Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Ataiyo, Land of the Blue Sun > Nisshoki > Going in Blind [O]

Character Info
Name: Nui Hachiuji
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: CG
Race: Fox Youkai
Gender: Female
Class: Synergist
Silver: 48
For at least a year now, Nui was wrestling with a little…problem. In the span of the last couple years all of her friends had gotten themselves settled into relationships leaving her the odd one out. At first she didn't think about it, after all Nekomaru sort of 'found' his girlfriend after saving her from drowning in the river and Genjiro finally got somebody who could tolerate his shiba-inu personality. But as the weeks went by, she started thinking in between bailing Shibajiro out of his daily shenanigans. Ever since they were kids those two were the only boys she had been around, but she didn't have feelings for them either way. Well, maybe she might've had a little crush on Rashomaru back when they were twelve, but she never confessed and the rest is history. Unfortunately with him as her 'ideal' it was making it very hard for Nui to find anybody else who fit the same standards. Also being raised by a group of monks didn't exactly give her much in terms of real romance experience.

While everybody else was busy, Nui decided to practice her transformation skills to hide her ears and tails. It wasn't as easy as it looked, especially when you have eight more tails than the average fox. Having all those tails made it hard to find clothes that fit, so she always ended up wearing the same kimono. When she visited the capital months ago, she saw some tourists from abroad walking the streets. The little girl was wearing a totally different dress, and had a cute wide-brimmed hat. She'd never seen them before, but that foreigner's clothes gave her an idea…

While her hunt for a similar set of clothes from the import shops went on, she ran into a boy who was studying to be a guard. He was carrying lots of books and almost tripped when she came face-to-face with wall of paper and managed to avoid an avalanche. Luckily her tails didn't fan out, and she offered to help him out. They chatted some on the way to the place he was dropping them off and he said he wanted to repay the favor. "Thanks for saving me back there–my teacher would never let me hear the end of it if I dropped them on the ground. So…can I treat you to dim sum? There's a new shop that's opened up on the market street—oh, if you want?" This was her first time going somewhere without any of her friends, so without thinking she said: "Sure!"

"Great! I'm going to be busy this afternoon, but are you free tomorrow around this time?" "Yep, totally! I don't have any plans!" It was a date! A DATE! Well maybe not a real date, but they just knew each other for like an hour. He said his name was Shuichi, and she practically couldn't sleep that night thinking about what she should wear. Early the next morning she snuck out with her outfit inside her bag. She told her friends and Gramps that she had something important to do today. She had to be careful or else Genjiro might be nosy and follow her if he knew she was going to meet somebody. And once he knew–he'd blab it all over. She got dressed on the way to the city and she went to the dim sum place early. Shuichi showed up on time, looking like he ran a marathon. They got a table and ordered a few items then chatted while waiting for the food. There was a special promotion for the shop's opening week, so they got to try that famous Abedian red tea for free! Things were going well until Nui saw a familiar face loitering around out of the corner of her eye. At first she just ignored it, but when she heard 'BEGONE, FIEND'–that's when she crossed her fingers that he wouldn't notice she was here.

"So Shuichi–what's it like training to be a city guard? Do you have to do a lot of exercises early in the mo-" "STOP RIGHT THERE, EVIL SPIRIT!" Okami have mercy–that apprentice exorcist showed up. Bursting into the restaurant, the exorcist swung his enchanted staff her way forcing her to dodge by sliding down her seat. Shuichi wasn't as lucky, and was knocked unconscious in the collateral damage. "AHHH!" 

Alexander Krieger

Character Info
Name: Alexander Krieger
Age: ???
Alignment: CN
Race: Death knight/Revenant
Gender: Male
Class: Death Knight
Silver: 0
Alexander was somewhat confused,though that was kind of normal for him nowadays. Ever since he returned from the other side he felt a strange sensation, like something was missing and with every Day that feeling only intensified. It was constant, nagging and distracting to such a degree that he often found himself in procarious situations because of it. Like, one time he walked off a cliff and tumbled down into a deep valley. It was not a pleasent experience. There were only two situations when he was free of that damnable state of mind, namely when he was angry and when he was fighting and killing. Now that he thought about it, the feeling would lessen after he killed something, at least for a time. 

But wait, where is he right now? Alexander looked around him and found himself in a dark alley. How did he get there? Why was he there? Said questions and many more plauged wraith's mind, yet he could not find an answer for any of them. Abandoning the fruitless search, the undead mercenary started to look at his position more closely and found a window from which light shone upon the dark alley. When he came closer to it in order to further inspect it, he found some sort of "eating hall" on the other side. It was a quaint little image of people eating, drinking and chating. …well that was up to a point that is. Namely a man armed with a staff stormed into the hall and proceeded to swing it at a girl, he missed but he managed to knock out her companion. 

Alexander, felt certain anger,  nay hatred, when he gazed upon the man with the staff. His mind suddenly became clear, a sense of purpose dawned on him. He NEEDS to kill that man. He tightened his grasp on the spear in his hand  (Was it always there?)backed off from the window and then proceeded to jump straight through it and into the eating hall. 

He landed on his feet and looked upon his target, his form solidifing as he did so, becoming less transparent but still remaining etheral. He was an black wraith, in a shape of an armored warrior. There were almost no details upon his frame with the exceptions of the faint outlines of plates of his armor and two flickering orange lights that were his eyes. 

He lifted up his spear and pointed it staright at the man who assaulted the girl and begun speaking 
- You, the dead speak your name, whelp - his voice rang out with an unnatural and earie echo of a being not of this world - They demand that you join them in their torment, they damand suffering and life. And I shall deliver it to them. - He finished and proceeded to charge at him, his spear held in two hands, ready to skewer him opon it. 

Character Info
Name: Nui Hachiuji
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: CG
Race: Fox Youkai
Gender: Female
Class: Synergist
Silver: 48
"SHUICHI NO!!!" Nui screamed as her date descended into chaos. While she was hiding from that crazy stalk–erm, exorcist–an actual evil spirit showed up…albeit after he made his announcement. As the exorcist and wraith did battle, the terrified fox girl crawled under the tables until she reached the service counter. Emerging cautiously, Nui begged the woman at the register to call the city guards. "A guard-in-training just got assaulted! Also um, he's disturbing the peace!" At this point she didn't even need to try to make the exorcist look incriminating with all the collateral damage he was doing in the name of whatever sect he represented. Maybe they'd finally throw that sutra-chanting fanatic into the slammer this time. 

"HAH! NOT SO FAST FIEND!" The exorcist apprentice shouted as a holy barrier intercepted the wraith's lunge.  "Your mistress thought she could stop me by summoning you–but that was her first and final mistake! BEGONE WITH THEE! THE POWER OF LIGHT COMPELS YOU! RETURN TO THE NETHER REALM!" For all his delusional ramblings, this man really was the real deal. Unfortunately discretion was not a word written in his dictionary so his next move was to flood the entire dim sum cafe with blinding holy light causing everyone to shriek and cover their eyes regardless of their alignment. A group of city guardsmen came onto the scene at last with special brimmed hats thanks to their previous experience handling this man and two of the unit quickly accosted him before the entire place was ruined. They were ignoring the ghostly apparition for the time being, mostly due to the fact the exorcist was the one who started this mess. Manacles were clasped onto the exorcist's wrists and his staff was confiscated. "LET GO OF ME! NO–CAN'T YOU SEE? THIS WAS ALL THAT FOX'S CUNNING PLAN!"

"Yes, the same girl who filed a complaint about someone stalking her last week. I don't have anything against exorcists, but don't you think you're humiliating your masters with your irresponsible behavior? What part of your religious creed involves harassing ordinary law-abiding citizens?" A handful of ascetic monks arrived wearing similar garb to take the troublemaker back. One of them was apologizing profusely as this wasn't the second time this month that this sort of incident happened. By now everyone knew this man's antics and were tired of it. Shuichi was carted off to the nearest hospital for a mild concussion while the guards wrote up a report. Bystanders were being questioned and some semblance of order returned to the street. 

Alexander Krieger

Character Info
Name: Alexander Krieger
Age: ???
Alignment: CN
Race: Death knight/Revenant
Gender: Male
Class: Death Knight
Silver: 0
When Exorcist cast his spell, blinding everyone in the room, Alexander was most affected. For as the Holy Light touched him he was forced unto his knees, being burned by it. Though instead os shrieking, like everyone else, he roared in utter agony mixed with deep, passionate, anger. However as the spell subsided, he was quick to recover and leap at the damnable little whelp…….untill said whelp was not being arrested by the authorities. Alexander cursed his luck, as this would mean that either he would lose his chance at revenge or would have to fight with the lawmen for it. He briefly considered his options, as the man was dragged out of the cafe. He was about to go after the man and become himself a disturbance but then something happend that made his life……or rather un-life a lot more easier.

Namely, the Exorcist somehow managed to free himself from the Guards! And, with his hands still in manacles, he rushed back into the cafe and was about to literaly leap at Nui in order to tackle her to the ground. However, just as he was about to perform his jump, a shadowy dark tendril shot out of Alexander's right hand and wraped itself around the accoster's neck. Pulling him down unto the ground with a loud thud and crack. His eyes bulged out and were about to, seemingly, pop out of his sockets, while he tried to pull away the tendril in order to gain some air. All the while, all the onlookers could see a terrifying transformation occuring before them. For Alexander was not just simply strangling the life out of the Exorcist, no. He was also draining it away.

With each passing second, Revenant's vitctim would become more and more pale. His hair would start to grow lighter, untill it became deathly white and started to fall away in large clumps. His eyes, progressed from a normal colour, to red albino like eyes to losing their colour completely, becoming milky white and blind. His skin would start to dry out and crack giving him a death like appearance. All the while, Alexander's form would start to become less and less transparent, and more solid. To a point that it had solidified completely. Then, the veil of shadows that was clung to him, started to peel away from his body in large flakes that would dissipate before falling to the ground, revealing metal plates, actual fabric and a real non-etheral body as they did so.

At the end of all of this Alexander was left with his physical form restored, and as it was he felt the nagging feeling in his mind leave him. He felt clarity of thought once again and if he could, he would smile. He looked down at the Exorcist, who was now barely alive. Half of his hair has fallen out, his skin looked as if it hadn's felt a touch of water in centuries, his arms that few seconds ago struggled against the tendril that was wraped around his neck, were now resting beside his body. Eyes, were half closed, milky white orbs that saw nothing. He was curled in a fetal position, weak and pathetic…..yet still barely breathing.

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