Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Horae Island > Open Season [O][Event]

Character Info
Name: Walter Bosch
Age: 54
Alignment: TG
Race: Lycanthorpe
Gender: Male
Class: Tracker
Silver: 0
After months of endless struggle, there was peace at last. He had recovered from his bites during the madness of the twin moons and had suffered no ill effects thanks to the quick treatment from Shiloh and the rest of Antikythera. Now that the world was no longer in danger, it was time to stretch his legs and relax. Shiloh wouldn't be coming this time despite the potluck being welcome to all. When she refused to listen to the others' pleading, he let her be. She needed time alone after trying her hardest to keep herself from falling apart and giving everything her all. The world was still healing from the wounds of the plague of the moons and the loss of Dalanesca and the casualties from the Void invasion had taken it's toll. The Horae fae's hospitality was what they needed most right now, a release from all the sorrow and suffering. After all, wasn't that the reason why villages held harvest festivals at the end of the season? A designated celebration to lift people's spirits and provide a break from the toils of day to day life.

Today he was here not as a visitor, but as a hunter. He had heard of the mysterious isle of four seasons where a quarter of the island was perpetually locked in one all year round. The celebration and hunting grounds were within the Venti portion, and once he saw the barriers around the grounds of the festivities he knew where he would be going. It would be a well-needed change of pace for the tracker and for the wolf within. Wolves weren't meant to be confined within walls–just like the wilds they were meant to live free. If he earned himself a prize for his efforts it would be a pleasant surprise, but the greatest prize of all would be the taste of a satisfying hunt. However, the turkeys had other plans.

Shifting into the form of a beast, Walter joined the line of hunters who had their sights set on felling the enchanted game. All of his senses were alive and sharper than when he took the form of a man, and the scent was the first thing he felt followed by the sound. Oh, what a sound it was! The anticipation that had been building within his bones were met with a sight that blew away any fantasies like chaff in a storm. These birds weren't large, they were enormous! Forty feet in height was far bigger than the largest of wolves and Walter came to the frightening realization that he was biting off more than he could chew. Instead of the instinct to charge, everything within him screamed to run! Massive grey-black plumage blotted out his view of the sun as the deafening warble of the terrible birds drowned out his own heartbeat. The wolf found himself facing the great pumpkin patch where the colorful tents and booths were steadily approaching before it dawned on him that he was fleeing. 

He had made a terrible, terrible mistake! The long, spindly taloned feet of what normally should be a twenty-pound bird was magnified into the deathly claws of a monster most foul. The wolf was the size of a mouse in the eyes of the turkeys with a very soft fleshy hide. And those who were well-versed in the habits of woodland animals knew turkeys were omnivorous when they had the opportunity.

“Those are the voices of my brothers, darling; I love the company of wolves.”

Character Info
Name: Chrysanthe Albaret
Age: Young
Alignment: TG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Pathfinder/Druid
Silver: 0
"Are you ready Pascal? Here we go!" This wasn't the first time she had been to Horae, though in her last visit she had stayed only in the Terra area. And while she would have loved to spend her time chatting with the dryads and talk about the local fauna with the fairies, there was more pressing matters at hand. Giant turkeys were on a rampage eating everything in sight, and if somebody didn't do something about it soon–they'd devour everything. Hunting was part of the natural cycle of life as Uncle Walter taught her, and in this case it was completely necessary. She had asked her brother if it was possible to reverse the effects of the magical potion that the wild turkeys had drank, but he didn't give her a straight answer. He did come along with her though, so maybe he was thinking about it. Efrain had helped her bring her Harenian lizard over to participate in the hunting rally since Strelitzia had no place to land. At the brass blaring of a bugle, everybody lined up at the edge of the pumpkin patch where they knew the enlarged birds were coming. Taking in a deep breath, she hefted her Terrene crossbow in her hands as she signaled Pascal to run. 

Her older brother Lysandre had given the lizard mount instructions on how to better work with her under these conditions so she could focus on aiming instead of steering. There wasn't any room for mistakes here with a forty-foot stampede of wild fowl hell-bent on eating their fill. Loading up her crossbow with a bolt combined with an arrow from her Yoyuki's quiver, she lifted the jeweled weapon at the nearest bird and aimed high. The shot sailed straight and true, but she soon lost sight of it in the turkey's massive plumage. Quickly she reloaded and signaled Pascal to put more distance between them and the turkeys to buy her more time. Once her second shot was ready, she fired again–this time at its scaly feet. A piercing wail shook the air as her shot landed and blasted through the leg, causing the rest of the flock to go into a frenzy. She had no time to think as her fingers reloaded the crossbow again to repeat. The arrows were supposed to cause temporary paralysis but she had no idea how effective they would be on creatures that had been magically enhanced.

'All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost.'

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