Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Horae Island > Munchies {o}

Character Info
Name: Teu Balatro
Age: 23
Alignment: CG
Race: Diowolf/Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Healer
Silver: 2479
The food smells were making Teu feel uncomfortable all the way to the depths of her stomach. It took much effort for her not to allow a sneer to appear on her face as certain smells reached her. The woman felt her stomach turn again to the point where she was about to release what little contents were already there. A light hand rested upon her abdomen as she walked through the festivities. She clenched the fabric of her tunic as she watched children running around while laughing. It was a delightful gathering of those that had been effected by the nightmares that only too recently walked the earth.

Deftly, the healer dodged a small group of children that were playing a game of tag while their parents were chatting not too far off. Teu chuckled to herself as her emerald eyes shifted to where many revelers were eating the offered meals. A sudden growl rumbled from her stomach. ”Are you hungry, or upset? Geez.” Her tone was agitated as well as amused. Lately there was no telling what her body wanted.

Making her way through the crowd, Teu picked up a plate to begin stacking it high. She allowed her nose to decide what would be best to consume. There was an assortment of food selections that she found to have put on her plate before heading over to small grass patch to sit down. ’You could have waited for me,’ a gentle, yet annoyed tone spoke from behind. Teu turned her head to see Syn, her sphinx bond pad over to lay down behind her. The healer grinned almost devilishly before leaning back against Syn’s stomach as a rest. ”I wanted to check it all out beforehand. It is a sweet little gathering.”

Teu nestled into Syn’s side as she began to nibble at the food. A large slab of turkey was picked off the plate and offered to the sphinx. It was taken carefully and gratefully within the creature’s mouth. Teu smirked to herself as there were no further objections. The pair laid there on the grass silently. Each enjoying the others company while eating whatever Teu had been able to take previously. They both knew that a relaxed day was necessary considering all that had transpired recently.


Character Info
Name: Attie
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Human (Dead)
Gender: Female
Class: Wanderer/Scholar
Silver: 0
Despite the giant turkey fiasco, the festival was fun. There was a pumpkin patch and Attie was busily trying to find the best of the best. This pumpkin not only had to be clear of all spots or bruises but also had to be big and orange. The bigger and more orange, the better. She searched through the patch, looking for the brightest of the bunch. There was one extremely orange large pumpkin that had attracted her attention but when she turned it over, there was a large bruise on its side. Attie left it alone and kept searching. Eventually she came across the perfect pumpkin. It wasn't too big, too small, was beautifully orange and there wasn't a single spot on it. She picked the vegetable then ran over to some kids who were waiting patiently. 

"Found one!" Attie exclaimed excitedly. 

The kids had made a deal with her. If she could find the perfect pumpkin then they would give her back the abalone shell that they had stolen from her bag while she hadn't been looking. Attie had gotten distracted by the pumpkin picking to the point that the whole stealing thing was a distant memory. She placed the pumpkin on the table and looked to the others, waiting to receive the kids' evaluation. The kids looked at in awe and suddenly started declaring it the king of pumpkins. The child who had stolen her abalone shell returned the object and started to make plans with the others on how to use this magnificent pumpkin. 

Attie's eyes were drawn away from the children and towards the games that were set up for guests. One of the games was a bobbing apples contest. There wasn't a line so she rushed over to the game and looked at the apples floating in the water. What was she supposed to do? She had seen some people sticking their heads in it earlier but she had no idea why. This was the first time that she was at a festival with party games like this. 

"You're supposed to try to grab an apple with your teeth." A stranger said, seeing her confusion. 

"Oooh. Then this will be fun!" Attie said. 

Her body suddenly began to change as fur started to come from her skin. In a matter of seconds, she had morphed into a large bear. Using her jaws, she managed to snatch several apples and was able to hold onto them with her teeth. Once her head was out of the water, she dropped the apples on the ground and returned to her human form. Then she knelt to the ground to count the apples. 

"Six! That must be a great score!" She declared, oblivious of the many stares she was getting. 

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