Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Horae Island > Trials of the Heart [P][Event]
Wesley Meas

Character Info
Name: Wesley Meas
Age: Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Lycan
Gender: Male
Class: Hunter/Archer
Silver: 492
They had arrived on a ship, like many other guests. The trip had been remarkably fast and Wesley suspected that there must have been some sort of teleportation magic used. After they received their invitations, he suggested going to Hana and she seemed to like the idea. The party was on the casual end, not as dramatic or big as some of the noble balls so he just chose a deep blue tunic with silver trims around the edges. It was one of the many clothes that Angela had chosen to spoil them with and he decided to reuse it instead of buying something new. Hana however, would have a new outfit since he saved up some of the silver they stole from rude nobles. 

The sight of the party had taken his breath away. They had been to several taverns and small events but this was by far one of the biggest parties he'd ever been to. Crowds of people filled the area, being as loud as people could be. Music danced in the air and pulled people to their feet to dance. A bright orange bonfire illuminated every part of the scene and creating a feeling of warmth. Tables piled with food lingered on the edge of the area while the majority of the space was left for the dancers who were just there to celebrate. He noticed people throwing something into the fire, remembering the words of the announcement. A part of him wondered what color they would receive. He deeply wished for red, but a part of him wondered if Hana would feel the same. 

Turning to her, he noticed she had changed into the beautiful light blue dress he'd chosen from one of the markets they passed through. Her beautiful hair complimented the dress while her eyes were as captivating as ever. For a moment, he wondered what on Revaliir had decided to let him meet such an enchantress. Wesley leaned in and lifted his hand to her face, looking at how beautiful she was. His deep green eyes were filled with passion as he pulled her closer to him. His lips were inches away from her when his stomach growled loudly. He took a step back with a pink face and looked away, embarrassed. 

"Ah well I don't suppose you'd mind if we went to the buffet table?" He asked, "I forgot to eat before leaving." 

Leave it up to his stomach to ruin the moment. 

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