 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

“By spirit in the tree, I guess you mean me. I’m not whatever beast is hunting you if that’s what you’re thinking, but then I suppose this form doesn’t inspire much confidence either.”

Shortly after Kumao returned from investigating his village, a yawn came from a nearby dogwood tree that towered over the tiny buildings and homesteads. It was followed by those words spoken in the voice of a very fatigued child, and the source sat up in the branches with obvious bedhead: a white hair fox girl barely bigger than Kumao himself. It was the white tailed spirit the children had mentioned, or, more specifically, my sleepy ass. “Sadly, there’s not a whole lot I can do about that.”

It was around this time that I was actually still sleeping in the Void. My memory archives could take anywhere from several months to several years to complete; and the one that happened right after Azhizheth’s defeat had yet to cease by the time those two women arrived in the small Mujina village. With nothing but my dreams to keep me company in such a state, I grew bored and had begun projecting myself out into the world to watch events even if I couldn’t technically interact with them.

By coincidence, I found myself in that village during the meanderings of my brain and was now being mistaken for a monster despite the fact that I was, ironically, sleeping most of the time even as a projection. Technically the accusation about me being a monster wasn’t far from the truth, but I certainly wasn’t the monster they were looking for. Perhaps Kumao thought the same, as he didn’t seem nearly as scared of me as he was of whatever fiend his imagination had conjured.

“A child kitsune? How did you even get up there let alone sleep?” He appeared somewhat relieved when asking his questions even if he wasn’t off guard. The old badger held onto his paranoia even as he trusted the two women next to him to defend if needed.

That need never came. I replied to the Mujina’s question with my same exhausted voice as if I were still half asleep even though I was consciously conversing with him, saying, “Easy,” and then passed my arm directly through a branch of the tree in front of him. “I can’t be hurt as I am now because my body isn’t really here. Likewise, I can’t physically interact with anything here; so, for better or worse, I am neither the monster you mention nor am I capable of fighting it off. I’m just an observer in a horror masque, so there’s nothing to do but watch… and sleep.”

I was just awake enough then to read the people around me. The one in the mask seemed solid and dependable judging by how they were handling the situation, but I got a distinct feeling that the other non-Mujina visitor was about to be less than welcoming to me.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:18 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

They were greeted by silence, again. She could smell the fear and tension in the air, and trying to press them further would just make them panic. Shiloh couldn't blame them for it though, at this point they didn't know who to trust. But there was someone they did–someone like Mr. Kumao here. After the exorcist girl was done, she spoke up. "Actually, you don't need to come out of your houses. I know this has been a very, very stressful time for all of you and you just want to go back to your normal daily lives. Mr. Kumao here was very brave in risking his life to ask for help. If you all don't mind, I'd like him to ask each of you what you know about when this all started, and any other details. Don't worry, take your time, we'll be waiting here." Kumao knew the village better than they did, and they needed the trust and support of the other mujina if she was going to do what she had in mind. Kneeling down to the old badger, she whispered into his ear what sort of things he could focus on when gathering information from his fellow folk. Kumao was looking a little less anxious now, as there seemed to be hope that their village might be saved. Since nobody could read her face, Shiloh intentionally appeared to relax through adjusting her body language and posture. Nonverbal communication was a series of action and reaction, and seeing signs of hostility would result in a defensive response.

Kumao quickly went to each of the houses in sight, speaking with the people within in hushed tones. This took a while, a few hours naturally. As she waited, Shiloh was scanning the immediate area with aura sight to see if there were any anomalies present. So far, no signs of malevolence. There was a rather strong sensation of distrust, but that wasn't what she was looking for. The old badger was back, running and nearly out of breath. Shiloh let him cool down a bit as she really didn't want him to wear himself out. Especially since he had grandchildren. The last thing she wanted was the poor man to have a heart attack or some health complication from temporarily forgetting his age. But he was pretty healthy as he recovered in no time, and began to tell the two women what their village knew.

"The first disappearance was Naguma, around two months from today. His house and garden were on the northeast corner of our village. He was the kind to keep to himself, not exactly chatty with the neighbors. We didn't have problems with him though. His closest neighbors the Namuras realized something was wrong when his farming tools weren't taken back in after a few days. It wasn't like him to leave them in the open overnight. They checked his house and it smelled empty. His scent was too weak, so he didn't even go back into his house since they last saw him. Then the Namuras went missing a week after, but not before the wife told a friend she couldn't sleep well since she thought something was prowling outside. Their house was…something broke in. The door was smashed, the wall was cracked around it. There were claw marks from a mujina on the floor before they stopped at the steps. The scent trail stopped there too, but it was like a body had been dragged outside.

The neighbors in that area started to leave as word spread. We felt relieved when it was daytime, but once it started turning dark we all were afraid of who would disappear next. Some of us heard shrieking and howls that made our blood run cold, we were scared to even have the hearth lit because it might show someone was inside. Nobody went to forage in the forest northeast of the border anymore. Not even in the daytime. Kumaru tried once but ran when he thought he saw a huge shadow in the trees, and didn't look back. The most we dared was to bring back any unharvested crops or tools from our missing neighbors, hoping that they might turn up one day. Once the dogwoods started blooming, the children thought they saw a spirit in the branches, but it was hard to tell who or what it was. It had a tail, white colored. We've been holed up this way for two weeks until I decided we had to find help. The other elders were against it, my family begged me not to go. But I knew that we'd either die first or starve unless we did something. That is all we can give you about the terror our village has suffered. We suspect that whatever it is, it must be residing in the northeast of us. There are rocky slopes where the treeline to Menomori begin; it is possible that the youma has come down from there."

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Mon Mar 9, 2020 11:31 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

Even if it was a misunderstanding Lixue still did not trust the Deity as all of those she had met so far have been either arrogant or selfish. While she did not know why this one walked among the mortals and hid her face from the world, but the Priestess doubted that the Goddess was here to assist the Yoaki out of the goodness of her heart. Though for now, it seems that they are all on the same side, but the Undead would be sure to keep a careful eye on her masked ally as it was doubtful that their alliance would hold for long against the God's true goal. With everyone in agreement, the Deity suggested they head for the docks to speak among the cherry trees as she motioned the still fearful Yokai to move. Following along as the two headed for the docks as the Undead had no complaints as there would be plenty of noise and movement to distract others from their conversation.

Upon their arrival, Lixue noted the beautiful cherry trees that hung over the area making it quite a nice area to rest and talk while taking in the beauty of Nisshoki's natural wonders. Resting under a nearby cherry tree she waited for the man to ready himself as the Goddess gave him a bun to help take his mind off of his understandable paranoia.

As he calmed down Lixue listened to his words. Though the start was fairly mundane as it was reframing what she and most likely what the Masked One knew but placing a typing on the Yokai was refreshing as Mujina are more of a nuisance than a threat. As he continued he mentioned that one of the villages went missing around their garden near the edge of the forest. Though the mention of others hearing and seeing terrible sights and sounds did nothing for the Priestess as many things existed physical or ethereal that could be capable of doing such a thing.

As the Badger finished his explanation the Goddess went on to ask questions unrelated to the Yokai's village or troubles as her true intentions were shown. With an awkward exchange after the Old Badge answered the Goddess' question. "We are getting off topic". Breaking up the two way chatter as it was heading nowhere. "Your explanation of your fellow villager's disappearance is not much to go on. I'll have to investigate the area. By how it sounds it could be anything from a spirit to a beast though considering the area it is not uncommon for people to be lost to the forest". Lixue knew the Menomori forest quite well, maybe even well enough to know of this Otsuba that the Goddess seemed so keen on. The Priestess only knew of a few villages within the forest perhaps Otsuba was simply the newer name of one of the villages she knew of.

Doubting that any further questioning would glean any further information that could be usable or reliable as the Old Badger's information seemed to be from word of mouth than an actual account. "We should make for your village as time is of the essence. Do not worry I said that I would help while I hunt Yokai I only hunt those that are a danger to others including other Yokai". Do her best to ease the Old Badger's concerns though the Undead doubted her words would do much as no doubt her successors have put a deep seated fear in the old man.

Making for the Yokai's village the walk while boring did nothing to the Undead's unending stamina. As they entered the forests of Menomori the Priestess put her guard back up as the forest was known for its tricks. "Kumao I know I don't have to tell you this, but all of us should stay close as if we lose each other we may not find each other". Looking more to the Masked Woman than the Badger as while the Deity may not be able to die Lixue did not want the God to burn down the forest for its trickery.

Making their way through the forest's fog and difficult terrain they found themselves on an entrance to a simple hamlet. Small would not be the words to do the village justice as the homes were smaller than those of a halfling and with less craftsmanship. Looking around the Undead could sense the life force of other beings around most likely hiding as no doubt too many larger humans would not be a common occurrence within such a village. Looking around the village more to see if anything out of the ordinary could be seen as Kumao went over to what looked to be the town's bell. With the ringing of the bell, a few of the Mujina poked their heads out as they spoke among themselves. Enhancing her hearing Lixue picked out what the Badgers were saying though a few were more than audible as the sounds of Kumao's grandchild ringed out through the town.

Stepping forward, Lixue would raise her hand. "I have come here to investigate the disappearance and the strange sights and sounds that have been plaguing your village! Any information that you may help refine and hasten the investigation into what the cause is"! Placing her hand back to her side the Undead would look to Kumao as she wanted to investigate the villager's home.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Fri Mar 6, 2020 11:28 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

Impostor or not, the fact an actual exorcist apprentice was taken into custody (after almost dying to a real evil spirit no less), was the truth. But Shiloh wasn't here to argue over details, as she had spent some time without any confirmation if the monster the beggar was speaking of matched with the rumors she was tracing. As long as this exorcist didn't mur–er, purge this old man there was a chance she'd reach a conclusion. It was better to have him explain everything while not in a state of fearing for his life. "Let's go to the docks. There's plenty of cherry trees around, even if their flowers have finished falling." Motioning for the old man to lead the way, the group arrived at one of Nisshoki's famous avenues where the trees would have been full of pale pink blossoms. Rummaging in her bag, she pulled out a red bean bun that was still warm. Handing it to the old man, he took it and seemed to feel a bit more relieved. "You can keep your disguise on if you feel more comfortable with it." She said. "There are times when people have reasons for not showing their true faces. Just start from the beginning, and keep going until you're satisfied." The less stressed he was, the easier it would be for him to talk.

The old man began to explain in greater detail why he was posing as a beggar and risking the chance of being discovered in the biggest city of Ataiyo. He was from a village of mujina, or badgers. They were a farming community, sometimes foraging outside for wild food. It was a few months ago when one of their villagers went missing after going out to check on his garden. His house was near the edge of the bamboo thicket that bordered their village. After that, those who lived close to that house heard and saw terrible sights but were too afraid to do anything. Eventually those families moved closer in. But this couldn't keep happening; as if they kept retreating they would have nowhere else to go. They weren't fighters and there weren't any other villages close enough for help. By now people were too scared to leave their homes and it was time to start planting. Being one of the older people in their clan, this old badger chose to make an incredible risk–seek out help in the capital in disguise. 

This was easier said than done, as no spirit in their right mind would go ask help from the priests or exorcists. They would be killed before they could beg. That left the possibility that a willing human or a generous spirit of greater power would come aid their cause, and drive away the monster once and for all. A direct plea might fall on deaf ears, so the old badger devised a plan to find someone who might have the heart to listen. This was why he chose to act as a beggar. His actions also had a second reason. As their people had no real use for money, the coin he collected was to be used as a form of incentive should a willing individual choose to help. 

All of this was well and good, but Shiloh had a few questions once he was done. "I don't mean to pry, but would your village happen to be close to a place called Otsuba? It's north of the river that separates the capital from the land before Menomori." "I've never heard of it, but we live somewhere southeast of the Forest of Eyes. You can't see the river or bridges the humans have built from where we are. I crossed one of them to get here." That was close enough. "That's good–well, not the monster I mean. I happened to be looking into some rumors about unexplained disappearances and deaths in that general region. If it's alright with you, I'd like to speak with your village to see what they know." The mujina ultimately accepted, offering to lead the way to his hometown. He had some misgivings at first with an exorcist coming along, but it was clear the longer he waited the more desperate the situation would become. "I cannot thank you enough for listening to my humble request. Please watch your step and follow behind me once we pass the bamboo thickets beyond the riverbank." 

It was a long walk, to put it mildly. Once the river was behind them they began to enter the lands before Menomori. The distinction between Menomori was clear, as the enchanted forest loomed in the distance. But they didn't have to go that far before they entered an interesting predicament of their own. The old mujina, who called himself Kumao, had them walking for while a while before they came to the village. It was a sleepy little hamlet, with tiny houses perfect for badgers. There were only dirt paths as the rest of the land had grass and wild weeds. If felt half full now they were here, like it would have been a bustling little place in its heyday. Shiloh could feel fearful eyes peering at them from everywhere, silence hanging like a cloud until Kumao went to ring a bell. Slowly, other badgers poked their heads out from behind shutters and doors. Whispers of overlapping voices murmured as the people debated if these two strangers were safe or not.

"Is that Kumao? Who's that with him?"

"Old man Kumao's back!"

"Is that a human? Why is a human here?"

"Maybe they're here to deal with the youma…"

"Shh! Do you want it to hear you?"  "Grandpa's back!"

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Sat Mar 7, 2020 10:45 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

Considering her present company it was fairly obvious that her Priestess' attire would scare the Yokai though she did not expect the creature to retreat to the woman who had just recently accosted him. As the Masked Woman let out a sigh the Undead's feelings were mutual as she felt she was the one being treated as a villain when all she had done was follow the creatures' pleas. With the man behind the Woman, it made it seem as if the Priestess was not one causing trouble instead of responding to the commotion. What made it worse was now the Masked Woman tried to play off her actions as she tried to play the good Samaritan by saying she was only helping the Yokai while referring to the actions of another to dissuade Lixue from further action.

Keeping her guard and cool as such claims were baseless as Lixue could easily make a case that would lead anyone to the same conclusion. "Your civility needs work as I've never heard someone beg for mercy in a civil discussion. As for the Poor Old Man, I cannot say if his home is truly in peril or not but I will present facts to argue that he is truly as poor as he claims. His clothes are rather clean even if they are old they are taken care of not something that most in his situation share. Another inconsistency is that he shows no signs of malnutrition, perhaps the city is fairly generous though if they were he would have no need to beg if they were." Lixue had more information and proof, but revealing the man's true nature to the village could be harmful. "Therefore before you accuse me of wrongdoings please provide the facts. Yes, I did refer to him as a swindler, but anyone could come to a similar conclusion, and as to the actions of the possible impostor I am not responsible for the actions of others nor do we all act in a similar manner. If they were taken away by authorities I doubt they were a Priest as we are told to keep the peace not disturb it". Finding it quite odd that she has to explain herself to a masked person as the Woman was guilty of a crime herself by obscuring her face.

Facing off against the Masked Deity as she was at the ready if the Woman truly wished to fight. However just as she had the Woman seemed to be sizing her up just as she had done to her. Remaining silent as the standstill continued. Even as the general population began to take note, the Priestess did not take her eyes off the two. As the Woman leaned down to speak with the man Lixue enhanced her hearing to pick up their words. Overhearing her question the Yokai and that the Deity wished to negotiate instead of fight Lixue lessened her guard slightly in a show of good faith, but still enough to respond to an attack if need be.

Breaking the silence the Woman prompted the Yokai into revealing his intention behind his actions. Finding it odd at how the two acted together as it seemed the Yokai feared her more than the woman who first caused him distress. Listening to the Yokai's words the Undead's brow furrowed at the mention of a monster. With the Woman's addition, Lixue thought on how to act as it was a misunderstanding after all. The Priestess knew that the creature could not simply ask the city for support as she doubted that they would assist a Yokai. They would be more likely to kill him instead of help him. "I see, though it is doubtful that you'd raise enough money before the monster strikes. While I don't condone your method I understand the why".

Completely lowering her guard as she looked to the two of them. "If you require assistance I shall help, however, I will require more information before I deal with whatever it is that threatens your village". Focusing on the Yokai, "Though we will have to find a more secluded area or speak while travelling to your village as I doubt others would be as understanding as your current company and myself about you and your village".

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Fri Mar 6, 2020 8:35 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

Before they could go somewhere private, someone spotted them and had gotten the wrong idea. A quick analysis of the girl's clothes and speech had Shiloh suspect that this was one of those ascetics who were focused on exorcism over religious piety. There was also the old beggar's body language, which told her he was more afraid of the exotically dressed do-gooder who had interrupted their conversation. Turning to face what she assumed to be a novice exorcist, she motioned for the man to stay calm with a hand behind her back, reassuring him that she'd handle this. Putting a hand to her mask, Shiloh let out an exasperated sigh. "…I was afraid this was going happen. Someone shows up at the wrong moment and they start getting ideas. She thinks I'm mugging you, doesn't she?"

Not wanting to make an even bigger scene, her first move was to de-escalate the situation. "This isn't what it looks like. We were just having a nice civil, conversation. He's just a poor old man who wants to help his village, nothing wrong with that now is there? Calling him a swindler when he has some extenuating circumstances for omitting a few details sounds a bit much if you ask me. Now I'd hate to be 'that person', but a few months ago the local authorities arrested a so-called exorcist for attempting to assault a girl and disturbing the peace. If you keep accusing him, I'll need to report you for slander." When you were in the human world, you played by human rules. And one of those rules included the right to file a lawsuit if somebody was infringing on your personal rights under the law. 

As she was using the law to her advantage, she noticed the exorcist girl had a very…interesting magical signature. That along with the distinct lack of a life signature told the rogue that despite all her religious posturing, this person wasn't exactly human herself. It was like she was staring at some sort of metaphysical contradiction. Either way, she was being pretty hostile to her and the beggar for no particular reason. Leaning down to the man cowering behind her, the masked deity whispered to him. "You have a place where we can meet to finish our little talk later? If negotiations start going south, just book it and I'll see you there." The last thing this man wanted was to be publicly exposed, especially since he had gone through all that effort to blend in. This was something Shiloh could understand, and she wasn't exactly done with asking him about why he was asking for alms here. Despite the girl's attempts to maintain her composure, small hints in her body language gave her underlying emotions away. A fight or flight reaction–meaning she was actually afraid of retaliation. Maybe it was the fact she couldn't read her face, or maybe it was the difference in height. 

"How about you explain to this nice girl why you were asking for donations?" Shiloh said, prompting the beggar. His eyes were still wide with fear, but after a few moments he found the courage to speak up. "Y-you see, there was a monster… We're a small farming village so we didn't know what to do." Nodding, she voiced her guess. "–So you came to the city to find somebody who could help you out while getting some money just in case?" The man nodded quickly.  

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Sat Mar 7, 2020 10:41 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

Ataiyo was still as beautiful as she remembered. Unlike Karith which has turned into a fully industrialized country where progress meant everything even at the expense of others. Lixue simply enjoying the sounds and nature as they faded into the sounds of the city. However, the Undead's peace would be interrupted as the sheer amount of Yokai that roamed through the city was staggering. It was not uncommon for Yokai to live among the mortal races, but the sheer amount was far more than the Priestess remembered. What is going on, are their no more priests to cleanse these creatures from the people's homes? Concerned and angered by the laziness of the guardians of the city Lixue tried her best to take notes of those passing by with transformation magic.

While the Priestess focused on correcting the mistakes of her lazy successors the cries of an old man echoed out as she passed by catching her ear. Making her way over to the disturbance Lixue found herself looking at an odd sight. Peering down at an old man well what would appear to be an old man as shapeshifting magic surrounded his form, was a man, no woman in a mask with a far more interesting Qi to her. The two placed Lixue in an odd position as both of them were suspicious, but who was more of a threat? The majority of Yokai can change their forms so it was near impossible to know which one it was until you speak or face them directly. The Man's trickery while wrong was not harmful to anyone as he relied on the generosity of others for his plan to work. On the other hand, the woman had an unusual Qi one that she had only come across once since her new life. By the Elderly Man's distress, the Woman seemed like the larger threat at the moment as she can deal with the Yokai's trickery afterwards.

"I would request for you to cease your actions as well as reveal yourself". Making her way to the two, the Priestess would ready herself for a fight if need be, however, a city holds many innocents if they fought it would lead to many deaths and injuries that the Undead would like to avoid. Focusing on the woman, "Can't you see that your actions are causing the man strain. Even if he is nothing but a swindler treating your elders in such a manner is not right". Keeping her calm and neutral expression as even if she may have to face off against a possible god fear and self defeatist thoughts would do nothing for her.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Mar 4, 2020 2:47 PM, Post Subject: Subjugation [O]

In the north of the capital, there are a lot of small towns across the river before you reach Menomori. And within Menomori itself there are smaller rivers that break the bamboo forest up. The cherry blossoms have finally finished falling, and it's only a matter of time before the Ignius storms cause flooding and the cicadas begin to cry. Normally I didn't visit the city, but an acquaintance of mine asked for a favor. It was related to business, of course. He was worried that he wouldn't get his goods before the rainy season started. Rumors of disappearances and deaths were floating through the market district making it hard to pin down, especially since word of mouth isn't the most reliable method. I suppose my luck took a turn for good this time around, as I stumbled upon a good lead on complete accident. 

"Alms for the poor! Please, lords and ladies–spare a few coins for those in need. Our village has suffered a terrible harvest, anything you can give will do." There was a beggar in an old tattered straw coat used to shield one from the rain, dressed in a worn out blue garment. His sandals were straw, coarsely woven to last through the year. He had dark circles about his eyes and had a bushy mustache like two heads of pampas grass. Short, hunched over, but not entirely decrepit. The beggar was a pitiful sight to see. But while there were many swindlers who sought to use begging as a means to avoid more strenuous work, this particular one didn't overdo it. He wasn't filthy even if his clothes were old. A few people dropped some money into his wooden bowl, to which he bowed in gratitude. The more she stared at him, the more she felt an odd nagging feeling in the back of her mind. His life signature was steady, meaning he was healthy for his form. And he was most certainly alive. A faint whiff of magic as in the crowd, but you couldn't say it was from him since plenty of yokai liked to stroll the streets nowadays. She didn't sense any malice from the man, mostly calmness–and a smidgen of anxiety. With a few coins in her hand, she approached the beggar to make a donation.

The coins clinked into the bowl, making the old man's eyes go wide. A good handful of sun-stamped coins covered the bottom. Joy and relief lit up his wrinkled face as Shiloh's masked visage hid a smile. "Oh, thank you! May Okami bless your soul for your kindness!" He was bowing, and it was clear his happiness was genuine. She then asked him in the next breath: "Is something bothering you sir?" His joy turned to panic, and for a moment his eyes went wide like a cornered animal. "Please, I'm just an old man! I beg you!" Putting a finger to her mask where her mouth should be, Shiloh motioned for him to calm down. "Shh…. Now, don't misunderstand. I was just asking out of curiosity, that's all." Leaning close to his ear, she whispered: "I thought you seemed troubled. It must be quite stressful asking for alms in a place with so many humans in broad daylight.

The man stared back, and then tears began to well up in his eyes. "I swear on my life, I meant no harm. It is true that our village is in dire straits, but I cannot simply say the truth." Ah, that did it. It looked like her guess was on the mark. This man thought she was a spirit, or else he wouldn't have come clean about his real reason for being here. "Let's go talk somewhere in the shade away from the street. I don't want people to get the wrong idea with me hovering over you like this."

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