Very few times in her life had Serafina been rendered speechless. The most memorable of these times, if she recalled correctly, had been when Nemesis had chosen to turn Celeste into a vaewolf. She had never expected him to choose that out of the two options she had presented him with when she had given him the ultimatum to either kill the moon elf or turn her. She had been so shocked and upset by the decision that she did not speak for days.
Presently, Serafina was feeling a different kind of shock that rendered her temporarily speechless. Between the flying-armored fire thrower and the accusations thrown at her by a fellow god, and one she had yet to meet albeit rather briefly - she was taken quite by surprise. So, Raith had been the one to kill the dragon that Xyaban had wished to see in Cupiditas… Xyaban… The poisonous dragon’s name echoed in her head. She was beginning to seem like more of a hindrance and trouble than it had originally seemed.
After a moment, Serafina held her hands up at Raith, in a manner to let him know that she meant no ill will. ”I mean no disrespect to you in offering Hacesh a brief visit back to the mortal plane,” she began. ”There are several reasons why this should not be held against me, but I’ll offer just a few. First, I did not know you were the one to end him - had I known that, I would not have brought him back here out of respect for you.” She paused, awaiting a reaction from Raith. When she continued speaking, she lowered her hands to her sides - slowly, so as not to spark any suspicion that she could be reaching for a weapon (which she was not) - at which time she realized how incredibly pointless this was as the god she was speaking to could not see. However, she was sure he had some method of surveying his surroundings - she was just unsure what that method was.
”Xyaban came to me at the Hall of Indulgence, offering me a gift in return for seeing a lost loved one in one of the Circles. I obliged, having no knowledge of who she was or the horrible things she had done to Hacesh, among others,” she said, indicating that she understood from the ire in his voice that Raith had come across some issues of his own with Xyaban. ”After I transported her to Cupiditas, where Hacesh now resides, I witnessed what happened between those two. You see, death released Hacesh from the hold that Xyaban held over him,” she began to say, just as the dragon appeared and spoke his own piece. She nodded in agreement with him.
”You see, Raith, I offered Hacesh a respite back into this world as an apology for bringing Xyaban to him,” she said, and it was clear that she - the most selfish and indulgent of the gods - felt bad about what had happened. She turned to look at Hacesh once more. ”She may think she has aligned herself with me, but the more I learn about her, the less I… like her,” she said, her eyes flashing red to indicate the anger that momentarily surged through her.
”Hacesh will be returning to Inferos once he is done having his fun with the giant… turkeys,” she said, pausing at the last word as though she were having trouble speaking of the ludicrousness taking place on Horae. ”And I hope you understand, Raith, that I meant no disrespect in my actions.” She was being diplomatic, of course. She had learned from Nemesis long ago in the dealings in Kurayo before his ascension, long before any of this, that diplomacy got you very far, whether you wanted to enact it or not. She knew that having Raith on her bad side would do her nothing but bad, and she was bound and determined not to have that happen.

Serafina is
The Infernal Queen, or The TemptressSerafina's God Rules/AbilitiesI. Serafina can manipulate anyone into telling her what they wish to indulge in above all else.
II. Serafina can summon the souls of the damned from Inferos to do her bidding in the mortal plane.
III. Serafina can alter the mood in a room or area and cause any of its non-divine inhabitants to begin acting in over indulgent, lush, or incredibly violent behavior.