Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Larka, Posted: Wed Dec 6, 2017 9:44 PM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Larka listened as Celeste explained that she could control the water when questioned about it from Akira.  Celeste helped Akira get out of the kimono and then she to removed some clothing before heading into the water together.  Larka wasn't too far behind, only getting in because Celeste and Akira were already there.  As the lesson started Larka's attention was taken for a moment by Kyu as the lightning wolf sneezed, well, lightning, so that gave her something else to keep an eye on.  But Reika the tiger didn't seem too mind the lightning and pounced on the wolf and their usual wrestling match continued once more.

But then Akira asked of Larka a question she had expected to hear from the child at this point, though, if she was honest, it was surprising that Akira hadn't asked before when they had first met.  Larka grinned to the child for a moment, picking her words carefully.  "A long time ago I was in a fight with some orcs.  I managed to survive but they cut off my left arm during the fight."  She was quick with a smile to reassure Akira.  "But that was a long time ago, and I have learned to live with one arm."  That was about as much as Larka wanted to say to that topic at the moment, and she's guess that Celeste would understand why; Akira was too young to know more about Larka's past family at the moment.  When she was old enough to understand Larka would tell the whole story, but no sooner if she could help it.

An hour passed of lessons though Larka only waded in the water where she could stand while Celeste taught.  Celeste's power meant they needed no towels before they dressed and started to walk home.  Larka chuckled and picked Akira up easily enough like she had before and the little fox passed out in her arms.  They got her home and tucked in while Celeste put some things away and then Larka helped, though she hadn't noticed the bird as Celeste had.  After wife and wife stood close together admiring their new daughter.  "Ar lath ma… too, Celeste."  Larka replied and kissed Celeste's cheek, having paused in his words forgetting the right word.

Carefully they moved from the door to allow Akira to sleep and they went to do their own things.  "Celeste, did you want to be called mommy, mummy or mam?"  Larka asked with a large smile.  Eventually the night came and they went to bed as well.


Author: CelesteJN, Posted: Mon Dec 4, 2017 10:37 AM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

"Yes, Akira, I have control over the water. Let's take this dress off." After stripping Akira and herself of outside clothing, they went out into the water. Celeste was up to her waist, and she was holding the child as she would be almost completely under the water. Akira was truly small for her age. "The key to swimming is trusting in yourself. Trust that you can keep yourself afloat, tread water, and eventually to swim."

She instructed her how to relax her body and allow her body to float. Concentrate on breathing slowly. Yes, the water may splash over her face, but it's okay, don't panic. Celeste looked up at Kyu as the pup sneezed, and blinked in surprise. The pup was beginning to come into her elemental affinity. Larka fortunately understood that water and lightning does not mix, especially for living creatures, and advised Kyu to stay out. Reika pounced on the wolf pup, initiating a wrestling match between the two.
After over an hour of swim lessons and general splashing about with laughter and good times, the girls got out of the lake. There was no need for towels as Celeste willed the water to leave them and return back to the lake. They got dressed, but on the way back home, Akira was scooped back up by one of the women and passed out in their arms. It was a heart warming feeling to feel so complete with such a cute child.

The women took her home, carefully went upstairs and tucked Akira into the bed of one of the rooms. Celeste gathered the items they had purchased, and as quietly as she could, organized them in the room. The clothing in the drawers, toys in a chest. She paused when she saw a weird bird like creature, the way it stared at her was unsettling. With a shudder, Celeste stuffed it at the bottom. Together, they admired the sleeping child with a smile. "Ar lath ma, Larka." she whispered.

Author: Akira, Posted: Mon Dec 4, 2017 10:36 AM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Akira giggled when Celeste scooped her up, which quickly turned into panicked shrieks when it became clear she was going to be thrown into the lake, desprately clutching the elf. "Akira no swim." she admitted with distress. Celeste seemed to understand and made a promise that Akira would not drown. A beautiful water butterfly jumped from the surface of the lake and approached.

The child was wide-eyed, entranced by the sight, giggling as it flew around her. As one would with a true butterfly, she froze with amazement as it rested upon her nose, making herself crosseyed to see it. "Celes move water?" Reassured, Akira relaxed. Celeste insisted they take the kimono off, as it would only weigh her down and restrict her movement.

Even after Celeste took a few excess clothing off, the pair waded out into the water. The elf started with encouragement of trusting herself. Akira looked up as Larka joined them and frowned slightly. Had Larka always been missing the arm? Or had Akira just never noticed it? Her eyes followed the folds of skin that covered the nub, the scars there. "Larka arm… It small. Why?"

Author: Larka, Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:33 AM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

When the tears started to form in the child's eyes they formed slowly in Larka's as well when Akira threw herself into Larka's embrace. She was sobbing, but it was a happy sobbing, as Celeste came over and joined in the hug as well. Larka smiled to Celeste before Akira started to speak about how she had lived up till now, under brush in the snow, saying she'd was happy to have them as mommies. Celeste spoke what Larka was thinking. ”What Celeste said. We'll be there for you, Akira, always, you can come to us about anything you want. We'll be one happy family.” Larka's voice was quivering, and Celeste might know the reason, since this was very close to what it was like when Larka and Lilith had adopted their twins years and years ago. They had been Akira's age at the time, so for Larka to do this over again was difficult, but not in a way that she regretted anything, just that it was bringing back memories and Larka still had trouble at times with her past.

She accepted the strawberry and giggled lightly with a smile, Larka took a bite as well as Celeste did. ”Best strawberry, ever.” Larka added with a smile, lightly squeezing Akira closer before Celeste mentioned swimming and scooped the child up. She almost tossed Akira but the little fox shrieked, confessing that she didn't know how to swim. Larka could sympathize, she didn't know how to swim either, she hated the water and she hated boats. She only liked water when it was a bath tub or shallow spring and it was nice and hot, and she was naked, that was about the only time she liked water in anyway.

The Reaver smiled as she watched Celeste use her magic to make the butterfly, and decided she'd at least get in the water as well, but not over her head. She trusted Celeste, yes, but Larka didn't trust herself in the water, she never had. She slipped out of her over clothing, just leaving herself in a small cloth, but it left her stump of a left arm exposed, but she wasn't thinking of that as she waded into the water. ”I don't know how to swim either, Akira, but Celeste can teach you.” She didn't want to instill fear into Akira so Larka for now left the part about her dislike of water out of it.

A bark came from the shore and Larka turned in time to see Kyu wanting to get into the water. But before she did the wolf pup sneezed and, given her lightning affinity a small bolt snapped out when she sneezed. That had never happened before! Larka blinked and looked to Celeste for a moment before calling out to the puppy. ”You okay, Kyu? Stay out of the water.” The puppy barked and sneezed again, and another pop of lightning crackled from her. ”Ooookay, that's going to make things interesting until she can control it.” Larka spoke mostly to herself, but then turned back to see how Akira and Celeste were making out with the swimming lessons.

Author: CelesteJN, Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:21 PM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

The meal was prepared, and the silence ate at Celeste as she carefully watched the hungry child. She was eating so fast that Celeste burst into laughter. There was going to be a lot to work on, and Celeste knew that eating properly was going to be something they both would have to work on together. "Slow down da'len! You'll get a tummy ache eating that fast." Fortunately, the child listened, even if it did take some effort.

After the main course was consumed, Celeste looked at Larka, and Larka jumped right into the offer of adoption. Desert was forgotten for now as all attention was on Akira. Tears filled the child's eyes, her lips trembling as she tried to hold it in. Akira burst into action, throwing herself at Larka, and Celeste followed suit, wrapping the pair in her arms. She was accepting them, and her confession of how she grew up thus far broke hear heart.

"No, no more sleeping in the snow, or under a bush. You'll have a bed, blankets, coats. You'll have two animal companions, and never want for anything. We promise you this." Then another giggle came forth as Akira offered them each a strawberry as their gift. There would be time for Akira to show her appreciation, but for now, they had a child to shower love upon. Celeste took the strawberry with a ma seranas and took a bite. "Delicious. Now, how about we go for a little swim?" Lifting Akira with a swooping motion, Celeste darted to the lake and almost tossed Akira in when the child shrieked.

Keeping hold of the child and calming her, Celeste managed to learn that Akira did not know how to swim. She smiled to Akira. "Would you like to learn? Don't worry, you won't drown ever while I'm around. I promise. Watch." From the lake's surface sprouted a butterfly of water and it flew over, circling around the child's hair before landing on her nose. It was amazing to see her excitement over such a little trick, yet it served its purpose. They started her first swimming lesson.

Author: Akira, Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:30 PM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Akira wondered if she had perished and had gone to heaven for little girls.The two adults were being so kind to her, so loving and protective. It was more than she could ever have dreamed of. Yet, storekeepers continued their prejudice against her appearance. She was dirty, having not had a chance to bathe properly in some time, since before the trek across the desert. To say that she looked like a typical child would have been an understatement.

The necklace that Akira had seen was relatively simple, but she couldn't help herself. A silver chain held a carefully crafted metalic feather with a single shining miniature stone set as a dew drop. Larka placed it around her neck, and Akira was giddy with excitement for it, instantly clutching the feather in her little hand. "Thanks you. Akira loves it!"

Celeste promised a delicious lunch, and they had dropped everything off at the house before heading to the lake. Akira was eating so fast the elf laughed and warned her to slow down, the only break in the silence of the meal. Slowing down as suggested, Akira took in the beauty of the lake with the clock at the center of it. Gently rolling fields of grass and wildflowers between the lake and the maze. It was truly something to behold. Larka began to speak, and Akira turned her attention to her.

Her heart leapt into her throat, unable to speak as she felt like she got trampled by a bear into the ground. Instant tears began to fill her eyes once more. This was a dream come true, to find someone wanting to take her in and take care of her like everyone else she saw. It was too much, and Akira barely managed to shake her head as she threw herself into Larka's arm. She sobbed in her happiness. This was their reason for buying everything for her, and she knew it wasn't a ploy to get her to like them. It was to prepare her for the near future with the hopes of more.

Sitting up, Akira rubbed her eyes, sniffling. "Akira be happy to have you as mommies. Be nice not sleep under bush in snow. Thanks you… for choosing Akira." As innocent as a child could be, she lifted two strawberries and handed one to each woman as a gift. "Akira no get mommies any gift, take strawberry instead?"

Author: Larka, Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:00 PM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Larka watched the reaction from Akira after Larka had said that she and Celeste wanted to take Akira shopping for some new clothing and other necessities. The tears in her eyes were heartbreaking to say the least, even more so her response, yes, Larka decided that adopting the little one was the best choice that she had Celeste had made. Celeste spoke up first kneeling down to place a hand on Akira's shoulder and speak comforting words, all of them true of course, as she wiped a tear from Akira's cheeks.

Larka could tell that Akira was still hesitant to the idea as she took Celeste's hand. They went into a clothing store but the reaction from the owner made Larka growl in anger as Akira hid behind the couple as Celeste put the woman in her place. While she kept an eye on Akira Larka kept an eye on the woman as they managed to buy some clothing for Akira that she liked and fit her well. After that they found some more items for her, all able to fit into a new backpack. Akira found a necklace she liked and Larka smiled as she got it from the shop owner and carefully fitted it around Akira's neck with a smile.

Larka could tell that Akira was still hesitant to the idea as she took Celeste's hand. They went into a clothing store but the reaction from the owner made Larka growl in anger as Akira hid behind the couple as Celeste put the woman in her place. While she kept an eye on Akira Larka kept an eye on the woman as they managed to buy some clothing for Akira that she liked and fit her well. After that they found some more items for her, all able to fit into a new backpack. Akira found a necklace she liked and Larka smiled as she got it from the shop owner and carefully fitted it around Akira's neck with a smile.

Between Larka and Celeste they got the meal ready and not much talking took place while they ate, not until dessert that is. Larka glanced to Celeste and smiled, now was a good time it felt like. Looking to the child Larka smiled and picked her words carefully, fighting to keep a tear from her eye. ”Akira, while you were with Mika, Celeste and I talked a bit.” She started. ”I myself thought about this before when you and I first met that day. We worry for you, for your safety and day to day as you try to get a meal in your belly. We.” She took a breath to stop her voice from cracking as, instead of rambling she got the point. ”We'd like to adopt you, Akira, bring you to our home, and be a family together. If you want to, we don't want to force you into it.” She added, not wanting to make the child feel like she was being forced into it, she wasn't, this was up to Akira alone. ”So, what do you think? Do you think Celeste and I could be your new mommies?” Larka hoped so, she really did. Aside from just wanting to make sure that Akira had a good life, and already loving the child, Larka just wanted kids again, a chance to raise a family with Celeste. A chance to try and get something back of what she had lost so long ago in her homeland, she knew that Lilith would watching and smiling down on her along with Keenan and Mirih. She waited for the reply, hoping that it would be a yes.

Author: CelesteJN, Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:19 AM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Reika darted off excitedly. Celeste had to fight herself not to call after the tiger cub, but kept a close eye on her nonetheless. The reasoning for Reika's actions was Kyu coming back, and she pounced the rune wolf, tumbling in a playful manner. Akira bounded toward them, Mika slowed to a walk and approached her father. "Well, I've got to get going. Stay safe, Akira," the merchant bid farewell. "Bye, Akira!" came from his daughter.

Larka told Akira that they wanted to take her shopping, but Akira seemed to be taking it wrong. Did the child think they were trying to buy her affection? Carefully, Celeste knelt before her as well, a gentle hand on the child's shoulder. "Oh, sweet child, please don't think that. We want to do it for you, not that we must. Larka and I care for you, and want to see you staying warm as winter approaches. Is that alright?" One thumb passed underneath Akira's eye, wiping away the moist bead soaking her lashes. "There now, let's go spend some shiny coins."

Akira was still so hesitant when Celeste took her hand, she looked timid and scared. This was not the reaction she had been anticipating. What kind of past has she had to be so cautious about such things? Her future will be brighter, Celeste and Larka will make certain of it. Eventually, they managed to get Akira into a clothing store, which made the store owner shriek about how filthy the child appeared. With Akira now hiding within the two women, Celeste had difficulties controlling her anger. "If having a child in need of fresh clothing is a problem, we'll take our business and precious coin elsewhere." The woman backpedaled quickly, but kept a close eye on the child, demanding that Akira didn't touch anything.

Together, the women purchased several sets of clothing, a new toy, a box of games, a compass, and a new backpack to carry her stuff in. A hairbrush, fresh soap, and a small variety of items. As for the shiny object that was promised, Akira saw a necklace she could not pass up. "Last stop, we'll pick up some food for dinner tonight. Then we'll go back to the house, put everything away, and then go for a swim. Would you like that? Oh, we could pack a picnic lunch as well! Strawberries, and bread, cheese, meats, maybe mulled cider. And something sweet for desert?" Celeste's stomach growled at the thought, causing her to chuckle.

Author: Akira, Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:53 AM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Celeste held her, working to calm Akira down, and it worked. Akira managed to stop crying and listen to the nice woman, and agreed to help with the dishes with a sniffle. There was a bit of water, and lots of fun in the work, and Akira decided she liked it. The child enjoyed going out with the animals dancing about her feet. It was clear that there was a pack mentality with both the tiger and the wolf, and they looked to her as a play mate. She was only too happy to oblige.

Laughter never seemed to end from Akira as she chased Kyu and tried to keep her tail from Reika. Until she was called. "Um. He tall, yellow hair, brown eye. Say he merkent. He trade with Soolerya, spice for silk. Mika likes the inn." She had a decent memory when it counts. Akira frowned when the innkeeper said that they weren't there. Celeste did not give up so easily though, holding Akira's hand with a supportive squeeze. "Okay."

At the market, Akira saw a shiny hair piece that made her squeal. She ran over to look at the piece, look but not touch. "Shiny! Lookie, Larka. These better than spooky forest." The child would be content to stand there and admire them for some time, or for as long as the stall keeper would allow her, yet a familiar voice called out to her. Akira turned and waved with a smile. "Mika! We look for you." Mika was noticeably taller than Akira, and obviously older by several years. "No, these Akira's friends. Celes and Larka." Her father walked up and Akira beamed up at him. "Celes help Akira get better. Okay, Celes! Come Kyu!"

Quick as a flash, with her hand in Mika's, Akira ran off with wolf and girl. They ran to the inn and giggled on the way up the stairs, the way their hair bounced and swayed at each step. Mika produced a key from a pocket and unlocked the door. Inside, she easily found Akira's stuff who carefully went through it and ensured it was all there. "Thanks, Mika. Akira missed stuff." Kyu helped lead them back to Celeste and Larka, and she was happy to be back with them. Once reunited, she proudly held her stuff up. "Akira's bag!"

She cocked her head to the side at the proposal of shopping. Nobody had ever offered to buy her things such as that, and Akira had not even earned enough money to ensure that she can get more than anything beyond food. Larka was nice, but should she accept such generosity? This was more than just helping a child survive until the next meal. Looking down at herself, she noticed the old stains, ripped holes particularly in the knee area. When Akira looked back up at Larka, there was tears in her eyes. "Why? Akira like you already. No need buy Akira things." She was close to crying, this was a bit too overwhelming.

Author: Larka, Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:31 PM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

”And you know me.” Larka replied with with a smile as she listened to more of what Celeste had to say about Akira and her situation. ”I agree completely, Celeste.” Larka remarked simply, she shared the same thoughts as Celeste on the matter. Larka had thought a long time ago about what might have happened if she had been killed along with Lilith but their twins had survived. What would have happened to them? They would have been orphans a second time over, it could ruin them for the rest of their lives, who they have ever been able to attach to another family again?

Pushing those thoughts from her mind as they made their way to the maze Larka giggled at the sounds of Akira's giggles as she and the animals, led by Kyu, headed through the maze. From the inn they went to the market and not too long after got a surprise when a young voice called out to Akira. Larka smiled and nodded to the new child as Akira introduced Celeste and Larka as friends. Larka caught the pleading look on Celeste's face and grinned with a wink, oh they were both thinking the same thing. Stable life, a family, a place to call her home, safety all the things a little girl would need to be happy.

A man came up and Larka was on guard for a second until he spoke to the new girl and then saw Akira and already knew her name. Celeste sent Akira along with Mika and Kyu, letting the wolf pup lead her back to the couple a bit later. The girls took off but the man lingered to wait as well as Celeste then spoke what was on her mind, echoing Larka's own thoughts. But Akira's guardian spoke up first and Larka too him and smiled. ”She is that.” She looked back to Celeste with a large smile and pulled Celeste close for a hug and kiss. ”We are thinking the same thing then, ma vhenan. Truth be told, when I first met Akira the idea had crossed my mind, but I hadn't found you yet and I myself, as you know, wasn't the most stable.” The whole drinking and sleeping with random women thing probably wasn't the best way to bring up a young child. ”We'll get what she needs and find a quiet place to ask her.” She looked to the man again. ”We don't live too far from here, walking distance really, Mika would be welcome to come and visit Akira any time.” Friends her own age, or close to, would be good to have around for Akira as well Larka thought, assuming that Celeste wouldn't be against this idea.

When the girls came back, chasing Kyu and Reika along the way, Larka crouched down and smiled to Akira. ”Celeste and I want to take you shopping, Akira, find you some new clothing to wear, and something shiny if you like.” She chuckled. ”Is there a colour you like best for your clothing? An idea for a shiny you want?” Larka had coin purse on her, plus the rewards for the bounties so she wasn't short an silver at the moment.

Author: CelesteJN, Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 3:36 PM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Her wife's face always seemed more beautiful when she smiled, so each one Larka gave, Celeste did try to reciprocate and share one with her. This smile was a knowing one. "You always know me so well." Carefully, she tried to piece together her thoughts. Was she even ready for something as serious as this? There was just something about that child that pulled on her heart, awakening emotions and yearning she had not realized were this strong.

"She shouldn't live like that, Larka. Day to day, not knowing where the next meal will come from. What dangers await her every minute? Akira is too sweet and shouldn't have her life dependent on the virtue and compassion of strangers." Her mind was made up. Ready or not, it wasn't her mental state that was in question. It was the life of another living being. The group made it to the maze, and having been through it often enough, Kyu led Akira through effortlessly. Reika was still learning the pathway as she had not had a chance to leave the house as often as Kyu has. The giggles that could be heard from ahead affirmed to Celeste that this was the right decision.

"Akira, do you remember anything about the nice man, like what he was coming here for?" They went to the inn to inquire about the man. Unfortunately, he and his daughter had left earlier that morning, and the innkeeper had no idea where they were headed. "However, they've not checked out, so they intend to stay at least another night." "How fortuitous." Taking Akira by the hand, Celeste went outside. "Let's check the market. Perhaps he went to haggle some deals?"

Making their way to the marketplace, they walked around. Akira seemed to have forgotten why they were there as she was distracted by the shiny baubles on display. Suddenly, a young voice cried out Akira's name.Celeste turned to the voice and smiled at the young girl. "You left stuff with us. Papa was hoping we'd find you soon! Are these your parents?" The child politely introduced them as her friends, and Celeste instantly knew that she wanted to go through with this.

Celeste turned toward Larka and gave her a pleading look. She wanted desperately to give the child a place to call home, and two adults she could call family. A man came up to chastise the girl from running off, noticed Akira and his demeanor changed. "Akira! You were pale as a ghost yesterday, and I regretted letting you wander off alone. Your belongings are in our room. Shall Mika go get it for you?" "Akira, why don't you go with Mika. Take Kyu with you. She'll lead you back to us." The comment through the gentleman off guard, but he recovered with a smile. When Mika and Akira disappeared, Celeste thanked the man who hovered near as this would be where his daughter returned.

She turned to her wife. "I want to take her in. I want to adopt Akira, if she allows. And if you agree, please don't say anything yet, ma vhenan. Let's surprise her after we buy her the stuff she needs." Overhearing this, the man turned to them. "You'd be willing to do that? I worried that the child was alone traveling so far. It would make me pleased to know she'll have two capable looking women looking after her. She is such a sweet girl."

Author: Larka, Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:23 AM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Larka smiled happily as she watched her wife interact with the child, and more so when the pets got involved, the tiger kitten going after Akira's tail. ”You have gotten bigger, Akira.” Larka replied over her shoulder when she heard Akira ask it.

They served the food at the little one's remark about having no coin to pay made Larka chuckle lightly along with Celeste, but it was Celeste who answered. Larka asked what Akira wanted to drink and Larka nodded and went to get it and when she came back had a glass of milk for the child as she ate.

Larka then asked a series of questions once Akira once Akira was finished eating. She listened to the explanation that Akira gave. From what Larka understood Akira had been in the forest and then had found someone willing to travel with her to Sularia across the desert. But she had wondered from the person and made her way out here in her sickness, maybe fever dreams? But at least she had been found and was better. But Larka was always worried about Akira after they had met, since she was scared the child would get hurt or worse, or would run into someone who pretended to be nice to her to get her trust.

But the question of where her bag was came up and Larka glanced to Celeste, but the elf knew nothing of a bag and said as much. That kicked off some crying from Akira and Larka looked to Celeste and smiled. ”I'd be happy to go out and help find it.” She followed Celeste down to hug Akira until the little fox calmed down.

During all of this deep down Larka was feeling things she had felt in years to have a child in the house again with her wife. A small heartache started in her chest as they cleaned up from breakfast but she kept it from showing on her face as they left the house together, Akira ahead with the little animals. Larka looked to Celeste for a moment when she made her declaration of wanting to buy clothing for Akira before looking back to Akira again and smiling. ”I agree.” Larka moved so that she was on Celeste's left side and took her wife's hand in her own and squeezed with a smile to her. ”What are you thinking?” Larka asked. ”I know that look, you have thoughts about something serious.” Larka smiled, wondering if their thoughts perhaps matched each other.

Author: CelesteJN, Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:21 AM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Larka explained that she was not surprised that the orphan was here, since this is where the orphanage was. That, however, did not explain why the child was north of the city rather than inside the city so late at night. Akira seemed to be a wandering spirit, finding her way to a far off place when Larka first met her. As with her ears suggesting an animalistic nature, Celeste was not too surprised to find out that the child had a liking to shiny things. It was nice to have the sounds of a happy child in the other room though, as if the fever last night had not slowed her down at all.

The scene she walked in on with the animals chasing the child around caused the women to smile and chuckle. Breakfast was served, and placed a bowl before Akira before taking her own bowl. The next words out of Akira's mouth gave the elf a moment to pause before bursting into laughter. "Eat up, dear. You having a full stomach and getting better is all I require of you." It pleased the elf to no end to see the child eat, and she ate more than Celeste had truly anticipated. Did the child even eat properly, or did she often not have enough to consume? The thoughts were troubling.

Akira went on a grand story telling experience, a smile on permanent display as she listened to it. From the rain forest through the desert and all the way to Suleria. It sounded as a grand adventure, and gave Celeste some ideas as to how the child had gotten sick in the first place. The smile faded. "What bag? There wasn't anything near you when we found you." Waterworks began, and Celeste felt terrible. "You said a nice man brought you here? Maybe he still has your stuff? Shall we go into town and attempt to find him? What do you think, Larka? Care to leave again? I know you just got home. There, there, Akira. We'll find it for you."

Celeste pulled Akira into a hug until she calmed down. "There, see? Help me put the dishes in the kitchen, we'll wash up and go for a walk. Can you do that?" Together, they gathered up everything, washed the dishes with a little bit of splashing fun. A critical eye began to take note of all that they needed. She desperately needed to talk to Larka… When they were ready, they left the house together. Akira was running ahead with the young animals dancing around her feet. "I want to buy her some clothing," she announced. Larka should remember that when Celeste says something like that, she usually has ulterior motives, something deeper in mind.

Author: Akira, Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:55 PM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

"That Celes? Hai, Celes! Larka look hard long time." Akira was gazing at the woman with an odd reverance.To have someone with a happy ending after hard work and diligence gave the child hope for her own future. "I.. Got lost?" That was the only answer she had for Celeste. The elf explained how Akira was happened upon and the events that came after. As the mention of food reached her ears, they twitched as her stomach growled. This naturally led to a very happy nod. "Yes, please! Akira play."

Scrambling off of Larka's lap, Akira immediately got to her hands and knees, pressing her nose upon Kyu's nose. She giggled, sat up and pulled Kyu into a hug, giving the pup a good scratchy rub. "Kyu grew! Did Akira?" More giggles arose as puppy kisses were showered upon her face. In her excitement, her tail had been wagging rather gently, only to have a squeal of surprise as the cat pounced it. The child stood and began to walk around the room, looking over her shoulder to watch Reika chase and swipe at her tail, Kyu trying to join in the game as well. Peals of laughter made the home cheery and bright as she waited patiently for the food.

The food finally did arrive, the child instantly sitting at the table expectantly. Soon, as the bowl was placed b efore her, Akira frowned. "Akira has no coin for food." But Celeste burst into laughter and encouraged her to eat, as that was Akira's payment. The notion confused her, but was not one to be disobedient for Larka, not intentionally. "Milk please." Instantly, the child dug in, blowing on each bite before shoving the spoon in her mouth. The milk provided was drained and Akira was happy and full.

Larka hounded her with questions. "Akira feel okay. Not yesterday. Akira felt bad yesterday. We was in forest. Rain never stopped. Nice man said he go Soolerya, and Akira remember Larka say Sool. So, nice man let Akira go with. Lots of sand! Pretty and gold, always shiny at sky, never at feet. But hot. Akira no like hot. We came Soolerya, Akira feel bad. Got lost, got tired." Suddenly, she began looking around. "Where Akira bag? Akira had bag!" The child began to cry when she was told there was no bag near where she was found.

Author: Larka, Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 10:31 AM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Larka laughed when Akira saw her and escaped Celeste's arms to jump into Larka's lap who returned the hug from the child.  Akira sat down in the chair as well and Kyu got her own attention from the little one who barked once and licked at Akira's hands.  When asked who Celeste was Larka smiled.  "Remember when we met in the swamp you asked what I was going and I told you I was looking for Celeste, or Celes?  That's her, Celeste, this is Akira."  Larka made introductions before her wife spoke up, asking why Akira was out here on her own.  "She wonders around, which I'm guess is how she got to be here?."  Larka replied to her wife listening as Celeste explained it in more detail.

She had found her passed out and with a fever and brought her to here but Akira was hungry and Celeste had her play with the animals and got Larka to go to the kitchen with her.  Larka helped get some food together as Celeste asked her question and Larka sighed.  "She's an orphan, she lives in an orphanage with a man named Rowan, in this city actually, so I'm not too surprised that was around here, more so that it happened to be you that found her.  When I first came across her I was out looking in the swamp area over in Parvpora, I still don't know how she managed to get across the bloody ocean in the first place, probably snuck aboard a ship.  Otherwise I don't know too much, I know she likes shiny things though, tried to take some jewellery from that haunted swamp while I was with her."  Larka explained but it was all she had to go on really, at least what she remembered.

Once breakfast was finished Larka helped Celeste bring everything to the living room again and set it out on the table.  "Help yourself, Akira, porridge with honey and some juice or milk."  Larka offered as she started to eat from her own bowl, Kyu stared at her.  "Your bowls are in the kitchen." She motioned to the two animals and Kyu was off like a shot to get to her food down and Larka grinned before looking to Akira again.  "Are you feeling better, Akira?  How have you been?  Everything okay?"  Larka asked.

Author: CelesteJN, Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:30 PM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Celeste had been sleeping deeply, peaceful for the first time in a long time. No matter how deep she was, though, each movement from the child was documented in her sleeping mind. Her body reacted accordingly, loosening or tightening her grip as needed, adjusting the blankets over them, all the while cuddling the child close. She even noted the door opening, but didn't worry about it. Larka was expected home soon anyway.

It was when the child gripped her arms to release herself, Celeste obliged, propped her head up on a hand and watched Akira greet her wife. That is what Larka called her, after all. There was a smile for the scene as she witnessed them together. Obviously, history was between the three. Celeste sat up and stretched with a yawn. "Good morning, Akira. Glad you're feeling better. What is a child like you doing about on your own?" she asked after letting Larka introduce Celeste to the child.

Larka, whether it be verbal or just a look, inquired as to how they had met. "I was on a run last night when Reika found Akira near our home, passed out. She was burning up with fever, so I brought her in here and gave her something to help bring it down. Tell me, Akira, are you hungry?" The child nodded eagerly, causing Celeste to laugh. "Play with Reika and Kyu for a bit. Larka, would you help me in the kitchen?"

When the adults were alone, Celeste turned to her wife and began to whisper to her. "Please tell me that child isn't alone! Where are her parents? Does anyone look after her?" While Larka explained as best as she could, Celeste began to make busy preparations of breakfast. On account of Akira recovering from being sick, she decided to make a porridge, sweetened with honey.

Author: Akira, Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:17 PM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

When Akira came to, she did not want to wake up. She felt warm, safe, wrapped up in protective arms. Instinctively, she snuggled closer to the warm body. In this half awake state, she could hear something at the door, and she stiffened. The arms around her tightened in response as the door opened. Her ears tracked the animal paws getting closer to her and boots walking past in another direction.

Akira tried so hard not to tremble from fear. Here is when she'd be discovered and kicked out like so many times before. In her fear, she had failed to remember she had not entered this establishment voluntarily, and she was in someone's arms. The boots stopped and came closer, and Akira buried herself deeper in the body, hoping the arms around her would protect her. Yet, her ears twitched at the sound of her own name from a familiar voice.

For some time, she lay there, relaxing as the woman sat down and the animal backed off as well. Akira knew that voice, and the voice obviously knew her. Where had she heard it? The only animal she remembered being with a woman was in the forest of ghosts. Pretending to stir as if she was just waking up, Akira rolled over and rubbed her eyes. If it wasn't for the arms encircling her, she'd have fallen off the couch. Blearily, she blinked until she could see the woman sitting across from her.

Excitement filled her as she scrambled to escape the arms and rushed forward to jump into Larka's lap. "Larka! Larka!" Hugging the woman, she turned to sit down in the chair with her and instantly reached for the puppy. She gave her scratches and pets and hugged her as well. "Akira missed Kyu. You be good?" Kyu gave her puppy kisses, causing Akira to giggle. "Larka? Who dat?" Innocently, the child pointed at Celeste.

Author: Larka, Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:35 PM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

The bounties had gone well, the only people who had died were the ones that were supposed to and the pay had been good.  Three bounties all in a row to take down a gang, knock off their leaders and watch the rest scatter.  Larka's part was done, and she had a nice fat bag of silver to show for it.  She was drinking from her canteen, but it was only water with a little berry flavouring to it, she was doing her best to stay sober and away from booze, though it was hard on the job sometimes.  But she was managing and with Celeste coming along so well it helped a lot, they could heal themselves together.

A bark from next to the Reaver drew her attention down to the wolf puppy following along and she smiled.  "Ready to be home to, Kyu?"  Larka asked reaching down to scratch the young wolf's ears, he was getting bigger each day she wouldn't be able to call him a puppy for much longer.  Home was soon in sight and the sun was starting to rise, Larka had made a stop a few hours away to wait out the rest of the night before heading out again, it would be nice to be home again.

As Larka got to the door she noted that Kyu was sniffing and whimpering at the door.  "Shh, Kyu, Celeste is probably asleep still."  Larka spoke before she opened the door.  She went inside with a yawn and dropped her gear quietly down near the door, she'd clean it up later once she checked on Celeste.  The Reaver turned and was about to head downstairs when she saw the wolf at the couch and then saw the lump there, oh, Celeste had fallen asleep on the couch last night instead.

Smiling Larka walked over carefully as not to startle Celeste but then gasped a little at the sight; her wife, curled up around a little girl, and a girl that Larka knew!  "Akira?"  Larka breathed quietly, what had happened last night that brought the wondering child that was Akira out here?  Not to mention whatever scenario had brought Celeste in contact to end up in a position such as this?!

Larka didn't want to wake either of them, there was a reason for this, so instead she found a place to sit in a comfy chair across from them and waited.  Kyu jumped up into lap and laid down in a ball there.

Author: CelesteJN, Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:23 AM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Dusk was a perfect night for a run. Larka had yet to come home from her bounty hunts. This one had ended up taking Larka away for several days, and Celeste had assured her she would be fine alone. She would have Reika with her, and Lirin was in the area for awhile. Her sister had left earlier today, promising to be back again sometime soon. Thus, Celeste was attempting to stay on some kind of regiment to further develop her body to where she was before the unfortunate situation.

Reika was doing well keeping up with her the more often they go together. The tiger's progress pleased the elf. They were coming home when Reika suddenly stopped, sniffing the air. "Reika? What is it girl?" Soon, she let out the most adorable little yowl and was off and Celeste darted after her. After a short distance, something white seemed to glow in the darkening landscape. It wasn't long after this that Celeste realized that it was the shape of a little girl. Concerned, Celeste rapidly closed the distance and  fell to her knees next to the small heap.

Vitals were checked, and Celeste breathed a sigh of relief. "Still alive. Come, lets get her inside, Reika." Scooping the child up, holding her close, the elf walked the rest of the way home. The child was burning up, her skin hot to the touch. "She's sick…" Once they got to the house, Celeste put the child on the couch and covered her with a blanket, Reika electing to lay with her. There was a flurry of activity in the rooms beyond. When the elf returned to the child's side, she had several different bowls and tools.

First, she took a steeped cup of herbs formulated for reducing fevers and got some the liquid into the girl's mouth. Painstakingly, she coaxed more and more into her until the cup was depleted. Then she helped cool the child further by patting her forehead with a damp, cool cloth. Time dragged on, and the by the time Larka finally did come home, she'd be greeted with an unusual sight.

Celeste had curled up around the silver haired, rosy cheeked child, holding her close under the blanket. It was obvious the child needed to get cleaned up, but Celeste didn't feel comfortable doing that just yet. Reika was in a ball behind the bend of Celeste's knees, nose tucked under a paw as she cat napped. All three girls were sound asleep.

Author: Akira, Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:14 PM, Post Subject: Pity on the Young [P]

Akira been traveling for long time, now. Akira so tired. There was this guy who saw Akira. He was nice. Gave Akira food, place to sleep. Said, in morning, he go on trip to place called Soolerya. Akira remember a nice place start with Sool, so could be same place? Akira ask if Akira join, guy said yes, give his little girl company.

At first, trip fun. We play in leaves, grass. We run after squirrels. Giggle and tell stories. Air got hotter, and grass turn to gold sand. It stretch forever! Sun melted into sand, glowing in the distance. Laughs quieted, running stopped, we stayed in shaded wagon all day. Nights were cold, though. How can Akira be sooo hot one minute, shiver the next?

Five days we endure hot sand. Just before cold night number five, we reached Soolerya. Akira no can find happiness for finding my favorite city again. Akira felt bad. Tired, head hurt, tummy felt funny. Akira felt hot and terrible. Feet drag as Akira walk, not in straight. No know how, but Akira walk out of town, no aware of where go.

See house in front of Akira. Maybe Akira go there? Akira need help. Just a few more steps… So tired, Akira falls, too far from house… Akira sleep here then. Air cold.

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