Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Aberration, Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:12 AM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

A loud thud of the Vahril falling over had diverted Genesis' attention from the dropped notebook, perhaps in time for it to avoid seeing whatever was that it was not supposed to see. As usual, the lack of facial muscles of the aberrant being effectively concealed whatever would be a confused expression.

"What are you looking at there" - the snakeman asked. With little clue as of how was it supposed to answer, it had voiced into his head the word he recently spoke:

"Journal. Horrifying."

It continued to look at the notebook, while it still had the chance. Not being able to read yet, however, Genesis made little sense of its contents. In hopes of seeing anything other than strings of letters, it went on to flip pages with its elongated fingers, its featureless eyes scanning them for anything intriguing. Preferably pictures, which it could easily process.

Author: Hamlet, Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:57 PM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

Hamlet took pleasure in the fact that he wasn't the only person who saw the face. He saw Amethyst run over to his book and seeing such a curious little child warmed Hamlet's heart, even though he had just seen something horrifying. ''I wouldn't recommend looking at that journal. There's something horrifying. I'll check it if you like.'' He looked down and saw that Amethyst had already started reading it. ''Gahh!'' The snake ran over to the book but tripped on a  rock and fell. ''Don't read it!'' As soon he got up, the snake looked down to see that the face in the journal disappeared and was replaced by the words again. ''That's a relief'' Hamlet didn't want the child to the thing again. ''What are you looking at there?''

Author: Aberration, Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:56 PM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

Having its attention drawn towards the sound of a whistle, Genesis had also seen the strange head which for a moment had appeared in place of one of the bamboo shoots.

"See that" - it answered Hamlet's question, before advancing closer. As it did, the strange bamboo shoot remained what it were - a bamboo shoot. The aberration's head had lit up, signifying that it was using its psychic powers. It sought to commune with the strange thing, but received no response. Could this be perhaps an illusion?

Its attention had then been drawn to a soft thud of the snakeman's notebook falling onto the ground, its owner standing above it petrified with shock. At least this notebook was finally below the tiny creature's eye level. It had quickly darted towards it, and having sat down, went on to view whatever has been scribbled there.

Author: Hamlet, Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 2:09 PM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

The sound of the whistle surprised the snake, and his head jolted up from his notebook. He looked towards the direction of the whistle and saw an eyeless face with a whistle in its mouth in place of a bamboo shoot for a split second. Then, however, It was a bamboo shoot again. ''Amethyst!'' It was obvious, even with telepathy, that he was scared.''Did you see that?''. Hamlet had a strange feeling in his gut that the thing was visible only to him. Who knew though, maybe it was. It probably was. Yet again, the snake did what he always did when he saw, heard, tasted, smelled or felt something strange: He wrote about in his notebook. However, once the snake got all the basic facts down, all the words on the page compressed into one dot of ink. The ink then started drawing something, and once it was done the result shocked Hamlet enough to drop the beloved book. 

Author: Aberration, Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:34 AM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

Genesis had hopped aside and readied itself to fend off the seemingly incorporeal bird with its psychic powers, when a piercing sound of a whistle resonated across the forest. The bird seemed affected by the sound and had turned its back on the aberration, speeding away back where it came from, passing through the snakeman as it did before.

The aberrant being had inched closer towards him and sat down on the ground, eyeing him attentively with its large eyes. Having heard his question whether it was alright, Genesis had given him a nod, before voicing into his mind: "Okay there!"

It had then walked beside him, intent on seeing what was that the Vahril was scribbling on his notebook. However, it was rather difficult, given their size difference. Hamlet stood at least a couple heads taller than the alien, after all.

Author: Hamlet, Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:24 AM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

Hamlet leaped out of the way, but not quick enough. The crane's head smashed into his back, but instead of hitting him, it just went through him. What did happen to him, however, was getting a chill down his spine. ''Gah!'' ''What just happened to me?! Why didn't that thing hurt me? Or even touch me?!'' ''Is it an ah what do you call it, ghost?'' Hamlet took out his notebook and started a page on this strange bird. The bird was running at Amethyst when the sound of a whistle was heard and the crane changed direction, running back towards Hamlet. Again, he couldn't dodge in time and felt that same chill down his spine. It wasn't as cold this time, and he wasn't as surprised by it, but it still was a very unpleasant feeling. ''You okay there Amethyst?'' Hamlet opened up his notebook, intending to record if and if so how the bird affected Amethyst on the bird's page in his notebook.

Author: Aberration, Posted: Fri Feb 9, 2018 6:48 PM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

"Spotty! Amethyst!" - the creature repeated after Hamlet, with a tone suggesting excitement. Then it had sat down and eyed him attentively, as he took back his question about its origins, and asked it about its method of communication.

Genesis took a while to think about how to answer, since, well, it was natural to the abberant being, to "talk without talking", as the snakeman had put it. It did not took long for it, however, to remember a relevant comment that one Oni had voiced some time ago.

"You don't have a mouth, so you used telepathy to talk to me in my head! That's really neat!" - it had repeated the comment in question, word by word as it had heard it. Indeed, Genesis had neither a mouth, nor any other visible orifices. Instead, as it "spoke", its large eyes and a crest crowning its head were glowing.

Having answered the question, Genesis stared at Hamlet scribbling something on a notebook, which he started doing before it even begun speaking. Its musings regarding what could the snakeman be possibly writing, came to an abrupt halt, when it saw a crane speeding towards him. It had backed off a bit and went on to observe whatever was going to unfold before it.

Author: Hamlet, Posted: Thu Feb 8, 2018 6:33 PM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

He looked at the thing some more, and after observing it a bit, too out his notebook. '' So, your name is Spotty Amethyst? That's a nice name. If I could choose, that would be my name. Not Hamlet. I like Hamlet, but Spotty Amethyst is better.'' After waiting a while for Amethyst to respond to the question about where it was from, the snake remembered that for a while, he didn't like to tell people where he was from and that maybe, it was the same for Amethyst. ''You don't have to tell me where you're from. What I would like to know is how you talked to me without talking.'' Before Amethyst could even start talking, he started a page on Amethyst in his notebook. Suddenly, he heard a loud screech and a large crane materialized behind him, running at an extremely fast speed.

Author: Aberration, Posted: Tue Feb 6, 2018 4:22 PM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

"Vahril. Snake person. Name is Hamlet Ordles" - The aberration parroted after the snakeman in his head and pointed its finger at him, as its crest and eyes lit up with yellow light. It then pointed its finger towards its own chest, and again it went on to glow as Hamlet could hear in his head: "I'm… Spotty?… Amethyst?"

The alien knew that uttering its true name was of no use, for the snakeman would neither be able to pronounce it, nor even like the sound of it ringing in his head. As such, it went with nicknames it had been given during its first encounter with a fellow sapient being. It had then listened to him telling about his origins and leaned its head to see where Hamlet was pointing his finger. From what little it could understand from his speech, Genesis figured that the two currently were in a rainforest, and that he originated from a nearby cluster of bamboo plants he was pointing at.

"Rainforest" - it repeated after Hamlet, again in his head, having joined him in pointing fingers towards the direction he picked. Then the snakeman had asked it about its own place of origin. A trick question, since it did not know it, either. Certainly it would not be able to pinpoint its location, nor even point towards it general direction. As it was about to tell him that, its attention was drawn towards a sound of a large wings flapping, followed by a strange flash. It deftly stepped away from the phenomenon, and went on to observe it attentively.

Author: Hamlet, Posted: Mon Feb 5, 2018 9:36 PM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

The snake liked to think of himself as acceptant, but this-this thing horrified him to his core. ''It looks some little kid whose mother had a miscarriage, but alive!'' He thought(But almost said). When talking to the child, he tried his best to keep a nice, warm tone and a genuine smile. '' I'm what you call a Vahril, or snake person. My name is Hamlet Ordles, And I 'm from a big, big rainforest way, over there.'' The snake pointed in the direction that he thought was to Canelux. ''Where are you from?'' The snake had a strange feeling that this thing wasn't from anywhere near here. Before the snake got a response,  there was a flap of wings, seemingly from something large above him and a flash of blue light.

Author: Aberration, Posted: Mon Feb 5, 2018 8:23 PM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

Genesis was not surprised to see the snake-person being confused by its efforts to contact him, having met other sapient individuals before him. From what it had gathered from his reaction, however, he seemed rather peaceful, and that it would be safe to maintain contact. The abberation had poked its head from behind the thick bamboo and its eyes and the crest on its head had lit up dimly, as it went on to answer its question, resorting to the limited knowledge of the local language it had possesed.

"A bird thing? No!" - the snakeman could hear in his head, before Genesis had finally decided to slowly creep towards him through the tall, thick underbrush, finally revealing its alien form. It had grown significantly taller than when it had been cast by the Jasumin Lake, but was still rather far from physically imposing, thin as it was and standing not even as much as five feet tall. It went on to look the stranger over with its large, featureless eyes, before uttering into his head once again:

"What are yooooou?!"

Author: Hamlet, Posted: Mon Feb 5, 2018 8:04 PM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

''Gah!'' The snake shouted. '' My brain is weird!!''. ''Why?!''. ''Hmm…'' The snake muttered something under his breath.''Maybe…'' Could it be the bird creature communicating with him? ''Maybe…''. But the question is, he thought, should I try talking to it? ''Sure. I think I will.''  ''But what should I say? Why are you impersonating me? Are you a bird thing? What's up?'' He decided on ''Are you a bird thing?''. ''Hey'' He thought, trying his hardest to deliver the message. ''Are you a bird thing? I just realized how rudely that question is phrased. Sorry about that.'' Hey, he thought. This isn't too hard. Or, at least I think it isn't.

Author: Aberration, Posted: Mon Feb 5, 2018 7:25 PM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

Yet another several weeks later, abundant with strange encounters, Genesis had matured significantly since then. Having found itself in the bamboo forest, however, it found itself back where it had been before - in a place, where things, being as strange and new as they were, had to be learned yet again. The flora and fauna were much different than that by the Jasumin Lake, yet many of the characteristics it found similar. Above all, it recognised that stuff eats stuff here as well, and that it had to stay attentive for any threats.

Then, an anomaly of sorts had caught its attention. A lizard which carried itself like a man, and even speaking the man's tongue had shown up. The past experiences Genesis had with many different humanoids - some kind and looking forward to helping it, others greedy and willing to use and abuse it - had taught it that the words the stranger spoke, along with the intonation he used, suggested that he is most likely calling for someone or something. The aberration, having weighed the pros and cons of contacting the stranger, had ultimately decided to make its presence known.

Having peeked from above the bamboo forest's thick, tall underbrush, it had shot a jolt of psionic energy towards the stranger, in an attempt to communicate with him.

"Wherever you are, come out" - the snake-man could hear in his head. The voice, although distorted and therefore sounding much unlike that of his own, had faithfully replicated the intonation of his words he uttered only a moment earlier. The alien then ducked into the underbrush, before finding itself a vantage point it had considered safe, behind a particularly large bamboo plant nearby. Thin as it was, it could possibly escape the stranger's gaze back there, while still being able to observe its reaction. But in these lands, little could be sure.

Author: Hamlet, Posted: Mon Feb 5, 2018 7:02 PM, Post Subject: The enticing call of the spirit ( Private, Aberration)

The snake had just arrived in Parvpora and was worried the continent wouldn't be as fun. He was wrong. The forest was amazing! He had never seen bamboo before and marveled at the stuff, taking notes at an alarming pace. He looked around for about 20 minutes until he heard a scuffle. He looked around and saw a footprint in the dirt. It appeared to be from an avian foot. He wasn't phased, however, because it was probably just his eagle, Su. But he then realized that it was too large for Su. Even then, he was only slightly scared, because he liked birds, or rather, birds that didn't see him eating their eggs. He then proceeded to yell ''Birdy, Birdy, Come out Come out wherever you are!''. 

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