Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Horae Island > Isle of the Four Seasons [L:4][Event]

Character Info
Name: Chrysanthe Albaret
Age: Young
Alignment: TG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Pathfinder/Druid
Silver: 0
"I can't believe I haven't flown here with Strelitzia before! If I knew Horae was this close, I would've tried it sooner." The blonde girl shaded her eyes as she sat atop the back of a great kalangitan, its wings beating in a slow steady rhythm. When she heard about the former Red Queen blessing the island off of Arri's eastern coast she jumped at the chance to take a look. Her mother said it was ok to go since she'd went there with Cyril and Belen's father once. What she didn't expect was her brother pounding on her door with his arms crossed and face in a frown early in the morning. Chrys was half-expecting him to complain about something or someone, but instead Efrain demanded that she take him with her. Her response? "Sure. We can go right now actually. I have the supplies all set on Strelitzia so in a half hour we'll be ready to fly." It was nice to see her little brother willingly participate in something that he wanted to do. Most of the time he barely left the house, letting Heisei run errands for him. Maybe he was starting to come out of his cocoon.

The weather was clear and the winds were mild. It was smooth sailing up to where the island was in sight and the unique climate caused the air currents to change. There was slight turbulence as they circled from above, looking for a safe clearing to land. "Hmm…looks like either Venti or Terra would be the safer spots to touch down. Strelitzia, if you see a good spot don't hesitate. Lots of people are coming by ship and they might take all the empty patches for campsites." They could find a more sheltered area for their base after that. Efrain's complaining had gotten worse once they hit the northeastern current system, but he suddenly went quiet. "Efrain, we're going to land now so we'll finally get our feet back on solid ground. I can't wait to start exploring!" In response a weak groan came from behind, then she felt her center of gravity shift signaling the kalangitan was making her descent. "Hold on to your safety harness! We're going down!"

A nice and grassy meadow was the perfect runway for a large flier like Strelitzia to land. The gusts from her great wings cause flocks of songbirds and insects to scatter, making a shower of butterflies swarm all around them. Eyes wide with a smile, when the Bakulaw beast was settled she unhooked her harness and slid down a wing, landing feet first on a patch of poppies. "This is great! No wonder everybody wants to come here." Calling up to her younger brother, she said: "Make sure to unhook everything before you climb down–there's a rope ladder if you need it. I'm going to scout out a nice spot before they all get taken!" Running off, she had no idea that her brother went silent due to motion sickness.

'All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost.'

Character Info
Name: Efrain Albaret
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: LN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Male
Class: Alchemist
Silver: 0
Finding reagents was time-consuming, but critical if you wanted quality stock as an apothecary. Normally he would rely on the markets to pick and choose from, but he wanted to save a little silver on getting the higher-priced objects. There were many problems with market stock. One, prices were based on the seller. Two, quality was dependent on the source and the skill of the harvesters. Three, counterfeit goods were a possibility. Buying fake stock was more of a waste of money than buying something low-quality. He had seen his sister gather her bags and tie up her camping gear and overheard her asking their mother for permission. He knew she was going, and although he loathed leaving the comfort and convenience of his quarters–he couldn't expect others to get him what he was looking for. Shortly after daybreak he left his room and knocked loudly on his sister's. Once he saw her face he said: "Take me to Horae with you." He wasn't like the rest of his family; if he wanted to say something he would say it straight, unless doing so was counterproductive. His sister replied back quickly. "Sure. We can go right now actually." Of course he knew that, but the most important thing was she agreed.

He had half an hour before Chrysanthe was planning to depart, so he took the essentials and Heisei. The Ataiyan dragon was the only person he'd allow as his assistant, as he knew exactly how the apothecary wanted things done. With ten minutes to spare, he climbed up a knotted rope ladder into the small tent-like booth fastened to his sister's kalangitan and sat down. The flaps were raised for the time being to give a panoramic view of the skies during flight. His sister was only home two weeks out of every month, mostly spending her time elsewhere flying on Strelitzia or going on trips with Mr. Bosch. Occasionally she'd go with their mother to help with research, leaving him and his elder brother the ones who stayed in their house in Sularia. 

Normally Rosenites weren't too keen on leaving contact with the ground, though for every individual this feeling varied. His mother was hesitant to fly if she wasn't in an airship, and would cover her eyes to prevent herself from accidentally looking down. Lysandre could shapeshift into a bat, so flying wasn't an issue. And Chrysanthe was an avid flyer so she had no problems. He himself was ambivalent when it came to aerial and aquatic transport, though like most people he was not immune to motion sickness. This was precisely why he preferred using portals, as you could skip the entire voyage in seconds. Simple, efficient, and reliable–without the nausea. This came into effect the moment he started feeling the kalangitan 'saddle' shaking. Whistling winds aside, the currents were whipping him about making his hair fly into his face. His sister said they were going to find a place to land, which turned into several circles around in the air until he felt them taking a nosedive. The rushing air blocking out sound from his ears, he felt his stomach push itself into his lungs as the world began to spin.

The vertigo ended once they were on solid land, and his sister had left after reminding him how to get off. Still feeling ill, he laid on the floor of the saddle-tent for a while until he felt he could stand. Pulling himself to the side, he found a space clear of Strelitzia's wing and proceeded to vomit. "Ugh…Much better." Crawling down the rope ladder he squinted his eyes at the bright and disgustingly cheery meadow. There was pollen everywhere and insects humming about. Slapping a wasp with his shoe, he covered up his mess and decided to crawl back up until his head settled down. "You know what, forget saving silver. I hate this. I hate everything."

Pick your poison…

Character Info
Name: Veda Ingrid
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Thief/Scavenger
Silver: 1680
Getting kidnapped by a broom was not the highlight of her day. The demon had been paid to clean up some old woman's house. But when she took the broom to clean up the floor, it had lifted up into the air and flew out of the house, dragging Veda along with it. She had managed to climb onto the broom fully and was holding on with all of her might. It had been two hours since the abduction. The demon was holding on strong, determined not to let a broom get the best of her. Her eyes noticed the approaching island. From the sky, she could see that the island had four seasons.

One part of the island looked like it was in the season of Terra. The second part appears to be Glacium. Third was Venti. Fourth was Ignius. She had only learned about the seasons recently. The demon had experienced the seasons but never known about their names until now. The island had a strange beauty about it. Transitioning from one season to the next, the whole place fascinated her. The broom was speeding towards Terra. Panic flew through her mind as she tried to figure out how to make it slow down.

"SLOW DOWN!!" She screeched, "Or I'll turn you into fire wood, you stupid broom!"

It slowed down but not fast enough. The grassy ground was approaching fast. Only now did she realize that she was headed towards some poor boy with dark black hair. The broom crashed into the ground, causing the demon to be launched into the air. Luckily she landed on something soft. Opening her eyes, she saw that a bright patch of poppies surrounded her.

She plucked a flower from the ground and observed it. At the sight of something so pretty, her reptile-like tail began to wag back and forth. The bright red petals amazed her but also brought on a memory from long ago. Her hand reached up and cupped her chin as the demon tried to remember what the poppies were for. The memory appeared in her mind vividly.

"Oh yeah, this stuff helps with pain." She muttered.

Little did she realize that she was sitting on top of the dark haired boy. For she had forgotten all about him and was instead fascinated by the plant. What secrets did it hold? And where was that stupid broom?


Character Info
Name: Efrain Albaret
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: LN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Male
Class: Alchemist
Silver: 0
No sooner had he gotten halfway when something flying at breakneck speed knocked him over, pressing him flat against the thick grass. Already in a foul mood from his waning motion sickness, he wasn't quite pinned down enough to where he couldn't move. His head and arms unrestrained, Efrain craned his neck to glare that the backside of something–or someone that was responsible for his current situation. There was a tail waving about, so the only confirmation was when it spoke words he could understand. "Get off me right now, or I'll stick you with the fangs of a puff adder!" The boy hissed through his teeth at the stranger. The nerve of this person–if he had witnesses he was sure he had a solid case for assault. This was all because he decided to leave his room and go outside for a change. If he hadn't insisted that Chysanthe bring him, he could have avoided this whole ordeal altogether. And even worse, his sister was no where in sight, meaning he would have to resolve any issues and disputes by himself. 

Not too far from where the demon was unintentionally keeping a very irate boy grounded, there was a great winged beast that looked neither like fish nor fowl. The kalangitan's great wingspan could easily create a massive canopy for ten or more, its leathery wings folded yet still very large. The birds that had been scared off by Strelitzia's landing had returned and were resuming their chirping, flying about and frolicking through the air. All the more to the annoyance of Efrain, who was seriously considering opening a portal beneath himself should the offending stranger refuse to remove themselves from his back. With displeasure written all over his face, he struggled every which way with a glare that could cut through fog and chill wine. Oh and yes, he did mentally confirm that they were indeed in a patch of poppies. However the flowers were far too young to be of much use, as the seeds and pods had yet to develop. Come to think of it, all the plants here were still flowers meaning this portion of the island truly was perpetually locked in the season of Terra. But he had no interest in pondering the intricacies of the land's magic, at least until his mood improved.

Pick your poison…

Character Info
Name: Veda Ingrid
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Thief/Scavenger
Silver: 1680
"A puff adder? That sounds cool!" She commented finally noticing the boy beneath her, "Does it have poison? But wait…if it has poison and I die then, I can't really get off you. Hmmm."

Suddenly her eyes turned to the kalangitan. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she launched herself off of the back of the boy. That would not have hurt if it wasn't for the fact that her shoe less feet had claws on them. The demon didn't really think much about that when she went racing towards the Kalangitan. But instead of approaching the giant bird, she jumped at one of the smaller sparrows that hadn't been fast enough to fly away from the speedy demon. Veda held the small sparrow from its claws and tried to observe it. The bird responded with trying to peck the demon's hands and flapping its wings.

"Look! Its a bird. Do you know what kind?" She asked curiously.

Despite her distracted nature, there was something off about her. Veda was clearly a demon. Her horns, fangs, golden eyes, and reptile-like tail were all dead give-aways to what her species was. Yet, she wasn't going on murder rampages or trying to kill anything. A burning curiosity rested withing her mind. A curiosity that was rapidly growing. There was so much to learn. The desire to understand everything grew more powerful every second. After inspecting the bird, she dropped it. The bird flew away quickly. The demon stood up and walked over to the boy.

"You're grumpy. Why?" She asked utterly oblivious of the reason.

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