Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Sularia > If There's Smoke, There's Fire [P,R]
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
The blaze lit up the coastline, stretching for yards. Out on the water facing the southern shores it looked as if the sea was on fire. The stench of ash and smoke filled the air as Sularia’s docks burned. Standing on a rooftop, Shiloh breathed in deeply and exhaled with a deflating sigh. “This is fine.” The fiasco started less than an hour ago when her son and the White Queen’s granddaughter Tempest thought it was a great idea to perform an experiment right next to the Arriese capital city’s docks. Said experiment went awry, as they usually do, and the result was several tons of weatherproofed timber catching fire. She had no idea what had happened until she was called over to see the extent the disaster in its full, incendiary glory as it all fell into pandemonium.

Toya was already holding the two teens responsible—to put things nicely, and that meant not using corporal punishment as head of the northeastern nation’s military. Belen was panicking, everybody else was panicking, and Tempest was standing over a patch of sand that read ‘I DID IT’ in large letters while holding a piece of fulgurite over her head. The two were then dragged away by the latter’s grandmother, and Shiloh was trying to decide whether she should laugh or cry. At this point emotions were irrelevant as an entire port up in flames was clearly the bigger priority. With the dull eyes of a dead fish, she slapped her face with her hands and did what she did best—damage control.Thirty minutes and one massive fire subjugated later, the Arriese docks were a smoldering pile of charcoal. From what she was told, it was just normal seasoned timber which made repairing it a thousand times easier. Downing at least six bottles of greater mana potions gave her enough magic to use Tsukihigui on something of that size and the charred remains of Sularia’s port was fully restored to its former self. Not wanting this to happen again, she sent a mental message to Galatea to arrive with a shipment of flame-resistant resin to coat the entire pier. When all was said and done, she returned to see Angela and Toya disagreeing over how the White Queen was doling out due punishment. Looking half-dead, she announced: “It’s fixed. I hope I’ll never have to chug that many potions ever again. In the next hour we’ll be fireproofing it, so the docks are being closed until it’s done.” She threw a glance at her son, whom she’d be having a long talk with soon. 

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.
Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Tempest was stuck in the moment that much was for sure. The whole coast was on fire and she was holding the fulgurite over her head. “I DID IT. I DID IT. I CREATED GLASS.”

A massive dragon shadow appeared over them and it became painfully obvious it was no dragon as Tempest was drop kicked half a mile down the shore. “YOU DID IT?!” Toya was breathing fire. Tempest had been kicked into the fire. “Come here you.” She grabbed Belen by the ear and was dragging him while she strolled right into the fire. “Stay here or DIE.” She pushed the teenager down as she went to get Tempest who was just as fireproof as she was.



Tempest held it above her head. “PRETTY FUCKING GLASS.”

“DON’T YOU USE MY WORDS!” Toya screeched as she grabbed the girl by the ear and strolled back and proceeded to grab Belen’s ear again. “Come with me now. If you don’t resist I might just not kill you for this.”

Angela appeared and soon she was getting Shiloh. Tempest was still celebrating her glass and Toya every once in a while would smack the girl hard against her head. “STOP BEING SO PLEASED ABOUT THIS.”

Angela facepalmed and looked over at Shiloh. “Toya you can’t kill them.”

“I CAN MAKE THEM WISH THEY WERE BLOODY DEAD.” She smacked both teenagers upside the head. “WHY COULDN’T YOU JUST GET PREGNANT LIKE MOST IRRESPONSIBLE TEENAGERS?! You just had to go and burn down an entire fucking harbor?! Who made you like this?”

Tempest shrugged and looked at her. “I’m a spitting image of you and I act like it.” Tempest earned another beating from Toya as Angela held in a laugh.

“Thank you for your quick response Shiloh… It would appear that we have a pair of problem children… Is this your first time meeting Tempest?”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Belen Kyrie
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: CG
Race: Half-Fey
Gender: Male
Class: Magician
Silver: 0
He had this small nagging voice in the back of his mind that wondered what could possibly go wrong until it did. When lighting hit the docks with a crack and sparks turned into flames that worry turned into utter horror. The docks caught fire quick and started spreading everywhere and he was racking his brain on what to do. Water magic wasn't allowed in Sularia which complicated things even more because his first thought was to use the ocean to drench it. The longer he stood the worse it got and he for once had no idea how he'd explain them out of this mess. While Tempest was celebrating a huge shadow fell on her then drop kicked from above and it was her grandmother. They were so dead.  Before he could teleport away she got his ear and dragged him until she got Tempest. He was whimpering as quietly as possible since the woman did not have a single gentle bone in her body and was hopping mad. If he didn't go along now, he'd later wake up in the morgue. And it wasn't helping that Tempest was still bragging about the fulgurite! 

The nightmare kept going as Poppy's mom showed up, then his mom showed up. Even though her face looked tired he could feel the disapproval radiating from that bland expression. Getting smacked hurt worse than any of Poppy's punches and he was scared that he'd pass out. It then dawned on him this was the first time his mom had seen Tempest, only to worry what would happen now they'd cleaned up the damage. "I'm sorry, mom!" He wailed, desperately hoping the hitting would stop. "I tried to stop her!" He should've known when Tempest had that look in her eye things would go south.

“Magic is the stunning art of surprising your audience, so that nothing else surprises them.”
Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
They called her the dragon of Sularia. She was a ruthless killer who didn’t hesitate to kill the enemies of the Rosenite people. She had scorched people for less than what Tempest had done. She had punched people in the street for breathing wrong in her direction. Angela knew there was no stopping Toya once she was angry.

“You can hardly blame the children Toya Dear.” Angela was waving her hand.

Toya had punched Tempest like a general did to break in a soldier. This woman only knew one way to rear a bad child. Though Tempest kept getting up and dusting herself off. If anything this was bad. It meant Tempest was just as hardy as her grandmother and Toya could keep wailing on her. “The fuck I can’t blame them.”

“No, I said you could hardly blame them. Tempest what made you think this was a good idea?” Angela crossed her arms as Lily with Auron made their way down to the docks.

“MY BEAUTIFUL HARBOR.” Lily fainted and Auron caught her.

“We can rebuild it.” Angela waved her hand. She was still waiting for an answer from Tempest.

“Well, I miscalculated where I put my iron rod. I heard that if lightning struck it while it was in the sand that I could make some AMAZING glass. Color me surprised when I didn’t calculate the explosion that happened as a result. It was a surcharged lightning storm! A slight miscalculation on my part… and the next thing I knew BOOM. Harbor was on fire, Belen was begging not to be beat, and I made this.” She held up the fulgurite. “It was a success and a failure.” Tempest’s hair was singed now but it didn’t even look like the half Rosenite was worried.

There was a sigh from Angela now. “Shiloh, this is my great niece Tempest… Her and Belen have gotten mighty friendly lately. She is a genius blacksmith… but sometimes she does… Well this.” The goddess waved her arms out towards the crispy left overs of the harbor.

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
She grimaced when Angela's other sister Lily came out, saw the damage, and fainted. Auron was there too, but right now he kept his mouth shut since Toya was present. Belen blurted out an apology while desperately explaining he at least realized this wasn't a good idea before it all went downstream. She was sure he wasn't lying, but the damage had been done. Shiloh had heard about Tempest from her sons, and it was natural to know who handled the manufacturing of the extra lightning towers during the Onnen invasion. Angela's introduction jogged her memory. "Ah… So you're the one who handled the rush order." In another lifetime, she might have ended up a lot like her–maybe less laconic and paranoid. The deity took a whiff of the experiment's result, and gave an approving grunt. "I have nothing against making your own materials, but next time if you want to make fulgurite…do it on my turf and not yours. At least if something burns in Railoch, it won't be important." Not to mention the constant rainfall squelching any chance of fires everywhere.

Then she looked over at her son. Kneeling down to his level, they were eye-to-eye. "So, what did we learn today?" Shaken by the terror that was and still is the White Queen, the boy stammered: "Next time do your experiments in a c-controlled environment…" "And are you going to do it again?" She replied. Belen's eyes grew wide and he shook his head vigorously. "NO!" Satisfied, she stood up. "Good." The contrast between the way both women handled things couldn't be more different. 'Problem child' was a very, very loose term as Shiloh saw it. Cyril might fall under the same category too though he usually was the one who went along with his twin's schemes. Typically their shenanigans were bothering Lysandre and Poppy, or going off to try something. The difference however, was that things didn't end in mass destruction and property damage. Auron went back with Lily once the docks had its damage reversed, and she could smell the flame-resistant resin drying. 

"Oh by the way, the resin coating we applied to the timber is a special blend designed to resist natural and magical combustion. Not only does it inhibit regular fires, it's just as effective against hellfire as well. So even if all Inferos breaks loose and the fabric of space-time goes to shreds, that dock's not going anywhere. The only downside is if the dock gets damaged again, I'll have to completely rebuild it." She added, wrapping up her sales spiel. "My reset doesn't work on enchanted objects." 

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

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