Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Attie, Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:49 PM, Post Subject: Atarashii Yuki [P]

Attie walked on the stony path that would eventually lead her to the city of Nisshoki. The Ataiyo Empire was massive and had a large mount of farms. She had gotten lost several times but a few friendly farmers showed her the way back to the path. They were in cheery moods since the Festival of Atarashii Yuki had almost arrived. Most people apparently just called it the Yuki Festival since the title could be a bit long. This was why she was excited to see the city. This would be a fantastic opportunity to learn about a festival that she had never heard of before. According to some of the farmers and locals of Ataiyo, this festival was meant to celebrate the new winter and it was a chance to relax from the hard work of the year. 

She was not the only one on the road to Nisshoki. There were small groups of other people who were travelling to the city. Some farmers chose to stay at home but many chose to go to the city instead. Apparently, the city's festival was large enough to draw people in. As Attie watched the other traveler's, she realized that there were many families travelling together. A small smile appeared on her lips as she watched them. Holidays and festivals were great opportunities to bring families and friends together. She wondered how long this festival was going to happen. A day? A couple of days? She knew that the answer laid at the end of the path. 

Finally, Attie had arrived at the gate of the city. She noticed that there were ornaments hanging from the top of the gate. The ornaments were in the shape of snowflakes and were made up of a variety of materials. Some ornaments were made of pine, some bamboo, and some were made up of plum trees. Everybody around her was wearing a kimono or some other form of fancy clothing. One woman had pink flower pins that decorated her ebony black hair. The world around Attie was filled with a variety of bright colors, from red to blue to many many more colors. She couldn't help but smile at the sight. 

Red lanterns were strong across the buildings and there was a large map just past the gate that showed directions along with a small note pinned to the map that described the different events and where they were. The market place had a special sale. In the south-most district called Ainochi there were plays and music being performed by beautiful courtesans. In the district with silk weavers, dyers, and tailors they had a event where they would show people how to make their own furoshikis. Another district had an event where kokeshi dolls could be carved from wood. 

With so many options, Attie wondered which one she should head to first. Where did most people go first? Perhaps there was a pattern that one was supposed to follow? Attie wished that she had somebody she could ask or go with. It would make things a bit easier to not have to do all of these things alone. 

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