Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Horae Island > Beauty and the Beast {P}

Character Info
Name: Katerina Sofia Silverstein
Age: Appears 30
Alignment: TN
Race: 1/2 Wolf Demon and 1/2 High Elemental
Gender: Female
Silver: 1706
Katerina yawned as her eyes fluttered open. For a moment she had forgotten that four of her girls were gone. Kiyomi had gone to Adeluna with Constantine. Annette, Freya, and Priscilla had left to Ari just the day before. Her brother Wilhelm had accompanied them, along with Koldar Victoria had left with her mother, Kalena to visit an old friend. That only left Eva, Guinevere, Amare, wolves and the servants of the castle.

A sigh left Katerina's lips before she rolled over to talk to Nikolaus. "Nik.." She started to say his name but stopped when she saw his spot was empty. Curious, she got out of had to dress. While grabbing a white button down and a gray floor length skirt. She had gotten used to wearing gowns such as the one before her. The wolf demon was pregnant and her stomach had grown a bit. She was 4 months pregnant and finally showing a bit. This caused her pants not to fit, so Victoria had bought her many gowns to wear; she was so excited for another baby to be in the house.

After she was dressed, the Mother Wolf headed down the stairs. Her first spot was her youngest, Guinevere. Poking her head into her room, she saw it was empty. Next was Eva's room; which was also empty.

Katerina wondered where they all had gone while she closed Eva's door. "They are out in the garden."The sudden voice almost made Katerina jump. Her eyes looked over towards the stairs where the voice came from. Amare stood there in her normal black dress. "Good Morning, Amare." The wolf demon smiled at the woman as she started to walk towards her. Together they walked down the stone staircase. "You miss them." Amare put a had on Katerina's shoulder to stop her mid-step. "You are thinking about when they truly move on… Katerina. They will always come back." Amare smiled warmly at the wolf demon before her.

"Yes." Katerina agreed. "Or is it that they are having adventures and you are not?" Amare asked questionably. She almost laughed seeing the Mother Wolf's face. "It's both. I haven't been in one place for this long in…. Awhile. And I just… I miss them." Katerina sighed and dropped her shoulders. Her eyes snapped up to Amare. "That vampire….I think he is in love with Kiyomi." Her words made Amare smile softly. "If that is true. You will let love run its course. It might make Kiyomi happy. And to have happiness is the greatest joy in the world." Katerina turned from Amare then. Unable to accept her words. "Maybe…" The Mother Wolf whispered before she headed down the stairs to the dining room. She wasn't ready for her eldest to fall in love. Love. First love. Always ended in heartache. Katerina knew this all too well.

When she entered the dining room, she saw that Emrick was clearing off empty dishes; her children already had eaten. When the vampire noticed Kat he straightened. "Good Morning, mistress." he bowed slightly before moving to pull out her chair; she took a seat. The butler laid down a plate full of breakfast foods and a cup of orange juice. Also the pitcher. "Craving this again?" He asked motioning towards the orange juice. Katerina smiled at him with a nod. "You know me well." He laughed a bit at this before gathering up the dishes once more.

Katerina ate in silence after the vampire left the room. Once she finished, the vampire returned to fetch her plate. "Emrick. Thank you for everything you do." The wolf demon had noticed she had stopped thanking him. He has done so much for her and her family that she thought he needed something in return."It is my pleasure to serve you, m'lady." The vampire replied while he bowed.

The wolf demon stood and faced him. "What could I do to thank you?" She asked as she stepped toward him. "Nothing. Your whole family gives me the greatest joy. That is enough thanks." He smiled at the wolf then retreated into the kitchen.

Sounds of laughter erupted down the hall, the mother wolf couldn't help but smile as she made her way out of the dining room. When she exited the room, her daughters ran towards her followed by Nikolaus. "Mama!" They both yelled in unison as they threw their arms around Katerina. "My love." The vampire leaned over the little girls to kiss Katerina. Stepping back he smiled at her. “I have a surprise for you.” He said as he held out his hand.

“A surprise for mommy! I wanna see!”
Guinevere gasped, excited. “Yes, Nik. Can we see?” asked Evangeline. Her eyes looking over her shoulder at the vampire. Katerina reached over her daughters and started to walk beside her love. “What did he do?” The Mother Wolf though curiously. Instead of asking, she let Nikolaus lead her out the front door. When they reached the stone stairs, her eyes saw that her horse, Athena, and his horse, Nightingale, were both saddled and ready to go.

“Nikolaus? Are we going somewhere?” Katerina asked as she looked at him. “Oh! Mom! You have to go!” Evangeline gasped out. She knew that her mother used to regularly go on trips. Katerina looked down at the daughters on her sides. “I can’t just leave you to do without your sisters.” Katerina frowned as she kneeled down before the two. “Mom. You should! When the baby is here, you won't be able to leave for a very long time.” Guinevere said with a stern nod. Her comment made the wolf demon laugh. “Mom, go!” Evangeline said with a smile as she nodded her mom.

“Alright. I will.”
She hugged her girls and looked up at the door when Amare appeared. “We will take good care of them.” The which smiled as she spoke her reply. The Mother wolf looked back at her girls with a nod. “I love you, both. I will see you soon.” She said with a kiss to both their cheeks. After her goodbye, she stood and watched Nikolaus hug them. It always warmed her heart seeing him interact with her children. A part of her wanted them to call him dad but not yet.

With that, the two climbed onto their horses and waved to the three on the staircase. Katerina blew them a kiss and the lovers ran off through the gates.


Character Info
Name: Nikolaus Christopher Wright
Age: 1700
Alignment: TN
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Silver: 991
The vampire lead Katerina down the mountain. "Where are we going?" She asked not knowing the way he was taking. He knew that she probably felt like they would go to Adeluna. In truth, they were going in the opposite direction. A smile came to his lips as he glanced over his shoulder at her. "You'll see, my love!" He called to her.

He couldn't wait to get to their destination. He wanted to see the light in her eyes again. They loved each other, but there was something missing. He would fill that gap today and show her what she had been missing.

When they reached the bottom of the hill, he heard a gasp come from his love behind him. He smiled when he glanced her then to the boat. It was something he had been working on for awhile. The boat was large for its size, not a ship by any means. He needed something to be sailed by one to two people. It was regular wood color with a gold eagle on the front. The mass was white besides a symbol of the sun on it with an eagle.

"Nik. It's beautiful." The Mother Wolf whispered as she dismounted her horse. Nikolaus followed. “I know how you love eagles.” He said while he walked up behind her and put his hand on her lower back. “My love. This is for you.” He leaned in to kiss her cheek, instead, Katerina turned to kiss his lips. “I love it.” She whispered against his lips. “Come on. This adventure isn’t done.” Nikolaus said while he pulled the horse down toward the dock. He tied his horse to the a wooden post and Katerina did the same. “Emrick will come for them soon.” He informed the wolf demon before him. Grabbing her hand, he laced her fingers with his and lead her onto the ship.

“Have a look around.” Katerina did as she was told and stepped to the door that was under the helm. Opening the door she stepped down the steep stairs. Nikolaus followed. There was a small kitchen, a sitting area with soft blue fabric, and a table with the same eagle on the mass. When she walked deeper inside, there was a two doors; one to the washroom, and the other to a small room that really only fit a bed. That was when Nikolaus left the wolf and headed up the stairs. He set to work at getting the mass in order and then was at the helm. He was steering to Horae island.

Just moments after he got the ship moving, the wolf ventured out from below deck. She made her way up to him and laid her head onto his shoulder.“You won’t tell me where we are going, will you?” She asked once more. The Noble Vampire smiled as he looked at the ocean. “No….” He paused as he thought he should give her a hint. “Somewhere you always felt you belong. I can’t take you there today, but I can give you a taste of it.” He whispered into her hair then kissed her forehead.

Nikolaus knew that she would be racking her brain trying to figure it out. She loved surprises but at the same time curiosity would get to her. Taking one hand off the helm, the vampire put his arm around Katerina and held her close. He loved her so much more than he had every loved anymore. He knew it was time to seal that bound between them. He couldn’t wait to get to their destination.

They stayed there for awhile in each other's arms; content. When the rope of one of the masses came loose, Nikolaud pointed down. “Can you tie that to the post there?” He asked Katerina who nodded. She ran down the stairs onto the deck. She had to jump a few times before she caught the rope in her hands. Finally, she was able to tie it to the post on the side of the ship. Katerina turned then and saw the island coming into view. The vampire could hear her gasp from where he was. A smile lit his face watching her run to the front of the ship. “Almost time..” He thought with impatience. He knew he had to wait, but he wanted to just ask her now. Instead, he forced himself to wait. 


Character Info
Name: Katerina Sofia Silverstein
Age: Appears 30
Alignment: TN
Race: 1/2 Wolf Demon and 1/2 High Elemental
Gender: Female
Silver: 1706
Katerina smiled as she glanced back at her lover. His eyes glanced down at her from the wheel of the ship. “How did he ever come back into my life…” She thought to herself while their eyes met. Memories of the past appeared in the wolf’s mind as she looked ahead of her at the open ocean.

The vampire had met her long about at the start of her life; she was only sixteen. “He saved me..” Katerina thought, remembering.

The wolf demon wasn’t adapt in fighting like she was now, or her powers. It had been almost a month after her parents had been killed. The vampire had found her surrounded by men. They wanted her because she was alone and beautiful. She had been swinging a stick at the four of them. When they pushed her down she had gotten right back up. “A fighter this one..” One of the men had said with a laugh. “I love it when they have a bit of fight it them. Turns me on even more.” The one that spoke had grabbed her from behind. His free hand grabbing at her beasts. “Get off of me!” Katerina had yelled trying to struggle. Stepping hard on his toe, he yelled stepping back.

Katerina took this chance to swing around and stab him in the gut with his own dagger. “YOU BITCH!” The man had cursed before back handing her in the face. He stumbled back and fell to the ground as well as Katerina. The remaining three had came at her then. One grabbed her hands and held them above her head. Another ripped at her ragged skirt. The other was unbuttoning his trousers. “NO!” The wolf demon screamed as she struggled her legs free. Kicking the man in the jaw, she heard a crack and the man screamed. “Let’s have none of that now.” That one standing said as his foot came down onto her ankle. Katerina felt a shooting pain go up her leg; painful enough that she let out a scream.

The vampire appeared then, he came behind the man who was still on his feet, and snapped his neck. The one that held onto her wrists released her. He stood then and took out his dagger ready to fight the newcomer.“It’s not nice to take a girl against her will.” The hooded stranger had growled. In an instant, the man was on the ground gripping his neck, hoping he could keep in the blood that was pouring out of the slash.

The hooded figure turned towards the wolf demon then took a step toward her. Katerina didn’t know what to think of the stranger, all she felt was fear and pain. She scooted back and winced when he held out his hand. “It’s alright…I won’t hurt you.” His voice calmed her as she watched him take off his hood. The man was dashing; long curly hair to his shoulders, hazel eyes and a mysterious scar below his eye. “I promise…” He whispered before he kneeled down beside her. “Let’s get you someone away from these bodies, so I can look —–”

The memory disappeared when she heard Nik yell for her. “Katerina! Pirates!” He yelled at her. “Fuck..” She cursed as she saw them a ways behind her. She detested pirates ever since her uncle. “Get the mass full! I’ll get us to the darker water!” He called as he spun the wheel. The wolf demon nodded as she went to the tied rope and undid them. The mass dropped and filled with wind.

Running towards the back of their small ship, took the steps two at a time. Reaching Nik, she took out his eyeglass and looked behind them. “Shit. Nik… They had a bigger ship…” She paused as she saw another ship coming from behind them and started to sail beside the other. “Nikolaus.. There are two..” Katerina glanced to him and his eyes narrowed. “Then we fight.” He said with a smirk. “We fight.”

It wasn’t long before the two ships sailed up on either side of them. They threw their grappling hooks and hooked their ships. Some crossed the ropes, other’s swung onto the main deck.

“Stay back.” Nik said,“I’ll handle this.”He took out his dagger and his free hand grew claws. “Excuse me. I might be pregnant, but I am not fragile.” The wolf demon growled as two swords appeared in her hands. Running up the deck, she jumped over the railing and down the main deck. She was in the middle of them all as they laughed and pulled out their swords.

“Little poppet wants a fight, Aye we'll give her one, lads!!”
The man called out from one of the ships. He stood on the railing and held out his swords. “Get her!” He called out and they all went after her.

Katerina slashed and blocked one after another. She killed ten out of the thirty on the ship. Along with Nik who ripped some throats out. That when half his men laid dead on the ship. The pirate king came down from his ship. "Stop!!" He called as he walked up before Katerina and Nikolaus.

“Ye scuttled me scallywags.”
His voice was gruff as he spoke. That was until he stood before Katerina. He eyed her up and down. “You—” He started to say but Katerina rolled her eyes. She was showing and she knew that he was going to say. “Yes, I am pregnant. Carry on.” She waved her hand in annoyance.

“No. Ye look a lot like someone..”
He slowly spoke as he eyed her face. “Are ye related t' Captain Black Wolf?” The pirate asked as he watched her curiously.

Katerina looked hard at the man. Her answer could get them killed or.. “Unfortunately. But he is long passed on from this world.” The wolf demon held her swords tight in her hands; ready.

“By what scallywag hand?” He motioned toward her and didn’t look away. His men stood around them; silent. “Mine.” She answered watching him closely.

“Ayyyeeee!” He called as everyone cheered. “Ye did wha' we could nah! He was a evil ole bastard.” He laughed at his words. “We honor ye?” He arched an eyebrow at the woman and she sighed. “Katerina Silverstein.” She gave her name and the man smiled wide. “We will leave ye now. Ye put up a great fight. She who scuttled Black Wolf ain't t' be touched.” With that, he nodded his head towards Katerina. “ Goodbye M'lady …Clean up scallywags! Don't leave th' dead on the ship! Send em to their graves!” He called to them as he yanked a rope and flew up to his ship.

The remaining pirates dumped their dead over the railing of Kat’s ship and was soon sailing away. Katerina didn’t make her weapons disappear until the last pirate was off of the ship. The wolf demon didn’t say a word but walked over to the front of the ship and watched as the pirates sailed off into the sea.


Character Info
Name: Nikolaus Christopher Wright
Age: 1700
Alignment: TN
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Silver: 991
Nikolaus smiled down at Katerina when she looked back at him. She was in the front of the ship and he was at the back on the wheel. Soon she was staring off in the distance. He could tell by her face she was thinking about something. The vampire smiled and looked off at the ocean before them.

He was in awe of what was around them. It had been almost a century since he traveled the seas. He used to travel between the islands but that stopped when he wanted was asked to find Angelique once more. She was the only vampire he ever made. And if luck would have it, cousin to Katerina. If it wasn't for finding his fledgling, he would never have found the love of his life.

"I shouldn't have let her go the first time…." He thought to himself as he steered the small ship. The memories of the past floated into his mind.

Laying down by his camp fire, his eyes looked through the trees at the sky and sun rays that poked through. He was resting for he was a long quest. He was trying to find the creature that was responsible for the deaths of many in a small down. The man figured it was a vampire doing the killings; his selection was young teenage girls.

Hearing a man scream, the vampire poked his head up. “Huh? Wonder what that was.” He stood up and put his hood over his head. He was cautious as he made his way slowly towards the area of the scream. “Maybe it's the guy? But that was a male screaming?” He thought curiously.

Hiding behind the tree, he watched as the girl fought off the men. A smirk lined his lips. “Feisty one.” He thought while his eyes watched as the girl fell to the ground. She was then grabbed by both of the men. “Maybe this is a good time to intervene?” He asked himself, but felt like she was going to get out of this on her own. That was until he saw the man slam down his foot on her ankle.
Without a second thought, the vampire rushed to the girl’s aid. He disabled the last of the men.

The vampire turned as he faced the girl on the ground. She was trying hard to get away but with a broken ankle it was fruitless. "She's scared of me.." He thought to himself. Slowly, the vampire reached up and pulled down his hood. Now that she could see his face, hopefully, she wasn't scared. He tried to soothe her with his words.—

His attention was taken by smell that hit his nose. Turning around, he saw them. Pirates. The vampire called his lover and as soon as she got to him be gave her the scope.

Nikolaus tried to out sail them but it was to no avail. The pirates had caught up. The wolf and pirated had agreed to fight. They stayed side by side as they fought, taking out one pirate after another. It wasn't until the captain shouted was when everything stopped.

The captain seemed to know the wolf, or know someone she looked like. That seemed to save them.

When they all left and the bodies were cleared from the ship, Katerina cleaned up the blood with the wave of her hand. It was as if nothing had happened besides a few chips in the wood.

"You have gotten better."
The vampire commented as he took the helm. She smiled at him and stood beside him.

They sailed in silence for a few moments. Nik's mind kept thinking about what she had said before. "She killed her uncle…why?" He thought. The vampire was still finding out what happen in the thousand years they hadn't been together.

"Kat." He asked and she turned toward him. "What happened between you and your uncle?" He bluntly asked.


Character Info
Name: Katerina Sofia Silverstein
Age: Appears 30
Alignment: TN
Race: 1/2 Wolf Demon and 1/2 High Elemental
Gender: Female
Silver: 1706
After the pirates had disposed of the bodies, she wolf couldn't stand looking at the blood. Bringing her hand up she waved. A rush of water came shooting up over the railing and rinsed off the blood. Within seconds it was as if there were no bodies them. The only evidence of a fight was a few nicks on the railings from swords.

Katerina walked over to stand beside Nikolaus at the helm. Her eyes looking out in the distance. Her mind remembering the day she killed her uncle. "I was so different then… so much hatred and anger inside." She thought to herself.

Her name being said made her eyes look at Nikolaus. "Hmm?" She said to acknowledge him. His question came and she dreaded to answer. She never liked thinking about the past let alone talking about it. But this man, she loved him. "He deserves to know.." She thought as her eyes turned to look at the ocean. She small waves making the ocean look alive.

"I was a child when he came into my life. I thought he was amazing…" As she spoke, moments of the past floated into her mind.

“You beat me every time just like your mother!”
His laugh echoed in her ears that moment on the ship.

“We loved playing chess.” Katerina said simply. His smile flashed in her mind and she forced it away.

Taking a deep breath she needed to continue. “He was charming, smart, a good listener and caring. Or that was what I thought. He framed my family for the deaths of women around the city." She paused for a moment as anger tried to fill her.  "He was a man that got what he wanted, one way or another. I didn’t find this out until later.“ The moment that the blade came down to their parents neck flashed in her mind. This made tears fill her eyes. The wolf straightened and blinked them away. She was older now, and couldn’t let this make her cry.

“You found me almost a month after they had died; I was reckless. I am still surprised till this day that I didn’t die then…. After you left. Life with the mercenaries was amazing, they had became my family. Leo and I grew close, until I lost our child. Then after they all died. I was… alone. Over the years, I became so filled with anger. Why was I alive and they weren’t? It was a question that burned in my mind every day. I couldn’t accept it. Then… I became an assassin for hire. I wouldn’t say it was the best part of my life…. Then I didn’t care for anything or anyone until Jax. But that was torn apart when our child died at birth.” Katerina stopped for a moment, her child’s face flashed before her eyes.

“Over the years, I became pregnant. Some one night stands, other’s I cared for. Every. One. I. Lost. Every one.” Her eyes filled with tears once more thinking of her children that were with the gods now. “Crystal, Jonathan, Peter, Bethany, Stephanie, and Lucy…” Katerina took in a deep breath as a tear ran down her cheek. “I haven’t said their names in a long time…” She whispered as she stepped over to the railing. She couldn’t face Nikolaus. Her hand slowly laid on her belly.

“Come to find out, on an island in the sea; I was cursed. Cursed by my cruel uncle who couldn’t get one woman.” Katerina felt the anger build up in her once more. “He somehow found me. Fate or coincidence, I’m not sure. I remember that day clearly. The day was clear. Warm. I was sailing to the Parvpora. I am not sure what happened, after I laid down, the ship crashed into something and it sank to the bottom of the sea. I was able to get out.” A smirk lined her lips for only a moment remembering she was almost swallowed by a whale. “I met Natsumi for the second time then. She was still a bit unpleasant.” She said with a laugh. “You probably tasted the horse shit I stepped in before I got on the ship.” The joke she said had echoed in her mind, making her mentally laugh.

The next memories weren’t as pleasant. “His son tried to kill me, but I killed him.” Katerina remembered the dagger that she took with her, it was still locked up in the castle’s weapon room; untouched. “They weren’t really after me, not at first, they were there for Natsumi’s daughter Saya…. Hmm.. I miss that little spitfire.”

“When the pirates came onto the land, that was when my uncle and I came face to face. He told me he had cursed me because of my mother. He loved her and no other woman. Probably because she would never give into him.”Katerina smiled proudly, then it soon faded at her uncle's next words. “He convinced my parents to give up my brother… a sacrifice for the gods..” She whispered the end then she turned around to face Nikolaus. “I killed him. I killed him for the ten lives that he took. For the curse he laid upon me…”

A smile crossed her lips, the greatest thing to come out of the killing. “ After that, I freed all the slaves he kept, for his stupid experimenting; trying to conceive the strongest child… In the end, I found Kyomi. My beautiful Kiyomi who I turned me around.” A smile lined Katerina’s lips as she thought of her eldest.

“There you have it.” She said as she took a step forward toward Nikolaus. The wolf demon took a deep breath. She hadn’t told anyone her story before. She did tell Kiyomi how she came into the family, but Katerina may have left out some key points. Now, before the man she loved, Nikolaus Metcalf, The wolf demon felt bare. She hoped that he didn’t have a change of heart or even looked at her differently. He was the love of her life, from the beginning.

The moment of the kiss he denied passed through her mind.

“Why are you leaving me?!” She cried as she rushed to follow him. He was just about to enter the forest Leato as he tried to sneak away. Her eyes searched his when he turned to face her. “You will be safe with them.” He said with a sigh as he grabbed her shoulders. “I’m safe with you!” Her childish selfish heart cried out. “No. I am a vampire. I have enemies all around. I can’t enter certain cities. You. You can go wherever your heart wishes.” Nikolaus’ voice was calm as he tried to soothe the crying girl before him. “I want to go with you, Nikolaus.” Katerina took a breath and spoke to him calmly. Her eyes searching his. Maybe he felt something! He had to. “ Katerina..” He whispered as he bowed his head in defeat for a moment.

“You’re abandoning me.” The girl in his hands sniffled. “I need you.” Her voice was about a whisper which made his eyes look in hers again. “Why have you come?” The vampire asked as he dropped his hands from her arms. “Do you…not know?” She asked as she took a step towards him. His eyes looked at her, almost sorrowful. “It is a shadow and a thought that you love…. I cannot give you what you seek.” He denied her.

Katerina, being stubborn, didn’t believe his words. He felt something for her. Stepping forward, she caught him off guard once her lips touched his. The vampire was stunned for a moment and stepped back, pulling away from her, his eyes looked at her. Katerina swallowed, and was about to turn away but instead she was up against the tree and his lips were on hers. The next instant he was gone.

Would he deny her once more? The man she always loved, the man who was there when she needed him most. He had healed her old wounds, but when he left it was as if her wounds were ripped open again.

Today though, her heart was healed, and not even the vampire could rip open her heart again. Or could he?

“I don’t want you to be sorry for me. I don’t want you to look differently at me. I am a strong woman who only kills when there is a good reason to. I care about life, life should be cherished and secure, but some people are not worth saving.”


Character Info
Name: Nikolaus Christopher Wright
Age: 1700
Alignment: TN
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Silver: 991
Nikolaus listened quietly, his hand still on the helm. He didn’t think as she spoke. Only tired to picture her doing these things she spoke of. Tried to feel what she was feeling in those moments. His Las flashed before his eyes; he understood. More than she could ever know.

After becoming a vampire, Nikolaus had killed the soldiers that killed his family. One by one until his father was the last. He remembered his father alone in his chambers with only his night clothes on. Sweat on his brow and a sword in his hand. "Get out of my house!" He had called into the darkness. He tried to sound strong and demanding, but that didn't mask the shaking hand that held his sword. Finally, stepping out of the darkness and into the moonlight shining through the windows. His blood stained face smirked at his father. "The devil. You are the devil!!! What have I done…" His words were lined with fear. When he saw the sword start to fall in his father's defeat, Nikolaus jumped toward him, ripping out his throat and devouring his father's blood.

Pushing the thoughts away, he focused on Katerina as she stepped toward him. The vampire was about to say something when his eyes caught sight of the island. "Where are we?" Katerina asked as she, too, saw the island. "Horae Island." He replied.

Seeing the island, they both paused the conversation. He knew now what he would say in only a few hours. He wanted to ask her in that moment. But he wanted to cherish every moment.

Docking the ship, they used one of the small rowboats on the side of the ship to defend into the water and towards the beach. They were quiet as he helped her out of the boat and lead her towards their location. Nikolaus would glance over at Katerina only to see her in deep thought.

Bringing out a parcel, Katerina looked at him curiously. "It gets really hot here.." He commented as he held the item above their heads.

After some time, they finally found their way to the large bridge that connected to Venti. The vampire was relieved with the drop in warmth and brightness. He wasn't one for bright sunshine that would burn your face off. Stepping over the bride they continued on their way. Katerina had stopped asking where they were going and let Nikolaus lead the way.


Character Info
Name: Katerina Sofia Silverstein
Age: Appears 30
Alignment: TN
Race: 1/2 Wolf Demon and 1/2 High Elemental
Gender: Female
Silver: 1706
Stepping off the bridge, Katerina gasped. The white area that laid before her reminded her of Itjivut. After living living with the mercenaries till the last one died, Katerina made her way to somewhere she would never be found. Few ever ventured to the land and she liked that. The wolf demon had stayed away from the town and stayed in the abandoned cabin far off into the wilderness. No one bothered her and she was content with life alone with her wolves. That was until a few hundred years later and the assassins knocked on her door.

The wolf demon lips turned up into a smile. She stared at the vast open snow that went on for miles. It was such a beautiful sight. To the end of the bridge were two horses. They neighed softly at appearance and shook their heads.

Holding out his hand, he helped Kat up onto her horse then got onto his own. They soon road off to the north.

The ride was long, and quiet. Katerina was lost in her own mind. Where was he taking her? What did he have planned? What was he thinking when she told him of her past? The moment of their first kiss flashed through her mind. She remembers how even after he was gone, his kiss lingered on her lips. A smile sneaked its way on her lips. She never in her thousand years would think that he would ever love her. He has pushed her away so hard in the beginning. Now he rode beside her accepting her, or was he?

Katerina didn't notice when they entered the forests. It was the howls that broke her from her mind. Her eyes danced around the forest around them. She could see them running along with them. They were getting ready to attack. Soon three wolves darted out in front of them. Their growls made the horses halt and start to jump up in fear.

She heard Nikolaus curse, the day wasn't going as the vampire had planned, she guessed. More wolves surrounded them from all sides. "A pack." Katerina thought then jumped from her horse. She stepped forward to face the alpha. He growled and bared his teeth.

"Well, now. Aren't you the feisty one." Katerina smiled as she walked toward. Her eyes loving with the wolf. "Let us pass." She said calmly and walked just a few feet before the wolf. When he finally caught her sent, the wolf whimpered and stepped back. This was a sign that he was submitting to her; the others did as well.

Katerina held out her hand to him. It took the alpha a few moments before he finally nudged at her hand. The wolf demon smiled as she petted his head then scratched behind his ear. Locking eyes once more, she nodded to him. The wolf howled then and the pack ran off into the forest.

The wolf demon stood and went back to her, now, calm horse. Getting back on the saddle she looked at Nikolaus, "We can travel without incident now." His face smiled as he nodded at her. With at, they rode off following the barely visible path.


Character Info
Name: Nikolaus Christopher Wright
Age: 1700
Alignment: TN
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Silver: 991

Nikolaus was amazed by his lover. He knew how she was with her own wolves, but wolves she didn't know obeyed her. A smile curved his lips when he rode close to her. Their legs touching ever so slightly. "Are we bringing more animals home?"He joked as he glanced over to her.

The question made Katerina smirk. "Maybe. Maybe one or two." She looked at him from the corner of her eye. Nikolaus had a feeling that the comment was true. Who wouldn't want to follow her? He had resisted the feelings for her for so long, then ended up giving in. The memory of the first kiss entered his mind. He was so broken then. Not much time had passed since he killed his father and lose his wife and child. He wouldn't allow his heart to hurt again, he couldn't let himself feel.

Now, he loved her more than anything, including her children. Her youngest ones were even starting to call him Daddy. His heart warmed with love at the thought. "I'm a dad again…" He had thought when Guinevere had called him by that. They loved him enough to see him as their father. He had once asked Katerina if it was her doing, but she denied it. The girls had done it on their own.

Being lost in thought he almost didn't notice the cliff they ended upon. Slowing his horse, he jumped off then helped Katerina off hers. "This is the spot." He thought while he took her hand and led her to the cliff.

"Penguins!" The Mother Wolf gasped out as she saw them in the distance. They were waddling around and sliding across the snow. Seals were asleep next to the shore.

Nik smiled seeing her face then his arms circled around her back. Pulling her back against his chest he laid his chin on top of her head. They stayed there for some time watching the sea animals. Their thoughts were just of each other.

Seeing the sun start to set behind the mountains, he finally stepped away. "What if she says no? How do I ask her? Didn't I have this ready before? Please like this ring. Damnit Nik, what the hell are you doing?" His head was racing until she turned around, curious. "Nikolaus?" Her voice pulled his eyes to meet her blue ones. The moment he focused on her was when his mind finally stopped racing and he knew what to say.

"Katerina. Do you remember our first kiss? We were both young then. I was young and in pain. You wanted to help me then. But I was stubborn. It wasn't until I left you, I realized how much I really cared. Still I continued to fight it. I left you. Because I lost my family just a few years before. I couldn't go on, but meeting you, it brought light back in my world. Then I left and it was as if all the candles had blown out and I was left in darkness. Only the thought of you brought the kindling to life. I never once thought I would see you again. Now, I stand here before you in awe of who you have become. A loving mother, a fighter, someone who will help anyone in need. You are prideful and stubborn yet you are humble and caring.. Your children adore you and are amazing kids because of you. Seeing this brought the light back into my life and into my heart. Katerina Sofia Silverstein, we are not our past, if we were I would be a Killer of Fathers. For I killed my father because he killed my family. We are who we are in this moment. And you, Mother Wolf, are the love of my life.”
He paused for a second as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. While he knelt down on one knee, the vampire opened the box to reveal a ring. He finally asked his question.”You are the light of my life and I never want to be without you. Will you stand by my side forever? Will you be my wife?" The ring sparkled in the setting sun. it was an oval shape diamond with a soft shade of purple. The band, silver, that has small diamonds around the top.


Character Info
Name: Katerina Sofia Silverstein
Age: Appears 30
Alignment: TN
Race: 1/2 Wolf Demon and 1/2 High Elemental
Gender: Female
Silver: 1706
Katerina watched as the penguins slid over the snow. The feel of Nikolaus arms around her made a smile appear on her lips. She was happy that he wasn’t turning away. The memory of him leaving her kept appearing in her mind. She loved him even then. With his arms around her, he kept her grounded in reality. As her mind thought about him and the many memories they had, she found herself staring off into the sky.

Jaxs ended up appearing in her mind. She had loved him, in the only way she could do at that time. She really didn’t have much love to give. She wasn’t as open hearted as she was now or in the past before her life started to crumble. So much had been taken from her, her parents, Nikolaus, her unborn babies, and people she had cared for along the way. Jaxs came back and she had just started to feel love in her heart again because of Kiyomi. If it wasn’t for her eldest daughter, or any of her daughters, she wouldn’t be who she was that day. So in a way, she did love the elf, but she knew in her heart, it wasn’t like the love she had for Nikolaus. “I feel so guilty about that…” She thought to herself. She had agreed to marry the elf, but in the end, would she had gone through with it? “It's been so long since I thought about him…” Her thoughts ended up moving back to the man who held her in his arms.

The Wolf Demon mentally sighed; she felt safe and secure within his arms. She couldn’t have said that about anyone but her parents. Katerina had always been the one protecting herself and her daughters. Now, with Nikolaus by her side, she felt like she wasn’t the only one.

Her mind stopped as she felt his arms slip away, she thought he was going to get something, so she didn’t bother turning around. Instead, she heard pacing footsteps. This made her turn around to face him. “What is he doing?” She thought to herself before she said his name. When her eyes locked with his, he started to speak. Her words shocked her for a moment. She didn’t know about his past. “Father Killer?” She repeated in her mind. “Just like I did for my family. Avenging didn’t bring peace to my heart either.” Katerina’s voice in her head finally quieted when he started to speak about her.

It wasn’t until he got down on his knee and she saw the little box, that her eyes widened slightly. “He… he is asking!!!” She couldn’t get her mind to stop screaming at her. He had asked her to marry him. Taking a deep breath to settle herself, she smiled at the vampire before her. “Yes. Yes, I will marry you, Nikolaus!” Before he could stand, she tackled him into the snow. They laughed as they rolled around kissing. Soon they were sitting up in the snow, his hand holding her left one and placing a ring on her finger. “This was my mothers.” He said softly as stared down at her hand before his eyes made it to her. “Finally, where it belongs.” his voice brought a smile to her lips and her eyes met his.

"I love you." She whispered as she laid her hand on top of his. The vampire brought his free hand up to cup her face. She warmth radiating up his wrist. "I love you.." After he replied, Katerina leaned forward and kiss his lips.

After a few moments of their lips tangled with each other, they finally broke away. Katerina's eyes looked around at the darkness that surrounded them.

"It's already getting dark?" The wolf demon stood up, followed by her vampire lover. "We need to find a place to stay for the night. It will be too cold for us. Even for you as a vampire.”


Character Info
Name: Nikolaus Christopher Wright
Age: 1700
Alignment: TN
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Silver: 991
Slowly, the two lovers made their way through the forest. They both knew there were cabins on the island there were on. Now, they just had to find a trail to one. “I remember something like a trail a bit before we got to the ocean.” Katerina said to Nikolaus. “Me too. Hopefully, that leads us to a cabin for the night.” He replied to her. The wolf smiled over her shoulder at him. “Didn’t you think this whole day through?” She asked as a joke.

This made Nikolaus make a face at her. “I didn’t think much after the spot and yes…or no.” He soon said to her with a nervous laugh. “You really thought I was going to say no? After everything.” She stopped her horse beside him and locked her eyes with him. “After all these years, it's always been you, Nikolaus. You were the first man I truly loved. Yeah, I have loved some after you, but never like this deep love I have for you. I would have never in a million years have said no to you.” Katerina expressed passionately then grabbed hold of his shirt.

With a yank, the vampire was pulled to meet her lips. He smiled as he pulled away, their eyes locking once more. They didn’t say anything for a few moments before he noticed a path over her shoulder. “There.” He pointed which made the wolf look.

Finally, they had found a path other than the one they were on. “Let's hope it has a cabin at the end.” With his final words, the two of them headed down the path.

It was almost night when they reached the cabin at the end of the trail. There was also a small barn nearby. First were the horses, they pushed open the barn door and lead them inside. It was as if no animals had lived there for awhile, but hay still lined to ground. Putting the pair in the same stall, they moved to the house.

If the two were human it would’ve been nearly impossible. Nikolaus, being a vampire, opened up the door with ease. It was dusty inside and dark. Walking inside, he heard Katerina cough. Looking back over his shoulder he saw her waving her hand over her mouth and trying to breath. After the dust settled, he finally heard her breaths of air.

"Wait. There is so much dust in here. Come out." Katerina waited till Nik was out the door before she stepped in. He was curious about what she was doing and tried to peek. Before he could a gust of dark wind came out.

"Come in."
Katerina's voice hit his ears and made him move. The vampire entered and stared wide eyed at the now clean room. "I did the bedroom as well. But the bed is still a bit damp, so I started a fire to help dry it …still getting used to using water elements. Its….very different." She said while she walked over to the fire place. Nikolaus watched the Elemental throw some wood inside and shoot a fireball towards to logs. No matter how long he has known the wolf demon, he could never get used to her fire magic.

Turning around, the vampire fixed the door as best he could then turned around towards his fiance. She stood there watching the flames. For a moment he didn't move, just continued to watch her. "How did this ever happen?" He thought to himself. "Never in a million years I would think I would be getting married to Kat. Damn…. I am lucky." He thought before he finally moved towards her. He slipped his arms around her and held her tight. For a moment, he didn't say a word and watched the fire with her.

After a few minutes of silence, the vampire grew curious. "What are you thinking?" He asked as he held her. She didn't turn to look at him when she said her reply. "About the last time I saw you when I was younger. You fought your feelings for me then. And now… were here, together, and going to get married. It's…. Surreal."

“It was the wrong time for me…” He paused as he pulled away and took a seat on the wood chair beside's the table. “What do you mean?” Katerina turned to look at him. Her eyes watching him.

“It was the year anniversary of my family's death.” His words made Katerina move to sit on the chair beside him.  “You never told me.” The wolf demon grabbed hold of his hand. Nikolaus sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Remember when I told you I had ran away from home? Well.. I got my mother out of an abusive relationship with a tyrant. We took up in a small town. My mother had pushed me to marry and have a family. So I did. I married a nice young girl. I think I did love her, as much as any man could who was scared for his life every day. I thought my father would find us and kill us. When I finally got comfortable … that is when he came. My father came with his personal guards and killed everyone I loved. He even killed me. If it wasn’t for Jasper…. I wouldn’t be alive today…. Even if he was the biggest asshole known to man.” The last sentence made the vampire chuckle a bit.

Taking a deep breath, he straightened. “After I was turned, I felt nothing but anger and wanted revenge. I took it. Taking one guard after another. My father was the last.” He took his eyes from Katerina when he mentioned his father. He stared into the burning flames as he remembered the fear on his father’s face. “I understand more than you know.” He paused as he turned back to her. “The past is hard to face at times, but in the end, it is what makes us who we are. We both have killed, sometimes to protect, sometimes for our own gain. Maybe there wasn’t a reason at all. Who wouldn’t have a past like ours who have lived as long as us? It is when we are ashamed of the past is when we are held back from our future.” Moving a loose strand of hair behind her ear, he looked at her for a moment. “We are the products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.” He could tell she was ashamed; He was too. He had killed his father; She had killed her uncle.

“I think it is time for us both to let go, so we can have a perfect future together.” His voice was soft as he cupped her face to make her eyes turn back to him. She had looked away as he was speaking. “Let go.” He whispered as he put his lips close to hers. He felt her warm breath on his lips before he finally kissed her. He could taste the salt from her tears while they kissed. Pulling away, the vampire hugged her close and ran his fingers through her hair. That was until they began to kiss once more and remove each other's clothes.

The next two nights were of them tangled naked in each others arms. Katerina wanted to keep going, but they needed to head home. If only they knew what was in store for them the moment they returned….

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