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Author: Zora, Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:58 PM, Post Subject: Fleeting Memories [P]

Things had been going well since Nemesis had blessed her with the role of Champion of Darkness and Fear. He called her many things, Speaker of Shadows, A Beautiful Nightmare. She could not help but to feel close to him and feel that occasional sting of jealousy when she went to bed alone in the Bastion instead of with him. The pain was easing though as her relationship with Tidus grew. They had spent several nights together and he was eroding the loneliness in her heart, and Nemesis had been pleased to have his alliance secured. 

For a moment she wondered if Nemesis ever felt jealousy towards Tidus, though she remembered him telling her that he wished she could find someone who could return the feelings she had for him. The God cared for her enough that he didn’t want her to spend her days in loneliness. Luckily Tidus kept her busy whether it was fulfilling his pleasures or tending to a business need. She was slipping on one of her most common dresses, preparing to leave back to the Bastion to see to her duties after a length escapade in Tidus’ bed. She leaned over and left a lingering kiss on his lips before porting herself back to the Bastion. 

The black dress was cut down towards her navel and low on the sides as well. A wispy transparent black cape billowed softly from her shoulders. Zora takes her fingers through her red hair and tousled the easy waves that it naturally fell into. Red vaewolf eyes scanned the empty foyer. Those followers who were simply vampires like Tidus were likely shut in their rooms sleeping dawn had been an our or two earlier. She was making her way to her office she heard the door to the foyer swing open. 

Standing there was a woman with silver hair with a child in front of her that looked like the spitting image of the woman behind her. She knew the little girl to be Lady Emry, daughter of Lady Nerezza, one of Nemesis and Angela’s children. Emry she had seen shortly before her turning. Zora took pause and stared unabashed at the woman as her mind worked. She got the familiar nagging feeling in her mind that this was someone she should know. Before long a faint memory played of Nerezza when she was as little as her daughter now. She could remember holding her, cuddling her close and carrying her around. 

“Nerezza?” The question came out before she had any time to compose herself. Her eyes were teary from the memory itself and from simply remembering anything at all. “Do you remember me? I used to… help take care of you I think.” She turned and made her way towards them, kneeling down to be more on Emery’s level. “She looks just like you did.” She got back to her feet and pulled Nerezza into an embrace without asking her. “I’m so glad to see you, I missed you so. You look wonderful.”

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