Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Horae Island > Turkey Party [O]

Character Info
Name: Kiba Balatro
Age: Looks in Early 30s
Alignment: TN
Race: Diowolf/Dragon Shade
Gender: Male
Class: Champion - Protector Vitae
Silver: 5904
Peace. Relaxation. These were things that Kiba’s body and soul desperately required. Too much had happened during that broke out between the creatures of the Void and the citizens of Revaliir. Many had fallen due to the enemy as they had descended upon their lands. Kiba swallowed hard at the recall of hideous creatures. The feel of one of their hands crushing his throat until his windpipe was utterly destroyed from the strength. Muscles in his jaw fluttered while clenching his teeth. It had been because of Lady Angela that he had been brought back to life.

The Champion rubbed his face with a frustrated hand in an effort to push away all the stress that had built up. This celebration was meant to be full of food and rest. Kiba was determined to get that even if it meant shoving food down his own throat. He knew that he had come to the celebration alone, and was sure that his family would be quite livid with him. The family meeting had not gone well considering that not only had Kiba died on the battlefield…but Kythe had almost met her end. Raith had been selected to be elevated to godhood. Much had transpired during the war, and the family had much to say about it all.

He felt guilty for the despair he had put Kaya and children through. Even with that, he had come to Horae Island alone in an effort to get his head on straight. ”Whaaa…..?” he exclaimed as there was a touch upon his behind. Kiba glared up at the rather flirtatious dryad trees. The diowolf frowned at the giggling that rippled amongst the trees as she moved out of range. ”Freakin’ ridiculous,” he grumbled under his breath.

Kiba rolled his eyes as the trees continued to make sweet calls out to him as he moved away from them. Now that he was tied to Life, he could hear things more clearly when it came to the Earth. Plants all seemed to have their own opinions. It was taking some time for him to get acclimated to their mutterings.

His gaze focused upon the fairy lights, flowers and food that were laid about for the celebration. He smiled slightly as he scented the food. Stomach grumbled lightly to once again push him to eat. The diowolf walked amongst the revelers that had already taken up their places on the island. A gentle smile pulled at the edges of his lips to hear laughing and voices of festivity. It almost drowned out the death cries that echoed in his mind.

As he continued to walk through the merriment, he heard soft mutterings of some giant angry turkeys. A brow lifted in disbelief at the declarations of such issue. Considering that he was under no real need to party, Kiba started to jog towards the outskirts of the party. When far enough out of the area, he shifted to his giant black wolf form. In a quick movement he shook out his fur and muscles. The diowolf chuffed lightly before trotting towards the smell of avian.

Large cranium tilted to the side as he saw just as was described: giant, angry turkeys. Letting out a large sigh, he moved towards them as they had started to make towards the celebration. It was not difficult for him to dodge from being peeked by the creatures. What he found difficult were the sheer number of them. Giant paw stamped on the ground to send vines sprouting up from the ground to entangle a number of turkeys. Kiba felt ridiculous for having to take on such a task. The only thing he could take from this was to keep those that needed a rest could have it.

Wolven jaw crunched down around one of the turkey’s neck to break the neck. It collapsed quickly as he had ensured that it was a quick death. His stomach grumbled again to tell him how hungry he truly had become. Kiba was tempted to take the moment to eat the dead bird, but there were already a number waiting to be dealt with. He preferred not to kill the birds….but he saw little else available for answers.

Hiro Kouen

Character Info
Name: Hiro Kouen
Age: 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Humanoid Elemental
Gender: Male
Class: Elemental Knight
Silver: 1067
There was a small village in the Plains of Bohar, a little mudball of a town.  This area lacked a lot of resources other areas had, but it had good people.  It also had an orphanage that took in children without parents.  This little town had issues, the soil wasn't nearly as fertile as other areas were, a lot of the population was either too old, or too young, having lost talented adults in conflicts with orcish tribles in the area.  Hiro Kouen visited the town, and dispatched many orcish soldiers that were attacking this town.  He befriended many of the orphans, like the little boy Tiny Tim, who told him he wished to be able to have a big feast one day, but they were poor and couldn't afford it.Hiro was now in the celebration, having aided in defeating the eldritch invasion.  But Hiro felt sad still, his mind was on this little town he befriended.  They didn't have the food to celebrate this victory for the world.  Could there be a way to bring a party to these poor people?  Hiro was deep in thought when he was brought out of his reverie by sudden shouts and screams.  Hiro approached one of the fey folk who had started the commotion.

"What's going on?  We're under attack?" Hiro asked.

"The Turkeys!  The Turkeys are attacking!"  With what the fey said, Hiro took a few moments to process this.

"Have you had a bit too much of the sauce?  Come on, how much have you had to drink?  Or is this just a prank?"

"No, sir!  The turkeys got into a batch of potions, and now they've grown in size, and they're threatening to trample everyone and ruin the festivities!"

Hiro scratched his head, and decided to check out what was going on.  He rushed away from the festival to see what the hell was going on, and he saw a werewolf-like lycan fighting through an army of giant rabid turkeys.

"What the F–k?  Seriously?  He was serious about that?"  Hiro, with a flash of light and magic, and some flourish, had summoned his armor and equipment to his side.  He was wearing his crimson knightly armor, with his sword Empyrean sheathed to his hip.  An idea went through his head.

The villagers, the orphans.

"Tonight, the villagers, they shall dine on turkey!"  Hiro unsheathed his blade, held it up to the sky, then charged into battle.  He carved a swath of destruction, cleaving through turkey necks, and flames erupting from his blade.  The air became thick with the scent of cooked turkey.

"Hey, good sir!  Mind if we save some of these turkeys?  There's a little village I know, filled with orphans, and poor folk, they could use food.  Was thinking of bringing them some so they can have a feast!"  Hiro cleaved through another turkey, he was aiming to prevent as big a mess as he could, keeping the turkeys mostly intact, while still taking them out.

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