Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Horae Island > Turkey Hunt [O][Event][R?]

Character Info
Name: Attie
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Human (Dead)
Gender: Female
Class: Wanderer/Scholar
Silver: 0
After hearing about the feast, Attie knew that she had to be there. It would also be her first time visiting the island, though she had heard a lot about it and its magical seasons. There were many different ways to the island but Attie had decided on using a ship. She paid the captain to drop her off at Horea island as he went off to the rest of his trip. The captain and his shipmates were nice and the sea trip had taught her a lot about how water and boats worked. After landing on the island and saying goodbye to her new friends, she walked up the sandy beach and headed straight towards the bright red forest of the Venti part of the island. Suddenly, there was a sound of giggling erupting through the air, causing Attie to jump. She followed one of the sounds of laughter and realized that it was coming from the…curvaceous trees. Attie's face turned slightly pink as she backed away from the tree. One of the dryads, clearly amused by Attie's reaction, lowered her branch to caress the girl's cheek. In a matter of seconds, a bright red blush had spread throughout her face and she began to run away from the mischievous tree dryads while trying to hide her face. Attie tripped on a stick and slammed right into a pumpkin, causing it to break into pieces. She wiped the pieces of pumpkin off of her and took a look at the beautiful festival that she had stumbled into. Her eyes widened in excitement as her smile grew. This was the festival that she had been hearing about!

The fairy lights dazzled and there were colorful flowers everywhere to brighten up the scenery while still keeping the fall themes. There were tables and benches everywhere, each filled to the brim with food. Her mouth watered at the sight of all the meats, vegetables, fruits, drinks, and bread that was being offered. And all of it was for free! Little fairies were going about, replacing each empty dish with some new food. As if the amazing decor, pumpkins, and food wasn't enough, there were also games to be played on one side of the pumpkin patch. Darts, bobbing for apples, axe throwing competitions, bow and arrow games, and a few fortune tellers who were trying to predict the future. Attie started practically jumping up and down. Her stomach growled as she began to head towards the tables with food before overhearing a conversation. 

"Yeah those giant turkeys are gonna be a real problem if they make it to the festival." A man said, "Good thing there are adventurers and heroes keeping them at bay." 

Her curiosity became stronger than her hunger as she began to wonder what they meant by giant turkeys. How could a turkey be such a trouble that adventurers and heroes had to fight them? She knew that the recent war had probably taken a lot out of the people but even they should handle a bird. Determined to figure out what was going on, Attie began to head away from the festival and towards where the giant turkeys were. Her eyes widened when she saw the ginormous fat juicy birds in the distance. The turkeys were the size of a house and had plenty of meat on them. There was only one thing Attie could say at the sight of them. 

"Prey." She muttered. 

Suddenly, her nails began to grow into claws and her teeth became sharper. She could feel her humanity fading away as she was left with only one thing in her mind. To eat these massive monstrous turkeys and devour every piece of them. Attie's eyes were intense and her form became more like a beast, though her strength had grown. She burst into a run and a bright light of magic started to surround her left hand. Stopping a good distance from the bird, she formed a medium sized portal with her hand and pulled a bright red scythe from it. 

"This is going to be delicious." Attie said with a growl. 

Character Info
Name: Xyaban
Age: Dead
Alignment: CE
Race: Venom Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Insanity
Silver: 0
Food! Free, food!

The moment the short dragoness had heard of the festival being held and that there would be tons of food she had gated her way to the island. She had arrived a bit before Dina and while Xyaban had heard and seen the giant turkeys that were starting to terrorize the place she hadn’t cared; she was here to eat. Sure, she might join the fight a bit later for the fun of it, but right now Xyaban was stuffing her face with whatever food she saw.

Thankfully not all of the turkeys had been made into giants and had already been cooked and Xy had helped herself to three full birds already. At the moment she was stretched out on a log bench using half the wish bone to pick her fangs clean. Xy only stood at five feet tall, and while she didn’t look like a full blooded dragon she certainly was and would stab anyone for saying otherwise, or looking at her funny, or really for any reason, and for no reasons to. But now she was content with a full belly and lounging on the bench, bones from the turkeys around her. But she was not un-lady like and had cleaned her face off with a few napkins. She was a murderer not a savage!

Xy had seen Attie arrive and head in the direction of where the fighting was happening. Xy wasn’t blind to the changes that happened to Attie and that peeked the dragon’s interest enough that she hauled herself up from the bench. She kind of wanted to nap now, but she wanted to see what the young perhaps not as human as she looked human would do once she was in the fighting.

By the time Xy caught up she was in time to see Attie pull the scythe from a portal and as she drew closer heard her growled words. ”I agree!” Xyaban giggled as she ran past Attie. Xy removed a sword holt from her robes and as she did a blade of blood red light sprouted from it. That she kept in her left hand while from right wrist out snapped a three foot blade of bone and scales.

With a roar that was louder than one might think from a short two legged dragon like her Xyaban leapt at the turkey. ”Get, in, my, belly!” She roared with a manic giggle as she hit the side of the bird and drove her blades through its feathers and into the flesh below. The turkey gobbled in pain and tried to throw her off but all that did was make Xyaban laugh more as she started to climb her way up the side of the bird.

Character Info
Name: Attie
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Human (Dead)
Gender: Female
Class: Wanderer/Scholar
Silver: 0
A powerful dragoness joined Attie with her own fascinating weapons. Attie knew that the woman was another hunter but did not mind sharing the giant turkey with her, as there was more than enough for the both of them. The woman let out a roar before she leapt at the turkey. Attie decided to let out a bit of her own magic, burning flames erupted from the bottom of her now shoe less feet and pushed her into the air. Slamming her burning scythe into the flesh of the turkey, she could see the flames quickly spreading from feather to feather. The turkey called out in pain from both Xyaban and Attie then started pecking at them, trying to get them off. Attie dug her claws in the side of the flying beast to keep herself from falling. Her hunger was overwhelming and she realized that if she wasn't careful, she might burn the creature. 

Attie sent her scythe away and decided to kill the beast the old fashioned way. She began climbing using all four sets of her claws, the ones on her hands and the ones on her feet. Managing to get to the back of the bird, she started trying to figure out a plan but her hunger and transformation were overwhelming her mind. She opened her mouth, revealing vicious teeth and tore into the beast's flesh, ignoring the giant feathers. She batted them away as she continued to eat the turkey. The turkey desperately tried to shake Xyaban and Attie off but Attie was determined to stay on. 

The delicate flesh of the giant turkey was being ripped asunder and devoured. Blood poured from every injury that she made but Attie didn't seem to notice. Her mouth was filled with raw turkey as she started to tunnel deeper into its flesh. She used her claws to dig further and started making a tunnel into the turkey. There was a thumping noise in the distance and Attie knew, that was the creature's heart. 

Licking her lips greedily, she knew that she had to get a taste of its beating heart. Suddenly she stopped as the next thing she saw wasn't flesh, it was bone. It was the back vertebrae of the turkey. Attie used the bone to stand on as she started to dig and crawl around it. Blood trickled from the fleshy walls that she had dug through but all that was in her mind was hunger. 

"More." She growled with bits of raw turkey in her mouth. 

Character Info
Name: Xyaban
Age: Dead
Alignment: CE
Race: Venom Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Insanity
Silver: 0
Xyaban was only partially aware of what Attie was doing as Xy had a habit of doing her own thing instead of working as a team. It was as she was climbing up the side of the big bird that Xy realized she was on the wing about the same time the bird started to flap said wing. Xyaban giggled as she was tossed around, her blades still stuck in for now. Until it gave a flap at an angle that made Xy’s blades slip out and she went sailing through the air.

Yet she was still manically laughing as she opened a gate in front of her flight path and went through. The exit she had opened further up and came out at the same speed right into the turkey’s face and she latched onto its nose as both of its eyes focused on her. ”Boo!” She roared as she plunged both blades into the bird’s eyes multiple times.

That got a rather violent reaction as the turkey started to flail more in panic now that she had blinded it. Clawing her wait to where its nostrils were Xyaban waved her hand as magically conjured grease started to flow from the air and covered the bird’s beak, but, more importantly it also started to run into its nostrils. Smiling Xyaban opened her mouth and let out a torrent of fire that caught the grease on fire and it followed the grease from where Xy was right into the bird’s nostrils.

Xyaban laughed but then noticed she had caught her own robes on fire on her left arm. She pulled her radiant sabre from within the bird and shook her arm around until she realized that she was on fire because of the grease. ”Well then.” She blinked from sight and appeared in a tree and quickly got the fire out before looking back to the burning and blinded bird and wondering where that young not human girl went to.

Character Info
Name: Attie
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Human (Dead)
Gender: Female
Class: Wanderer/Scholar
Silver: 0
As Attie continued to dig deeper through the flesh of the giant turkey, she began to feel its movements as it constantly batted its wings to get Xyaban off. Blood was slowly filling the fleshy tunnel that Attie had made for herself and she realized that she had a time crunch. But digging took energy and she could feel her strength starting to fail. Yet her hunger kept growing ever stronger and stronger. Her eyes opened wide as she felt a surge of hunger and…something else.

Something wild. Something that she hadn't felt since she was a child. The pure sense of instinct and desire for survival. That call to eat, no matter how savagely one had to destroy another to do so. The call to kill in order to survive. Her body grew larger and she morphed and changed into a massive bear. She continued clawing and pushing through the turkey's flesh. Devouring everything that she came across. The beating of the turkey's heart called to her.

The turkey meanwhile was panicking and poking at its own skin, desperately trying to find this little crawling beast to get it out. It was also panicking about the flames and everything else that was happening to it. Suddenly, there was a crack and the turkey let out a shrill of pain. Then there was another crack as a lump formed around the turkey's chest. It was almost as if there was something inside, trying to get out. The turkey's skin began to tear and a bloody red, giant heart was shoved outwards by a bloody looking bear. 

The bear leaped from the hole in the turkey's chest and went towards the heart, digging its teeth into the heart. Attie's form began to change, as her hunger was finally being filled up. Her fur began to vanish and her body morphed back into the form of a human. She couldn't finish the heart and instead sat up, looking around with a tired and slightly annoyed look. 

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