Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Horae Island > (OPEN) We all Fall down

Character Info
Name: Sammael
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CN
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Angel of Death
Silver: 757
~”Ellie run!” Sam had roared; grabbing hold of his partner by the shoulders and throwing her as far from him as he could - had she been human the Archangel might have worried for her but the Werewolf was pretty quick in her reactions and he trusted that she would land on her feet… whether she did what she was told was another matter entirely but that was why he had thrown her outside of his immediate vicinity. ”Adriel stop this!” He roared; glowing blue eyes fixed upon his brother as his usually dank, dirty blonde hair now glowed beautifully golden as he naturally tapped into the powers that had long since laid dormant within himself.
”No! Not until you admit you were wrong!” The younger brother roared in return, flames engulfing his body and wings in a tornado as he glared at his brother - a man he had once idolised… until he had realised how pathetic his brother truly was. ”I’ll take everything from you and then you’ll HAVE to come home!” Adriel laughed, clapping his wings together and sending the flames out towards his brother who immediately countered them with a flick of his hands as he cast a protection spell.

When the flames receded Sam looked up to find his brother had gone from the skies and taken his fire with him. Behind him Ellie groaned - while he had stopped the flames from reaching her the blast from Adriel’s spell had knocked her off her feet and caused her to hit her head rendering her momentarily stunned and out of it. Sam was about to go and check on his partner when something on the floor; directly beneath the spot where Adriel had been only moments before.
Scowling slightly Sam took a step towards the figure crumpled on the alley floor; his eyes widening as he realised who it was. Ordinarily tired and bored eyes flared with a bright, ethereal blue light as his hair began to shine once more - the shadow of a halo (long since discarded) forming just behind his head. There was a sudden rush of air and for the first time in centuries a pair of massive, white feathered wings - gold across the tops, formed upon Sam’s back, flickering with flames as he threw himself forward, gathering the limp form of the woman on the floor into his arms as he threw back his head and screamed angrily.

If Adriel’s flames had been intimidating then there were no words to describe the cyclone now engulfing Sam, growing ever larger by the second as he cradled the broken form of Morta to his chest and wept. His feathers became little more than a mass of flames - losing the gold and pure white as they became charred and black with his rage. One hand took hold of the hilt of the sword that had run his beloved right through the stomach and he pulled the blade out of her body, his rage building as he recognised the blade as his own missing sword. The intense heat from his flames began to build, melting the concrete beneath him and setting fire to the woman in his arms.
Before Sam could come to his senses he felt something pull at him and he felt the world slipping away from him. ”NO! Get off of me! I don’t belong to you anymore!” Sam roared as he felt the pull of his Father’s will moments before he was cast away - the last image of Earth he had was of Ellie looking confused and distraught as Sam (still engulfed in flames) vanished from sight, Morta’s charred body slumped on the floor once more.~

And so it was the Sam found himself falling from the sky over Horae Island; his charred wings wrapped around his body as his flames - now utterly out of control - engulfed him. Like all good Fallen Angels Sam was truly falling - not that this was the first time though at least last time he had chosen to Fall. In that moment Sam did nothing to try and slow his descent - knowing that Morta was dead had left him essentially dead inside. For so long he had held his emotions in check; he had pushed everyone away in an attempt to keep them safe and make sure that he never lost control again… and yet the moment he and Morta had dared to believe that they could pick up their relationship, and salvage something of themselves from the wreckage left after the death of their daughter, something had come along to destroy that hope. Adriel had stolen everything from him in that moment and now his Father had banished him from everything he knew… and Sam did not care.

The ground zoomed up to meet the falling Archangel, the Frozen Sea cracking open and engulfing the flames, extinguishing them as the icy tendrils struck out to steal Sam’s breath from his lungs. He gasped as the cold hit his numb body, inhaling a mouthful of freezing salt water which woke him from his misery and forced him to the surface. His flames had melted a substantial hole in the ice not to mention his impact had shattered it. Resurfacing he dragged his soaking body out of the water, out onto the ice - his now black feathered wings limp on the surface of the ice as he remained curled up, head on the ice as he sobbed loudly, screaming in anguish at the loss of everything he had ever known.

Dragging himself upright he did not care that he was soaked nor did he care that it was cold - it wasn’t like it really affected him, Archangel’s weren’t designed to really feel anything after all. ”I could do with a smoke…” He muttered, tears still streaming from his dull blue eyes once more.

Character Info
Name: Paradox
Age: 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Centaur
Gender: Female
Silver: 8874
Paradox had read about Horae Island in books. It was a fascinating subject, piquing her interest especially was the four season tree that resided there. Supposedly all four seasons were based on it and different portions of the island remained separate seasons without changing. It was an exciting thing to see, so when she got lucky and was able to find an airship to take her there, she waited no time getting aboard. Flying was not her favorite method of travel, but it was definitely the fastest available to get from one place or another. Even if she had to close her eyes and maintain a death grip on the rail the entire time, it still wasn't nearly as long if she'd had traveled there on a mere boat. The trip only took a few short hours instead of the day or more it would have taken going by water. She'd be able to manage it.

Upon arriving at the island she decided her order on how she wanted to visit each section of the island. She figured she may as well visit winter first so that she wouldn't need to carry her heavy blanket and jacket with her throughout the whole island. She could hang it up on a tree or something and come back for it later when she was about to leave. After winter, she figured she wander over to fall and then make her way around to summer and spring. She wanted to take her time on this trip, she'd didn't know when she'd be able to visit the island again. 

For the most part, she did enjoy her time there. The glaciers were very interesting, unlike anything she'd ever seen, great walls of ice, bigger than most cities just rose out of the snow. She walked next to it, running her gloved hand along the dark blue surface. It was slick and slimy almost, like wet glass. She went a short distance with it, admiring how the color changed from white to a light blue to dark turquoise. There were cuts in the ice from where it had melted and reformed, navigating these were treacherous and difficult, even with boots with ice studs. Hooves were just simply not made for climbing things, never mind slick things made from ice. She decided her best bet to get over to the land would be to cross the frozen lake, at least as carefully as she could.

Slowly and precisely, she picked her way around the edges of the lake, where the ice would be strongest to support her weight. She didn't much feel like taking a dip in the ice water if she could avoid it and because of her size, she had to be especially careful. She weighed much more than the average person, so the ice would break faster without giving her much of a warning. Her hooves were small in comparison to her body and sharp, with the weight focused on a very small area. It would puncture through the ice like a spear and then the bulk of her body would fall through. She'd either float or sink like a rock. Her bet was probably on the latter and she'd be skeptical if her human half could even pull her back up onto the ice. She was strong, yes, but most of her power came from her lower half. The lower half that would likely sink like a stone to the bottom.

She shuddered, she didn't like thinking about it. Of all the ways to go, she felt drowning would be one of the worst. Dying in a fire, one would pass out from smoke before they felt too much. Starving and dehydration would not be preferable either, both of which were rather slow ways to die. Being stabbed or stoned to death would hurt, but still they would be faster than starving. She hoped she wouldn't have to die by any of those means, instead pass quietly in her sleep or of old age when the time was right. One of her hooves slipped on the ice and she had to right herself quickly to correct herself before she fell. The sudden movement brought her back to the present. 

She had almost reached the edge when it started to snow, she paused a moment looking up at it, smiling. She enjoyed the snow, her kind were well suited to it. Though she still needed a jacket and gloves, her horse half was still quite warm under the fur. She watched the snowflakes fall down from the gray sky for a short while when something unusual caught her eye. It was something bright, like fire falling from the sky. As it got closer, she recognized a shape inside. There was a person of some sort. Her eyes widened and she felt herself rush forward, ignoring the slippery ice. She wouldn't be able to catch them, but she could be there if and when they bobbed to the surface.

As expected the person hit the ice hard, a combination of the flames and the force behind them causing it to shatter like glass. She slowed her approach, watching the now broken ice in case anything decided to break now that it was weakened. She was grateful the young man quickly bobbed to the surface and pulled himself up. No, not a man, an angel of some sort, though his wings were blackened and limp. Her ears pinned back and she hesitated moving forward as he screamed and cried out. She couldn't tell if it was from an injury or from something else. Slowly, she reached into her pack and pulled out her heavy blanket. It smelled like a horse and wasn't the cleanest but it was warm. She draped it around his shoulders and folded her legs so that she could curl up around him and keep him warm. "Are you alright? What happened?" she asked him quietly.


I use Action & Intention Roleplay Formatting

| Caligo |
| Aspect |
| Paradox |


Character Info
Name: Sammael
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CN
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Angel of Death
Silver: 757
Every breath felt like a thousand bees were stinging his throat, chest and lungs but he forced himself to breathe deeply for it was about the only thing that was grounding him in that moment. It had only been a matter of time before his Father had had enough of him; before he had banished him or destroyed him as he did all those that didn't fit into his perfect little mold… and Sam had been a piece that had not fit for some time now. You threw out things that you no longer needed - that was exactly what his Father had done to him this time. 
One hand patted at the pockets of his coat; ignoring the icy water dripping from his entire body as he searched desperately for a packet of cigarettes - it was very unlike him to be without a packet or two but given everything that had happened to him in the last few weeks he wasn't surprised that he had forgotten to pick up some new packs. Bloody Aztecs; they were the reason he had become addicted to the sodding things in the first place. They had often left them as gifts during their sacrifices to him; leaving them with the bodies of the dead so that he ended up picking them up when he collected the Souls… and subsequently creating his addiction. 

Suddenly something warm and dry was draped over his shoulders and Sam started slightly, turning his head to look up at the one who had been so kind to him. A Centaur? He had met plenty on Earth but he was acutely aware of the fact that Earth was not where he was now… so where was he? As she curled up around him he suddenly felt self-conscious, Sam hadn't felt self-conscious in centuries so why he did now was beyond him… other than the fact that this woman was showing him a kindness that few who knew him would have shown. "I'll be alright, I'm made of pretty stubborn stuff." He answered in a quiet, monotone voice. "A disagreement with my Father of sorts; he banished me from my world to this. Can I ask where I am?" 
"Also… thank you. You didn't have to help me; many wouldn't have, I appreciate the blanket and the warmth. My name's Sammael, but everyone tends to call me Sam. I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you but from past experiences and conversations people tend not to find me a pleasure to meet."

Character Info
Name: Paradox
Age: 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Centaur
Gender: Female
Silver: 8874
Paradox watched the young angel pat himself down and dig through his clothes and pockets as if he were looking for something. She couldn't tell if he was actually looking for something or if he had suffered some sort of injury from the fall that would make his movements erratic. Her ears perked forward attentively as he began to speak, in a low quiet voice, almost devoid of emotion. He spoke of his father and his banishment from another world. From how he talked, it was a difficult subject he didn't appear to like talking about and she wouldn't push him to talk further about it, though it seemed his father was a very powerful man.

"You're in the world of Revaliir, Sammael," she said quietly. "On the continent Canelux." She was silent a moment as she turned and dug quickly through one of her saddlebags. Finding what she was looking for, she held out to him some bread and an apple, as well as her canteen of water. It was his choice to take them if he wanted, she wouldn't force him to do anything. However, she was already looking along the bank of the lake for a safe place where she could start a fire and start warming him up. It wouldn't be long before the angel would become hypothermic if they were like most creatures and sensitive to temperature. She didn't know all that much about angels, come to think about it. She'd met a few in her travels and read about them, but that was about the extent of her knowledge.

She glanced back down at him. "Well," she said slowly. "I'm under the impression you have been through quite a bit. Whether or not you're a pleasure to be around doesn't worry me. What does worry me are your burns and getting you someplace warmer than this so that you don't freeze. Today is not a terribly great one to go for a swim." She was also worried about the ice, already damaged, cracking under her weight. She knew she wasn't the lightest thing in the world. Whenever he was ready, she would be there next to him the whole way until they got to shore. Then she would start to work on building a fire and putting together a warm meal for herself and her new companion. 

I use Action & Intention Roleplay Formatting

| Caligo |
| Aspect |
| Paradox |


Character Info
Name: Sammael
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CN
Race: Archangel
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Angel of Death
Silver: 757
Revaliir. Canelux. Well none of that meant anything to him, they were merely words - all they did tell him was that he had been truly banished from Earth, it had been a long time coming if truth be told, in fact he had been expecting it for some centuries now… Though he knew, deep down, that his Father had been hoping that His son might return home to His side eventually, sadly God had underestimated His son's true loathing of Him. 

As Paradox offered him the food and water he gave her a small, mostly emotionless, smile. "Thanks, appreciate the offer, thankfully my kind don't need to eat. Tend to do it out of habit and to fit in, rather than necessity. If you had any whiskey in those saddlebags however I would happily relieve you of it's burden," he snorted, as close to humour as he could muster given the situation he had found himself in. 

This time as he smiled there was some genuine emotion there, a mixture of sadness and gratefulness. "Angels of Earth are hardy creatures, my burns will heal before long, they were created by my own flames so they don't really hurt, they're more numb and superficial thankfully," "It's my heart that needs mending," he thought silently, not quite daring to say the words aloud lest they cause another surge of emotion within him. Emotions were a dangerous thing where Sammael was concerned, and he had no intention of letting Paradox get caught in the crossfire - he appreciated her kindness towards him.
Standing up he offered a hand to the centaur, a tiny, weary smile on his ashen face. "Though I will welcome a fire and some company for a time if you're willing to give me that? I'm new to this world and I fear I have a great many questions to ask of you to make my transition to my new home somewhat easier. If you're willing to indulge me?" 

Character Info
Name: Paradox
Age: 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Centaur
Gender: Female
Silver: 8874
Paradox held the food and water out to him and slowly put it back into her saddlebags when he politely refused. His lack of emotion was unsettling. It was evident that whatever had transpired earlier, before she arrived, deeply impacted him. She sensed in him something broken, she couldn't find any other reason for his lack of interest or animation. She felt slightly better as he tried to make a joke about whiskey in her saddlebags. She gave him a small smile in response. "I don't carry any whiskey, I'm afraid. If I did, I would readily give it to you. You seem like you could get better use out of it than I could."

She was intrigued to learn more about how he created fire and how his burned flesh would so readily heal on its own. These were things she didn't know and certainly none the other angels she knew would never set themselves on fire intentionally. When he was more calmed down and they were both warmer and more comfortable, she would ask him about it. There were a time and place for such things, now was neither the time nor the place. For now, she still wanted to get off the ice as quickly as possible. Slowly, the angel stood up and offered a hand out to her. Politely, she shook it and even though her gloves she could feel the cold. "I'm willing to keep you company as long as you need it," she said calmly. "You've had a rather rough day and I'm sure you have plenty of questions that I will answer as best I can."

Carefully, she stood upright on the ice, a fall on the weak crust could be fatal. She placed each step before taking it and walked next to the young angel as they made their way to the edge of the water. She felt much better about their predicament when she was on solid ground again. It was a relief to not have to worry about the ground giving way beneath one's self. Using a foreleg, she brushed some snow off of a fallen log for Sam to sit if he desired while she pawed a clear spot in the snow with her hoof. The dirt was frozen underneath the snow and she stopped when she had skimmed all the snow off the top. 

Turning around, she started to gather some twigs and other sticks to start the fire with. "My name is Paradox by the way," she told him, realizing she'd forgotten to introduce herself earlier. "Do you have any questions you would like me to answer while I'm getting the fire ready? It'll be a little while yet." She walked around the small group of trees, breaking off dead limbs and bringing them over to the clear spot in the snow. She would get some more later, but for now, she wanted to get the fire started. She scraped her flint and iron together, sending out sparks the slowly caught on the small pieces of wood. It was only a short time after that she had built up a decent flame. She made her way over to him and carefully folded her legs to lay down behind him. "How are you feeling," she asked quietly as she stared into the flame. 

I use Action & Intention Roleplay Formatting

| Caligo |
| Aspect |
| Paradox |

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