Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Horae Island > Its Called a Day Off {L:3}

Character Info
Name: Qadim Garakh
Age: 67
Alignment: LE
Race: Orc
Gender: Male
Class: Businessman
Silver: 133
The noise pollution was getting to Qadim, and chose to send his carriage over to the river that barred lands between Venti and Ignius, though still staying within the cooler portion of the land. Sure, activity could still be noted, but it was much less bleeding to the ears.  "Take yer time getting these horses cleaned up," Qadim barked, stripping the tie off his neck before chucking it into his seat before puling out a rod from a compartment. "We are in no rush."

His feet marched through the grass, echoed eaten away by the soil before turning bare as the flooring shifted to the wooden pier. Not many were out, considering the festivities, so it gave the orc a nice area to simply relax. HIs eye gleamed over the water's surface before finding a spot to settle. All the remained was to pierce the hook of his line with a small beetle before casting it out into the water, watching it splash down and and bobber to settle.

From here, it was jsut a matter of water and relaxing. No need to worry about the paperwork. No need on having to present face. No need to "convince" others of his deals being legit. All that mattered now would be fish and company…

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