Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Horae Island > Flightless and Undecided [o, event]

Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
Hours of walking through sweet smelling meadows had led her here. Raziel remembered waking ip to an attendant of an airship explaining that they had reached their destination. The half angel did not recall booking passage to Horae Island, but it was another place to continue her search for the elusive and troublesome Gabe and Rammie. Earlier, the wind through trees and smell of rain saturated her senses. That was now replaced by the sound of gushing water below her as she stood on a bridge.

What caused her pause was the radiating heat coming in as rolling waves on the beach. Did she want to brave the sweltering land that sprawled ahead? How many hours, days, or weeks would she be subject to being lost there, dehydrated and sun-baked before finding her exit from the torment? If Raziel were to turn back, however, she would be retracing her steps. So she continued to stand on the bridge, gripping her staff close, as she pondered her available and limited choices.


Character Info
Name: Veda Ingrid
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Thief/Scavenger
Silver: 1680
"Get back here stupid twig!" The demon shouted as she chased the flying broom, "You brought me here and you're gonna take me back!"

The broom zipped around the trees trying to escape the angry demon. Veda was inches away from grabbing the blasted cleaning tool until she slammed into a tree. The broom flew upwards out of her reach and through the trees while she fell to the ground. Rubbing her forehead, the demon stood up and looked at her surroundings. This was not the meadow that she had crash landed at earlier. She continued to walk until she came across another section of the island. This section was warmer than the last place she had been. A yellow beach laid out in front of her.

An angel with lavender hair that went down to her hips and beautiful wings…..wings. Veda's eyes widened as she realized that this angel might be able to get her off the island. On top of that, there was an airship! Even if the angel declined her, which was likely since she was an angel, there was always the ship! The demon began to walk towards the airship. As Veda got closer, she noticed that something was falling above Raziel. It was a large chunk of gold falling from high up and was heading straight for the girl's head. If it hit her, the speed and height of the gold could cause the angel's scull to be cracked. A sudden speed empowered her as she bolted towards the bridge. Golden magic swirled around her left arm and transformed it into a bear arm.

"Bear Punch!" She shouted as she leapt into the air above Raziel.

Veda slammed her fist into the falling gold and managed to push it out of the way. The only thing she didn't think about was gravity. She fell on the angel. Her bear arm returned to normal. A sailor nearby ran to the bridge with a dagger pointed at the demon. To anybody nearby who hadn't noticed the gold, it would appear as though a demon had failed to punch the angel.


Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
The whistle of something falling through the air was growing ever louder, coming from above. However, the angel did nothing about dodging it, for she was quite unaware of the approaching danger. It was the shout that caused Raziel to turn, curious and concerned. Who would scream out the words "bear punch" and why? Whoever it was sent currents of air whooshing into her, and soon enough something collided into the angel.

Raziel yelped as the two crashed on the bridge, and rolled into the river. She was in a panic as the water engulfed her. Without her sight, the half-breed never learned to swim. When her head finally broke the surface, flailing as she was, Raziel gasped for breath. 'Help!" Her head dipped back under the water, and Raziel tried to keep herself calm enough so she may keep track of which way was up. A strong arm wrapped itself around her, guided her to the surface, and what she hoped was to the edge of the river.

After a fit of coughing, Raziel thanked her savior. "Are you alright miss? Did that demon hurt you?" "Demon?" "Don't worry, miss, we'll protect you from her." Raziel stood, and attempted to straighten her dress. There were always two sides to the story. "Hold a moment." Was she really about to try and defend a stranger for what may or may not have been an honest mistake? So much has happened to her recently, that Raziel was actually beginning to be weary about violence and most everyone in general. She turned toward the demon, at least in her best guess was the demon. "Are you alright?"


Character Info
Name: Veda Ingrid
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Thief/Scavenger
Silver: 1680
When the angel fell into the river, Veda knew that she forked up. The demon was dragged to her feet by one of the sailors. He had placed a dagger up to her neck. This…was bad. Her mind raced to find a way out of the situation. The sailors did not trust her. Opportunity of escape via airship seemed to be drifting away every second. The sailors would not be much of a fight. However, Veda had not come to fight. All she wanted was to get off the blasted island! Apparently fate had other ideas. Her eyes gazed at the angel as she began to speak to her.

"Me?" The demon asked, "I'm doing fine. I always enjoy having a blade at my neck and several sailors looking to kill me. What about you?"

Every part of her voice was laced with sarcasm. She could try turning invisible. That might throw the sailors for a loop. Or maybe shape-shifting into a rabbit? There had to have been an option where she wouldn't end up with a bleeding neck or hurting anybody. Normally, she wouldn't have cared much about hurting people who threatened her. But this was a highly specific situation. Besides, the last thing she wanted was people hunting her down for this little misadventure.

"You should all probably keep an eye on the sky." The demon explained in a slightly serious tone, "Gold and jewels have been falling from it. Could have broken her skull if I didn't do something about it."

On any other day, they would have been laughing at her or calling her a liar. Not today. Everybody who came to the island knew about the treasure. Unless they were kidnapped by a broom… Her golden eyes searched the beach for any sign of that stupid broom. It had flown off. A sigh escaped the demons' lips. This was going to be a long day. Her gaze wandered over to the cool water where the angel had been seconds ago. The dryness in her throat increased as she realized how thirsty she was. If there wasn't a cold dagger resting against her neck, she would have reached for her canteen.


Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
"I was fine until you fell into … wait, what?" Raziel clambered from the river's edge to the start of the bridge, placing her hands on her hips as she put on a menacing expression on her face. "Put that blade away!" With the sarcasm laced in the woman's voice, there was no doubt that the sailors were overreacting. Then the woman continued on, replacing Raziel's expression with that of perplexed confusion. Gold and jewels falling from the sky?

"You all should be ashamed of yourselves. This woman was just protecting my skull from getting cracked open by falling fortune." As strange as it sounded, Raziel didn't think it was a lie. There had been whispered rumors about such a thing recently. The half angel approached the defending sailors, placing a hand on an upper arm, guided by the earthen magic which seems to come and go ass it pleases. It allowed her to see the vibrations coursing through objects, and navigate her world in a whole new way. "I thank you all for rushing to my aid. But we shouldn't be threatening her, we should be thanking her."

After Raziel finally convinced the sailors to leave, one handed her staff back to her. She held a hand out as a greeting to the demon. "I'm Raziel. Thank you for protecting me from that falling object. From the sounds of it, the thing must have been bigger than a fist. Why were the sailors holding knives at you?" Her question was sincere.


Character Info
Name: Veda Ingrid
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Thief/Scavenger
Silver: 1680
A smile spread across her lips as she watched the angel lecture the sailors. The angel's expression was menacing…and adorable. Relief flooded her mind as the blade was dropped from her neck. In an act of pure childishness, the demon stuck out her tongue at the other sailors. The sailors began to leave but the girl remained. At the sound of somebody thanking her, Veda's eyes were filled with surprise. Nobody had ever thanked her before. Well, nobody outside of her family. It felt…nice to have somebody say that. Even if the person had been almost drowned because of her. Veda reached out and lightly shook the angel's hand.

"Um…you're welcome." The demon responded, "The sailors were probably holding a knife at me because I was a demon and looked like I was attacking you. There…there aren't many demons who act nice. Its kind of against the purpose of a demon. Or something like that."

Veda wasn't about to claim that the sailors' worries were coming from nowhere. She had done her research and had discovered that the majority of demons were focused on gaining power, at the expense of others. Her arms folded behind her head as she leaned against one of the wooden pillars of the bridge. Golden eyes gazing up to the sky, she thought about demons for a few seconds.

"Sooo why are you here?" She asked curiously, "I wouldn't have expected an angel to be interested in hunting treasure."

There didn't appear to be any other falling objects coming from the sky in this area. In other areas there might have been. But it seemed that this part of the island was relatively quiet. The demon was also keeping an eye out for that flying broom. If it came back, Veda would be able to use it to escape. If the meeting hadn't gone so poorly she would have used the airship. However, it was clear that the sailors didn't care for her much. The last thing she wanted was to be on a long trip with sailors who hated her guts.


Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
A rough and rugged hand grasped her own, yet the grip was a gentleness to it. Was this woman afraid of something? Raziel offered a reassuring smile as she waited for her answer. There was a genuine blink of surprise at the stranger's description of herself. Truly, a demon? The angel cocked her head marginally in contemplation, her smile never wavering. "A demon saving an angel? How about that. But you know what they say, right? Don't judge a book by its cover." She giggled at the metaphor.

It was also said that people could be read just like books. Out of sheer necessity, Raziel spent a great deal of time reading people by their actions and voice alone, and sometimes what she could feel in somewhat rare situations. The curious question brought the angel out of her thoughts a bit sheepishly. "Actually, I didn't know about… I was on a ship I don't remember booking… Dropped me off here, and I just walked and walked. When you collided with me, I was contemplating whether or not to keep going forward into that heat." Raziel shifted her wings self-consciously.

She knew she hadn't exactly answered the question either. It was why not how. Yet, how was she to know the reason why if she can't even recall starting the trip out here? "Guess I've just been lucky nothing has fallen into me until you saved me from unknown peril. What about you? Why are you out here? Must be more to the story than just saving angels in distress." Raziel teased lightly, yet she seemed hesitant, and unsure as she did so.

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